North PK related changes SMOB for LS

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North PK related changes SMOB for LS

Post by Jaghut » Sat Feb 12, 2022 10:01 pm

This might lead to some unfortunate situations BUT:

Can we get a LS version of the smob thing that DS has on dusty but in the blight or... maybe orch or stedding? Stedding sounds good so channelers can't end up dominating but i think it would be cool for keeping pk going for LS when DS really outnumbered.

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Re: North PK related changes SMOB for LS

Post by Detritus » Sat Feb 12, 2022 10:46 pm

You'd have to be more specific in what you're talking about for starters.

"smob thing" isn't a thing.

I'm guessing you mean Kajin?

Kajin loads a torc 100% and rest of his load is unreliable.
Ragan (gap/orch) loads a mantle 100% and rest unreliable.
Commander in winding loads abs average.
Treesinger in stedding is usually stabbed and pretty average loads.
(None of them in doors)

Humans can kill ilsae/galnorn but load is all worthless.
Shadowsmith also worthless.
(both inside doors)

These are the only smobs that aren't smobs for both sides but at least 8 other smobs in the area spring to mind doable by either side.

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Re: North PK related changes SMOB for LS

Post by Jaghut » Sat Feb 12, 2022 10:56 pm

I'm talking about the most recent update in announcements for "North PK related changes" that Aureus made, and i just experienced as a trolloc and found awesome. Granted we killed a bunch of humans while attempting it but it could have easily went the other way with how strong the mobs were and how low we eventually got.

Its a cool change, and it would be cool if humans were up north and found themselves in a similar situation.

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Re: North PK related changes SMOB for LS

Post by Adael » Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:05 pm

That announcements post says at the start that one will be added for LS in the future, so :P

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Re: North PK related changes SMOB for LS

Post by Detritus » Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:13 pm

yes, disregard my post sorry, i had not read the new announcement post that was not linked in discord announcements.

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Re: North PK related changes SMOB for LS

Post by Eol » Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:17 pm

I love the idea of it. Very elegant solution to a team effort sitting there with just 1 head to split.

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Re: North PK related changes SMOB for LS

Post by Jaghut » Sun Feb 13, 2022 9:12 am

Adael wrote:
Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:05 pm
That announcements post says at the start that one will be added for LS in the future, so :P
whoops:P im looking forward to it

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Re: North PK related changes SMOB for LS

Post by Prykor » Sun Feb 13, 2022 7:41 pm

Definitely looking forward to something similar for LS near Blight! I think some of the zone areas for the LS version may need to be updated so that there is a sufficiently chokey path up to the Smob area so that there is actual risk to losing the entire group if the other side mounts a defense to interrupt the smob hit -- that tower area near dusty is quite nasty, and with the doored room on the path at the front you could very well cause the entire group hitting the smob to get killed (or a near guaranteed 1-2 of the 6 being killed) vice blight's wide open nature where aggros slow down the chasers and the runners near equally and the only constraint is MVs to escape.

I'm curious if non-clanned non-remort folks could get 10 tps on the reward -- no issues with making remorts and super QP'd folks earn their crafting tokens through PK, but a little something extra for the little guys of group would be a welcome change (also to better get the non-clanned folks more interested in attempting the smob when the equip load is on par with rene or SK but a LOT more risk to killing it).
If you finish PK with a severed head and have at least 6 players then you can go 2n 2w s 3w 3s and say ' report ' if Shaidar Haran deems you have enough he will receive your request. When he says this you can say ' summon scout ' and a trolloc scout will appear to rouse the city. The trolloc scout will do this if you prove you have killed a human ( and you do this by giving him a severed head ). When you do this you will feel momentary lag.

When this happens it will trigger a timed event with a smob popping in the northwest corner of the Tower and it will populate a fair amount of mob support north of burnt and close to the Tower. You have two repops to kill this SMOB.

If you do not kill the mobs that wander then they will remain there for future support for Light Side.

If you kill the SMOB then all players in the room with less than 1500 qps will get 3 qps, remorts will get 2 tps, and characters above 1500 qps will get 2 tps.
I have two gripes with this:
1 - why 6 players? Why not being a group of minimum 4, or even 2 when we know that there are people gearing up and ready to head down in a bit to hit the smob? getting a third of the entire who-list together (esp when only clanned folk really benefit) is noticeably less challenging than getting a solid half half, and if it takes a bit more time to clear out the smob while being at lower hps after killing it.... it just makes the attempt that much more risky (though the qp spread is wasted somewhat).

2 - what about the potential for taking the head back north waiting for PK to die down before spawning up the smob? There is certainly a case for "well we didn't have 6 PK ready trolls online at the time, so we had to wait for some to log on to get that started", but when 2/3+ of the pukes have moved down to TV/caemy to regear or do other stuff, it makes things relatively easy for DS to hit the smob and get out before LS has a chance to coordinate a group together to contest the smob getting hit -- I'm not saying that the smob spawn needs a stupid long timer for DS to get bored and forget about the smob due to trolloc sized attention spans, but if the pukes need to drop what they are doing immediately and horse hop up to FD within 2 tics before DS has cleared out half the mobs and are working on the smob, I'm not sure that this was the intended use of the risk/reward decision for that smob.

Because of the choky nature of this area there has been a jump exit included in the northeast corner. To use this you type the word ' jump '. If you are not engaged then it will go off.

Our hope is that this will give incentive to stay in PK areas and give the opposing side time to reset and prolong engagements or give the winning side a way to spread our their victory.
As a minor gripe, will the 'jump out' or 'jump off' commands similar for FD/caemy jump exits work, or do we need to now remember how the 'jump' command is different in each area due to different imms implementing it with different wording?
Does the command instantly do the check (you can fle;jump and a good blocker won't be able to stop the jump similar to a D-line), or does this lag a few pulses such that a solo guy is fubar'd up there with a competent blocker?

This absolutely does give the winning DS a way to spread their victory (there are generally less scalps than clanned folks to go around), and I am strongly looking forward to the LS version so pukes have more of a reason to hang out around blight when they don't feel that they have an overwhelming advantage to the point of hitting inside keep (many are too superstitious of the keep's defenses inside even when they have what should be a sufficiently overwhelming advantage.... it's not the RK of old after all, but I digress).

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Re: North PK related changes SMOB for LS

Post by Rhahr » Sun Feb 13, 2022 8:11 pm

Prykor wrote:
Sun Feb 13, 2022 7:41 pm

2 - what about the potential for taking the head back north waiting for PK to die down before spawning up the smob? There is certainly a case for "well we didn't have 6 PK ready trolls online at the time, so we had to wait for some to log on to get that started", but when 2/3+ of the pukes have moved down to TV/caemy to regear or do other stuff, it makes things relatively easy for DS to hit the smob and get out before LS has a chance to coordinate a group together to contest the smob getting hit -- I'm not saying that the smob spawn needs a stupid long timer for DS to get bored and forget about the smob due to trolloc sized attention spans, but if the pukes need to drop what they are doing immediately and horse hop up to FD within 2 tics before DS has cleared out half the mobs and are working on the smob, I'm not sure that this was the intended use of the risk/reward decision for that smob.
This is a good point, the only time I've been part of this, half the group ran up north to alt to clanned/non master alts that could use the 3 qps, which almost seems like alting a scalp. It did give LS a bit more time, so they ended up having a couple more humans around and we had a bit of Pk before a couple were killed/inside and we could clear the patrol. Unsure what could be done to address this however.

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Re: North PK related changes SMOB for LS

Post by Aureus » Mon Feb 14, 2022 2:32 pm

LS version is coming soon once the DS one is working well (easier to tweak one than two).

RE numbers: the genesis for this is that we can frequently see (since imms can see both sides' narrates) that one side will be regrouping, the other side will say "oh they all ran in" and leave to go do something other than sit around, and then the other side will head back out to find them missing. Oftentimes they really don't miss each other by very much time at all (~30 seconds to ~2 mins). Happens on both sides. And, the side that just lost is more likely to need some additional mob support to keep things going. So this is really geared at group PK and not small/solo numbers.

Part of what gets tricky with trying to make it work for small numbers (e.g., 2) vs larger numbers is that the large numbers will overwhelm the mobs if it's tuned for 2, which defeats the purpose of both getting them to hang around and giving the other side some mob support. We could make the mob numbers scale, but my experience is players get very sophisticated about understanding how the mechanics work and will e.g., trigger it with 2 people in the room and the rest of the group sitting a room or two away to make for an easier hit. Rewards could scale too but players still might favor "guaranteed" and easy but smaller rewards over more challenging but not guaranteed rewards. Doubly so if the strongest incentive becomes to trigger weak mob support to bait enemy players into hitting.

So if anyone has bright ideas for how to make those incentives work, I think we'd be all ears, but seems best just to tune it for larger numbers right now.

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