DS Splits

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DS Splits

Post by Seroma » Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:37 am

Here is a change I will stan for. Give DS a way to fairly split eq and loot. Guys like this make the impossibility of trying to be fair even more impossible. Thanks.


o HP:Battered MV:Tiring >

Gok narrates 'i scalped art'

Sikkus narrates 'nice'

o HP:Battered MV:Tiring >
nar ive got elaria
You narrate 'ive got elaria'

o HP:Battered MV:Tiring >
Players in your Zone
Ommin - The Well
Prykor - The Well
Seroma - The Well
Sicko - The Well
Gok - The Well
Sikkus - The Well
Gozzor - The Well
Torlig - The Well
badfade2 - The Well

badfade1 has arrived from the east.

badfade1 hisses 'someone give me a scalp'

o HP:Battered MV:Strong >

A bearish trolloc leaves east. >>
badfade1 hisses 'hate losing 2 qps on rip'

o HP:Battered MV:Strong >

badfade1 hisses 'is the worst'

o HP:Battered MV:Strong >

Sicko says 'you lose qps on rip?'

o HP:Battered MV:Strong >

badfade1 hisses 'yea'

o HP:Wounded MV:Strong >

Gok gets the severed head of Arthor the Human slain in the Blasted Lands from a backpack.

o HP:Wounded MV:Strong >

badfade2 hisses 'welcome to fadelife'

o HP:Wounded MV:Strong >

Gok gives the severed head of Arthor the Human slain in the Blasted Lands to badfade1.

o HP:Wounded MV:Strong >

badfade1 hisses 'seriously lol'

o HP:Wounded MV:Strong >

badfade1 hisses 'thanks gok, i appreciate it'

o HP:Wounded MV:Strong >

badfade2 drops a grimy key.
badfade2 drops a rusty key.
badfade2 drops a strange white key.
badfade2 drops an old metal key.

o HP:Wounded MV:Strong >

Gok narrates 'gave art to badfade1'

o HP:Wounded MV:Strong >

badfade2 assumes an offensive striking posture.

o HP:Wounded MV:Strong >

badfade1 hisses 'night dudes'

o HP:Wounded MV:Strong >

Sicko says 'later'

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >

Prykor looks at badfade1.

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >

Ommin narrates 'who else we lose'

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >

badfade1 narrates 'no need, give to someone else'

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >

Prykor says 'nite'

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >

Gok narrates 'it was a picture of a severed head'

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >
Players in your Zone
badfade1 - The Well
Torlig - The Well
Ommin - The Well
Prykor - The Well
Seroma - The Well
Sicko - The Well
Gok - The Well
Sikkus - The Well
Gozzor - The Well
badfade2 - The Well

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >

The flame engulfs badfade1.

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >

Ommin narrates 'was an NFT of a severed head'

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >
'who wants the other? or do you want to fund my rise to power?
A bearish trolloc has arrived from the east.
You say 'who wants the other? or do you want to fund my rise to power?'

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >
You peer around into the shadows.

Sicko says 'i'm in on scalp'

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >

Prykor says 'same'

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >

Ommin says 'in on scalp!'

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >
put scalp pot
You put the severed head of Elaria the Human slain in the Blight in a trolloc cookpot.

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >
'k fight for it
You say 'k fight for it'

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >

badfade1 narrates 'am just gonna go to bed'

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >

Gok says 'ill pass'

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >
You snicker softly.

o HP:Wounded MV:Full >

Sicko gets the severed head of Elaria the Human slain in the Blight from a trolloc cookpot.

Posts: 38
Joined: Sat Jul 29, 2017 6:58 pm

Re: DS Splits

Post by Jaghut » Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:36 am

saw 2 scalps in your log and 4 people asking for them(not including gok)... someone's gonna miss out. Usually masters and fades on DS are pretty good at hooking up all non-mastered folks with the scalps. Is this the one instance where you didn't get a scalp or was it multiple times? Sometimes you don't get a scalp.
In the past they tried a system for all sides where scalps could be split up into smaller chunks, but for some reason it didn't work out. Cant remember why.

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Re: DS Splits

Post by Razhak » Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:46 am

Fade asked for the head/scalp and got it, I assume this fade had been leading? I dont know, I wasnt there.

Then like was said above: if theres 2 scalps and 4 people who want something, 2 people will miss out. That has always been the case, its not a matter of people being overly evil, its a matter of simple mathematics.

The reason the chunking was removed, was because it made people abuse the system by turning in scalps they didnt earn (or scalps they farmed off their friends en masse) by chunking them, and thus making them impossible to track for imms after turn ins. Basically: once again some rotten apples made it so that we cant have nice things :P

I really dont see much bad in this little snippet of a log, its just
1) DS hierarchy
2) Mathematics

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Re: DS Splits

Post by gok » Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:48 am

Adding some additional context here. My understanding is the fade in this case was leading the pk. I was not really involved in the pk, was not following the fade and merely scalped as the trolls ran N crit and I had the hp to scalp in the event humans were still in the room. So my expectation is that we would typically give the scalps to the leader to split. The leader would then in most cases pass the scalps to non-masters or those they thought were deserving of the scalp (in some cases it may be themselves but generally they skip the scalps if there are too few to go around). In my experience trolls tend to be less motivated to follow selfish leaders and if they find a fade to be greedy they will find better things to occupy their time. This particular example was a complete mess.

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Re: DS Splits

Post by erulak » Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:55 am

Usually give newbie fades some reprieve until rank 3, unless they're spam-dying. After that, taking anything from group PK before non-masters is kind of silly. There are a bunch of guys at rank 3 fade that could be far beyond that if they partook in that silliness.

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Re: DS Splits

Post by huck » Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:16 am

Please could you change your log to Fade1 and Fade2.

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Re: DS Splits

Post by Rark » Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:20 am

My way of thinking has always been the fade already took a bunch of scalps to get to their req, so I'd rather have nonmasters take before myself unless we get multiple heads and everyone has gotten one, and then probably only if I'm closing in on rank. But I've never cared for ranking on my remorts. Some people main their remorts and obviously still want to progress up the ranking system. Although this free reset/hone for 3k remorts has me regretting that a bit!

I think in your instance it isn't unfair for the fade to take a head if he is close to -qps, especially if he has been leading, but I'd probably have given it to one of the nonmasters instead personally. If he also got re-eq'd by the dead humans I'd probably have let the scalp go also.

Not to say there can't be a lot of drama around greedy remorts, but it comes with the territory, just tradition really. As Gok mentioned you'll probably learn to spot the greedy/selfish leaders vs those who are more generous. Hard to say with this instance, have they let the previous 10 heads go and need to cushion up their buffer from their rips a bit or is this a daily occurrence with the person taking a head over a nonmaster in most sessions.

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Re: DS Splits

Post by blytzkrieg » Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:35 pm

Hello everyone, the artist formally referred to as “badfade1” here. If you look at ouch thread, I posted that I just suffered a crappy death…it happens, oh well. Was 11 qp tr2, ( plan on going no further than r3 unless I have some awesome solo raids) and decided that since I had, in fact, been leading pk and gotten a kill as ls scattered, a scalp would be more useful to me than a set of abs eq that trollocs use more often than I. So to clear things up here, I did not accept the loot offered after I asked for scalp. In fact, as seen in the log, I told others involved to give it to someone else. I tend to be somewhat generous with scalps and rarely take loot unless I need it, especially if we lost someone in the fight. Let’s just be up front with people from now on, and we can all get along 😁

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Re: DS Splits

Post by Foil » Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:45 pm

Faded over a decade ago, just now made rank 3. Haven't taken scalps from since remorting, nor do I regularly impose DS rules when splitting to benefit me.

All that being said, I have been accused over the years of leveraging my remort status to take things from pk. It really doesn't matter what you do someone at some point will take up a problem with you. Don't take it to heart, don't be a piece of crap, play the game fairly and take care of the trolls as best you can. People will whine from time to time but they will be the outliers.

There are definitely people who do use their status to take eq from PK, it's our job is a community to identify and stop it when we can. I am not above telling a fellow remort to pound sand when I know they often take gear from pk to re-eq their other alts.

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Joined: Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:56 pm

Re: DS Splits

Post by byrg » Thu Jan 27, 2022 6:58 pm

To clear up who is who... I'm apparently badfade2 for... standing at the well and saying "welcome to being a fade"... i was otherwise uninvolved in this pk or splitting!

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