Wheel of Time season 1 episode 8 "The Eye of the World" season finale

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Wheel of Time season 1 episode 8 "The Eye of the World" season finale

Post by halfhand » Thu Dec 23, 2021 6:41 pm

Season Finale has arrived

Release date/time: Thursday 10/23 7 PM EST Friday 10/24 1200 AM GMT

Director: Ciaran Donnelly

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Re: Wheel of Time season 1 episode 8 "The Eye of the World" season finale

Post by Jestin » Thu Dec 23, 2021 9:43 pm

Liked some of it but really having trouble decoupling from the books. Don't get why they had to change so much

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Re: Wheel of Time season 1 episode 8 "The Eye of the World" season finale

Post by Katherine » Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:52 pm

Six years ago James Seda, Billy Zane and Max Ryan brought us Winter Dragon. And we collectively cringed. We heaped mockery upon Billy Zane for his portrayal of Ishmael. Max Ryan's ILYENA! ILYENA! we all said in ridiculing jest wiping the tears from our cheeks.

This episode makes Winter Dragon look like cinematic genius.

For anyone who has not read the books but watched the series, do yourself a huge favor and go read the books.

This series has zero respect for the source material and is a slap in Robert Jordan's face.

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Re: Wheel of Time season 1 episode 8 "The Eye of the World" season finale

Post by byrg » Thu Dec 23, 2021 11:13 pm

Katherine wrote:
Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:52 pm
Six years ago James Seda, Billy Zane and Max Ryan brought us Winter Dragon. And we collectively cringed. We heaped mockery upon Billy Zane for his portrayal of Ishmael. Max Ryan's ILYENA! ILYENA! we all said in ridiculing jest wiping the tears from our cheeks.

This episode makes Winter Dragon look like cinematic genius.

For anyone who has not read the books but watched the series, do yourself a huge favor and go read the books.

This series has zero respect for the source material and is a slap in Robert Jordan's face.
I was... really trying... but honestly... This. 100% Agree. Just... holy crap... like... what? So disappointed.

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Re: Wheel of Time season 1 episode 8 "The Eye of the World" season finale

Post by wade » Fri Dec 24, 2021 1:18 am

byrg wrote:
Thu Dec 23, 2021 11:13 pm
Katherine wrote:
Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:52 pm
Six years ago James Seda, Billy Zane and Max Ryan brought us Winter Dragon. And we collectively cringed. We heaped mockery upon Billy Zane for his portrayal of Ishmael. Max Ryan's ILYENA! ILYENA! we all said in ridiculing jest wiping the tears from our cheeks.

This episode makes Winter Dragon look like cinematic genius.

For anyone who has not read the books but watched the series, do yourself a huge favor and go read the books.

This series has zero respect for the source material and is a slap in Robert Jordan's face.
I was... really trying... but honestly... This. 100% Agree. Just... holy crap... like... what? So disappointed.
I bet they run out of main characters by season 3 the way they are killing everyone off. So agemars sister hits the overchannel command and egwene heals nynaeve from death. Wtf was that. And moiraine being stilled.... the writers have written themselves in a corner. There's like literally no where to go that follows the original story. Perrin is such a bitch it's funny though. Go way of the leaf! I can't believe how this story has been ruined. Wasn't RJ's wife supposed to be involved in this?

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Re: Wheel of Time season 1 episode 8 "The Eye of the World" season finale

Post by Jestin » Fri Dec 24, 2021 3:27 am

Non book readers on Reddit seemed to have liked it quite a bit more than book readers. I think we are just stuck to the books a little too much.


But Nynaeves death and sudden deus ex machina revival was just way too much for me. Just stupid. And Loial fake death (I assume), also dumb. Moiraine getting stilled too, obviously fake she will regain powers somehow. Feels like useless unearned drama

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Re: Wheel of Time season 1 episode 8 "The Eye of the World" season finale

Post by isabel » Fri Dec 24, 2021 4:26 am

Agree with above points but I also loved watching it. I'm really liking Rosamund Pike's performance and Im kind of excited to see her role sans channeling. I think that what they may be cutting down with this is the siuan post-stilling role and where moiraine disappears. Tbh moiraine being absent for this long for the tv show may not be good anyway so maybe this switch in roles where siuan stays the amyrlin (with a transfer to an elaida/liandrin collapsed char and ultimately to egwene) while moiraine picks up the whole stilled/pro-dragon-tower role. Even siuan turning a little.more elaida -esque (or siuan going the daenrys way) is a possibility. A pro/anti dragon tower split withmoiraine and siuan on one side. I'm just wildly guessing but I can see how this would retain some of the book scenes and themes in a condensed form even if the roles are being shuffled around a bit.

(Moiraine is also a very strong character early on and her disappearance/belated return does not work well in the books imo. When she comes back she barely has any role left esp with cadsuane around. And moiraine's character doesn't change -too- much in wot either. So if they actually returned her after a brief disappearance in a cadsuane role etc that would work too I think for character development - similar to the Gandalf the white thing.)

About the episode tiny nitpicks i was confused why they calle lews therin the dragon reborn and not just the dragon. Also with covid I guess when moiraine says don't touch anything my immediate thought was why didn't you just wear gloves then huehue.

Overall i really didnt want this episode to end. I was hoping for a bit of tai'shar malkier or whatever but the whole for the light and shienar eeeee major feels. I feel like they wasted that Annalise character (sp?) By killing her off but as far as minor characters flaring book world and themes to life she had a pretty glorious episode and death, unlike say stepin who was really wasted time.

Honestly i thought it was a huge improvement. The blight scenes and plot stuff were a Lot better than previous wandering around. Channeling fight scenes were fun to watch and I think they are all going to get better as the show develops. Realy like look at season 1 of the next generation star trek - it's SO bad. I'm pretty hopeful about wheel of time overall.

This was also the first episode where i actually started caring about the characters a little more. Perrin is still too lost and clueless and confused but I feel egwene (her superpower needs trimming/some kind of limiting factors lol) and rand and moiraine are all coming into their own. i really liked their performance in all these, maybe egwene's expression is kind of monotone but it fit the episode. Nynaeve is still an iffy character but hopefully will improve.

The scene with lan and nynaeve was actually so much better than the heavy handed romantic stuff from before. They could have just had this instead of all of her stalking him etc which did nothing for the plot.

Fight scenes are still massively underwhelming but going by last episode obviously they can do better. Overall am pretty excited about next season.
Last edited by isabel on Fri Dec 24, 2021 4:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wheel of Time season 1 episode 8 "The Eye of the World" season finale

Post by asharek » Fri Dec 24, 2021 4:37 am

10/10 for me. That wild ride felt like I was on my MC that's tainted as eff lol, couldn't stop laughing as I don't wtf was goin on anymore and my commands won't go through. When you gonna bastardize and piss on someone's work that was the best way to do it.

So some parts I didn't really get and maybe book knowledge is just getting in the way... was that balefire or incinerate? Why she still stilled if dawg got balefired? Looked like white light, I dunno. Also, can you burn out from overchanneling if the person leading is vast amounts weaker than you? Wouldn't they burn out first? Did Tarwin's Gap feel close to anyone else? When compared Gap feels further inside the mud.

Kinda questioning if they actually had experts that read the actual book.. can't believe they made the characters such douchebags and their decisions make no sense..

Moraine just looks more incompetent with no plan then lets Rand go knowing he's the Dragon Reborn and it wasn't TG. Coulda brought everyone else and back up as that clashing between forces didn't destroy whoever was nearby. Why'd she tell him to go with flow to use saidin? Are the sources the same now?

Agelmar poor guy lost his military tactic skills... you had channelers man. Prolly shoulda had those streets lit up the night before, lucky there was no fade lurking til now. Dude also hid the horn and someone else already blew it? Wasn't the hunt a yearly thing and if it is in this universe they just hid it from people, letting them search fruitlessly -- the heck.

That sedai set up Lews Therin to fail.. wow evil. On bright side, Age of Legends kinda looked good! If they wanted to make up their own stuff they shoulda just explored that era and they coulda gone ham with whatever direction -- prolly could've been more interesting, maybe.

Glad that seanchan destroyed that kid, I could feel the threat she represented based on their reaction.. Fun ride! Lookin forward to what s2 will bring and we'll see if they have a better explanation that matrix did for when they changed the oracle.

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Re: Wheel of Time season 1 episode 8 "The Eye of the World" season finale

Post by Detritus » Fri Dec 24, 2021 6:30 am

I constantly question these script writers. Manifold uselessness, are there no editors either?
Lews Therin was the dragon, lets do a flashback and call him the dragon reborn...

Oh yes, I think I've forgotten every episode to say how much i dislike quality longbow archers traveling with constantly strung bows wrecking their equipment.

Ishamael talking to rand about his uselessness kinda reflected the books, but it was like they picked out one of shittiest part of books to actually try and be true to.
I mostly liked Ishamael's portrayal.

Everything at eye of the world missing, no Somestra, no Balthamel or Aginor, no pool of clean saidin, no horn or banner.

Shiener acting like malkier didn't exist and they been king shits forever.
Battle of tarwins gap stones throw from fal dara and every single thing about battle and fal dara's metoo movement was terrible.
Shitty weak failed accepted running a circle. Dragon not appearing.

First half was bad, 2nd half was worse. Seanchan cameo appearance at the end making a random tidal wave on their non moving boats at an empty coast and 1 random kid epitomizes these writers.

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Re: Wheel of Time season 1 episode 8 "The Eye of the World" season finale

Post by Vannor » Fri Dec 24, 2021 6:44 am

I really liked the whole bait and switch the showrunners did overall with the series.

Started out hot trash, got slightly better towards the end to give you a little bit of hope. Then threw gasoline all over everything and turned it into a giant hot raging fire of trash.

The entire thing felt rushed, no real character development so the 'emotional' moments have no real payoff. The characters are basically like cardboard cut outs they're so shallow.

2 overall factors of wasted screen time:
Stepin by play
The pointless flashbacks that if would be superfluous if the writers could actually write compelling dialogue.

It was written somewhere that the showrunners felt it was the politics element of the books that made the story compelling so their intention was to skip over the 'adventure phase' present in the first few books and get straight into the midseries politics stuff.

Except they kind of didn't.. so.. yeah.

The last episode should've been a huge payoff. But realistically it was just more walking around with the cast trying to do their best with a script written like it's for drama class in high school.

Ishy just stands there and takes it? No resistance? Ok.

Super Saiyan channelers chilling in the reserve? Sure makes total sense.

Egwene can heal death despite having fuckall talent for healing throughout the books? Creative licence!

Padan Fain being made into a 'big bad' waltzing through Fal Dara? Why not!

There was something else about the episode that annoyed the hell out of me but I can't remember what it is and I'm definitely not rewatching it to remind me.

GoT in my opinion was so popular because when it could it stuck to the source material and made changes when absolutely necessary but kept true to main storyline. Once they got beyond that and started writing it themselves it was a sharp decline into the abyss. WoT show has just skipped directly to that endgame here with literally zero need to.

This presents like a badly written fanfiction. I mean no disrespect to the people who enjoyed it but I'm literally left scratching my head as to what it is that's enjoyable.

I'll admit Ishamael was probably the most compelling character the show has had so far, until he just stands like a statue for Rand to blast into apparent oblivion the whole while staring like an idiot.

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