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Signs of Troop Movement in the South

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 7:51 pm
by Voices of the Wheel
The signs were everywhere if you just kept your eyes open. Tracks near the bushes by caralain. Wagon ruts rolling into the fencegate and disappearing. Too many hooves. The tracks of trollocs criss-crossed the Black Hills. It was likely something would come soon. The scout wrote missives to the leaders of the age. Someone would need to take charge.


The myrddraal Blodfest licked the blood off his lips as he listened to the plan unfold. Stupid dreadlords. Blood is blood though and limbs are juicier when they are lean. The forces that stood against them were lean. They had of course been sighted, but likely underestimated. It was all the human's ever did. Overestimate themselves and underestimate the Shadow.


Next week/weekend we'll be running a PK event. If you want to take charge of the strategy of the mobs of your side put out your proposal on the roleplay forums. Story form or whatever media you want to present it.

Each side will have four patrols that will be released at similar timings. These patrols will follow players. If they stack on each other they will ungroup, leaving you with one mob following.

The battlefield will be southeast from Caralain (with the Shadow) toward the humans grouped to the near the Tinker camp. Each side will get a static "headquarter patrol" which will be strong without channeling mobs.

Both races will need a leader.

Re: Signs of Troop Movement in the South

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 4:32 pm
by Voices of the Wheel
Captain Fanico, a gruff-looking man, read through the regular reports as they came in. He grimaced when he got to one with details of the Caralain Grass.

He showed the sheet of paper to a Defender of the Rose Crown who immediately ran for the palace. The armored man could read his mind. In no time they would need to rally the call for protection and march to meet the threat. At the very least, they would plan to be prepared and in the area, should the need arise to defend the lives of the innocent.


The myrdraal towered over his deranged trollocs and yet they stalked the grass unseen. There were signs, of course, that they had been there. The grass had a soft red where they let their blades drag, but it was simply a thing trollocs did.

He had listened carefully to the plans that were given to him. Today would be no more than routine scanning from room to room, checking if there were enemies. He had been told the names of the myrddraal Rig and the recently raised dreadlord Teveyl. If they came he was to give over command to them.

Otherwise, he would reward the trollocs, if they found anything useful, with a visit to the tinker camp. The meat was especially succulent and quite a treat for the little beasts.