A Report on the Sharan Crafters

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A Report on the Sharan Crafters

Post by azareth » Sat Apr 13, 2024 3:10 pm

A gentle knock at the door brings Azareth out of his boring, if tedious, paperwork.

"Come in."

Naomi sur Mardukis opened the door, and stepped inside the small chambers allotted to one of the Seconds of Mayene. "Just got back from the voyage across the Sea of Storms. The Atha'an Miere kept their promise, and delivered us safely to the Sharan port. Here's my report, I'd love to discuss it with you later but I'm needed elsewhere. If you need me, I'll be out patrolling the oilshoals after I get something to eat." She handed him a parchment sealed with a Golden Hawk, and then disappeared out of the room.

Breaking the seal, he read the report.

Sharan market - enclosed, two gates. Gaurds everywhere, well fortified.
Main point of interest: trade and craftsman.

Notable items made by craftsmen: a belt with a shiny buckle in the form of some creature of fantasy, a shield with midnight black stones, a long pole with wicked teeth, and a shirt of the blackest silk, trimmed in white lace.

Recommend immediate investigation and integration into trade network

His eyebrows rose as he read the report, before running a hand through his hair. He stood, and tugged a coat over his shoulders.

"Time to speak to the merchants."
Rare items are available for crafting! Passage to the crafters is exclusive to The Winged Guard. Speak with a Winged Guard for additional details, pricing, and availability!