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A call for reason in Tarabon

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:27 am
by Ylsa
Revered Panarch Amathera Aelfdene Casmir Lounault, Esteemed Civil Watch, and Shinobi.

Like many other merchants, I've been observing this folly for a long time, with growing concern for Tarabon and for our relations. The Kandori Merchants' Guild aims to solidify the Borderlands against the Shadow through economic support. As you know, a long war against a very strong enemy, such as the Shadowspawn, or in your case the Seanchan, cannot be held without financial support, without the defending side having funds to feed, pay, and equip the army. That's how we've been participating.

We are not a guild of soldiers, darkfriends, or agressors, as we prove every day. Any such individual is not welcome in our ranks. Upon information about such facts concerning a member, such a member is outcast.

We have never been at war as a clan, and never will be, we are simply not an army. We are a guild of individuals, who seek profit for both Kandor and ourselves, while also strenghtening the network of demand and supply, creating opportunities and helping many families all over the continent earn their living.

I have no logical explanation for these outrageous demands, I can only suspect Lord Shinobi refuses to deal properly with a trauma of being attacked by an individual, and instead tries to punish the whole Guild, risking also diplomatic and economic damage to his own beloved country. He keeps imagining some kind of a bilateral conflict, where there is none, or a delusional idea of us needing any heroic purge from him. I pray to the Light for him to see reason again, and for any nation of the Light to not take his baseless claims too seriously in his current state.

Here is my counter proposal on the appropriate actions, that could lead to reparation of the relations between the Kandori Merchants' Guild and the Civil Watch:

1.Any CW member aware of crimes of any KMG will inform the Guild, and provide any evidence they may have. The KMG will, as has always done, expulse any male channeler or darkfriend. As the main concern of Shinobi is the Incinerate, I would like to remind everyone that such a weapon is available only to male channelers, not to any female channeler that may be part of the Guild. It is also not available to any non channelers, which are a vast majority of our members.

Reciprocally, the KMG will report to the CW any crimes an individual member of the CW may comit and the KMG be the target or witness of. We trust that just like us, the CW doesn't harbor criminals and will deal with any transgressing member appropriately.

2.The CW will cease hostilities against the KMG as a whole, and will treat the standard members, who haven't commited any crime, with the respect we deserve. No blanket accussations are permited.

3.There is absolutely no reason for the KMGs to pay any kind of "ransom" to protect us from barely veiled threats. The 38 members have no reason to pay 3000 crowns each (therefore total of 114000 gold crowns for nothing at all). Such a display of greed is not worthy of the Civil Watch. If the Civil Watch is struggling financially, they can ask for our help appropriately.The KMG empathises with the dire situation Tarabon is in, and I am sure various members will do all we can to help.

4.While the KMG is in general in favour of more means of transport, any direct coach between Chachin (a highly strategically placed town in the Borderlands) and Tanchico (a distant city, which is however still accessible comfortably to the KMG) would be much more advantageous for the CW than the KMG. Therefore any bargaining should be initiated by the CW offering us something of value in return, not demanding something. It looks like you want this more than we do.

Yours in Light,
Ylsa Mezarin, Merchant