Iron BARs are actually for sale (but not iron BARS)

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Iron BARs are actually for sale (but not iron BARS)

Post by arston » Mon May 24, 2021 6:22 pm

After repeated scoldings from various people to get off my lazy bum and stock the broker, I have discovered the real source of the problem, and am posting it here for everyone who asked me to stock them and for everyone else who wishes to make a purchase. The syntax the broker gives is two iron BARs for 125 gold crowns, so when you wish to make a purchase simply give him 125 crowns and "say buy bar" (since BAR are the capitalized letters). If you use the word BARS then it will trigger but tell you that it is out of stock, so please pay close attention to the syntax given to you by the broker.

As a reminder if you ever forget the syntax for the market, you can "say buying" in front of any of the brokers in lugard and get instructions, and if you mess up and accidently give the wrong thing to him, you can "beg broker" or "beg aide", or attempt to purchase an item that is not in stock to receive your items/gold back.