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Confusion in Tanchico

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:44 pm
by Lamont
Lamont leaned his head against the wall of the Humping Fly and closed his eyes, his back rested against the wall outside with his boot up for support. He inhaled deeply, the smell of smoke was heavy in the air. Noise seemed constant. Tanchico was split in half, the Seanchan invaders had come. What was left of the Civil Watch was concentrated within the city doing all they could do hold it, it wasn't going well. He let out a small sigh and opened his eyes, looking up the long road before him. "No one evar comes here, barely any o'da Watch about. I almost pity dem," he thought, a wicked grin overtaking his face.

Just then Benjen emerged from the inn with a stumble, he was a bit older than Lamont and it was just starting to show with the gray at his temples. He swaggered a few more steps and looked towards the slightly younger man, you could never tell if Benjen had had too much to drink or if he had just spent too much time at sea. A grin split Benjen's face as he looked upon his friend, "Lamont ya bastard, yer missed out on the best parts. Da things that woman can do," he said adding a knowing wink. The old rum hound turned on the spot and began walking towards a sign sitting outside of the inn, his boot made contact with a rock and he stumbled briefly before catching himself with one hand against it. Benjen chuckled to himself and brought his other hand up to the sign to fully brace himself.

"Oy! Yer names on this," Benjen slurred, bringing a hand down to work his belt. Lamont immediately straightened and pushed off the wall to walk towards his friend. He leaned in over Benjen and scanned the notice. "Master of der Iron Fist," Lamont mumbled, his voice gravely. He frowned in puzzlement and then his eyes went wide. "Iron Fist! Ah Creator no! No, no, no. Benjen dey fink we're Iron Fist! Dis is SO serious! What're we gonna do?! Everyone will hunt us down now!" Lamont said with ever widening eyes. Benjen cackled madly and finally freed his belt, "Iron Fist," he slurred. Lamont read the notice three more times before shock overcame him and he swooned slightly, only just catching himself before he fell. "We're in trouble Ben! BEN! Stop pissing on der sign! Dis is serious! The Civil Watch are claimin dat we're one of dos bandits!" Lamont yelled at the old man. The younger man quickly ducked and spun around in a slight crouch, checking to see if anyone was around.

Sure that no one was within ear shot he straightened and took a deep breath. "If only dat obnoxious idiot Pial adn't attacked us, an we adn't killed dos Civil Watch," he thought. "Day fink we're Iron Fist." Lamont said aloud. His breathing calmed and a grin appeared on his face, showing blackened teeth. "Benjen, day fink we're Iron Fist" he said with a laugh. "We cen do anyfing we wants ter do now." Benjen finally done with his business, straightened and was putting his belt to rights. "Har!" The rum hound exclaimed with a smile. The two stood looking at one another a moment longer before Benjen's right hand swung into the air, with the palm facing Lamont. "Slap hands." The old man said simply. Lamont looked at the hand with a frown, then with a shrug slapped his palm against Benjen's.