Cairhienin Law

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Cairhienin Law

Post by Taziar » Sun May 26, 2019 12:43 pm

Cairhienin Law
  • The spoken word of a Sun Captain, or Rising Sun of higher rank, while on Cairhien soil is to be considered as if issued from the mouth of King Galldrian su Riatin Rie himself and any decrees made will be considered as law until the next reboot or a higher ranking Rising Sun commutes the order.
  • The Rising Sun are the protectors of Cairhien and the only agency authorized to pursue criminals within the border stones of the nation of Cairhien. Any attack on an individual within the borders of Cairhien should be reported to the Rising Sun Council.
  • No man nor woman shall impersonate a Rising Sun. Any found in possession of “a con bearing the Rising Sun of Cairhien” or “a sunrise-cast pendant” will be ordered to immediately surrender it.
  • For the safety of our citizens, the use of the One Power to create a gateway within the city of Cairhien shall be restricted to this location: “At the Stump of the Avendoraldera” located at the center of the park in Cairhien.
  • Aiel savages and the invading army known as the Seanchan Empire are considered enemies of Cairhien and will be warranted and attacked on sight within the borders of Cairhien.
  • Known Darkfriends, and men that can channel the One Power will be warranted and attacked on sight within the borders of Cairhien.
All citizens and visitors of Cairhien are encouraged to assist against the threats listed above as well as any Trollocs, Myrddraal, Dreadlords, or other Shadowspawn that threaten the Palace or City.

Personal conduct of all citizens and visitors to the City of Cairhien and the Sun Palace is as follows:
  • No fighting
    No sneaking
    No hiding
    No stealing
    No possession of equipment consider touched by the shadow
    No tampering with the city’s water supplies
As of the 5th day of the month of Shaldine, year 1217 the borders of the Nation of Cairhien are as follows: all lands within the border stones marked with the Rising Sun of Cairhien as well as the section of the Cairhien hills that reach to the Passgate.

Note to citizens and travelers: the location By the Excavation near Kinslayer's Dagger is off limits and infractions will be given for loitering.