Declaration of War on Illian

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Declaration of War on Illian

Post by Rajis » Sat May 04, 2019 3:35 pm

The Nation of Illian has long been a thorn in the side of Tear: interfering in our trade sphere, raiding our lands and speaking in an unintelligible accent; whilst continuing to let their own nation fall to poverty and despair, encouraging pirates and smugglers. As a result, the Defenders of the Stone can no longer sit idly by, and from this point onwards will assume full control of Illian administration. Any resistance will be dealt with harshly until peace is restored.

Rajis Defender of the Stone
Halarn Defender of the Stone
Melat Under-Lieutenant

Pool 1

1) Give the Tear bridgeguards the illian patty anti charge mobol

2) Jump exit for Illian

3) Embassy, such as a pronunciation correcter, or customs official to curb illian smuggling.

Pool 2

4) 20k gold

5) Acknowledgement of Illian as a tributary of Tear

6) Public execution of 3 individuals involved, to be held in Illian.