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The Return of Players Lounge, Art of War, Help Forum

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 7:54 pm
by Tlaloc
The WoTmod community forum “Players Lounge” is meant to be a shared home for WoTMUD players, old and new. We invite you to use this forum to stay in touch when you are unable to dedicate time to play. Come meet, converse with, and learn more about each other in the out-of-game format.

The “Art of War” is a companion to the Roleplay “Tales” forums, where the brave and no so brave alike can post logs of PK. To access this forum you must be logged into the WoTmod forums with a registered character name.


Spurred by a request communicated from several players, we are bringing back the Help forum. “Help and Newbie Area” is the place for old and new players alike to ask basic gameplay questions. This is also a good place to share technical knowledge regarding clients (Wintin, zmud, cmud, etc.). Finally, newbie helpers, if you would link helpful guides or monitor this forum for new player questions, it would be much appreciated.

As with the old Help forums, please refrain from revealing Find Out For Yourself type information, such as quest narratives and/or solutions, information about secret clans.

  • The houseguest rule is in full effect across all forums.
  • The Players Lounge is not a game-balance forum. Game-balance issues will be deleted. When the Staff is seeking feedback on a mechanics or balance issue, a specific request will be made by the Staff.
  • Avoid making PDW’s (post-death whines). PDWs, valid or not, far more often than not lead down a bad path. If you are upset after dying, probably taking a walk is better than reading forums.
Welcome back, and enjoy!
