Cairhienin plots.

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Voices of the Wheel
Posts: 356
Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:40 pm

Cairhienin plots.

Post by Voices of the Wheel » Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:55 am

"Plots, plots, and more plots," King Galldrian of Cairhien growled, his eyes squeezed shut and his hand rubbing his forehead. "This one came too close, Barthanes. Too close!"

The man who stood before Galldrian was into his later years and gray had begun to streak his hair, but his eyes were sharp and piercing and his voice even and clear as he replied,"Yes, my Lord, too close indeed. Yet, the plot was discovered and the wench has been dealt with."

"You're not a fool, Barthanes. Do you think a simple serving maid thought up the idea to poison the King of Cairhien? Of course not."

A fist slammed down onto the arm of the Sun Throne.

"Find them, Barthanes. Now."

Barthanes Damodred bowed low and left the throne room, his expression smooth despite the feeling of unease settling into his stomach.


The plan had failed, yet the cloaked man was in high spirits. He got paid either way. His client was likely furious though. Shrugging, he slipped through the crowd. He was anxious to return to the bunker. There were more plans to be made and more clients to service.


There is a new mini smob chain located around Cairhien. It is up to you to discover who tried to poison the King of Cairhien!

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