LS/SS rank 8 bonuses

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LS/SS rank 8 bonuses

Post by Elysia » Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:13 pm


Firstly, let me give you some history here. In 2015, just after we had the new fading/dreadlording system up and running, we turned our attention to discussing a LS/SS remort. We had a set of coded bonuses and somewhere in August 2015 everyone on Staff agreed that this had to be implemented. Fast forward to half-way through 2016 and we instead looked to what we could actually do without coding. Another idea regarding giving normal clanned a perk arose from this rank 8 discussion.

It took some time to get everything approved, written, details ironed out but...

The Staff of WoTmud proudly present...!!!

LS/SS rank 8 bonuses

Please note: the current rank 8 bonuses only apply to LS/SS. We are not applying them to DS at this time.

Summed up in what we've been calling Wheel of Time MUD Character Progression!

Here's an overview of what current perks are and what will be implemented in the near future. I will go into each new item in detail in a subsequent post:

Rank 1: mob assist from clan mobs, ability to issue rank 1 trinket, clan practice bonus.
Rank 2: bonus damage that scales with clan rank
Rank 3: ability to withdraw from clan chest
Rank 4: ability to warrant/pardon, ability to retool basic equipment into clan equivalents, ability to use armorsmith apprentice.
Rank 5: ability to issue rank 5 trinket, some clans have an additional perk here, such as Wisdoms with Neela and CoL with their eagers.
Rank 7: master, mob lead, postures.

2000 qps: an extra agereroll, if the character is over 200 years old.

Rank 8: A choice from the following perks:

***Please note that Gaidin are excluded from all perks and bonuses, save the existing rank 8 rooms.***

Group 1: Ability to pick 2 from Group 1:
  • +1 to a stat, observing class stat maxes, ability to get 19 19 19 for hunters, rogues, warriors. Channeler max 16 19 19 18 15 with 280 hps. If any of your stats top these maxes, you are not eligible for this bonus.
  • +10 hps, which has to be re-set after rerolls. Channelers up to a max of 280 hps.
  • no eating/drinking.
Group 2: Ability to pick 1 from Group 2:
PK related perks:
  • Issuable rank 8 weapon based on craftable rares. 15 qps to issue. !TAKE but rentable.
  • Issuing rank 8 chest piece, 10 qps to issue, !TAKE but rentable.
Group 3:
  • 1 set of rerolls, provided the character is older than 200 years old.
  • homeland change.
Standard perks:
  • Standard: free prac resets. One per boot free honing of a weapon at the attendant at a master blacksmith.
  • Standard: rank 8 rooms/storage.
  • Standard: access to Lugard Road mansion and coaching ability from rank 8 rooms to/from Murandy manor for LS. / Yandar manor for SS.
    • For Lightside, you will find the entrance off of the Lugard Road, south of Four Kings. Type "enter manor" to be let in.
Please be advised that we can't implement all of these at the same time, so we will be implementing these over the coming days. The items that have been implemented will have a normal, black header. The items that are still being worked on will have a red header.

The next post will continue more detailed information about each implementation.

Armorsmith's apprentice.

This perk will be available to all at rank 4. It is essentially the weary merchant's assistant we had over summer. He will swap dodge for abs, abs for combo and combo for dodge. There has been a minor change in the sense that dodge to abs and combo to dodge will continue to cost 75 gcs and abs to combo will now cost 125 gcs per item.

The exchanges are as follows:
75 gcs for dodge > abs and combo > dodge
125 gcs for abs > combo
a shoufa with a black veil > a full metal helmet and visor > a rimmed round helmet > a shoufa with a black veil
a bearskin tunic > a shining steel breastplate > a tunic of finely-crafted chain > a bearskin tunic
a set of cloth sleeves > a pair of ebony-steel plate vambraces > a pair of riveted chainmail sleeves > a set of cloth sleeves
a pair of dark gloves > a pair of heavy metal gauntlets > a sturdy pair of full leather gauntlets > a pair of dark gloves
a pair of earthen colored breeches > a pair of ebony-steel plate greaves > a set of riveted chainmail leggings > a pair of earthen colored breeches
a black pair of silver-tooled boots > a pair of thick metal boots > a pair of animal-fur boots > a black pair of silver-tooled boots

Simply give the apprentice the item you wish to swap, followed by the appropriate amount of cash.

2000 qps:
If you've reached 2000 qps, contact a 104 to get your free reroll! View wizlist and look for the Lords/Ladies of the Dark to find out who you can contact.

Rank 8 bonuses:

Group 1: Ability to pick 2 individual items from Group 1 (e.g. no 2x 10 hps):
Physical changes:
  • BMI change, small height/weight change to give either +1 or -1 bmi compared to before.
  • +1 to a stat, observing class stat maxes, ability to get 19 19 19 for hunters, rogues, warriors.
    • LS warrior: 19 19 18 19 19
    • LS hunter: 19 19 19 19 19
    • LS rogue: 19 19 19 19 19
    • LS channeler: 16 19 19 18 15 with 280 hps max.
    • SS warrior: 19 16 14 18 19
    • SS hunter: 19 16 16 19 19
    • SS rogue: 19 16 16 19 19
  • +10 hps, which has to be re-set after rerolls.
  • +10 sps, which has to be re-set after rerolls.
  • +10 mvs, which has to be re-set after rerolls.
  • no eating/drinking
Group 2: Ability to pick 1 from Group 2 (shirt or issuable rank 8 weapons at the gray haired weaponsmaster):
PK related perks:
  • Say issue list or help at an aging weaponsmaster to see your weapon choices.
  • Issuable !TAKE chest piece, 10 qps to issue:
    • rank 8 an engraved steel breastplate, check stats in the eq stats.
    • rank 8 a hauberk of steel chainmail, check stats in the eq stats.
    • rank 8 a leather cuirass, check stats in the eq stats.
Say issue shirt at an aging weaponsmaster.

Group 3: Ability to pick 1 from Group 3.
  • 1 set of rerolls, provided the character is older than 200 years old.
  • homeland change.
Standard perks:
  • Standard: Free prac reset at the master blacksmith. Free honing: give the receipt of honing to the attendant at the master blacksmith.
  • Standard: rank 8 rooms/storage.
  • Standard: access to Lugard Road mansion and coaching ability from rank 8 rooms to/from Murandy manor for LS. SS have access to the Lugard manor as well.
    • For Lightside, you will find the entrance off of the Lugard Road, south of Four Kings. Type "enter manor" to be let in and you will find instructions for coaching once inside. NOTE: you cannot enter if you have less-than-full hps or currently have NO QUIT.
If and when we ever get coding time dedicated to bonuses, there may be changes, for example the horse scouting could be replaced by something tied to the "where" command, like various other sense/smells skills work.

Posts: 7957
Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:29 pm

Re: 2016: LS/SS rank 8 bonuses and LS/SS/trolloc clan practice bonuses.

Post by Elysia » Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:22 am

As of now, we're good to go with the rank 8 bonuses. Please take another look at the rank 8 shirt stats, since Elodin suggested a few tweaks to the rank 8 shirts, generally making them more like fade shirts in stats. In case it wasn't clear, if you pick the shirt option, you can issue any variety of shirt, not just "combo" or "abs".

Since the character tweaks and eventual weapon making take some time, I'm going to suggest those LS/SS who are rank 8 mail me to set a time/date to get yours done.

Note that you can take the perks in any order that you like, for example get a +1 to a stat first (group 1) and then do the agereroll (group 3). Or first change homeland (group 3) and then the 2000 qps reroll if you're still owed that one, then the +10 hps (group 1) to your new stats.


Posts: 497
Joined: Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:45 am

Re: 2016: LS/SS rank 8 bonuses and LS/SS/trolloc clan practice bonuses.

Post by Vampa » Thu Jun 28, 2018 4:53 pm

Dark Side rank 8 bonuses are now available, please contact Vampa via the forums or in-game to coordinate receiving yours if you are eligible.

Certain (hopefully obvious) restrictions apply (like mounts).

Posts: 828
Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:59 am

Re: 2016: LS/SS rank 8 bonuses and LS/SS/trolloc clan practice bonuses.

Post by Itesh » Sun Dec 20, 2020 11:13 am

Please note that you may lead only one mob in PK, regardless of rank. Except Children of Light using Eagers.

Posts: 1775
Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:02 pm

Re: LS/SS rank 8 bonuses

Post by Feneon » Thu Apr 04, 2024 2:20 pm

Update to rank 8 weapons:

We will no longer adjust stats on personal weapons that often leads to weapons that overperform.

Instead, as a rank 8 you now can issue craftable rares. We have left the description incredibly plain and encourage you to use the retool feature at the master blacksmith to add some sparkle.

A gray haired weaponsmaster tells you 'Yes, welcome back! If you still have over 3015 quest points, I will issue you a weapon of your choosing.'
A gray haired weaponsmaster tells you 'These weapons may be retooled to better reflect the rank within your organization.'
A gray haired weaponsmaster tells you 'Please say ISSUE and the weapon of your choice:'
A gray haired weaponsmaster tells you 'Remember do not issue more than one at a time!'

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