Roleplay Expectations when Clanned.

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Roleplay Expectations when Clanned.

Post by Elysia » Sun Apr 02, 2023 9:32 am

We've been seeing an increase in LS clanned characters playing fast and loose with roleplay in order for quick gains:

Within the last month:
  • butchers getting farmed by someone who should be laying low and then actively hunting those serving their warrant
  • the whole Baerlon murders incident
  • Fermin's Lugard butcher incident, which was 'solved' between players
Staff has been trying to deal with some of these ICly, since these are Roleplay Violations rather than Game/ Loophole Violations. These are separate entries in the Five Rules for a reason and they tend to have a different approach.

Being clanned comes with certain perks that are off-set with certain roleplay requirements, depending on the clan. There are clans that are more morally flexible and clans that are more strict. Obviously all clans operate on a spectrum when it comes to individual roleplay choices within that clan. There can be more extremist Defenders and more mellow Children of the Light. A kleptomaniac Wisdom or a politically inept Aes Sedai. A loyal thug, or a Queen's Guard that looks the other way on occasion. These are more individual character trait choices, rather than clan roleplay.

If you want to play a morally ambiguous character, there are clans for that for this very reason! In Staff's opinon, by letting these things slide in clans that don't have being shady as a core tenet, we are taking away from that clan, the game's diversity, its roleplay environment as well as the clans that exist to be morally ambiguous.

Most problems seem to occur when people throw their clan's roleplay out the window for pure ease and greed, e.g. the aforementioned murder of innocent mobs. The rule of thumb is: if it doesn't attack you, it's an innocent, just like a random farmer mob. The only exception I can recall that has been made historically was Aes Sedai and its Oaths vs ctf patrols, but that was for gameplay reasons.

The only other notable exception would be a darkfriend, since that comes with its own associated roleplay which trumps the clan's roleplay, although if caught by players can have RP consequences, obviously.

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