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Rent Withdraw, Character Auto-Deletion, and Bug Fixes

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:39 pm
by Aureus
As of the next reboot:
  • You can use RENT LIST, RENT WITHDRAW and RENT SELL when you have no-quit. This will allow you to pull items out to re-eq yourself or a friend, and look at what you have stored. We still don't permit storing items because we don't want players to stash items when they have no-quit.
  • When a character advances to level 30, or any level beyond that, they will now be set with a permanent "no-delete" status. Another way to say that: any characters 30+ will be permanent, even if they drop below 30 in the future. This status is invisible to you, but it is there behind the scenes. This will prevent scenarios where someone rage de-levels and ends up deleting their character (often players alert imms to this and we end up jailing the characters until they can calm down, but that is spotty at best and hard for them to get the characters back later on).
    • This flag has NOT been applied to existing characters, but if you're above level 30 you WILL gain the permanent no-delete status the next time you level (e.g., you die and fall to level 50: the next time you re-level you will gain the no-delete flag).
    • If you truly, absolutely, 100% want to delete your level 30+ character: change your password and log out! :) It is a shame when we lose historical characters, so we are no longer going to do that. Plus we love when old players pop in even just to say hello.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Overchannel's incinerate now applies no-quit, so you cannot quit out to avoid burning to ashes. Sorry!
    • Ditto for the incinerate applied by channeling in Thakan'dar.
    • Machin Shin in the randomized Ways (currently inaccessible to players) no longer applies temporary taint. The random loss of control leading to death-traps was magically malicious and fun for maybe only Eileen and nobody else. ;)
    • HELP RIDE is updated with the effects of the various Ride levels. h/t to Flash for suggesting making these more easily discoverable.
    • A bug with EXAMINE that prevented seeing the item stats if there was a sheathed weapon is fixed.
    • In addition, EXAMINE now spells out the acronyms of the item stats, similar to "stat": e.g., "Offensive bonus" instead of "OB".
    • Typing QUIT when you have equipment now warns you about losing that equipment, with a reminder to rent instead. Mostly this is for newbies, but maybe also useful if you have been mudding for 24 hours straight and are no longer thinking clearly. Not that any of us have ever done that.