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Seasons, Weather, Channelers and Known DF code updates

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 5:32 pm
by Aureus
As of the next reboot:
  • Seasons will match the Wheel of Time calendar
  • Weather will differentiate between winter, autumn and spring, all of which had previously been treated as winter
  • The weather will slowly get colder at night and warmer during the day in appropriate climates (previously this was only happening for "desert" climates and it happens there in one very large swing - which still occurs for deserts)
  • Channelers will display a room-wide message visible to everyone (not just channelers) if they fail a weave due to not having enough SPs. It looks like this: "Aureus concentrates before faltering, exhausted."
    • We have noticed in close PK sessions that sometimes DS will be low when fighting a channeler, and the channeler is out of SPs. But since DS has no way of knowing this, DS will generally run away to avoid an ice spike or fireball that is never coming. This change should allow people fighting channelers to press the advantage if they know the channeler is out of SPs.
  • Known Darkfriends no longer hear global channels in the void, circle of light, or global prac reset area, to avoid some of the stigma around them being on the who-list while AFK and dampening LS activity due to their ability to hear narrates etc.