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Code updates: Fade mounting costs, Fade base skills, Dark Vision fixed

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 5:02 pm
by Aureus
As of the next reboot:

- Fades will no longer pay 10 DP when mounting
- Fades will instead pay 10 extra DP when compelling a shadow stallion

…these changes should mostly net out, but make mounting/dismounting a little less strange when e.g., smobbing or visiting shops, or grabbing a new mount.

- Dark Vision’s scan bug is fixed. We’ll be replacing inherent “wizlight” on Dreadlords with use of Dark Vision again over the next few days.

- Fades very generous inherent base hide (20-25%) replaced with a smaller amount of fear (5-10%) that’s more in line with other classes’ base skills. Hide didn’t make sense since fades are supposed to be generals/leaders and not incentivized to be skulking stabbers.