Seanchan Mob Support Adjustments

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Seanchan Mob Support Adjustments

Post by Feneon » Mon Mar 07, 2022 8:38 pm

Updates to Seanchan mobs and areas:

Kaf plants:

Kaf plants have been removed across the board, but in two locations they have been replaced with actual mob support.


The water passage east of Tarendrelle no longer connects to the zone west of Lugard.

The backgate to the Tarendrelle fort has been removed. The sentries previously at the backgate have been placed inside of the frontgate. The nomob at backgate has been removed which may lead to more mobs wandering further than they have previously. If this becomes an issue we will re-adjust.

The conscript seanchan mobs will no longer hunt you after engaging unless they are following the seanchan officer. This is also true of seanchan fighter mobs and will impact other areas with room support.

The damane has been split from Lunal and joined two two soldiers who no longer roam between the three rooms.

Sidegate has been moved from the Unkept yard to the Wheat Fields 1e.

The overall entrance to the Tarendrelle area has been made chokier.

Seanchan Fort added near DH:

Child of Light patrol has been removed from Granlin zone—this area has been adjusted into a standing Seanchan outpost.

The general layout has been slightly adjusted. No rooms have been dramatically moved, but many room connections have been removed. -- In this map the northwest corner of the map will be where Seanchan have mob support. A graying morat has been placed in the area and a graying morat has been placed in the Wheat Fields of Tarendrelle. A to'raken travels between these locations like normal to'raken travel.


Raken and torm are now considered not clanned. They are coded so that only raken or torm can ride them. Torm have been given the same no fighting flag as raken have. This means that as a rider you can lead them or mount them while they are in combat and walk them out of a room.

These mounts will no longer act as a secondary master mob, they will act as a horse.

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