Code Updates

A place for Immortals of the game to post changes in policy or other relevant announcements for the game.
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Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:59 am

Code Updates

Post by Itesh » Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:17 am

  • I clad myself in steel and righteous fury and descended into the nightmare abyss, crossing the endless plains of Ji-Thoob,doing battle with the legendary beast of V'Chool M'Sheen and finally descending into the Stygian depths of Dogencom, there fixing an issue whereby sul'dam were only audible properly when one's color was set to 'none' or 'sparse'. Who even knew 'sparse' was an option? Well it is, losers. Be more sparse.
  • Changed name of Jehannah to Gleehannah. Assigned Gleeman as clan in charge. Wrote Lies on announcement post. Also fixed an issue whereby Gleemen who fail when trying to perform (amirite) got the same message as a failing flailing fade, which was heretofore rendering the game literally unplayable.
  • Attempted to increase Gleeman japery; segmentation error caused by humour array overrun. Sadly, Gleemen must remain unfunny for the foreseeable.
  • Got some sweet burns in on announcements, though, so at least there's that.
  • When you chill someone, and then set them on fire, they warm up. MAN ALIVE! Who thought that was a good idea? Welp, Vampa did, and I agreed with him, so I did it. Now you have to engage in some kind of weird strategic weave choice thing, balancing your desire to chill over your love of the hotness of the north and lions and tigers and oh my!
  • So you know that thing where even when you were in combat with something you needed a target to make hailstorm work? Yeah, that was annoying and pointless, so now it works like every other combat weave.
  • Hold on to your hats, because I'm finna (look, I used an Americanism! I'm talking down to your level!) indent these bullets:
    • I know what a massive pack of murderhobos you all are at heart, and we love your tendency towards casual violence and aggravated larceny. With that in mind...
    • Due to massive demand, you may now, when a member of a justice clan, use the 'kill wanted' command.
    • Due to middling-but-still-loud demand, you can all now target by clan! There are some exceptions, which will be clear if you continue reading. I presume though, that you've all gone a-murdrin', so why I'm still typing escapes me.
    • Due to such a small level of demand that I might reasonably characterise it as one person who wouldn't shut the hell up about it, 'kill light' can now be used by Known Darkfriends without constantly punching themselves in the face, thus making it 100% less fun for me on a personal level.
    • Aiel and Greyman races can now be targetted in exactly the same way as humans etc, although please note this only works on PCs and there are currently none.
    • I know you're already teetering on the verge of a round of solid head explosions from all this heavily sarcastic goodness but, I actually updated the 'help kill' file to cover all of this, and you should probably read it.

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