Code Updates!

A place for Immortals of the game to post changes in policy or other relevant announcements for the game.
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Code Updates!

Post by Itesh » Mon Apr 06, 2020 3:22 am

  • In a time long ago, back in the swirling mists of time, a race grew of the most benighted, most oppressed, most long-suffering creatures. These sad creatures, sorely afflicted with such ills as 'not being able to ride horses', and 'never having to worry about lanterns', beset on all sides by plagues such as 'having a huge amount of moves' and grievously wounded by the nightmare condition of 'basically just being a gimpy version of a warrior albeit one with better pracs, better stats, an amazing horse, a huge poisonous sword made of evil and souls, the literal ability to step into the Shadows and by the way I radiate fear too' were surely the saddest and down-trodden of all. And yet, when the time came to fight not one, but two enemies, did they balk? Did they retreat, or cower away! NO! They boldly stepped forth, nobility radiating from their filthy, filthy fur. They fought the good (well, bad) fight! They railed against the forces of evil (well, good). And in return, what did they ask for, with great humility and self-abasement? Only the tiniest of things. A mere simple command, to attack all that stood against. And this they now have, a kill light command that I for one confidently predict will mean that there cannot possibly be anything else to complain about from DS.
  • Creatures with a memory for who attacked them can now no longer pull flying raken from the sky with the awesome power of MIND BULLETS.
  • Rats and Ravens will no longer report to humans, which means I can remove the janky fix I did for all of last week where I race-changed them all to trollocs, which means trollocs no longer get rats and ravens, which also means that shadoweyes will not be making city alarms go cray.
  • Fixed issue that stopped Seanchan and Humans using reply to talk to each, thus rendering the game literally unplayable.
  • 'Kill dark' now also targets Known Darkfriends. I feel like there's a lesson here - something something selling your soul something something consequences? Nope. Nothing. Oh well!
  • Added 'Shaidar' as a title for rank 7 aha no I can't even finish typing that, I absolutely didn't.
In case you were wondering, yes - I do have a lot of fun writing these.

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