Resolved Issue: Potential Rent DB Corruption

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Resolved Issue: Potential Rent DB Corruption

Post by Aureus » Mon Jan 27, 2025 12:47 am

Hi all,

We've been alerted to a potential rent database corruption (impacting rented items, stored items, and clan chests). We're looking into it and will keep you updated. It is possible that we may need to restore to a recent backup, as a heads up.

We'll grab the logs and should be able to sort it out. But if anyone notices something that triggers it, please post the report in bugs or send to me directly. Thanks!

If you have been impacted, please hold tight. I'm going to wait until we have the issue sorted to deal with reimbs (esp. since we may end up restoring to a backup), rather than play whack-a-mole while the issue is ongoing. Sorry for the trouble - we'll have it fixed soon.

Posts: 1013
Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2020 11:13 pm

Re: Resolved Issue: Potential Rent DB Corruption

Post by Aureus » Mon Jan 27, 2025 5:34 pm

Underlying issue is resolved (our server ran out of db space so adding new db records was bugging out). I'll post about any next steps we take a little later this evening. Thanks for your patience.

Posts: 1013
Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2020 11:13 pm

Re: Resolved Issue: Potential Rent DB Corruption

Post by Aureus » Fri Jan 31, 2025 8:48 pm

Hi - update on the "oops! item not found" situation:

We are going to have to do some code work to resolve the underlying issues here. The rent code is a bit nasty so this will take a bit of time for me to sort through (I've started some of the necessary code work here, but oof). The good news is we'll be able to clear out all the instances of this, including the really old clan chest ones, going forward once this is done.

We also have a snapshot of the rent db from Friday, so any items lost due to db corruption that were there Friday but gone later we should be able to resolve. Any items that were stored Sat (post-Fri-night boot) until the problem was fixed on Monday will still be gone -- nothing we can do about that one, unfortunately.

I'll keep you posted but since it will take a bit please sit tight.

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