North PK Related Changes

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Re: North PK Related Changes

Post by Feneon » Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:57 pm

The northern Seanchan outpost has been collecting dangerous looking barrels. Trollocs and humans, wary of the intention, have set out to intercept the barrels. Having noted this the Seanchan have kept them under lock and key in the barndoor of the outpost.

Contest will be open till Friday to see who accumulates the most barrels. LS turn barrels into the Shienaran spy (thief practice E S U N W of Uno). DS turn barrels into a lithe ravenmaster (E S W U S of Gatekeep).

Everyday the barrel count will convert into an amount of mobs scattered for LS or DS around the Fal Dara road after reboot and it will change based on that count.

Update 11/1/22

The surplus of the contents of the dangerous looking barrels have been converted to fireworks given to soldiers and goat trollocs on the southern Fal Dara road near cut. There's a bit of the cooldown once used, so you can't just spam it, but every soldier and goat trolloc in that area will set fireworks for the correct race if you say explosion.

Two members of the Shienaran heavy Cavalry have been set to patrol near stoutdoor.

Current barrel tally:

LS 5
DS 2

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Re: North PK Related Changes

Post by Feneon » Fri Nov 04, 2022 12:48 pm

Barrels have been collecting, now it's time for scalps.

Final Tally:
6 LS
2 DS

Kill the Seanchan High Lord (levels of him and mobs adjusted based on observed difficulty) and bring the scalp to the spy in Fal Dara or the raven master in Keep. They will provide you with a patrol of mobs. Bring that to the zone with the Seanchan camp. Near boot I will check to see how many patrols are left living in the area. Whichever side sustains the largest number of patrols over the course of the weekend will replace the Seanchan in the north, in one way or another.

Obviously, the intention is to take a patrol from Keep or Fal Dara to the zone areas (FD RD, Granlin, Cut zone). Do not stack them in doors. Do not use these patrols for other areas. If we need further restrictions we will add them here.

Final score point from will bring a wandering master of the blade from Andor to the borderlands.

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Re: North PK Related Changes

Post by Feneon » Mon Nov 21, 2022 2:39 pm

As trollocs won the contest to collect the most patrols and leave them in the area Seanchan outpost replaced with a trolloc outlet mall--a makeshift garrison with two shops. Siffas has moved to fill the security duties of the location. Siffas is now outdoors, but his room has a monolith that prevents certain weaves.

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Re: North PK Related Changes

Post by Feneon » Tue Jan 24, 2023 10:46 am

No-mob 1s Agelmar removed, no-mob at bar removed in Fal Dara, and no-mob at drawbridge moved to 1n of crossing.

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Re: North PK Related Changes

Post by Feneon » Mon May 01, 2023 11:10 am

We've added a narrating mechanic to the raven master and the master of scouts in Fal Dara that should not be as spammy as the yells, but we'll watch and maybe further limit it if it gets too spammy.

This should allow people in the south to be aware of what trollocs are online looking for PK and DS raiding to be aware of what flocks are getting triggered by humans.

We've also moved the narrating scouts a bit. These were intended as ways to announce that you're looking for PK, but their locations sometimes didn't make the most sense. (e.g. a human who is 4n 2w of elbow might as well yell keep zone).

The human scouts at dusty, gap, and winding have remained. The scout dark forest has been moved to the Decaying Forest (orchard zone near Crossroads)

The trolloc scouts in Blight have been removed. The trolloc scout gap was kept. Two additional trolloc scouts have been added: one to winding (northeast area), and one to the Forested Borderlands (east of campfire).

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Re: North PK Related Changes

Post by Feneon » Fri Jul 07, 2023 1:27 pm

Justice has been moved to a new location. The doors will open as the defenders are killed and they cannot be closed. If your group retrieves justice then you will get QPs for the group at the end of it. Since it has been altered to avoid the heavy advantage to attackers and defenders with doors there are now narrating components.

The new location is not hidden behind a door, it connects to an existing room, if you find the right room you will find it. The difficulty has been replaced with something of a time component, but given a big enough group it will still be significantly faster.

UPDATE: If Dark Side is trapped south of the turn-about and the doors aren't open they can say exit at boulder and it will move them into the Bowels of the Mountain.

Any issues, mistakes, or comments made in the process either post in known bugs or ping me.

The strong patrol in Justice has lost 1 elite Ghar'ghael and the boulder patrol has had the two elite Ghar'ghael replaced with 2 ramshorned trollocs.

Malfeasor has been reworked. The doors will open as the defenders are killed and they cannot be closed. If your group retrieves Malfeasor then you will get QPs for the group at the end of it. Since it has been altered to avoid the heavy advantage to attackers and defenders with doors there are now narrating components. Malfeasor has three backexits, but does not have a one-way component the way Justice does. If Malfeasor ends up being too quick and easy there may be a one-way component added as well as a requirement to clear all patrols on the way to it.

The new location is not hidden behind a door, it connects to an existing room, if you find the right room you will find it. The difficulty has been replaced with something of a time component, but given a big enough group it will still be significantly faster.

Any issues, mistakes, or comments made in the process either post in known bugs or ping me.

The descriptions may be subject to change.

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Re: North PK Related Changes

Post by Feneon » Fri Oct 20, 2023 2:49 pm

Mob level has been dropped to try and adjust difficulty in a positive direction. It is not meant to take forever, but to take time. Feedback is always welcome.

The exit to the mountain mobs have been replaced by large ramshorned (elites to ramshorned) and one of the elites was removed from the larger patrol.

Four sergeants around Kajin have been moved away from that spawn north of burnt.

You should now, after reboot, find: 2 sergeants and 3 soldiers around Kajin.
4 sergeants and 2 soldiers north of burnt.
a group of 1 sergeant leading 3 soldiers in the forest area.
A woodsman was originally meant to be dusty, but was set to the wrong max, this may be removed, but for now there will be a woodsman dusty.

Additionally, I've removed the sergeants disposition to ASSIST players and left on their flags to ATTACK. I'm curious if this adjustment leads to more chip damage.

We all remember when Kajin would aggro on room entrance and we're not bringing that back, but I'm curious if mobs aggroing for chip damage ends up being better than assisting since they sometimes lose a round of combat.

Rewards for logs that demonstrate positives and negatives of this change.

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Re: North PK Related Changes

Post by Feneon » Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:47 pm

Trolloc Village Stedding:

This change has gone into play. You should familiarize yourself with what it is and how it will affect gameplay in there. The likelihood is if you don't, you will not die, but you may be less effective at getting kills.

1) rottendoor removed.
2) disconnected the Loft Above the Shop and moved the mobs from 1d that load in there (1 fade and 2 ramshorned). This room is also rideable (will impact max engage and mounted flee-chance).
3) The room 1e of the blighted trees lost it's no-mob and the trollocs in the village can now wander into that room.

Posts: 1851
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Re: North PK Related Changes

Post by Feneon » Thu Nov 21, 2024 1:52 pm

Dreadlord in Keep has been replaced by two dreadguards. Dreadlord has moved his residence to Thakan'dar.

Posts: 1851
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Re: North PK Related Changes

Post by Feneon » Mon Dec 30, 2024 12:19 pm

Fal Dara:

The majority of the inner keep is now rideable, outside of

1) shops
2) the upstairs
3) the Council Chamber
4) the dungeon

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