You can receive bonus qps if a log is of sufficient quality to merit posting in the general Roleplay Forum (so not the Tower exclusive one) and:
- bonus qp for RPing in public spaces like squares, streets and roads, not sequestered away from everyone
- bonus qp for RPing outside of Tar Valon
- bonus qp for RPing with someone from a different nation
- bonus qp for involving current subject matter like Dragonsworn attempting to gain a foothold in the south, the Sea Folk ship, Shara access, Mayene vs Tower tensions, Tear vs Tower tensions, CoL seeing darkfriends everywhere as usual
- bonus qp for (argle/ emote/ master commands) RPing a mob/npc
- bonus qp for (roleplay) playing at Daes Dae'mar. I.e. commenting on manoeuvering this way or that, with no requirement to actually follow through with said plotting