Event: bonus RP qps until Aug 23

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Posts: 8092
Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:29 pm

Event: bonus RP qps until Aug 23

Post by Elysia » Wed Jul 24, 2024 1:24 pm

Since the south-east event shifted a bit more towards roleplay and there are certain characters who could really use them *is not at all looking towards the Green Ajah, at all, nope*, we're doing a roleplay event.

You can receive bonus qps if a log is of sufficient quality to merit posting in the general Roleplay Forum (so not the Tower exclusive one) and:
  • bonus qp for RPing in public spaces like squares, streets and roads, not sequestered away from everyone
  • bonus qp for RPing outside of Tar Valon
  • bonus qp for RPing with someone from a different nation
  • bonus qp for involving current subject matter like Dragonsworn attempting to gain a foothold in the south, the Sea Folk ship, Shara access, Mayene vs Tower tensions, Tear vs Tower tensions, CoL seeing darkfriends everywhere as usual
  • bonus qp for (argle/ emote/ master commands) RPing a mob/npc
  • bonus qp for (roleplay) playing at Daes Dae'mar. I.e. commenting on manoeuvering this way or that, with no requirement to actually follow through with said plotting
Subject to change depending on how things evolve, depending on player engagement and content. If you have suggestions for good additions to the bonus list, please let me know and I might include it!

Posts: 8092
Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:29 pm

Re: Event: bonus RP qps until Aug 23

Post by Elysia » Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:10 pm

To encourage people to RP in TVCS, I've tacked a Sedai mob to the ground with a call-mobbing Tower Guard in tow. Like the Caemlyn recruitment officer, but Tar Valon flavored.

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