Upcoming Changes: Seanchan

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Upcoming Changes: Seanchan

Post by Aureus » Sun Mar 03, 2024 11:28 pm

Hello - I want to give you some advance notice on upcoming changes to Seanchan.
  1. We are disabling Seanchan character creation. The game cannot really support 3 sides anymore, and new players who select Seanchan, especially with the other changes below, will not have a good experience since they will be alone (and therefore usually quit). We may very rarely make role-play exceptions and so on for characters who really want to be Seanchan, but this will not be the norm.
  2. Seanchan are reverting to their own who-list and global channels. We've found that sharing a who-list and narrates/chats with Lightside tends to make Lightside less desirable to play (you are putting yourself at risk of being hunted by narrating, for example). This is similar to some of the reasons for the Known Darkfriends being retired.
  3. Seanchan will become able to follow and group with Lightside players. Of course, consider the RP implications, and the relevant mobs will continue to attack/etc as usual, but we want Seanchan players to at least have the option of some social interaction given how isolated the experience is.
  4. The Seanchan Sworn protection from Seanchan mob aggro will become subject to not having a Seanchan Empire warrant. This is because there are relatively few Seanchan players and we do not want it to be used for farming mobs/shops/etc.
This is a fairly large change, so I wanted to give notice so if you want a Seanchan character you can create one. I do not know when the changes will go live - it's subject to Flash's availability - so this could happen soon or it could take awhile.

We will work through any other needed changes over time. We are *not* disabling existing Seanchan features/clans/etc -- you will be able to continue to play your Seanchan characters as normal if you have one.

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