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[FORUMS] Private messages

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:06 pm
by Jomin
I found out the hard way - the Private Message system on these Forums is pretty much locked down for normals. Whilst you may be able to use the PM icons to contact our great leaders in the message part of the Private messages section of this site - you are locked out of your own Inbox and Sent-mail pages. :shock:

(This probably includes the Outbox as well - though not drafts so if you save a message part way through creation you can get back to it.)

I would draw the conclusion that the Staff use the Private message system to keep in touch but without explicit instructions - which I feel are likely to follow in the next message which will then lock this thread - us mortals are probably not intended to use it. :twisted:


PS. Mind you, this almost un-usability might be related to a general attempt to make things more secure and robust so the most important thing - the Game itself - can be keep going to the max. ;)

PPS. I briefly wondered if, not being able to read messages sent to ourselves, we would receive messages sent by those who CAN send them - but somehow I think a way will be found - even if the body of such a missive is engraved in small print on a black (thunder?) bolt sent from a great height at a high velocity...

Re: [FORUMS] Private messages

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 4:14 am
by Elodin

As you expected, I am locking this. Also, you were already asked to stop using this forum (Bugs) for questions or chat.

To recap: you can use the mail system to mail immortals or a specific immortal to report issues or request assistance on a specific, game-related issue.