A Shield Clad Stairwell
Shields have been hung from the railing of the stairs that climb overhead
of a large stall that has been placed in a corner. A wide variety of belts
are on display on the table and cloaks, robes, mantles, capes and gowns
have been hung all over the back wall of the stall. A collection of wood
stands nearby, ready to be built and turned into a stall, but it would
appear the vendor has either already left, or never came in today.
A large poster lists the wares for sale here.
[ obvious exits: S W U ]
Zone: Lugard Rooftops
A broker's aide stands here.
A broker stands here, selling shields, cloaks and belts.
A bloodstock stallion has arrived from the west.
take coin sack
You get a large number of copper pennies from a brown sack.
(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
take coin sack
You get a wealth of gold crowns from a brown sack.
Matheus narrates 'was it scrat who worked'
give 150 crown broker
You give him 150 crowns.
Artorias narrates 'was mush i think'
An accessory broker wears a backpack on his back.
An accessory broker puts some coins in a backpack.
An accessory broker puts a ledger in a backpack.
An accessory broker says 'What would you like to purchase?'
Jafra narrates 'i woudl assume mush but couldve been scrat'
say buy belt
You say 'buy belt'
Matheus narrates 'how many works did he keep snicker'
An accessory broker gets a ledger from a backpack.
Dae narrates 'i had a set on me'
Artorias narrates 'mush is complaining that we sat in fd with all these ppl'
Matheus narrates 'ah'
(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
Matheus narrates 'snicker i got in with 50 hps after they won :p'
Jafra narrates 'nah we just trapped him when they got overconfident'
Matheus narrates 'was only divina in here'
Artorias narrates 'yea i took ways to tv with 23 hp'
Artorias narrates 'i told him everyone wasnt just sitting inside'
Matheus narrates 'we do have a lot now though snicker'
say buy belt
You say 'buy belt'
Artorias narrates 'i have tmaul mallet and murgoz'
Jafra narrates 'i mean i just sat and blocked gate but im ok with that

Matheus narrates 'i have full set al akirs, scabbard ornate silver medal'
Ibaka narrates 'i came down gap after we scattered and lost ragan'
Matheus narrates 'or no silver medal chains'
(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
give 150 crown broker
You give him 150 crowns.
An accessory broker puts some coins in a backpack.
An accessory broker puts a ledger in a backpack.
An accessory broker says 'What would you like to purchase?'
buy belt
Sorry, but you can't do that here!
say buy belt
You say 'buy belt'
An accessory broker gets a ledger from a backpack.
(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
You are thirsty.
(tic_timer): Tic length updated to: 61.315 seconds.
take cup pack
You get a cup from a belt pack.
drink cup
You drink the water.
drink cup
You drink the water.
You don't feel thirsty any more.
It is now empty.
give 150 crown broker
You give him 150 crowns.
An accessory broker puts some coins in a backpack.
An accessory broker puts a ledger in a backpack.
An accessory broker says 'What would you like to purchase?'
say buy mantle
You say 'buy mantle'
An accessory broker gets a ledger from a backpack.
(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
chat is there an imm on?
You chat 'is there an imm on?'
pray the accessory broker has eaten 450 gold from me without giving me anything, he seems to be
You pray 'the accessory broker has eaten 450 gold from me without giving me anything, he seems to be
(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
You are carrying:
a cup
a wealth of gold crowns (313)
a large number of copper pennies (25)