EXPLAINED: garoz - ds crafting mob broken?

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EXPLAINED: garoz - ds crafting mob broken?

Post by blytzkrieg » Sun Apr 09, 2023 10:51 am

i have tried many different combinations to get him to respond, but nothing is working. Am i this dumb? or is he broken?

o HP:Hurt DP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Tic in 7 seconds!
give token garoz
You give a silver crafting token to Garoz, the weapons master.

o HP:Hurt DP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
sa blade

o HP:Hurt DP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
You hiss 'blade'

o HP:Hurt DP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Garoz, the weapons master nods thoughtfully. 'Often misjudged, blades of medium length.

o HP:Hurt DP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Garoz, the weapons master says 'A great surprise for punching through shield walls.'

o HP:Hurt DP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Garoz, the weapons master says 'I have no need of my surplus swords and I'll trade them for a silver
crafting token.'

o HP:Hurt DP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
sa blade
You hiss 'blade'

o HP:Hurt DP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Garoz, the weapons master nods thoughtfully. 'Often misjudged, blades of medium length.

o HP:Hurt DP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Garoz, the weapons master says 'A great surprise for punching through shield walls.'

o HP:Hurt DP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Garoz, the weapons master says 'I have no need of my surplus swords and I'll trade them for a silver
crafting token.'

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Re: EXPLAINED: garoz - ds crafting mob broken?

Post by Feneon » Mon Apr 10, 2023 12:02 pm

You say 'material'

Garoz, the weapons master glances up from her desk and moves stiffly over.

Garoz, the weapons master says 'The blade makes the man, so they say.'

Garoz, the weapons master works her scarred shoulder. It looks painful.

Garoz, the weapons master says 'Though that's not all that matters.'

Garoz, the weapons master says 'I'm happy to be of service. A blade, selected by a blademaster.'

Garoz, the weapons master says 'I have earned my heron mark, unlike that old fool and his circle across the street.'

Garoz, the weapons master gestures to the wide selection around you.

Garoz, the weapons master says 'What are you interested in hearing about? -a RAZOR-sharp longsword - or -a FEATHERED kandori paramerion- or -a nimble BLADE with a cuendillar pommel-?'

Garoz, the weapons master says 'They are all the same cost. Pass me a silver token and say LONGSWORD, FENCING blade, or MEDIUM blade respective

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