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Re: Typos

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 11:22 am
by Thuvia
Zone: Lugard Rooftops

mob: a sword broker

Along with the trademark Saldaean long moustache, this man has a bold nose
in a face with slightly upturned almond shaped eyes mark. He seems fond of
the blades he sells, placing them on their velvet cloth with loving care.

The first sentence should probably just end on the word "eyes".

Re: Typos

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 11:32 am
by Thuvia
Zone: Lugard Rooftops

mob: a weapons broker (javelins, polearms, spears, and staves)

This man speaks with an accent that betrays he hails from Amadicia. From
his appearance and attire though, he could be from anywhere. He stands
behind the table of his stall with his arms crossed and observes the crowds
to see if no one steals any of his wares.

The "if" should probably be a "that".

Re: Typos

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 11:41 am
by Thuvia
Zone: Lugard Rooftops

mob: a Kandori representative

With a forked beard an ostentatious earring, this man is clearly a Kandori.
The three chains that loop over his strained chest are made of silver,
marking him as a master merchant. He represents the interests of the
Kandori Merchants Guild in Lugard.

Should probably read "and ostentatious earrings"

Re: Typos

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 11:48 am
by Thuvia
Zone: Lugard Rooftops

mob: a bodywear broker

A broker stands here, selling bodywear.

This trader of fine steel breastplates, chainmail tunics, leather wares and
lighter attire has the dark complexion and tell-tale short and pointed
oiled beard of a Tairen. His puffy sleeved clothing is also distinctively
Tairen, although normally the type one would expect on a noble. If his
wares are made of Tairen steel, they are among the best in the land.

Despite being described as male, this broker cons as "neuter" and does not respond to the "male" keyword.

Re: Typos

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 11:48 am
by Thuvia
Zone: Lugard Rooftops

mob: a stout merchant guard

A stout man stands guard here.

It has no description.

Another mob with no detailed description.

Re: Typos

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 11:51 am
by Thuvia
mob: an artifact collector

An artifact collector stands here, searching specific items.

It has no description.

Another mob with no detailed description. And should probably read "searching for specific items"?

Re: Typos

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:04 pm
by Reyne
Flooded Basement, E off the road down to Lugard from 4k.
l writing
Your final treck awaits you now, return from whence you came. Head north through forrests deep and dark that strangely bear no name. A snake of water marks a land of plains and dusty ground. Travel north to your final prize, its in a ghostly town.
trek / forests / it's

Re: Typos

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:08 pm
by Taziar
Cairhien War Office
This chamber is a prime example of military chaotic efficiency. Several
tables stand in the room, each with its own purpose. A table in the corner
bears refreshments, while against the wall a desk stands at the ready for
any missives to be written. A chandelier bearing many mirrored candles
hangs above a massive table which is covered with maps in various sizes,
showing troop deployments and supply- and messenger lines.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Last sentence: showing troop deployments and supply- and messenger lines.

Re: Typos

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 6:20 pm
by Thuvia
Zone: various

Mob: a grim storyteller

Countless journeys all over the world have filled this old man's journals
with first and second hand accounts of the wildest of tales. He likes to
recount them, wherever groups gather around and lend him their ears. His
dark, weathered eyes are now fixated on you as he waits to hear your story.

Well, it is taller than you, lighter than you, and in general less stocky than you.
You ARE mad!

This mob cons as an "it", and does not respond to the "male" keyword, despite clearly being male from his description.

Re: Typos

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 11:06 am
by Reyne
A well-traveled merchant whispers to you, 'Additionally, I have two sets of clothing currently for
trade for the low price of five-hundred gold crowns.'

A well-traveled merchant whispers to you, 'I have a set of this here heavy armor, a set of light
-weight clothing or a set of deflective clothing, it's your choice!'
Should be 'I have three sets of clothing?'