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Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 12:23 am
by arston
It could very well have similar coding to either Gholam, Shadow Knight, or the Amyrilian, where if the correct thing was not performed when it is needed then it gets a full heal.

Instead, It could very well have similar coding to something like the old dynamic smobs, or evil elyas (who wiskills everyone in the room when a projectile is thrown at him), or when maegor is taunted by a warrior, where the action only happens when it is triggered by something specific.

So you dont actually know what is causing the heals, to find out you will have to hit many, many times, each time testing ice vs. fire (and hoping its not random each time which heals it) bashing vs no bashing, possibly different weapon types (like the ship captains would only throw you over if you attacked with certain weapons) etc. Figure if you can get a tar every 2 hours of smobbing, and get that one 1/5 of the time? shouldnt take you too long to figure it out.

The whole point of a bug thread for this is kinda pointless because we dont know what it is that causes it so theres no way for us to tell if its bugged or not. Even if we could definitively say it was bugged, it would be exactly like the dynamic smobs where we couldn't tell imms where it was bugged