I've been using the same alias to track human for years and years and I don't think I've ever seen anything like this this consistently.
o R S HP:Scratched DP:Bursting MV:Full > track human
o R S HP:Scratched DP:Bursting MV:Full > -=
You could find no tracks at all.
o R S HP:Scratched DP:Bursting MV:Full > track vianca
Some clear almost day-old tracks of Vianca leaving <<WEST<<
o R S HP:Healthy DP:Bursting MV:Full > track human
You could find no tracks at all.
o R S HP:Healthy DP:Bursting MV:Full > track vianca
Some clear almost day-old tracks of Vianca leaving ^^NORTH^^
Some clear almost day-old tracks of Vianca leaving >>EAST>>
This was consistent across several rooms that she ran around dismounted in across two zones.
edit - Should mention this was happening when tracks were obvious fresh as well. I just went back to log/copy and paste this after PK ended.
Human Tracks Not Showing Up for 'track human'
Moderator: Aureus
Re: Human Tracks Not Showing Up for 'track human'
I experienced something similar today, obvious recent tracks and then just gone, in the rooms around allw, allw 3s Ruined Keep. Obv recent 4n of elbow, and then gone one room north, and nothing all the way to keep. I also had no tracks showing up south blight with track trolloc, but plenty showing with track alone.
Re: Human Tracks Not Showing Up for 'track human'
o S HP:Healthy MV:Strong > tra human
Some obvious fairly recent tracks of Edard leaving ^^NORTH^^
Some obvious fairly recent tracks of Draz leaving ^^NORTH^^
Some clear fairly recent tracks of Vala leaving ^^NORTH^^
o S HP:Healthy MV:Strong > track tower
Some obvious fairly recent tracks of a Tower guard leaving ^^NORTH^^
Some obvious fairly recent tracks of a young Tower Guard leaving ^^NORTH^^
o S HP:Healthy MV:Full > track female
You could find no tracks at all.
o S HP:Healthy MV:Full > track vianca
Some clear fairly recent tracks of Vianca leaving ^^NORTH^^
It's still happening - literally zero way to know who is there unless you're tracking by the specific name.
Some obvious fairly recent tracks of Edard leaving ^^NORTH^^
Some obvious fairly recent tracks of Draz leaving ^^NORTH^^
Some clear fairly recent tracks of Vala leaving ^^NORTH^^
o S HP:Healthy MV:Strong > track tower
Some obvious fairly recent tracks of a Tower guard leaving ^^NORTH^^
Some obvious fairly recent tracks of a young Tower Guard leaving ^^NORTH^^
o S HP:Healthy MV:Full > track female
You could find no tracks at all.
o S HP:Healthy MV:Full > track vianca
Some clear fairly recent tracks of Vianca leaving ^^NORTH^^
It's still happening - literally zero way to know who is there unless you're tracking by the specific name.
Re: Human Tracks Not Showing Up for 'track human'
Seems to be more than just humans.
o S HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
Some clear fairly recent tracks of an Animal leaving north.
Some faint three day-old tracks of a Horse leaving west.
Some faint half week-old tracks of a Horse leaving north.
o S HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
track horse
(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!-=+**+
You could find no tracks at all.
o S HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
track Horse
You could find no tracks at all.
o S HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
Some clear fairly recent tracks of an Animal leaving north.
Some faint three day-old tracks of a Horse leaving west.
Some faint half week-old tracks of a Horse leaving north.
o S HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
Some clear fairly recent tracks of an Animal leaving north.
Some faint three day-old tracks of a Horse leaving west.
Some faint half week-old tracks of a Horse leaving north.
o S HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
track horse
(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!-=+**+
You could find no tracks at all.
o S HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
track Horse
You could find no tracks at all.
o S HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
Some clear fairly recent tracks of an Animal leaving north.
Some faint three day-old tracks of a Horse leaving west.
Some faint half week-old tracks of a Horse leaving north.
Re: Human Tracks Not Showing Up for 'track human'
Medium Forested Hills
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of a human leaving >>EAST>>
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.
o R S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Tiring > [track human]
You could find no tracks at all.
o R S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Tiring > tra morella
Some obvious fresh tracks of Morella leaving >>EAST>>
Medium Forested Hills
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of a human leaving >>EAST>>
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.
o R S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Tiring > [track human]
You could find no tracks at all.
o R S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Tiring > tra morella
Some obvious fresh tracks of Morella leaving >>EAST>>
Re: Human Tracks Not Showing Up for 'track human'
Interesting. I was pking on light side and the troll I was fighting wasn’t leaving tracks. I asked after how much ranger sneak etc and he said none. Didn’t consider tracks were glitching.