The Hidden Valley

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The Hidden Valley

Post by Elodin » Sun Oct 01, 2017 4:59 pm

Deep in the Mountains of Mist, a small wagon slowly meanders along an ill-repaired mountain path, past a ridge topped by pines. Heavily laden with supplies, the wagon is guarded by a rough-looking group of guards who laugh among themselves as they travel southwards along the run. The stars above are clear and bright this high in the mountains and clearly illuminate their path as it twists and turns.

Stopping at a narrow ravine, the men stash the wagon and begin unloading their supplies; the path into the hidden valley is far too treacherous for anything other than foot travel. As they empty the wagon, the leader glances upwards nervously and calls to his men, "Hurry now, we know what happens if we are caught outside during daylight."

The men immediately begin looking around nervously and continue south, all but running along the narrow ravine.

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