Dark Wings In Cloudy Skies

... used for in character crossrace announcements, such as events, quests, storylines and so on...
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Voices of the Wheel
Posts: 358
Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:40 pm

Dark Wings In Cloudy Skies

Post by Voices of the Wheel » Tue Jul 04, 2017 11:50 am

The ungainly creature barreled down the narrow strip of blighted ground, wobbling unsteadily as it gained momentum. The dull, shadowy figures on its back jerked sharply as the beast unfolded its great wings and took to the sky, narrowly avoiding a copse of stunted trees. Once in the sky, the beast's movements are graceful and smooth as it circles higher. Far below, the ground crawls with beasts pouring across the dark, sickly landscape like scurrying ants. One figure among them stands out, towering above all else and casting a jagged shadow.

Reaching his massive sword to the sky, the myrddraal Blarg howls a loud warcry which resonates across the blight. Turning abruptly on his heel, he knocks a cowering trolloc to the ground and takes a step northwards towards his keep, a fluid backswing of his blade lopping off the creature's head cleanly.

As Blarg strides purposefully past the ruined remains of the entrance of his keep, trollocs and all manner of Aginor's creations cower and run in fear upon catching sight of his pallid face. The brutish lurk makes his way towards the tactician's room where he finds a tall, human-like figure bending over a roughly-finished wooden table covered with dark parchments. Without glancing up, the dreadlord speaks, "I see the general from across the sea has evaded you, Blarg. Our masters will not take this news well."

The myrddraal's hand quivers slightly in rage, the blade it still clutches quietly dripping dark blood on the floor. "The heads of his commanders decorate my walls, their bodies fill my cookpots, and their leashed women have been given to the shadow's smith for his righteous needs. If the Chosen would give me a means to pursue the cowards, I would drag this Silvak wretch to Shayol Ghul myself!"

The tall man finally looks up from his maps, a dark grin slowly curving his thin lips upwards. "You will have what you wish for and more, my friend. This bold attack will be repaid tenfold."

Just then, a grizzly trolloc rushes in with a large, soot-stained sack. The beast is missing several fingers and has burn-marks across his hands and left cheek. Groveling on the floor, he mutters in a harsh, guttural tongue, "I have the boomsticks you require, master."


As the Wheel momentarily rests, the forces of Shadow plot a counter-strike against the invaders far to the south. For now, this event is scheduled for 8pm server time but this assumes the game will be up by then. If it is not, I will update this accordingly.

Voices of the Wheel
Posts: 358
Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:40 pm

Re: Dark Wings In Cloudy Skies

Post by Voices of the Wheel » Tue Jul 04, 2017 3:37 pm

Due to time constraints, this has changed to tentatively 10pm server time if the game comes up.

Voices of the Wheel
Posts: 358
Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:40 pm

Re: Dark Wings In Cloudy Skies

Post by Voices of the Wheel » Wed Jul 05, 2017 1:14 pm

Aiming for Sunday evening, around 7pm server time.

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