Swigs and Booty

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Voices of the Wheel
Posts: 358
Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:40 pm

Swigs and Booty

Post by Voices of the Wheel » Thu May 25, 2017 12:27 am

Blackwood took a hard swig and turned to the pirates gathered. "Rumors fly from the north. A shipment. A delivery of goods. Send word." One pirate cackled and coughed out a cloud of smoke before heading out of the nest. The Black Rock would hold.

The wagons were unloaded and boarded at Irinjavar. Crewmen packed the sturdy boat and snugged the supplies in the hull. A light breeze came from the north divining the way.

Saturday, May 27, at noon EST (server time).

~~ Orma brandished her weapon mischievously as she set swashbucklers and pirates to post around her base. The banks of the Arinelle suited her trap and now she waited for the unsuspecting treasure hunter.

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