Charting a New Course

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Voices of the Wheel
Posts: 360
Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:40 pm

Charting a New Course

Post by Voices of the Wheel » Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:39 pm

Saline walked away from the Chamber of Governance slightly surprised. Her raker had been visiting the Sharan port for years but this was the first time they had requested she bring mainlanders to the port to trade. She walked briskly on the cobbled streets anxious to be back aboard her ship.

“Ready to ship, we head for Mayene!” she shouted as she boarded the gangplank.

The crew looked at her a bit bewildered. “You heard me, Mayene!” she shouted again.

She quickly descended into her cabin and began looking over the charts. Mayene was a few days away and the passage across the Sea of Storms would be difficult. She would need to extract a meaningful Gift if the crew was to remain happy. She sighed to herself as she began to think about her ask. She would have to make the right connections and provide the authorities with the right incentives to pull this off.

A hand touched her shoulder. "Sailmistress, what course do we follow?" asked the young windfinder.

Saline signed again. She would need to keep any Aes Sedai from coming too close to her ship. Her windfinder, though young, demonstrated an uncanny skill in finding the right air currents. She hoped that the brash Lord Lieutenant's banishment of Aes Sedai in Mayene remained in place. That would at least make the task a bit easier.

Saline turned quickly and began discussing passage with the girl.

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