The State of the World.

... used for in character crossrace announcements, such as events, quests, storylines and so on...
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The State of the World.

Post by Elysia » Fri Jan 26, 2024 6:16 pm

Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron sat in her council chambers, reading the reports brought to her about recent events in the world.

"It is fortunate that the Winged Guard has new recruits, as it seems the Tairen are gathering an army. The question is, are they responding to the Illianer recruitment drive, or the proliferation of Dragonsworn?"

Several members of the Du Lis family were convened in counsel with the First, as was an Aes Sedai from the Gray Ajah.

"We should have regular meetings until we know what the Tairen are going to do," said one of the Du Lis'.

"I would suggest something in line with Lord De Lis, Lady First," the Aes Sedai said. "I will see what the Gray Ajah and other Sisters have in terms of information. All of us will have to consider what our actions will be should the Dragonsworn move on the Stone, and speak with any who might be our allies in such," she said, both to the room as well as to herself.


This is a pre-announcement for a Roleplay Event that will start on February 1st and run for the entire month.

Given the increased activity in the south-east and Dragonsworn and the obvious bookish tensions between them, we're kicking off an event for bonus RPQPS in order to encourage players to bounce RP off of these occurrences.

Any story or log posted during that month which involves the increased activity of the Companions, Defenders, Dragonsworn and Winged Guard and the potential outcome, as well as things that occur between these clans will be given bonus RPqps. Logs will yield more bonus RPqps than stories.

Please post your contributions in the general Roleplay Forum, even if they're in-clan. If you have something secret to discuss, you can also post on your clan forums, but you'll have to ping Staff to make sure it gets noticed. If something is REALLY secret, feel free to mail us your contribution.

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