A cook sharpens his knives for a turkey filled dinner.

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A cook sharpens his knives for a turkey filled dinner.

Post by Elysia » Tue Nov 22, 2022 7:54 pm

Somewhere in Andor, a cook was sharpening his knives. Lord Gaebril wanted to impress the Queen and it had fallen on him to get the biggest and best turkey around. The answer was Tom, of course. Born and bred in Andor, he was a prize winning, magnificent beast. Although Light knew where Tom was today. The Lord had instructed the cook to pay handsomely for Tom's carcass this whole week.

The cook put a notice out on the front door of the manor and hoped for the best.

Tom the Thanksgiving Turkey is a smob that loads in 8 different locations. Mind you, these have been changed from its previous iteration.
  • Once you have killed Tom, take his scalp to the rotund cook in the Manor House in Andor and you will have a % chance on winning a rare.
  • One rare a boot will load.
  • If you don't win the rare, you will get some cash and potions.
  • If you do win the rare, the cook will narrate who won what.
  • If you want to know whether that day's rare has already been won, ask the cook about the rare, using say in his room.
  • This smob will stay in for a week and any rares not loaded (e.g. if only 4 were won), will be loaded in the game in the days after.

Posts: 7957
Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:29 pm

Re: A cook sharpens his knives for a turkey filled dinner.

Post by Elysia » Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:53 pm

This year's run of Tom the Thanksgiving Turkey is over. Right now he's gobbling up ;) all the yummy kernels to fatten up for another year.

The next part of the Holidaze seasonal fun will be pk scalps bonus qps that should go in later this week. Keep an eye on Announcements!

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Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:29 pm

Re: A cook sharpens his knives for a turkey filled dinner.

Post by Elysia » Wed Dec 07, 2022 8:49 am

Yesterday, I had put a triple bladed and sent word that it could be found north of Caemlyn Road. No one actually found it, so I'll try that one again in a few days.

Ok, let's do this again. Today, an obsidian staff loads on a ne'er-do-well. Think: bandit, brigand, robber, rogue, smuggler, thief.

Let's see who is a match for my hiding skills! Note to self, let's do this again during Easter.

An additional hint: The obsidian staff has not been found yet. I'll give a hint: west of the line Lockshear - Fal Dara - Tar Valon - Four Kings - Deven Ride - Amador. Also, it is unrelated to the holidaze dropper, so you can get it solo, or with 2 or whatever.

The obsidian staff still hasn't been found. I'll narrow it down a bit more: you're looking west of Arafel and north of Andor.

And the final hint: you are looking north of Great Forest and west of Kandor.

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