Charting a New Course

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Voices of the Wheel
Posts: 362
Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:40 pm

Charting a New Course

Post by Voices of the Wheel » Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:39 pm

Saline walked away from the Chamber of Governance slightly surprised. Her raker had been visiting the Sharan port for years but this was the first time they had requested she bring mainlanders to the port to trade. She walked briskly on the cobbled streets anxious to be back aboard her ship.

“Ready to ship, we head for Mayene!” she shouted as she boarded the gangplank.

The crew looked at her a bit bewildered. “You heard me, Mayene!” she shouted again.

She quickly descended into her cabin and began looking over the charts. Mayene was a few days away and the passage across the Sea of Storms would be difficult. She would need to extract a meaningful Gift if the crew was to remain happy. She sighed to herself as she began to think about her ask. She would have to make the right connections and provide the authorities with the right incentives to pull this off.

A hand touched her shoulder. "Sailmistress, what course do we follow?" asked the young windfinder.

Saline signed again. She would need to keep any Aes Sedai from coming too close to her ship. Her windfinder, though young, demonstrated an uncanny skill in finding the right air currents. She hoped that the brash Lord Lieutenant's banishment of Aes Sedai in Mayene remained in place. That would at least make the task a bit easier.

Saline turned quickly and began discussing passage with the girl.

Posts: 62
Joined: Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:31 pm

A Wave's Whisper

Post by Cordelia » Fri Dec 06, 2024 8:45 pm

Part 1 - Basic Distribution

Cordelia stepped aboard the sleek ship under the cloak of night, her boots silent on the polished wood. The ship swayed gently, as if breathing with the ocean. Two figures awaited her at the center of the deck: a tall, statuesque woman with storm-gray eyes, and a shorter, sharp-featured figure cloaked in layered silks that shimmered in the moonlight.

“You came,” the taller woman said, her voice as calm as the sea before a storm. Cordelia took a split second to appreciate the trite metaphors in her own mind. “I wasn’t sure you would.”

“You didn’t give me much choice,” Cordelia replied, her tone measured. “Your apprentice was... insistent.”

“She was instructed to be,” the shorter woman said, her voice clipped. “Sit.” She gestured to a simple wooden chair, far too plain for the extravagance of her attire.

Cordelia sat without a word, her eyes moving between them.

“I assume you remember me,” the taller woman began. “This is my Windfinder.” She gestured vaguely at her companion who introduced herself.

Cordelia inclined her head slightly. “You summoned me. Speak your need.”

The Windfinder exchanged a glance with the tall Sailmistress before speaking. “A Sailmistress has gone missing.”

Cordelia’s lips barely twitched. “Sailors vanish. The seas are not forgiving.”

“She did not vanish because of the sea,” the Sailmistress said sharply. “Her vessel was strong. Her crew capable. We have to assume she was taken. She was accompanied by one of our younger, more talented Windfinders.”

“Taken?” Cordelia’s brow rose. “By whom? How could you possibly know that?”

“That,” the Windfinder said, her voice a low ripple, “is what we need you to discover.”

Cordelia leaned back slightly, folding her hands in her lap. “I have not been in the finding-things-that-can't-be-found game in awhile, you know. And I've never looked for a single drop in the ocean. What aren't you telling me?”

The tall Sailmistress hesitated, her gaze searching Cordelia’s face. “You were... recommended. By one who knows the weight of your past.” She had ignored the question.

Cordelia’s eyes narrowed, but her voice remained even. “The past weighs lightly when you live long enough. Basic distribution.”

“Even the lightest weight leaves a mark when it affects a whole people,” the Windfinder countered.

Cordelia held her gaze for a moment before gesturing for them to continue.

The tall Sailmistress pressed on. “That ship carried something. An artifact entrusted to her.”

“What kind of artifact?”

“A tool,” the Windfinder said simply. She offered no further information.

Cordelia’s eyes darkened, though her expression remained impassive. “Artifacts can sometimes invite trouble, you know. They belong in a museum.”

“We are aware,” the Sailmistress said. “But the artifact is not our only concern. Our crew, Windfinder, and Sailmistress must be found…they are an important conduit.”

Cordelia interrupted. “Who would do such a thing?”

“Men who should be dead,” the Windfinder said, her voice barely above a whisper. “And those who serve them.”

Silence stretched between them, broken only by the gentle creak of the ship and the distant cry of seabirds.

Cordelia finally spoke, her tone clipped. “You ask much with very little information.”

“We ask because no one else can help,” the Windfinder said firmly. “You are... uniquely suited. You understand more than you admit, you are discreet, and you see farther than you let on.”

Cordelia’s mouth tightened, but she did not deny it. Instead, she rose, her movements graceful and deliberate. “I will consider your request.”

The tall Sailmistress stepped closer, imposing her height over Cordelia, her voice soft but urgent. “This is not just a request. It is a debt. One we have paid forward for centuries. Now it is time for it to be repaid.”

Cordelia’s eyes flashed, but she inclined her head slightly. “I will look by the docks and see if there is anything irregular or intriguing. Then I will let you know whether or not I plan on this fool’s errand.”

Cordelia turned toward the gangplank, her cloak catching the breeze. “As I said, the devil is in the deep blue sea. People go missing. I will send word within the week if anything about this intrigues me.”

As she disappeared into the night, the Windfinder turned to the Sailmistress. “Do you think she will go?”

The Sailmistress stared after Cordelia, her expression unreadable.
Last edited by Cordelia on Thu Dec 12, 2024 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 126
Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2023 9:26 am

A Clue From a Stranger

Post by azareth » Sun Dec 08, 2024 9:04 pm

The Winged Guard receive assistance investigating the disappearance of the Atha'an Miere Sailmistress. An epic journey commences and the band travels to Tremalking, then Windbiter's Finger.

Point of view: Azareth
Participants: Kenzie, Divya, A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, and A Domani Merchant

Anonymity at the request of those anonymized. This is a rather long log, for which I apologize. I attempted to remove most of the room spam which makes for some odd jumps in movement.

Nearing the Palace Gates
To the east, the large gates to the palace lie open. All around here the
city is busy with people, and quite noisy. Tall buildings stand to either
side of the road that runs east to the palace and west into the city.
Magnificent towers rise high into the air and dominate the skyline. A
beautiful bronze statue of a hawk in flight graces the top of a pedestal in
the middle of the road, with an engraved plaque newly affixed to the base.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Mayene
East: An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
West: A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A pretty little girl skips merrily along.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
A sailor is here.
A man gambles away his purse.

[sneak ]
you'll try to move silently for a while.

Market Square
The bustling city of Mayene thrives all around here. People are constantly
moving about, crowding the roads that lead in all directions. Tall,
pristine towers rise high into the air, and a large palace lies to the
east. The flagstones here are worn from constant use. All around, shops
with cloth coverings are set up, displaying various wares from all over the
world. The hustle and bustle of this busy city is all around.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Mayene
East: A pretty little girl skips merrily along.
West: A man is here.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
Some elaborate figurines spew fresh water into a broad basin here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
A man gambles away his purse.
A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
The Mayene town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.

Divya has arrived from the north, riding a gray palfrey.

Divya says 'Lo'

Kenzie beams a smile at Divya.

Kenzie says 'Hello'

Azareth jumps out from the shadows and pokes Kenzie in the back of the head.

Kenzie says 'Welcome to Mayene'

A man has arrived from the west.

Divya smiles happily.

Kenzie grins at Azareth.

Azareth says 'Keep your head on a swivel, soldier!'

Kenzie rubs her head and smiles at Azareth

Azareth bows before Divya.

An Elite Winged Guard has arrived from the east.
Azareth says 'Welcome!'

Divya smiles happily.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from the south, riding a bloodstock stallion.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks shaken.

Azareth ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Kenzie beams a smile at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Divya says 'Thank you, Wingers!'

Azareth bows before A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman glances around the market.

Kenzie says 'Welcome to Mayene'
Azareth says 'Visitors!'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Hi!'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Hello -- thank you.'

A man leaves west. <<

Kenzie says 'Are you ok?'

A gray palfrey flickers its ears.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman smiles, but looks a bit lost in thoughts.

Azareth says 'I hope you are enjoying the amenities.'

Divya says 'Aye, heard word there may be an opportunity afoot.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Hm? '

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Me? Oh, I'm fine, thank you.'

A gambler leaves south. vv
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman smiles gently.

Azareth says 'You have just come from the docks?'

A gambler has arrived from the south.
An Atha'an Miere sailor has arrived from the west.

Azareth says 'You smell of salt and there is a smudge of tar on your heel.'

Divya looks at Kenzie.

Azareth claps him on the back.

A black cat leaves west. <<
A gambler leaves west. <<

An Elite Winged Guard leaves east. >>

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Yes...busy for the evening.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks at an Atha'an Miere sailor.

Azareth says 'Just who I was looking for.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods at an Atha'an Miere sailor.

Kenzie smiles at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, watching the area closely to see what is amiss and has disturbed her.

Divya looks at an Atha'an Miere sailor.

Kenzie stops using an oilstone.

Kenzie gives an oilstone to Divya.

Kenzie beams a smile at Divya.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Do you often patrol the docks or this area, Guardsmen?'

Divya casually cleans her nails with the tip of her dagger.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks at Divya.

Azareth says 'Jonjamin, wasn't I just saying I was looking for one of the Sea Folk?'

Divya stops using a silver-winged basilard.

Divya grabs an oilstone.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods at Divya.

Azareth tells a Winged Guard 'respyes'

Divya stops riding a gray palfrey.

A Winged Guard says 'Yes Sir!'

Divya sits down.
Divya begins mending a silver-winged basilard.

Azareth nods at her.

Divya continues sharpening the edges of a silver-winged basilard...

Kenzie says 'Yes I do a run of the City a few times a day.'

Azareth nods at him.

Divya is finishing off the edges of a silver-winged basilard...

The sun slowly sinks behind the majestic towers of Mayene.

Divya is finishing off the edges of a silver-winged basilard...

Divya is finished mending a silver-winged basilard.

Divya clambers to her feet.

Divya stops using an oilstone.

Divya gives an oilstone to Kenzie.

Divya wields a silver-winged basilard.

Divya says 'Many thanks.'

Divya flips a coin at Kenzie.

Azareth says 'Jonjamin here was just asking around for news from the seas.'

Divya gives some coins to Kenzie.

Azareth nudges him with his elbow.

Kenzie says 'thank you'

An Atha'an Miere sailor leaves west. <<

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'There was an Athan'miere vessel that used to be docked here quite often.'

Azareth says 'Isn't that right, Jonjamin?'

A Winged Guard says 'Yes Sir!'

Kenzie catches the coin and puts it in the barrel.

Kenzie grabs an oilstone.

Azareth says 'He's diligent, if not supercilious.'

Azareth nods at her.

The night has begun.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods at a Winged Guard.

Azareth says 'I have sent letters inquiring of her whereabouts.'

Divya slowly sounds out 'supercilious' to herself.

Azareth says 'Also, Squad Leader Kenzie here was looking into it as well.'

Kenzie nods in agreement.

Azareth says 'I assigned her a squad.'

Azareth says 'Have you news, soldier?'

A man has arrived from the west.

Kenzie says 'I have no news.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Interesting. Well, I do not want to get in the way of your investigation...'

Kenzie says 'Nothing has caught my attention other than the Sailmistress no longer at the dock.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'But, well, there's something odd about where the ship used to dock.'

Azareth says 'The defense of our walls against the constant pressure of the Tairens is what keeps getting in the way of investigations beyond our borders.'

Kenzie nods at Azareth.

Azareth says 'Odd you say?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks around a bit nervously.

A woman has arrived from the south.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Not here, is there anywhere we can speak, perhaps near the docks? '

Divya arches a brow and begins to rifle through her purse.

Kenzie frowns, 'Pesky Tairens.'

Azareth says 'We shall meet you there.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Kenzie starts following Azareth.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks at Divya.

At the End of a Long Dock
The long ill-kept dock ends here, and a small ship with large sails is
docked at the end. The boat heaves in the turbulent waves of the Sea of
Storms. To the south many ships dart around the busy seaport, and the
violent sea stretches out to the horizon. A weatherbeaten sign has been
attached to a post, its nails rusty from the salty air.
[ obvious exits: N ]
Zone: Mayene
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A man is here.
A young woman walks by.
A young woman walks by.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from the north, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Divya has arrived from the north.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Azareth touch your candle to the one already burning, and the flame flares brightly.

As the wax drips down, you pick up one of the little wooden boats and place the candle inside.

Thinking of those who have been respun on the Wheel, you reach down to set the boat on the water.

A little boat carrying a lighted candle drifts away from Azareth's hand, the flame's reflection
flickering in the water.

Tiny lights can be seen all across the harbour as Mayene honors her dead.

Kenzie smiles at Azareth.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks at Divya.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks at Kenzie.

Kenzie says 'Lucie taught me that. I do it often as well.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Do either one of you see anything odd at the end of this dock here?'
Divya watches the votive drift away on the slow surf.

Azareth says 'I see a lack of something rather large.'

Azareth says 'And it's been quite vexing.'

Divya walks to the edge of the dock and makes a show of inspecting the worn planks.

Azareth says 'Should I be seeing something specific?'

The sky starts to get cloudy.

Azareth says 'Also, did the merchant arrive with you?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Well, Guardsmen, we need something odder than that. That observation could be a part of your morning routine on any given day...'

A man leaves north. ^^

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'But no...well, that means none of you have the spark.'

Azareth says 'I hope it wasn't to commission an item.'

Kenzie gets on her knees and leans way over trying to see if there is anything under the dock.

Azareth says 'Kenzie!!!!'

Kenzie smiles at Azareth.

Azareth says 'We kneel for no one but the First!'

A man has arrived from the north.

Kenzie says 'Dont worry i can swim!'

Divya says 'Sea's a fine monarch herself, no shame in that.'

Kenzie says 'Oh yes that too.'

Divya sucks her teeth a moment.

Azareth says 'Do you need a light, A Mysterious Cloaked Woman?'

Azareth says 'Or a spark for a light?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks troubled.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman shakes her head.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Well, no matter. I wish I had a colleague here for this...but I think that I've just
accepted a case. '

A man has arrived from the north.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I will level with you, Guardsmen...'

Azareth coughs loudly.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'The Athan'miere reached out to me.'

Azareth says 'I see a Guardswoman...'

Divya pulls her hood up and over her head, shaking off a few drops of rain.

Azareth says 'Oh!'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Figure of speech. '

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Anyways'

A woman leaves north. ^^

Azareth perks up.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I thought it must be the wildest of wild goose chases.'

Azareth says 'Don't chase geese. They chase back. And they're mean.'

Divya nods firmly in Azareth's direction.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'But something here...'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman glances up uncomfortably, again seeing something nobody else seems to see.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says '...has intrigued me.'

Kenzie nods at Azareth.

Azareth says 'Kenzie.'

Kenzie says 'Yes'

Azareth says 'What duties have you at the moment?'

Azareth waves his hand.

Kenzie says 'I have nothing immediate to do.'

Azareth says 'Good.'

Lightning starts to show in the sky.

Azareth says 'What aid can we offer you in this case of yours?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Well, it sounds like it's a case of yours mentioned you'd been
investigating this missing ship.'

Divya frowns up at the sky.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'What is Mayene's interest in an Athan'miere vessel, if I may ask?'

Kenzie says 'Its seems we are stumped.'

Azareth says 'The deal we have made with the Sea Folk is no secret.'

The sun crests over the towers of Mayene, flooding the city with light.

Azareth says 'The crafting tourism trade has been a blessing.'

Kenzie says 'I think also if anyone comes to harm in our City it's of concern.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Well, pretend that I was in Ebou Dar until a fortnight ago when a very rude and
insistent messenger insisted I come here.'

Azareth nods in agreement.

Azareth says 'But I have to wonder what you are seeing that we have not.'

Kenzie nods at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

The day has begun.

Azareth says 'We walk these docks daily and I do not believe I have seen you on them before today.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Your skepticism is very valid, Winged Guardian.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman pulls a living breathing pigeon from her purse. Writes a quick message, ties it to the
pigeon's leg, and watches it fly off.

A man leaves north. ^^

Azareth scoffs.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I've requested...some help in verifying this.'

Azareth says 'You had a bird in there the whole time?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'In the meantime...'

Divya shifts her weight from one foot to another with a gentle creaking sound.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman glances around...

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Yes...bird...singular...'

Kenzie eyes widen at the bird emerging from the purse.

A gray palfrey cocks its head up sharply.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Anyways, this isn't about me or my'

Azareth says 'Don't make me throw bread at you...'

Divya says 'Better hope the royal falconer took a day off for the rain.'

Azareth says 'We have strayed so many times from the focus of this conversation, I believe the thread is more of a web.'

Kenzie grins at Divya.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks around nervously once again.

Azareth says 'I apologise for that.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Well, okay. I need to entrust you with a small secret.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman puts a crystal lightstick in a soft leather pouch.

Kenzie scans the area, clearly no seeing anything amiss, she frowns.

The room becomes brighter as A Mysterious Cloaked Woman creates a ball of light above her hand.

Azareth says 'Ah.'

A woman has arrived from the north.

Azareth says 'A wilder.'

Divya smirks briefly.

Kenzie nods at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks stressed with the effort.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Kenzie says 'Well done '

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman gasps

Kenzie grins at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Azareth says 'I don't mean to be too blunt about this, but you're rather old for me to send for the local Aes Sedai.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Azareth says 'I assume your gift is...minimal?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I've been in the didn't take. They don't like it when simply drawing light
takes that much effort.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods at Azareth.

Kenzie says 'Does her age not indicate she is no harm to herself or others?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'However...'

The lightning stops.

A Domani Merchant has arrived from the north, riding a wild stallion.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I can see...remnants.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'When the One Power is used.'

Azareth says 'I didn't try to guess her actual age!'

Divya chuckles darkly. 'Might do wonders for her crow feet though.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'That has been my gift.'

Kenzie beams a smile at A Domani Merchant.

Azareth says 'I've stayed alive this long for a reason.'

A Domani Merchant beams a smile at Kenzie.

Kenzie says 'Hello '

Kenzie says 'Welcome to Mayene'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman smiles happily.

Azareth says 'Another merchant! How wonderful!'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'You got my pigeon.'

A Domani Merchant nods at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Azareth says 'Yes, her only pigeon.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman smiles as A Domani Merchant hands her a pigeon, which she pets and puts back in her purse.

Azareth winks suggestively at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'A Domani Merchant...I need a favor.'

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Look beyond the dock.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Do you see what I see?'

Azareth says 'Kenzie, look...within.'

A Domani Merchant says 'I see a residue of weaves.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks visibly relieved.

Azareth says 'Sorry, I wanted to say mysterious things, too.'

A Domani Merchant smiles at Azareth.

A woman leaves north. ^^
Kenzie squints beyond the dock, determined to see what A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is pointing out.

Kenzie sighs loudly.

Azareth says 'Residue? Can you tell their age?'

Azareth says 'Can you tell who caused them?'

Azareth says 'Can you tell me something?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Yes, well, when the One Power is used, it leaves its mark on the Pattern. '

The rain stops.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'That's what I was going to ask you...I do not understand why I can see something like that. The ship has been gone for weeks, correct?'

Divya says 'Would you be able to tell if it were a tainted man who disappeared the boat?'

A woman says 'Why, I might ask you the same question.'

A woman pointedly raises her right eyebrow.

Kenzie looks at a woman.

Azareth says 'Who are you, woman?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks at a woman.

A woman says 'Why, I might ask you the same question.'

A woman pointedly raises her right eyebrow.

Kenzie beams a smile at a woman.

Azareth says 'I'm literally a Second of Mayene!'

Azareth says 'Unless you're my Lady Berelain in disguise, no one in this city outranks me!'

Azareth mutters in disgust.

Kenzie says 'Do you have a name we can welcome you by.'

Azareth says 'Also, can you raise your left eyebrow or do you have an asymmetrical talent?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman begs her for a dime or two -- or twenty!

Azareth gives her one copper.

Azareth says 'Off you go, dear lady.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says ' looks like there was a very strong channeler here.'

A man leaves north. ^^
Divya looks the woman up and down and then looks back at everyone else.

Kenzie says 'hmmmm'

A woman has arrived from the north.

Kenzie says 'I wonder if this has anything to do with the Dream spike the Tower is investigating.'

Azareth says 'Well, we do have a treaty with the Aes Sedai, but their travel method here is much more inconvenient than the other way around.'

Azareth says 'So I don't think many have come.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman thinks hard.

Kenzie says 'They have been concentrating their search further north in the drowned lands.'

Azareth says 'Last I heard, and I'm not exactly up to speed on that whole thing, that investigation was stymied long before the sailmistress disappeared.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'We need to talk to more of the Sea Folk...we need to know where this ship went. Do either of you have any firsthand knowledge of the ports of call on the route of that ship?'

Azareth says 'One is obviously inaccessible to us now.'

A man has arrived from the north.
A woman leaves north. ^^

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Kenzie nods at Azareth.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Perhaps Tremalking would be a good place to start.'

A woman has arrived from the north.
A man has arrived from the north.

Azareth says 'But they have brought goods from Illian and porcelain from the islands.'

Kenzie says 'This one was a direct boat to Shara.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I don't necessarily know if this residue is sign of foulplay,'s interesting,
at least.'

Azareth says 'I can commandeer a ship now, if you are prepared to travel.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman smiles happily.

Azareth says 'Just a moment.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'If you trust me...I may have a different way.'

Middle of a Large Dock
This wide wooden dock appears to be in good condition despite the seedy
parts of town that lie around. The Sea of Storms is violently turbulent,
and it seems that only extremely strong craft could survive a journey in
these troubled waters. The dock is bustling with activity, and many ships
are docked here.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Mayene
North: A young woman walks by.
East: A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
West: Peytre Coldane, Weaponsmaster of Mayene, stands ready.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the east.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the east.

On a Long Dock
This long dock stretches out further into the bay to the west, while it
connects to the main dock area to the east. The massive city of Mayene lies
to the north, and the Sea of Storms thrashes about to the south. The wood
planking here is soaked with water, and appears to be rotting. A faded sign
stands at an angle.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Mayene
East: A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Peytre Coldane, Weaponsmaster of Mayene, stands ready.
A dockmaster is here, working hard.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the east.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the east.

On a Poorly Treated Dock
This dock is littered with garbage and waste. Old half-eaten food, empty
bottles of cheap whiskey, and other assorted junk litters this section of
the dock. In the bay leading to the Sea of Storms, all kinds of ships are
attempting to navigate the violent waves.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Mayene
East: A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
South: A man gambles away his purse.
A sturdy wooden crate stands here.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the east.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the east.

On a Battered Dock
This dock's timber planks have been battered through the constant use by
ships and the large waves that constantly crash into it. The dock rocks
slightly back and forth in the waves, and appears fairly unstable. Much of
the dock is soaking wet, and some the wood appears to be rotting.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Mayene
North: A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
South: A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A man gambles away his purse.
A man is here.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the north.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the north.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from the south, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Kenzie has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the south, riding a wild stallion.
Divya has arrived from the south.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman smiles at Azareth.

A Domani Merchant whispers something to A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Domani Merchant beams a smile at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman beckons Azareth to follow her.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods at A Domani Merchant.

Market Square
The bustling city of Mayene thrives all around here. People are constantly
moving about, crowding the roads that lead in all directions. Tall,
pristine towers rise high into the air, and a large palace lies to the
east. The flagstones here are worn from constant use. All around, shops
with cloth coverings are set up, displaying various wares from all over the
world. The hustle and bustle of this busy city is all around.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Mayene
East: A tall, scantily clad servant hurries about his duties.
South: Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
West: A hunter from Illian searches for the fabled Horn of Valere.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
Some elaborate figurines spew fresh water into a broad basin here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
The Mayene town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the south.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the south.
Kenzie has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the south, riding a wild stallion.
Divya has arrived from the south.

Azareth is now a member of A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's group.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman thinks hard.

Azareth stops using a camouflaged hood.

Azareth wears a brightly-plumed captain's hat on his head.

Azareth says 'I brought out my hat!'

Kenzie whistles admiringly at Azareth.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I would appreciate your discretion on this.'

Kenzie smiles at Azareth.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'And the hat may come in use!'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves north riding a bloodstock stallion. ^^
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

At a Bend in the Winding Boulevard
The broad winding road through the northern district of Mayene bends to
the east and south here. The cobblestones have been worn smooth by the
passage of time, and the buildings along the side of the boulevard appear
to be in very good upkeep. Tall towers cast shadows from high overhead.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Mayene
East: A man is here.
South: Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the south.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the south.
Kenzie has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the south, riding a wild stallion.
Divya has arrived from the south.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'however, time may be of the essence as well'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Ride, merchant.'

A gray palfrey stops following Azareth.
Divya starts riding a gray palfrey.

The Northern Gate of Mayene
The massive north gate is heavily guarded. Tall iron portcullises protect
the city from attack, and small murder holes above the gate are barely
visible. A small alley leads off to the west, and looks to lead to seedier
parts of town. Tall towers dominate the view of the city to the south. The
stone road here is worn smooth.
[ obvious exits: N S U ]
Zone: Mayene
Door north: Northgate
South: Up: A short, balding man guards the gates to Mayene.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the south.
Kenzie has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the south, riding a wild stallion.
Divya has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves north riding a bloodstock stallion. ^^
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Approaching the City of Mayene
The towers and roof tops of Mayene are easily seen poking up behind the
next hill to the south. The sounds and smells of the city tickles your
senses even at this distance. The land slants southwards to where the city
is built next to the ocean and the busy gate.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Mayene Peninsula
Door south: gate
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the south.
Kenzie has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the south, riding a wild stallion.
Divya has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.

Stonework in the Swamp
A narrow stone bridge to the south turns east at this point to become a
partially paved road. The drowned lands have slowly been eating away at the
stonework and now partially cover much of the paving with moss and weeds.
Deep pools of murky water lie to the north and west, keeping travelers on
the old road.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Drowned Lands
East: South: A jaguar, chewing on its prey, looks at Azareth.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the east.
Kenzie has arrived from the east, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the east, riding a wild stallion.
Divya has arrived from the east, riding a gray palfrey.

Azareth says 'The ocean is the other way...'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods absently.

Among the Foothills
The foothills steepen as they come to the base of a mountain range to the
north. A few evergreen trees have sprouted among the hills. Just to the
south a lone tree can be seen atop one of the smaller foothills, with a
dark swamp beyond.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Drowned Lands
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the south.
Kenzie has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the south, riding a wild stallion.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

The sinking sun dips below the moss covered tree limbs.

Divya says 'Faster ways to get to Tremalking, Winger.'

Divya stops riding a gray palfrey.

A Domani Merchant says 'They do have some of the best tea this time of year!'

Forest in Low Hills
The rocky ground rolls gently downhill to the south and west, but rises
sharply to the east in a sheer incline. Though the ground is rocky and
the treetop canopy prevents the forest floor from being exposed to much
sunlight, wild grass and small flowers poke up from between the rocks.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Deep in Haddon Mirk
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Kenzie has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the south, riding a wild stallion.
Divya has arrived from the south, riding an Illianer steed.
Azareth doesn't seem to have any.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves west riding a bloodstock stallion. <<
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Forest in the Hills
Around a strange circular hollow that is entirely overgrown, the ground
slopes downward to the west, and rises to the east, leading to the
foothills of the Spine of the World. Only rarely does a faint breeze make
its way through the maze tree trunks and canopy of leaves. The air is
still, and the forest surprisingly silent.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Deep in Haddon Mirk
An ancient stone column stands broken and partially buried in the ground.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
Kenzie has arrived from the east, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the east, riding a wild stallion.
Divya has arrived from the east, riding an Illianer steed.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'okay...'

A Domani Merchant eats a large slab of meat.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks around furtively.

Azareth says 'Ah, this place.'

The night has begun.

Azareth says 'I've had some interesting fights here.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman gets a smooth metallic disc from a soft leather pouch.

Kenzie nods at Azareth.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman puts a smooth metallic disc in a stone column.

A smooth disc seems to sink into the column.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Let's hope we won't be fighting today...'

A strange hum echoes around Deep in Haddon Mirk.

Azareth starts paying increased attention to his surroundings.

Forest in the Hills
Around a strange circular hollow that is entirely overgrown, the ground
slopes downward to the west, and rises to the east, leading to the
foothills of the Spine of the World. Only rarely does a faint breeze make
its way through the maze tree trunks and canopy of leaves. The air is
still, and the forest surprisingly silent.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Deep in Haddon Mirk
An ancient stone column stands broken and partially buried in the ground.
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here, riding an Illianer steed.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here, riding a wild stallion.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.

A smooth disc detaches itself from the column.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'But time is of the essence'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman gets a smooth metallic disc from a stone column.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman touches several of the symbols on the ancient stone column.

Azareth says 'Ah, and moisture is the essence of water.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'They say that if a trail goes cold'

A strange hum intensifies until it rings in your ears.

An elk cow leaves east. >>

A bright flash of light illuminates the horizon.

A bright flash of light illuminates the horizon.

A bright flash of light illuminates the horizon.

There is a flicker of light and you are in another place.
A bright flash of light illuminates the horizon.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods at Azareth.

A Secluded Glade
The trees have been cleared away in this area to form a glade of springy
grass, nourished by the sunlight which must shine upon the whole area
throughout the day. Large rocks cover much of the verdant grass, many of
them deeply embedded in the rich, dark soil. A small path is visible,
winding its way like a serpent around the side of the hill range far to the
northwest. The only exit is to the south as all other directions are
blocked by thick, snaring vines and massive tree trunks.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: Northwest Tremalking
An ancient stone column stands broken and partially buried in the ground.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here, riding a wild stallion.
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here, riding an Illianer steed.

Azareth says 'Um.'

Divya rubs her temples.

Azareth says 'That was a bit faster than sailing.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'merchant perhaps you can scout ahead'

Kenzie says 'much'

Divya says 'Aye, sure thing.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'For signs of any pirates'

Divya leaves south riding an Illianer steed. vv

Azareth says 'But I don't get seasick.'

Azareth says 'That turned my stomach a little.'

Azareth bellows 'Yarrrrr!'

Kenzie says 'I liked the feeling'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Mister Second of Mayene'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'do you know your way around Tremalking?'

Azareth says 'I do.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman starts following Azareth.

A Domani Merchant starts following Azareth.

Kenzie starts following Azareth.

A Secluded Glade
The trees have been cleared away in this area to form a glade of springy
grass, nourished by the sunlight which must shine upon the whole area
throughout the day. Large rocks cover much of the verdant grass, many of
them deeply embedded in the rich, dark soil. A small path is visible,
winding its way like a serpent around the side of the hill range far to the
northwest. The only exit is to the south as all other directions are
blocked by thick, snaring vines and massive tree trunks.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: Northwest Tremalking
An ancient stone column stands broken and partially buried in the ground.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here, riding a wild stallion.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'It has been decades for me...take me to where the Athan'miere may be around to point us towards something.'

Azareth says 'I should have said "a bit".'

Azareth stops using a brightly-plumed captain's hat.

Azareth wears a camouflaged hood on his head.

Azareth says 'I guess I don't need this fancy hat right now.'

Azareth says 'Oh.'

A Domani Merchant beams a smile at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Kenzie says 'but it looks lovely'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman smiles happily.

Kenzie beams a smile at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Azareth says 'Okay'

The Village Pier
A sturdy wooden pier extends off into the bay. Docks and boardwalks reach
outward like wooden limbs. A strong breeze flows across the pier, carrying
a fresh salty scent from the ocean waters. Small boats can be seen
spreading their nets out in the distance. A large warehouse is across the
road to the south, where the fishermen unload the day's catch.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
South: A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Kenzie has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the south, riding a wild stallion.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from the south, riding a bloodstock stallion.

A Wooden Dock
A wide wooden dock extends over the water, held up by strong wooden beams.
The dock leads back to the pier to the south, as well as continues farther
into the bay to the north. Beside the dock floats a small fishing boat,
tied to an iron ring latched to the dock. As the wind blows, the dock sways
back and forth along with it.
A sign is nailed to wooden piling.
[ obvious exits: N S U D ]
(wotmudmapper): (error): Caution. Direction u leads to an unknown room.
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
South: Up: A brawny dockmaster mans the gangplank of the Sea Wind.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
An Amayar fisherman contemplates his next big catch.
Kenzie has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the south, riding a wild stallion.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from the south, riding a bloodstock stallion.

A Dock at the Edge of the Pier
This far into the bay the dock is never still, as the large waves and
strong winds push against it. Boats of the Amayar as well as some larger
Atha'an Miere ships can be seen moving within the large bay, to and from
the harbors. Where the dock ends here is the farthest reach of the pier. A
faded sign stands at an angle.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
South: A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Kenzie has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the south, riding a wild stallion.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from the south, riding a bloodstock stallion.

A Wooden Dock
A wide wooden dock extends over the water, held up by strong wooden beams.
The dock leads back to the pier to the south, as well as continues farther
into the bay to the north. Beside the dock floats a small fishing boat,
tied to an iron ring latched to the dock. As the wind blows, the dock sways
back and forth along with it.
A sign is nailed to wooden piling.
[ obvious exits: N S U D ]
(wotmudmapper): (error): Caution. Direction u leads to an unknown room.
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
North: Up: A brawny dockmaster mans the gangplank of the Sea Wind.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
An Amayar fisherman contemplates his next big catch.
Kenzie has arrived from the north, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the north, riding a wild stallion.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from the north, riding a bloodstock stallion.

This man of average height and build is tanned and healthy. He works hard
fishing all day to provide for his family. A faint smell of sea salt and
fish follows him everywhere he goes.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks around the busy docks.

Azareth stops riding him.

A Wooden Dock
A wide wooden dock extends over the water, held up by strong wooden beams.
The dock leads back to the pier to the south, as well as continues farther
into the bay to the north. Beside the dock floats a small fishing boat,
tied to an iron ring latched to the dock. As the wind blows, the dock sways
back and forth along with it.
A sign is nailed to wooden piling.
[ obvious exits: N S U D ]
(wotmudmapper): (error): Caution. Direction u leads to an unknown room.
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Up: A brawny dockmaster mans the gangplank of the Sea Wind.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here, riding a wild stallion.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
An Amayar fisherman contemplates his next big catch.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman stops riding a bloodstock stallion.

A Domani Merchant stops riding a wild stallion.

Kenzie stops riding a gray palfrey.

Azareth says 'They don't like when we ride onto their boats.'

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
On the Gangplank of the Sea Wind
This short gangplank leads to a tiny but extremely fast seafaring vessel.
The ramp can be drawn into the boat while sailing, but is currently
extended to the dock below.
[ obvious exits: D ]
Down: A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze.
A brawny dockmaster mans the gangplank of the Sea Wind.
Kenzie has arrived from below.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from below.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from below.

Azareth says 'Hello there!'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods at the dockmaster.

Azareth says 'How fare you?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Greetings, Dockmaster.'

A Domani Merchant beams a smile at the dockmaster.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman smiles as the dockmaster notices the party of travelers.

Kenzie smiles at the dockmaster and nods.

A Domani Merchant looks at the dockmaster.

Azareth frowns as the dockmaster seemingly does not recognize him.

Kenzie pokes the dockmaster in the ribs.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks on as the dockmaster arches his eyebrows at the uniforms worn by the Winged Guard.

Azareth says 'They do have unfamiliar customs.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Kenzie grins at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Kenzie says 'its code right.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks to the brawny dockmaster.

Azareth says 'We are seeking Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says ' of your Sailmistresses and her very personal-space unwary Windfinders recently asked me to track down Saline.'

Azareth says 'She and I have an agreement.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

The crew hoists the plank back on board, leaving you off the ship.

A Wooden Dock
A wide wooden dock extends over the water, held up by strong wooden beams.
The dock leads back to the pier to the south, as well as continues farther
into the bay to the north. Beside the dock floats a small fishing boat,
tied to an iron ring latched to the dock. As the wind blows, the dock sways
back and forth along with it.
A sign is nailed to wooden piling.
[ obvious exits: N S D ]
(wotmudmapper): (error): Caution. Direction u leads to an unknown room.
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze.
A wild stallion bucks madly.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
The Sea Wind departs into the open sea...

Azareth says 'what'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Well, that was suspicious.'

Azareth says 'I don't think he wants to help us.'

Kenzie says 'Very odd'

Azareth says 'And he's raised the gangplank.'

A Small Fishing Boat
A well crafted boat floats beside the dock, rocking to the speed of
the waves. Long oars have been drawn in while the boat is in port, but look
sturdy enough to brave the strong currents of the heavy waters. A fishy
smell hangs in the air, perhaps a holdover from this boat's last catch.
[ obvious exits: U ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Up: Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A fishing net has been put down here.
An Amayar fisherman contemplates his next big catch.
Kenzie has arrived from above.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from above.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from above.

Azareth says 'Hey fisherman, your net is empty.'

An Amayar fisherman claps Azareth on the back.
An Amayar fisherman says 'I saw some big ones jumping out there.'

An Amayar fisherman points towards the bay.

An Amayar fisherman says 'Better catch them quick, before the Atha'an Miere do.'

Azareth says 'Maybe go catch some then!'

An Amayar fisherman claps Azareth on the back.
An Amayar fisherman says 'I saw some big ones jumping out there.'

An Amayar fisherman points towards the bay.

An Amayar fisherman says 'Better catch them quick, before the Atha'an Miere do.'

A Domani Merchant says 'The Domani can be secretive.'

Azareth says 'I'm sorry, that was rude. My attitude has nothing to do with you.'

Kenzie nods at A Domani Merchant.

Azareth says 'Where is there a Domani?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman thinks hard.

Azareth says 'Oh, yourself.'

Azareth says 'I thought you meant another.'

A Wooden Dock
A wide wooden dock extends over the water, held up by strong wooden beams.
The dock leads back to the pier to the south, as well as continues farther
into the bay to the north. Beside the dock floats a small fishing boat,
tied to an iron ring latched to the dock. As the wind blows, the dock sways
back and forth along with it.
A sign is nailed to wooden piling.
[ obvious exits: N S D ]
(wotmudmapper): (error): Caution. Direction u leads to an unknown room.
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Down: A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze.
A wild stallion bucks madly.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
Kenzie has arrived from below.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from below.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from below.

Kenzie starts riding a gray palfrey.

A Domani Merchant starts riding a wild stallion.

Azareth says 'This seems to be a dead end.'

Colorful birds chirp happily as the sun rises out of the eastern seas.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman thinks hard.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Let's see if our merchant friend has had better luck.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman bellows 'Merchant friend, have you had better luck?'

Kenzie looks up to the birds then eyes A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's purse suspiciously

Azareth stops paying increased attention to his surroundings.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman starts riding a bloodstock stallion.

Divya bellows 'Mmm, did find a smuggler over to the west and maybe some interesting caves!'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks up at the birds and looks at her purse suspiciously.

Divya bellows 'Also a weird prophet carrying around poison?'

Below a Strange Statue
Though the grasses in this area are just as healthy and tall as the rest of
the hill, they look stunted beside the great stone hand reaching out of the
hill, grasping in its fingers a massive crystal sphere. Rising fifty spans
into the air, it has long been part of the Amayar prophecies. The stone of
this great statue seems to give off a strange resonance in the air.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here, riding a white-maned pony.
Kenzie has arrived from the east, riding a gray palfrey.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the east, riding a wild stallion.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from the east, riding a bloodstock stallion.

Azareth says 'Hello.'

Divya says 'Check out this sphere.'

A strange sphere, perfect in all aspects, reflects brilliantly on the

Divya says 'So perfect and strange'

A gray palfrey flickers its ears.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Beautiful. Perfect. Strange. Useless. Let's go question those smugglers.'
Divya drops the death scalp of a smuggler slain in the Wilderness.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Oh.'

Divya says 'He weren't good for much.'

Azareth says 'Uh yeah, the Amayar have giant balls on their island, I've heard of them.'

Kenzie says 'its lovely.'

Azareth says 'That came out wrong.'

Divya says 'But let's check out these caves.'

The young buck has arrived from the east.

Kenzie says 'hahahaah'

Divya says 'He were sneaking that-a-way.'

Divya leaves east riding a white-maned pony. >>
Past a Sand Castle
A small area of the beach has been used to create a beautiful palace.
Moist, white sand, molded into blocks, has been packed together into high
towers, thick, vine-carved walls, as well as large, shimmering domes. This
far up the beach, the castle is safe from the tides, both high and low.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
A one person canoe rests on the ground.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

Azareth says 'I know there were more somewhere.'

Kenzie leaves west. <<

Past a Sand Castle
A small area of the beach has been used to create a beautiful palace.
Moist, white sand, molded into blocks, has been packed together into high
towers, thick, vine-carved walls, as well as large, shimmering domes. This
far up the beach, the castle is safe from the tides, both high and low.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

Azareth says 'How well do you swim?'

Azareth says 'I never took to it all that well.'

A Domani Merchant says 'I'm afraid I haven't spent much time in the water, believe it or not.'

A Domani Merchant says 'Being A Domani Merchant, you'd think that wouldn't be the case.'

A Domani Merchant chuckles to herself.

Azareth says 'Oh, another of you.'

Divya leaves west. <<
Azareth follows Divya.

The Westward Shallows
The placid water moves towards the shore in calm waves which roll gently
over the white-sand beaches. Farther out to the sea, the waves become much
too rough for swimming. A crow's nest can be seen jutting out of the sea,
to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.

Deep in the Shallows
The water gets slightly choppy as the edge of the shallows is reached.
Protruding out of the water to the west is what looks to be a crow's nest,
but there is no ship in sight. It would not be very safe to go any farther
out to sea, as the waves get very large and extremely rough.
obvious exits: E W ]
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.

Divya leaves west. <<
Azareth follows Divya.

A Ship Wreck
While almost completely submerged during high tide, the vessels moss
slicked deck might rise just above sea level when the tides are low. A
strange crate seems out of place, broken open in the middle of the deck.
ing up, a cracked crow's nest appears usable, though a little unstable.
[ obvious exits: N E S U D ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Door down: trapdoor
Down: A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.

Divya leaves down. dd
Azareth follows Divya.

Below the Deck
With no light, and the way out blocked, this area below the deck is
completely dark. Scratch marks can be seen on the wooden trapdoor leading
up, as if someone tried but failed to open it. Brackish water, which gets
deeper as it nears the captain's chambers, has ruined the wood of this
room. Strangely, the door ahead seems bolted tightly enough to hold the
water out.
[ obvious exits: N S U ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Door north: cabindoor
Door up: trapdoor
North: A young man stands here, greed twisting his face.
Up: A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from above.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'He may be able to tell us something.'

Divya drops a small canoe.

A Domani Merchant drops a small canoe.

drop canoe
Azareth drops a small canoe.

A Domani Merchant gestures briefly at A Domani Merchant, who now appears more impressive somehow.

an n
A young man stands here, greed twisting his face.
A young man stands here, greed twisting his face.
A young man stands here, greed twisting his face.
A young man stands here, greed twisting his face.
A young man stands here, greed twisting his face.
A dark-skinned man is standing here, protecting his treasure.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Let's question him.'

Divya nods in agreement.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'His deckhands will not assist him.'

Divya discards a mirrored lantern.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves north. ^^
Divya leaves north. ^^

A Domani Merchant leaves north. ^^
Inside the Cabin
A small, cramped room serves as the crew's quarters, that is before the
ship started sinking. Stark bunk beds have been bolted to the walls of the
room. The beds themselves are clear of sheets which have been placed under
the room's thick door. A small personal chest lays under one of the beds,
left open during the sinking.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Door south: cabindoor
South: Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A sturdy chest rests in a corner.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A young man stands here, greed twisting his face.
A young man stands here, greed twisting his face.
A young man stands here, greed twisting his face.
A young man stands here, greed twisting his face.
A young man stands here, greed twisting his face.
A dark-skinned man is standing here, protecting his treasure.
Kenzie has arrived from the south.

A renegade cargomaster says 'Filthy pirate! DIE!!'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Oh.'

A Domani Merchant looks at a renegade cargomaster.

A renegade cargomaster tickles Kenzie's head with his slash.

Kenzie tries to scythe a renegade cargomaster, but he parries successfully.
A renegade cargomaster barely tickles Kenzie's body with his slash.
Azareth says 'You're the pirate!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Scratched >
Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's right leg.
Kenzie scythes a renegade cargomaster's body very hard.
A renegade cargomaster barely slashes Kenzie's right leg.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman stops following Azareth.
Kenzie stops following A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.
Kenzie starts following Azareth.
Kenzie is now a member of your group.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Scratched >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman joins Kenzie's fight!

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Scratched >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade cargomaster's body.
Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's left leg hard.
A renegade cargomaster barely tickles Kenzie's head with his slash.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Hurt >

Azareth tries to pierce a renegade cargomaster, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Hurt >
Divya wanders over to a chest and takes a look inside.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Hurt >

Kenzie sends a renegade cargomaster sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Scratched >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tickles a renegade cargomaster's right foot with her strike.
Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's head hard.
Kenzie scythes a renegade cargomaster's body into bloody fragments!

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Hurt >

A renegade cargomaster growls menacingly.
Divya pierces a renegade cargomaster's body hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Hurt >

A Domani Merchant strikes a renegade cargomaster's left leg.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Hurt >

A Domani Merchant strikes a renegade cargomaster's body.
Divya pierces a renegade cargomaster's body extremely hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade cargomaster's body.
Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's body very hard.
Kenzie scythes a renegade cargomaster's left leg very hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

Divya barely pierces a renegade cargomaster's left leg.
Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's body hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade cargomaster, but he parries successfully.
Divya pierces a renegade cargomaster's body hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a renegade cargomaster, but he parries successfully.
Azareth tries to pierce a renegade cargomaster, but he parries successfully.
Kenzie scythes a renegade cargomaster's right leg hard.
A renegade cargomaster tickles Kenzie's left arm with his slash.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'What do you know about Saline?'

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's body hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade cargomaster, but he deflects the blow.
Divya tries to pierce a renegade cargomaster, but he parries successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a renegade cargomaster, but he deflects the blow.
Azareth tries to pierce a renegade cargomaster, but he parries successfully.
Kenzie scythes a renegade cargomaster's right hand.
A renegade cargomaster tickles Kenzie's left leg with his slash.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

A Domani Merchant tickles a renegade cargomaster's left arm with her strike.
Divya pierces a renegade cargomaster's body hard.
Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's body hard.
Kenzie tries to scythe a renegade cargomaster, but he deflects the blow.
A renegade cargomaster tickles Kenzie's right arm with his slash.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

Divya says 'Ain't much for talking, this one.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade cargomaster, but he parries successfully.
Divya tries to pierce a renegade cargomaster, but he parries successfully.
Azareth tries to pierce a renegade cargomaster, but he parries successfully.
A renegade cargomaster tickles Kenzie's body with his slash.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

Divya pierces a renegade cargomaster's left foot hard.
Azareth tries to pierce a renegade cargomaster, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >
Azareth says 'I don't think he wants to talk.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

A renegade cargomaster avoids being bashed by Kenzie who loses her balance and falls!

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

Divya pierces a renegade cargomaster's left leg.
Azareth tries to pierce a renegade cargomaster, but he deflects the blow.
A renegade cargomaster barely tickles Kenzie's body with his slash.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

Divya pierces a renegade cargomaster's right arm.
Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's body hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman joins Kenzie's fight!

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a renegade cargomaster, but he deflects the blow.
Divya tries to pierce a renegade cargomaster, but he deflects the blow.
Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's left foot hard.
A renegade cargomaster barely tickles Kenzie's body with his slash.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

Azareth tries to pierce a renegade cargomaster, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

Kenzie sends a renegade cargomaster sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

Divya looks at a renegade cargomaster.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Wounded >

A renegade cargomaster growls menacingly.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade cargomaster's left arm into bloody fragments!
Kenzie scythes a renegade cargomaster's right foot hard.
Divya pierces a renegade cargomaster's body very hard.
Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's left leg hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Battered >

Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's body very hard.
Kenzie says 'I will bash it out of him'

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Battered >

A renegade cargomaster clambers to his feet.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Battered >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade cargomaster's right arm extremely hard.
Kenzie scythes a renegade cargomaster's body hard.
Divya pierces a renegade cargomaster's body hard.
Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's right arm hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Battered >

Divya pierces a renegade cargomaster's right arm hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Battered >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade cargomaster's body very hard.
Kenzie scythes a renegade cargomaster's body hard.
Divya tries to pierce a renegade cargomaster, but he parries successfully.
Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's right arm hard.
A renegade cargomaster tickles Kenzie's body with his slash.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Beaten >

Azareth says 'Please do.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Beaten >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade cargomaster's body extremely hard.
Divya pierces a renegade cargomaster's body hard.
Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's body very hard.
A renegade cargomaster barely tickles Kenzie's left leg with his slash.
Divya tries to pierce a renegade cargomaster, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Beaten >

Kenzie sends a renegade cargomaster sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Beaten >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade cargomaster's head very hard.
Kenzie scythes a renegade cargomaster's left arm into bloody fragments!
Divya pierces a renegade cargomaster's body hard.
Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's right leg hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Critical >

A renegade cargomaster snarls angrily.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Critical >
With one arm tight against his money belt, this renegade cargomaster of the
Atha'an Miere stares at you greedily. Wielding a long sword, he protects
his riches heavily.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Critical >

A Domani Merchant eats a large slab of meat.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full - Kenzie: Scratched - a renegade cargomaster: Critical >

A renegade cargomaster clambers to his feet.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade cargomaster's right leg hard.
Kenzie scythes a renegade cargomaster's body very hard.
Divya pierces a renegade cargomaster's right arm very hard.
Azareth pierce a renegade cargomaster's left leg hard.
A renegade cargomaster is dead! R.I.P.
Azareth receive your share of experience...
Oh, much better the second time around.
Azareth's blood freezes as you hear a renegade cargomaster's death cry.
A renegade deckhand stops following a renegade cargomaster.
A renegade deckhand stops following a renegade cargomaster.
A renegade deckhand stops following a renegade cargomaster.
A renegade deckhand stops following a renegade cargomaster.
A renegade deckhand stops following a renegade cargomaster.
Azareth says 'Well done!'

Azareth says 'Oh...'

Divya gets a scrimshaw bracelet of delicate beauty from the corpse of a renegade cargomaster.

Azareth says 'Well now he can't say anything.'

A renegade deckhand says 'You A Mysterious Cloaked Woman!!! You will die before your time!! '
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.
A renegade deckhand pounds Divya's right leg.
A renegade deckhand says 'You A Mysterious Cloaked Woman!!! You will die before your time!! '
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's right leg with his pound.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.
A renegade deckhand says 'You A Mysterious Cloaked Woman!!! You will die before your time!! '
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.

Divya says 'Do love a bit of scrimshaw.'

A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's left leg with his pound.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's right hand with his pound.
Divya tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's right arm into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman watches as with his dying breath the cargomaster points at a map.

A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's left leg with his pound.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's head with his pound.
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's right arm extremely hard.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's right arm into bloody fragments!
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman swiftly dodges a renegade deckhand's attempt to pound her.
Azareth says 'Aaaah!'

Kenzie puffs with pride.

Azareth assists Divya!

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Scratched - a renegade deckhand: Hurt >

Kenzie joins A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's fight!

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Scratched - a renegade deckhand: Hurt >

Kenzie scythes a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!
Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's body very hard.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's right leg with his pound.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman swiftly dodges a renegade deckhand's attempt to pound her.
A renegade deckhand barely tickles Divya's body with his pound.
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's body very hard.
A renegade deckhand pounds Divya's right arm.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she dodges the attack.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Hurt >
Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's head extremely hard.
Inside the Cabin
A small, cramped room serves as the crew's quarters, that is before the
ship started sinking. Stark bunk beds have been bolted to the walls of the
room. The beds themselves are clear of sheets which have been placed under
the room's thick door. A small personal chest lays under one of the beds,
left open during the sinking.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Door south: cabindoor
The corpse of a renegade cargomaster is lying here.
A sturdy chest rests in a corner.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is here, fighting a renegade deckhand.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is here, fighting a renegade deckhand.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is here, fighting a renegade deckhand.
A renegade deckhand is here, fighting A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.
A renegade deckhand is here, fighting Divya.
A renegade deckhand is here, fighting Divya.
A renegade deckhand is here, fighting A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.
A renegade deckhand is here, fighting Divya.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Wounded >

Kenzie scythes a renegade deckhand's left leg into bloody fragments!
Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's body very hard.
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's right arm.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she dodges the attack.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's left leg with his pound.
Divya tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's body.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Wounded >

Azareth tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Wounded >

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Wounded >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks at the map

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Wounded >

Kenzie scythes a renegade deckhand's left leg extremely hard.
Azareth tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's left leg with his pound.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's left arm.
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's left leg very hard.
A renegade deckhand barely tickles Divya's left leg with his pound.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Wounded >

Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's body very hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Battered >

Azareth is now a member of A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's group.
A Domani Merchant is now a member of A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's group.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Battered >
Azareth does not see that here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Battered >

Kenzie scythes a renegade deckhand's right leg into bloody fragments!
Azareth tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's body.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's body.
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's right arm extremely hard.
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's head.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's left foot into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand pounds A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's left arm very hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Battered >

Inside the Cabin
A small, cramped room serves as the crew's quarters, that is before the
ship started sinking. Stark bunk beds have been bolted to the walls of the
room. The beds themselves are clear of sheets which have been placed under
the room's thick door. A small personal chest lays under one of the beds,
left open during the sinking.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Door south: cabindoor
The corpse of a renegade cargomaster is lying here.
A sturdy chest rests in a corner.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is here, fighting a renegade deckhand.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is here, fighting a renegade deckhand.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is here, fighting a renegade deckhand.
A renegade deckhand is here, fighting A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.
A renegade deckhand is here, fighting Divya.
A renegade deckhand is here, fighting Divya.
A renegade deckhand is here, fighting A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.
A renegade deckhand is here, fighting Divya.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Battered >
Divya tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Battered >

Kenzie scythes a renegade deckhand's right arm very hard.
Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's left hand very hard.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she dodges the attack.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's body.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's left leg into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Battered >
Azareth tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's right foot extremely hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Hurt - a renegade deckhand: Beaten >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
Kenzie scythes a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!
Azareth tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's right hand with his pound.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman swiftly dodges a renegade deckhand's attempt to pound her.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.
Divya tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A renegade deckhand pounds Divya's left leg.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman swiftly dodges a renegade deckhand's attempt to pound her.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Beaten >

A Domani Merchant strikes a renegade deckhand's right leg.
Kenzie tries to scythe a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
Azareth tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she dodges the attack.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.
Divya tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A renegade deckhand barely tickles Divya's body with his pound.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand is dead! R.I.P.
Azareth receive your share of experience...
Azareth's first time! Was it good for you too?
Azareth's blood freezes as you hear a renegade deckhand's death cry.
A Domani Merchant strikes a renegade deckhand's left arm.
[get all.container all.corpse]
Azareth gets a soft leather pouch from the corpse of a renegade deckhand.
Azareth gets a soft leather pouch from the corpse of a renegade cargomaster.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Beaten >

[get all all.container]
Azareth gets three gold crowns from a soft leather pouch.
Azareth gets a scroll from a soft leather pouch.
Azareth gets a mirrored lantern from a soft leather pouch.
Azareth gets a mirrored lantern from a soft leather pouch.
Azareth gets a large number of gold crowns from a soft leather pouch.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Beaten >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
Azareth tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A renegade deckhand barely tickles Divya's right hand with his pound.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.
A renegade deckhand barely tickles Divya's body with his pound.
Divya tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Beaten >

Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's left leg extremely hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Beaten >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's right arm into bloody fragments!
A Domani Merchant strikes a renegade deckhand's left leg.
Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's right arm into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's body.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she dodges the attack.
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's left arm.
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's right leg into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand barely tickles Divya's body with his pound.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Critical >

Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's body extremely hard.
A renegade deckhand is dead! R.I.P.
Azareth receive your share of experience...
Oh, much better the second time around.
Azareth's blood freezes as you hear a renegade deckhand's death cry.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.

A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's right hand.

Kenzie stops following Azareth.
Kenzie now follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Divya tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's body.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Interesting...'

Kenzie scythes a renegade deckhand's left foot into bloody fragments!
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's body extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant strikes a renegade deckhand's left leg hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand barely tickles Divya's right arm with his pound.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she dodges the attack.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'What was she doing here?'

Divya tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.

Kenzie scythes a renegade deckhand's right foot extremely hard.
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's body very hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's body.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand barely tickles Divya's body with his pound.

Kenzie scythes a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!
Divya tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's right leg into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman swiftly dodges a renegade deckhand's attempt to pound her.
A renegade deckhand barely tickles Divya's head with his pound.
Azareth assist Divya!

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Hurt >

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Hurt >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'This is not the way to Shara...'

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Hurt >

Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's body very hard.
Kenzie tries to scythe a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's body very hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's head into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand barely tickles Divya's body with his pound.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Hurt >

Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's body extremely hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Hurt >
give scroll A Mysterious Cloaked Woman
They're a little busy to receive your gift...

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Hurt >

Azareth tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
Kenzie scythes a renegade deckhand's left arm into bloody fragments!
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's body very hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's head into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.
A renegade deckhand tries to pound A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she dodges the attack.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's right arm with his pound.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Wounded >

Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Wounded >

The room becomes brighter as A Domani Merchant creates a ball of light above her hand.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Wounded >

Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's head extremely hard.
Kenzie scythes a renegade deckhand's left arm extremely hard.
Divya tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand is dead! R.I.P.
Azareth receive your share of experience...
Three times is the charm!
Azareth's blood freezes as you hear a renegade deckhand's death cry.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's left leg with his pound.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Wounded >
give scroll A Mysterious Cloaked Woman
Azareth gives a scroll to A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Wounded >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Wounded >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!
Azareth tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's right leg extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's left leg with his pound.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's right arm with his pound.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Wounded >

Kenzie joins your fight!

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Wounded >

Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's right leg very hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Battered >

Kenzie tries to scythe a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!
Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's body extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's body.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Beaten >

Azareth says 'He had that.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Beaten >

Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's body very hard.
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's body very hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Critical >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's head into bloody fragments!
Azareth tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
Divya tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A Domani Merchant strikes a renegade deckhand's body.
A renegade deckhand tickles Divya's body with his pound.
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's body.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Critical >

Inside the Cabin
A small, cramped room serves as the crew's quarters, that is before the
ship started sinking. Stark bunk beds have been bolted to the walls of the
room. The beds themselves are clear of sheets which have been placed under
the room's thick door. A small personal chest lays under one of the beds,
left open during the sinking.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Door south: cabindoor
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here. [2]
The corpse of a renegade deckhand is lying here. [3]
The corpse of a renegade cargomaster is lying here.
A sturdy chest rests in a corner.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is here, fighting a renegade deckhand.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is here, fighting a renegade deckhand.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is here, fighting a renegade deckhand.
Mistress Divya Arionos is here, fighting a renegade deckhand.
A renegade deckhand is here, fighting Divya.
A renegade deckhand is here, fighting Divya.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Critical >

Kenzie sends a renegade deckhand sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Wounded - a renegade deckhand: Critical >
exa corpse

Kenzie scythes a renegade deckhand's head into bloody fragments!
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's right arm into bloody fragments!
Azareth pierce a renegade deckhand's body extremely hard.
A renegade deckhand is dead! R.I.P.
Azareth receive your share of experience...
Still better. Experience pays off.
Azareth's blood freezes as you hear a renegade deckhand's death cry.
A Domani Merchant strikes a renegade deckhand's right leg hard.
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's body.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman thinks hard.

Divya looks over at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman as the remaining deckhands pummel her armor.

Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's left hand very hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
A Domani Merchant strikes a renegade deckhand's head hard.
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's right leg.

Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's left leg extremely hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's right leg into bloody fragments!
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a renegade deckhand, but he deflects the blow.
A renegade deckhand barely pounds Divya's body.

Azareth assists Divya!

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Battered - a renegade deckhand: Beaten >

Azareth tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's body very hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Battered - a renegade deckhand: Critical >

Kenzie joins your fight!

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Divya: Battered - a renegade deckhand: Critical >

Kenzie scythes a renegade deckhand's left leg extremely hard.
Azareth tries to pierce a renegade deckhand, but he parries successfully.
Divya pierces a renegade deckhand's left hand extremely hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a renegade deckhand's body into bloody fragments!
A renegade deckhand is dead! R.I.P.
Azareth receive your share of experience...
Still better. Experience pays off.
Azareth's blood freezes as you hear a renegade deckhand's death cry.

Kenzie says 'hmm'

get etched 6.corpse
Azareth gets a silver etched shield from the corpse of a renegade cargomaster.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says ' does not seem like they attacked the ship? I don't see any loot or

Inside the Cabin
A small, cramped room serves as the crew's quarters, that is before the
ship started sinking. Stark bunk beds have been bolted to the walls of the
room. The beds themselves are clear of sheets which have been placed under
the room's thick door. A small personal chest lays under one of the beds,
left open during the sinking.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Door south: cabindoor
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here. [6]
The corpse of a renegade deckhand is lying here. [5]
The corpse of a renegade cargomaster is lying here.
A sturdy chest rests in a corner.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.

A Domani Merchant points to the chest.

Divya kicks open the chest and looks inside.

It is a chest.
n you look inside, you see:
chest (here) :

Azareth ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Divya reaches in and pulls out -- a handful of sand.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'See? No loot that could have been from Saline's ship.'

Kenzie flips one of the mattresses looking underneath

Divya throws the sand in the air with a huff.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman thinks hard.

Azareth says 'Ew, be careful with those mattresses.'

Kenzie nods in agreement.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I told them.'

Kenzie says 'not touching those sheets'

Azareth says 'Never know what deckhands hide under them.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I told them it was a wild goose chase.'

Divya says 'Never know where someone's hiding a peg leg.'

Kenzie says 'true'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Searching for one ship in the bloody Sea of Storms...'

Azareth grins at her.

Divya winks suggestively at Azareth.

Azareth says 'So..'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is stewing as she sits down on the ground prompts falls halfway in.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman wields a yew staff.

Azareth says 'Can you figure out anything with your lightball powers?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman thinks hard.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'There's a route here...'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'But it makes no sense.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'It seems like Saline's boat was here.'

Azareth says 'Question.'

A scout narrates 'Call the banners! Shadowspawn sighted at Borderlands North of Fal Dara!'

Azareth says 'Is it like...root or rowt?'

Azareth says 'Or does it depend on whether we're in Mayene or Tremalking?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Rowt, I think.'

Azareth says 'I feel like I'm inconsistent with it.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'well...why would they be on the Shadow Coast?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman points at the map.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman boggles at the thought.

Azareth says 'The wind wills as the wind weaves or...something. No, that isn't right at all.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Azareth says 'The wind waves as the wind wheels.'

Azareth says 'As the Wheel winds.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'okay'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'let's not waste anymore time. We need to explore this angle of investigation and see it leads.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves south. vv
Kenzie leaves south. vv
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Below the Deck
With no light, and the way out blocked, this area below the deck is
completely dark. Scratch marks can be seen on the wooden trapdoor leading
up, as if someone tried but failed to open it. Brackish water, which gets
deeper as it nears the captain's chambers, has ruined the wood of this
room. Strangely, the door ahead seems bolted tightly enough to hold the
water out.
[ obvious exits: N S U ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Door north: cabindoor
Door up: trapdoor
North: A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A one person canoe rests on the ground. [3]
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the north.
Divya has arrived from the north.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'get canoes, friends'

Divya gets a small canoe.

Kenzie gets a small canoe.

Divya leaves up. uu

Azareth says 'Haha, see where it leads. The sea.'

Azareth says 'Classic.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods at Azareth.

A Ship Wreck
While almost completely submerged during high tide, the vessels moss
slicked deck might rise just above sea level when the tides are low. A
strange crate seems out of place, broken open in the middle of the deck.
ing up, a cracked crow's nest appears usable, though a little unstable.
[ obvious exits: N E S U D ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Door down: trapdoor
Down: A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from below.
Kenzie has arrived from below.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from below.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves east. >>
Kenzie leaves east. >>
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Azareth would need to swim there, you can't just walk it.
A Domani Merchant leaves east. >>

A Ship Wreck
While almost completely submerged during high tide, the vessels moss
slicked deck might rise just above sea level when the tides are low. A
strange crate seems out of place, broken open in the middle of the deck.
ing up, a cracked crow's nest appears usable, though a little unstable.
[ obvious exits: N E S U D ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Door down: trapdoor

A Ruined Crow's Nest
This wooden platform, which was once raised high above the ship, now stands
only ten feet above the deck, leaning over the captain's platform. Only
above water during low tide, this crow's nest has a few corpses of silvery
fish who died then. The decks beneath this perch are both submerged.
[ obvious exits: D ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking

Azareth begins watching the surrounding areas.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman bellows 'Are you lacking a canoe?'

A Ship Wreck
While almost completely submerged during high tide, the vessels moss
slicked deck might rise just above sea level when the tides are low. A
strange crate seems out of place, broken open in the middle of the deck.
ing up, a cracked crow's nest appears usable, though a little unstable.
[ obvious exits: N E S U D ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
Door down: trapdoor

Divya has arrived from the east.

Divya gives you a small canoe.

Azareth bellows 'I am canoeless!'

Deep in the Shallows
The water gets slightly choppy as the edge of the shallows is reached.
Protruding out of the water to the west is what looks to be a crow's nest,
but there is no ship in sight. It would not be very safe to go any farther
out to sea, as the waves get very large and extremely rough.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking

The Westward Shallows
The placid water moves towards the shore in calm waves which roll gently
over the white-sand beaches. Farther out to the sea, the waves become much
too rough for swimming. A crow's nest can be seen jutting out of the sea,
to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking

Past a Sand Castle
A small area of the beach has been used to create a beautiful palace.
Moist, white sand, molded into blocks, has been packed together into high
towers, thick, vine-carved walls, as well as large, shimmering domes. This
far up the beach, the castle is safe from the tides, both high and low.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here, riding a wild stallion.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A sturdy white-maned pony tosses its head here.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

Divya has arrived from the west.

Divya starts riding a white-maned pony.

Azareth says 'I have been canoedled.'

Divya says 'I found this cute pony.'

Divya drops a small canoe.

Azareth says 'By Divya.'

Azareth starts riding him.

Kenzie grins at Azareth.

Divya pats a white-maned pony on her head.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman thinks hard.

Azareth says 'Nice pony!'

Divya says 'Her name is Buttercup'

Divya smiles happily.

Azareth says 'She has the sweetest smile.'

Past a Sand Castle
A small area of the beach has been used to create a beautiful palace.
Moist, white sand, molded into blocks, has been packed together into high
towers, thick, vine-carved walls, as well as large, shimmering domes. This
far up the beach, the castle is safe from the tides, both high and low.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Southwest Tremalking
A one person canoe rests on the ground. [2]
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here, riding a white-maned pony.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here, riding a wild stallion.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Okay, this isn't making any sense, but maybe we can find it...the renegade's
information may be good or it may be bad, but it's all we have.'

A Secluded Glade
The trees have been cleared away in this area to form a glade of springy
grass, nourished by the sunlight which must shine upon the whole area
throughout the day. Large rocks cover much of the verdant grass, many of
them deeply embedded in the rich, dark soil. A small path is visible,
winding its way like a serpent around the side of the hill range far to the
northwest. The only exit is to the south as all other directions are
blocked by thick, snaring vines and massive tree trunks.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: Northwest Tremalking
An ancient stone column stands broken and partially buried in the ground.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the south, riding a wild stallion.
Divya has arrived from the south, riding a white-maned pony.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman gets a smooth metallic disc from a soft leather pouch.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman puts a smooth metallic disc in a stone column.

A smooth disc seems to sink into the column.

Azareth says 'Wait, we're not going to the Shadow Coast, are we?'

A strange hum echoes around Northwest Tremalking.

A smooth disc detaches itself from the column.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman gets a smooth metallic disc from a stone column.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman smiles at Azareth.

Azareth says 'Weak in the Power is still able to use the Power.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman touches several of the symbols on the ancient stone column.

Azareth says 'That is a very unsafe place for you.'

A strange hum intensifies until it rings in your ears.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

A bright flash of light illuminates the horizon.

A bright flash of light illuminates the horizon.

There is a flicker of light and you are in another place.
A bright flash of light illuminates the horizon.

A bright flash of light illuminates the horizon.

Azareth says 'And, here we are.'

Divya pierces a cheetah's left paw extremely hard.

Kenzie says 'Who said she was weak Azareth?'
Azareth says 'Warnings or no.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'It's a debt that has to be repaid. They want closure, I want them to forget I least for a little while.'

Azareth says 'I didn't say she was weak, I said it was unsafe.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.
Kenzie nods at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.
Azareth says 'Ohhhh.'

Kenzie says 'oh ok'

Azareth says 'You were dating one of them.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I'm willing to risk it if you are.'

Azareth says 'Yes, closure is important.'

Azareth says 'Can't move on properly without it.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves west. <<
Kenzie leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Before the Old Bridge
The land continues to rise here as the road heads north. Quite a distance to
the north of here, the rise reaches its crest, and an old stone bridge spans
a ravine. To the south, the Old Road runs gently down the slope of the land.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Old Road
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a draft horse.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the north, riding a wild stallion.
Divya has arrived from the north, riding a white-maned pony.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Unreliable Tairen horses, am I right?'

Kenzie says 'I am not wanted by them'

Kenzie says 'We enjoy stealing bloodstocks'

Droop Mountain
Chill mountainous winds blow from the west, through the Mountains of Mist.
The mountain peak descends to a lower elevation in the north. The mountain
flattens out around you, in cold rock and pine, to the east and south.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: South Misty Mountains
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a black stallion.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the north.

Azareth does not see that here.

Azareth says 'We lost people.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I have lost the Merchant.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'A Domani Merchant is, uh, known to the Children.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I am not.'

Azareth says 'I don't imagine that knowledge is amicable.'

Fields Beside the Road
Ankle-high grass sways in waves on the breeze within this field. Yellow
wildflowers dot the landscape and peek from behind the grass as it blows.
A narrow dirt road can be seen to the north and west of the field.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Amador
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a black stallion.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the north.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves west riding a black stallion. <<
A gray palfrey seems too exhausted to obey Kenzie's commands.
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Coach Stop near Amador
Running alongside Amador's city wall, the road continues north and south.
To the east a green field beckons with its earthy scent carried on the
occasional breeze. Next to the road, a small patch of wildflowers grows.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Amador
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a black stallion.
A Child of the Light is here, arrogantly glaring around, riding a black stallion.
A Child of the Light is here, arrogantly glaring around, riding a black stallion.
A Child of the Light is here, arrogantly glaring around, riding a black stallion.
A man wearing the insignia of a Hundredman of the Children of the Light is here, riding a dust
-colored gelding.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A bearded coachman stands here, waiting for passengers.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the east.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves south riding a black stallion. vv
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Dirt Road Near Amador
The massive stone wall to the west bars entry to the great city of Amador.
To the south stand the massive gates of the city. The fields of Amadicia
sprawl out eastward, and the dirt road continues north and south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Amador
North: A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a black stallion.
A squirrel is here, chittering.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the north.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves south riding a black stallion. vv
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Outside the Eastern Gate of Amador
The tall gates of Amador stand to the west, the sounds of the bustling
city drifting out from beyond the entrance. This narrow dirt road leads
north, surrounded by the green fields of Amadicia.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Amador
Door west: Eastgate
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a black stallion.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the north.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves north riding a black stallion. ^^
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Dirt Road Near Amador
The massive stone wall to the west bars entry to the great city of Amador.
To the south stand the massive gates of the city. The fields of Amadicia
sprawl out eastward, and the dirt road continues north and south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Amador
North: South: A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a black stallion.
A squirrel is here, chittering.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the south.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves north riding a black stallion. ^^
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Coach Stop near Amador
Running alongside Amador's city wall, the road continues north and south.
To the east a green field beckons with its earthy scent carried on the
occasional breeze. Next to the road, a small patch of wildflowers grows.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Amador
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a black stallion.
A Child of the Light is here, arrogantly glaring around, riding a black stallion.
A Child of the Light is here, arrogantly glaring around, riding a black stallion.
A Child of the Light is here, arrogantly glaring around, riding a black stallion.
A man wearing the insignia of a Hundredman of the Children of the Light is here, riding a dust
-colored gelding.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A bearded coachman stands here, waiting for passengers.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the south.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves east riding a black stallion. >>
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Fields Beside the Road
Ankle-high grass sways in waves on the breeze within this field. Yellow
wildflowers dot the landscape and peek from behind the grass as it blows.
A narrow dirt road can be seen to the north and west of the field.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Amador
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a black stallion.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the west.

Azareth says 'We lost my Kenzie.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman points at Kenzie.
Azareth says 'Oh there she is.'

Kenzie grins at Azareth.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'How about this one instead!'

Kenzie stops riding a gray palfrey.

Kenzie starts riding a gray palfrey.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks troubled.

Kenzie smiles happily.

Azareth bows before her.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I knew this was going to be a wild goose chase, but there are so many unanswered questions. '

Azareth says 'm'Kenzie.'

Azareth emote: Azareth twirls his hand in the air as he rises from his bow.

Kenzie nods at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves west riding a black stallion. <<
Kenzie leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Dead Thorn Bushes
Thin evergreen trees with outreaching branches stand amongst an assortment
of stones. Several of the tree trunks show varying colors from white to
light green. Patches of short browning grasses grow near the exposed roots
of trees. A set of dead tangles of thorn bushes lay between the pine trees.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: South of Amador
Door north: tangledivy
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a wild stallion.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here, riding a wild stallion.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I have not been in this area in...decades.'

Azareth says 'Oh, there's a pirate here.'

Azareth says 'He's somewhat well-known.'

Kenzie says 'I am not sure I have ever been here'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Let's hope we do not run into a shipwreck that we would rather not see.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Full disclosure'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I barely know this area'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman snickers softly.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I am just tracking the other two'

Azareth chuckles politely.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman stops riding a wild stallion.

Azareth stops riding him.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

It is 3 o'clock am, on the 11th day of the month of Taisham, year 1604.
According to legend and prophecy, this is the First Turn of the Wheel.
If you have mudlet lag check Adael's install guide for a bugfix!

(Server: Fri Dec 6 22:13:33 2024 EST, last rebooted 22 hours, 10 minutes ago)

Azareth gets a bunch of fireworks from a small purse.

Azareth gives a bunch of fireworks to A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Azareth says 'If things get hairy.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Azareth says 'Blow me up.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Surely fireworking ourselves onto water will help.'

Azareth says 'I refuse to be captured.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods at Azareth.

Rock-Ribbed Beach
Rocks and boulders of all shapes and sizes litter the sandy beach,
seemingly bowled at random by giant hands. All are black and gleaming,
obsidian taken raw and sculpted into strange shapes by the wind and waves.
To the east a huge boulder rises up, with a chasm large enough to walk
through splitting it down the exact center.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
The corpse of a black scorpion is lying here. [2]
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a wild stallion.
A wild stallion bucks madly.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

A Domani Merchant has arrived from the east.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the east.

A Domani Merchant sits down and rests.

A black scorpion has arrived from the east.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I wonder if this beach is ribbed for our pleasure.'

A Domani Merchant sits down and rests.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'dismount please!'

Azareth says 'I find beaches to be irritable.'

Rock-Ribbed Beach
Rocks and boulders of all shapes and sizes litter the sandy beach,
seemingly bowled at random by giant hands. All are black and gleaming,
obsidian taken raw and sculpted into strange shapes by the wind and waves.
To the east a huge boulder rises up, with a chasm large enough to walk
through splitting it down the exact center.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
The corpse of a black scorpion is lying here. [3]
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is resting here.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a wild stallion.
A wild stallion bucks madly.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

Kenzie stops riding a wild stallion.

A Domani Merchant now follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'It's coarse and gets everywhere.'
Kenzie says 'lead or not'

A Domani Merchant is now a member of A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's group.
Kenzie is now a member of A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's group.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'nah'

Kenzie nods in agreement.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves east. >>
Kenzie leaves east. >>
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Breach in a Huge Boulder
This massive boulder seems to have been split down the middle by human
hands, or more likely, pickaxes, allowing a direct path cutting through to
the east and west. Actually, the whole place appears to be a sort of small
quarry, most likely the area from which the people mined obsidian.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the west.
A gray palfrey stops following Azareth.

A Domani Merchant has arrived from the west.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the west.

Azareth starts leading him.
A gray palfrey starts following Azareth.

Azareth shrugs.

Azareth says 'it can get stuck'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Azareth says 'sec, we need more'

Within a Hidden Cave
Apparently used by those desiring secrecy, this small cave is tucked within
a large hill, its door of rock shielding the area from prying eyes. Small
bundles of varying shapes and sizes lie about the floor of the cave, tucked
into nooks and crannies and covered with canvas and cloth. Torches hang in
nces at irregular intervals along the wall, and the whole place exudes
an almost palpable air of secrecy. A strange rent is in the floor.
[ obvious exits: S U ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
Door up: stoneceiling
Up: A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A one person canoe rests on the ground. [2]
Captain Morgan, the swashbuckler extraordinaire, stares about the room with a lofty arrogance.
Ready to give her life for her captain, a beautiful but deadly looking woman stands by.
Ready to give her life for her captain, a beautiful but deadly looking woman stands by.
Ready to give her life for her captain, a beautiful but deadly looking woman stands by.
Ready to give her life for her captain, a beautiful but deadly looking woman stands by.
Ready to give her life for her captain, a beautiful but deadly looking woman stands by.
A gray palfrey has arrived from above.

Azareth gets a small canoe.
Azareth gets a small canoe.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods at Azareth.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman gets a small canoe.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman gets a small canoe.

Azareth drops a small canoe.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman gives Azareth a small canoe.

Azareth says 'I found two'

Kenzie gets a small canoe.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'ah'
Azareth drops a small canoe.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'perfect'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'These nuts?'
Azareth gets a handful of silverleaf leaves.

Kenzie joins A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's fight!

Azareth drops a handful of silverleaf leaves.

Among the Dunes
Dunes protrude out of the ground all around, sandy and glistening, almost
shining in the light. The dunes make it rough going in this area, but the
island is still navigable both within the sandy dune area, and to the east
and west. To the east, the island bends south near the water's edge.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman examines the map closely.

Kenzie holds a brass storm lantern above her head.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'We are not far..'

A Domani Merchant says 'I think I saw Azareth grab a handful there...'

Alongside a Pit
The ground is almost solid bedrock, cracked and pitted from aeons of wind,
rain, and erosion. A massive fissure runs precisely east and west, cutting
directly through the solid rock. It seems, through a combination of the
elements and time, that the fissure has widened greatly to the east,
forming a huge pit.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves north. ^^
A Domani Merchant leaves north. ^^
Kenzie leaves north. ^^
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'hello merchant'

Divya says 'Did find some wreckage below but it's an old ant colony.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman thinks hard.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves down. dd
A Domani Merchant leaves down. dd
Kenzie leaves down. dd
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Tunnel's End
The tunnel comes abruptly up against a rock wall to the east, though clay
still coats the walls to the north and south. The floor of the passage is
rock, but the ceiling looks like a strange mixture of rock, sand, and clay.
However, there appears to be nowhere to go but to the west.
[ obvious exits: W U ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
Door up: flatrock
West: An enormous black ant towers over you.
Up: Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
An enormous black ant towers over you.
Azareth says 'Gross.'

A Deep, Dead End
After the dip in the tunnel floor, the area reveal nothing but a deep, dead
end. Everything but the high ceiling and west wall is made of rock this far
down, solid and unyielding despite the huge changes to the land that seem
to have taken place in the distant past. Upon closer inspection the west
wall seems actually to be rock, just packed over with clay to use for
[ obvious exits: E U ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
Door east: rockslab
East: A gigantic rat, foaming at the mouth, stares hungrily at you.
Up: An enormous black ant towers over you.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.

open door east
It's already open!

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks troubled.

A gigantic rat, foaming at the mouth, stares hungrily at you.

Divya has arrived from above.

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

Azareth says 'ooh'

[sneak ]
you'll try to move silently for a while.

Divya says 'these ants to kick'

e;h;ba rat
Remains of a Shipwreck
Timbers seem to grow through the large cave of clay and sand, resolving
themselves into a dilapidated version of a ship's cargo hold. Apparently, a
ship, wrecked nearby in the distant past sank beneath the ocean floor
itself, eventually finding its way into this cave. Small crates and boxes
lie about, covered in canvas and as yet relatively untouched. Broken
timbers complete the picture, lying at odd angles and scattered throughout
the cavern.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
Door west: rockslab
West: Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
The corpse of a gigantic, rabid rat is lying here.
The corpse of a large rat is lying here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby. [3]
A gigantic rat, foaming at the mouth, stares hungrily at you.

[hide ]
Azareth attempts to hide himself.

You silently approach your victim...
-=+**+=- -
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from the west.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the west.
Kenzie has arrived from the west.
A gigantic, rabid rat makes a strange sound as you place a silver-winged basilard in his back!

* S HP:Healthy MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Wounded >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman gasps in astonishment.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Wounded >

A gigantic, rabid rat tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Wounded >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a gigantic, rabid rat, but he dodges the attack.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Wounded >

Divya pierces a gigantic, rabid rat's body extremely hard.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Wounded >

A gigantic, rabid rat swiftly dodges A Domani Merchant's attempt to strike him.
Kenzie joins A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's fight!

* S HP:Healthy MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Wounded >
exa rat

A Domani Merchant tries to strike a gigantic, rabid rat, but he dodges the attack.
Divya pierces a gigantic, rabid rat's right foreleg very hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a gigantic, rabid rat, but he deflects the blow.
A gigantic, rabid rat tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
Azareth pierce a gigantic, rabid rat's left leg extremely hard.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Wounded >
A gigantic rat stares hungrily at you with beady, black eyes. Sharp teeth
protrude from his foaming mouth. His fur is filthy and matted, his claws
are sharp enough to tear apart the toughest prey.

A gigantic, rabid rat has quite a few wounds.
A gigantic, rabid rat is wounded.

Azareth attempt to peek at the inventory:
Azareth can't see anything.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Wounded >

Divya pierces a gigantic, rabid rat's body into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Healthy MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Battered >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike a gigantic, rabid rat, but he deflects the blow.
A gigantic, rabid rat swiftly dodges Divya's attempt to pierce him.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a gigantic, rabid rat's body hard.
A gigantic, rabid rat hits your left arm very hard.
Azareth pierce a gigantic, rabid rat's left foreleg extremely hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Battered >

Azareth says 'That's a big rat.'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Battered >
Remains of a Shipwreck
Timbers seem to grow through the large cave of clay and sand, resolving
themselves into a dilapidated version of a ship's cargo hold. Apparently, a
ship, wrecked nearby in the distant past sank beneath the ocean floor
itself, eventually finding its way into this cave. Small crates and boxes
lie about, covered in canvas and as yet relatively untouched. Broken
timbers complete the picture, lying at odd angles and scattered throughout
the cavern.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
Door west: rockslab
The corpse of a gigantic, rabid rat is lying here.
The corpse of a large rat is lying here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby. [3]
Mistress Divya Arionos is here, fighting a gigantic, rabid rat.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is here, fighting a gigantic, rabid rat.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is here, fighting a gigantic, rabid rat.
A gigantic, rabid rat is here, fighting YOU!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Battered >

Divya tries to pierce a gigantic, rabid rat, but he parries successfully.
Azareth pierce a gigantic, rabid rat's body very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Battered >

Kenzie joins your fight!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Battered >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike a gigantic, rabid rat, but he dodges the attack.
Divya pierces a gigantic, rabid rat's left foreleg extremely hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a gigantic, rabid rat's body.
A gigantic, rabid rat tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
A gigantic, rabid rat swiftly dodges your attempt to pierce him.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Battered >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Does...this ship look familiar? '

* S HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Battered >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike a gigantic, rabid rat, but he dodges the attack.
Divya tries to pierce a gigantic, rabid rat, but he deflects the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a gigantic, rabid rat, but he dodges the attack.
A gigantic, rabid rat tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
A gigantic, rabid rat swiftly dodges your attempt to pierce him.
Divya pierces a gigantic, rabid rat's body into bloody fragments!
Azareth tries to pierce a gigantic, rabid rat, but he dodges the attack.

Divya says 'And foaming'

A Domani Merchant strikes a gigantic, rabid rat's body hard.
Divya pierces a gigantic, rabid rat's body into bloody fragments!
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a gigantic, rabid rat, but he dodges the attack.
A gigantic, rabid rat tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
Azareth pierce a gigantic, rabid rat's body extremely hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Critical >
Remains of a Shipwreck
Timbers seem to grow through the large cave of clay and sand, resolving
themselves into a dilapidated version of a ship's cargo hold. Apparently, a
ship, wrecked nearby in the distant past sank beneath the ocean floor
itself, eventually finding its way into this cave. Small crates and boxes
lie about, covered in canvas and as yet relatively untouched. Broken
timbers complete the picture, lying at odd angles and scattered throughout
the cavern.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
Door west: rockslab
The corpse of a gigantic, rabid rat is lying here.
The corpse of a large rat is lying here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby. [3]
Mistress Divya Arionos is here, fighting a gigantic, rabid rat.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is here, fighting a gigantic, rabid rat.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is here, fighting a gigantic, rabid rat.
A gigantic, rabid rat is here, fighting YOU!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Critical >

Divya tries to pierce a gigantic, rabid rat, but he parries successfully.
Azareth tries to pierce a gigantic, rabid rat, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Critical >

Kenzie shakes her head.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Critical >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike a gigantic, rabid rat, but he dodges the attack.
Divya pierces a gigantic, rabid rat's right leg extremely hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a gigantic, rabid rat, but he dodges the attack.
A gigantic, rabid rat tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
Azareth pierce a gigantic, rabid rat's right foreleg very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Critical >

Azareth pierce a gigantic, rabid rat's right leg very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a gigantic, rabid rat: Critical >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike a gigantic, rabid rat, but he deflects the blow.
Divya pierces a gigantic, rabid rat's head very hard.
A gigantic, rabid rat swiftly dodges A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's attempt to strike him.
A gigantic, rabid rat hits your left hand hard.
Azareth pierce a gigantic, rabid rat's body into bloody fragments!
A gigantic, rabid rat is dead! R.I.P.
Azareth receive your share of experience...
Azareth's first time! Was it good for you too?
Azareth's blood freezes as you hear a gigantic, rabid rat's death cry.

Azareth says 'Uh...not really.'

Kenzie says 'not to me'

Azareth says 'It looks like it's been here a while.'

Remains of a Shipwreck
Timbers seem to grow through the large cave of clay and sand, resolving
themselves into a dilapidated version of a ship's cargo hold. Apparently, a
ship, wrecked nearby in the distant past sank beneath the ocean floor
itself, eventually finding its way into this cave. Small crates and boxes
lie about, covered in canvas and as yet relatively untouched. Broken
timbers complete the picture, lying at odd angles and scattered throughout
the cavern.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
Door west: rockslab
The corpse of a gigantic, rabid rat is lying here. [2]
The corpse of a large rat is lying here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby. [3]
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman thinks hard.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Good...'

Azareth leans over and severs the bloody head from the corpse of a gigantic, rabid rat.

Divya cringes a little.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman blanches at the sight of rat head.

Azareth says 'This rat is of an unusual size.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Well, here's the thing. '

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Same residue.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Near that shipwreck.'

Azareth says 'That's odd.'

Crunched Between Landforms
The small area of shallow water can be swum fairly easily, but it doesn't
seem to go anywhere. To the east finger-like rocks of monolithic
proportions fill the water, and to the west huge waves come crashing down,
almost instant death to any swimmer or small craft. To the north a hill
with a steep southern face rises up, making passage that way impossible.
The island to the south looks like the only way back, as natural barriers
prevent moving in any other direction.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves north. ^^
A Domani Merchant leaves north. ^^
Kenzie leaves north. ^^
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Within a Hidden Cave
Apparently used by those desiring secrecy, this small cave is tucked within
a large hill, its door of rock shielding the area from prying eyes. Small
bundles of varying shapes and sizes lie about the floor of the cave, tucked
into nooks and crannies and covered with canvas and cloth. Torches hang in
nces at irregular intervals along the wall, and the whole place exudes
an almost palpable air of secrecy. A strange rent is in the floor.
[ obvious exits: S U ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
Door up: stoneceiling
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
Captain Morgan, the swashbuckler extraordinaire, stares about the room with a lofty arrogance.
Ready to give her life for her captain, a beautiful but deadly looking woman stands by.
Ready to give her life for her captain, a beautiful but deadly looking woman stands by.
Ready to give her life for her captain, a beautiful but deadly looking woman stands by.
Ready to give her life for her captain, a beautiful but deadly looking woman stands by.
Ready to give her life for her captain, a beautiful but deadly looking woman stands by.

A swarthy pirate captain scythes A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's left leg into bloody fragments!

Azareth says 'I stole these canoes from the pirate'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman gasps in astonishment.

Azareth pierce a swarthy pirate captain's left leg.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Hurt - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A deadly woman joins a swarthy pirate captain's fight!
A deadly woman joins a deadly woman's fight!
A deadly woman joins a deadly woman's fight!
A deadly woman joins a deadly woman's fight!
A deadly woman joins a deadly woman's fight!
A deadly woman barely slashes Kenzie's body.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman swiftly dodges a deadly woman's attempt to slash her.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a deadly woman, but she parries successfully.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
Kenzie scythes a deadly woman's head into bloody fragments!
A deadly woman barely slashes Kenzie's right leg.
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Azareth pierce a swarthy pirate captain's body hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman barely strikes a swarthy pirate captain's left leg.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's left arm very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Hurt - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

Azareth tries to pierce a swarthy pirate captain, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Hurt - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A Domani Merchant looks at a swarthy pirate captain.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Hurt - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A deadly woman slashes Kenzie's right arm.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she dodges the attack.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a deadly woman, but she parries successfully.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
A deadly woman barely tickles Kenzie's left arm with her slash.
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
Azareth pierce a swarthy pirate captain's right leg hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes a swarthy pirate captain's head.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's right leg into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Hurt - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

Kenzie sends a deadly woman sprawling with a powerful bash!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Hurt - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A deadly woman tickles Kenzie's body with her slash.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a deadly woman, but she parries successfully.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
Kenzie scythes a deadly woman's body into bloody fragments!
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Azareth tries to pierce a swarthy pirate captain, but he parries successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a swarthy pirate captain, but he deflects the blow.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's body very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Wounded - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

Azareth says 'I was going to say he might be angry about it!'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Wounded - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks at a swarthy pirate captain.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Wounded - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

Azareth pierce a swarthy pirate captain's body hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Wounded - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A deadly woman tickles Kenzie's head with her slash.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
A Domani Merchant strikes a deadly woman's body.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
Kenzie scythes a deadly woman's body into bloody fragments!
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Azareth pierce a swarthy pirate captain's body hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a swarthy pirate captain, but he parries successfully.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's head into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Wounded - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

open door u
It's already open!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Wounded - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A deadly woman tickles Kenzie's head with her slash.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a deadly woman, but she deflects the blow.
A Domani Merchant swiftly dodges a deadly woman's attempt to slash her.
Kenzie scythes a deadly woman's body extremely hard.
A deadly woman barely slashes Kenzie's left leg.
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
Azareth tries to pierce a swarthy pirate captain, but he parries successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a swarthy pirate captain, but he parries successfully.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's left foot very hard.
Azareth tries to pierce a swarthy pirate captain, but he parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Wounded - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A deadly woman slashes Kenzie's right leg.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a deadly woman, but she parries successfully.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
A deadly woman tickles Kenzie's left foot with her slash.
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
Azareth tries to pierce a swarthy pirate captain, but he parries successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a swarthy pirate captain, but he deflects the blow.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's body.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Wounded - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

Azareth pierce a swarthy pirate captain's body hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Wounded - a swarthy pirate captain: Hurt >

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Wounded - a swarthy pirate captain: Hurt >

A deadly woman avoids being bashed by Kenzie who loses her balance and falls!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Wounded - a swarthy pirate captain: Hurt >
Within a Hidden Cave
Apparently used by those desiring secrecy, this small cave is tucked within
a large hill, its door of rock shielding the area from prying eyes. Small
bundles of varying shapes and sizes lie about the floor of the cave, tucked
into nooks and crannies and covered with canvas and cloth. Torches hang in
nces at irregular intervals along the wall, and the whole place exudes
an almost palpable air of secrecy. A strange rent is in the floor.
[ obvious exits: S U ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
Door up: stoneceiling
A one person canoe rests on the ground.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is here, fighting a deadly woman.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is here, fighting a deadly woman.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is here, fighting a swarthy pirate captain.
A swarthy pirate captain is here, fighting A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.
A deadly woman is here, fighting YOU!
A deadly woman is here, fighting Kenzie.
A deadly woman is here, fighting A Domani Merchant.
A deadly woman is here, fighting A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.
A deadly woman is here, fighting Kenzie.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Wounded - a swarthy pirate captain: Hurt >

A deadly woman barely slashes Kenzie's body.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman swiftly dodges a deadly woman's attempt to slash her.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a deadly woman, but she parries successfully.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
A deadly woman tickles Kenzie's body with her slash.
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
Azareth pierce a swarthy pirate captain's head.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a swarthy pirate captain, but he parries successfully.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's body very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Battered - a swarthy pirate captain: Hurt >

Azareth pierce a swarthy pirate captain's right arm hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Battered - a swarthy pirate captain: Hurt >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Excuse me, have you seen a lost seafolk ship?'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Battered - a swarthy pirate captain: Hurt >

A deadly woman tickles Kenzie's body with her slash.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a deadly woman, but she parries successfully.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
A deadly woman barely slashes Kenzie's body.
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
Azareth tries to pierce a swarthy pirate captain, but he deflects the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a swarthy pirate captain, but he deflects the blow.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's right arm hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Battered - a swarthy pirate captain: Hurt >

A deadly woman avoids being bashed by Kenzie who loses her balance and falls!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Battered - a swarthy pirate captain: Hurt >

A deadly woman barely slashes Kenzie's right arm.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a deadly woman, but she parries successfully.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
A deadly woman tickles Kenzie's head with her slash.
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Azareth tries to pierce a swarthy pirate captain, but he deflects the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman barely strikes a swarthy pirate captain's right leg.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's right arm extremely hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Battered - a swarthy pirate captain: Hurt >

Azareth tries to pierce a swarthy pirate captain, but he parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Battered - a swarthy pirate captain: Hurt >
[change mood brave]
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 119 hit points.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - A Mysterious Cloaked Woman: Battered - a swarthy pirate captain: Hurt >

A deadly woman barely tickles Kenzie's left leg with her slash.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a deadly woman, but she parries successfully.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
A deadly woman barely slashes Kenzie's left hand.
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Azareth tries to pierce a swarthy pirate captain, but he deflects the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a swarthy pirate captain, but he deflects the blow.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's right leg into bloody fragments!
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman panics, and attempts to flee!
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves south. vv

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - a swarthy pirate captain: Hurt >

Kenzie sends a deadly woman sprawling with a powerful bash!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - a swarthy pirate captain: Hurt >

A deadly woman joins a deadly woman's fight!
A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she dodges the attack.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes your body extremely hard.
A deadly woman tickles Kenzie's body with her slash.
A Domani Merchant strikes a deadly woman's body.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
Kenzie scythes a deadly woman's right arm into bloody fragments!
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Azareth tries to pierce a swarthy pirate captain, but he parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes your head very hard.
A deadly woman barely slashes Kenzie's left hand.
A Domani Merchant strikes a deadly woman's body hard.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
Kenzie scythes a deadly woman's left leg into bloody fragments!
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
Azareth tries to pierce a swarthy pirate captain, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

[change mood wimpy]
Mood changed to: Wimpy
Wimpy reset to: 199 hit points.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from the south.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >
Within a Hidden Cave
Apparently used by those desiring secrecy, this small cave is tucked within
a large hill, its door of rock shielding the area from prying eyes. Small
bundles of varying shapes and sizes lie about the floor of the cave, tucked
into nooks and crannies and covered with canvas and cloth. Torches hang in
nces at irregular intervals along the wall, and the whole place exudes
an almost palpable air of secrecy. A strange rent is in the floor.
[ obvious exits: S U ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger North
Door up: stoneceiling
A one person canoe rests on the ground.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is here, fighting a deadly woman.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is here, fighting a deadly woman.
A swarthy pirate captain is here, fighting YOU!
A deadly woman is here, fighting YOU!
A deadly woman is sitting here.
A deadly woman is here, fighting A Domani Merchant.
A deadly woman is here, fighting A Domani Merchant.
A deadly woman is here, fighting Kenzie.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes your left leg into bloody fragments!
A deadly woman tickles Kenzie's body with her slash.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a deadly woman, but she deflects the blow.
A Domani Merchant swiftly dodges a deadly woman's attempt to slash her.
Kenzie scythes a deadly woman's body very hard.
A deadly woman barely slashes Kenzie's right leg.
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
Azareth tries to pierce a swarthy pirate captain, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Tiring - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'off this I think'

* S HP:Hurt MV:Tiring - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes your right leg extremely hard.
A deadly woman tickles Kenzie's body with her slash.
A Domani Merchant strikes a deadly woman's body hard.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
A deadly woman barely slashes Kenzie's right leg.
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Azareth pierce a swarthy pirate captain's right leg hard.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Tiring - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A deadly woman avoids being bashed by Kenzie who loses her balance and falls!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Tiring - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

Azareth tries to pierce a swarthy pirate captain, but he parries successfully.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Tiring - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'He is not cooperative'

* S HP:Hurt MV:Tiring - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
A swarthy pirate captain scythes your body extremely hard.
A deadly woman tickles Kenzie's right leg with her slash.
A Domani Merchant strikes a deadly woman's head hard.
A deadly woman tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
A deadly woman tickles Kenzie's head with her slash.
A deadly woman tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
Azareth tries to pierce a swarthy pirate captain, but he parries successfully.
Azareth says 'I agree'

* S HP:Wounded MV:Tiring - a swarthy pirate captain: Scratched >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves south. vv
A Domani Merchant leaves south. vv
Kenzie leaves south. vv
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

The Eastern Outcropping
Just to the west there are a few patches of pointed grass marking the end
of the grassy cove. Harsh winds and high waves making up the sea in the
area around Windbiter's Finger can be seen to the south and east, beyond
the rocky cliffs. Some alder trees can be seen to the northern section of
the outcropping to the east of the grassy ridge.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A bare-footed, bare-chested man observes you coolly.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves west. <<
A Domani Merchant leaves west. <<
Kenzie leaves west. <<
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Beach in the Cove
Emerald green rippling waves roll in softly onto the golden sand in this
quiet, windless beach. Grass and bushes line the cove. providing a perfect
natural windbreak. A single tree grows toward the eastern edge of the cove.
The soil immediately in front of it is covered with withered, dry grass.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
Door down: driedgrass
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is resting here.

The Edge of a Black Reef
The wind whistles by at a tremendous pace, causing the surrounding ocean to
produce ominous black waves of great proportion. On top of the reef small
pools have an occasional fish or crustacean moving through the water. Some
cargo from an unfortunate ship bobs in the shallow waters just to the east.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
On the Deck of the Sea S'Redit
The wooden hull moans beneath you as the waves tear at the half-submerged
shipwreck. The mast has toppled over and now forms a narrow bridge to the
base of one of the nearby black mountains in the sea. A brass plaque is
attached to the centre of the main bulkhead, beside the broken down cabin.
[ obvious exits: E S W D ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
Door down: trapdoor
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is resting here.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman bellows 'Are there any Seafolk boats in sight?'

Azareth nods in agreement.

Azareth says 'We were above one'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'here we go'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves east. >>
A Domani Merchant leaves east. >>
Kenzie leaves east. >>
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

In the Galley of a Raker
A porcelain basin sits in one of the wooden benches which line three of the
four walls of this room. Large iron pots hang from hooks above the area
beside the stove. A small rack with glass bottles is attached to the wooden
hull above one of the benches. A large wooden barrel, with flies hovering
over it, sits beside the basin.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
West: Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A plump pheasant is here flying around.
A bare-footed, bare-chested man observes you coolly.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman sets about looking for clues.

Proud of face and dark of stature, the Atha'an Miere sailor stands here
coolly observing you with folded arms. He wears no shirt or shoes,
preferring the feel of the elements over his sun-tanned body. His motions
are graceful, someone used to the need to maintain a steady footing and
balance under adverse conditions.

A Domani Merchant looks at an Atha'an Miere sailor.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks at an Atha'an Miere sailor.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Ahoy, sailor.'

Azareth says 'He's not as good-looking as the other ones I just found.'

Kenzie looks at an Atha'an Miere sailor.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman thinks hard.

Azareth sits down and rests his tired bones.
Azareth sheath a silver-winged basilard into a blue cape featuring a golden hawk in flight.

In the Galley of a Raker
A porcelain basin sits in one of the wooden benches which line three of the
four walls of this room. Large iron pots hang from hooks above the area
beside the stove. A small rack with glass bottles is attached to the wooden
hull above one of the benches. A large wooden barrel, with flies hovering
over it, sits beside the basin.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
West: A grey-and-green swamp cat is here.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A plump pheasant is here flying around.
A bare-footed, bare-chested man observes you coolly.

Azareth tries to quietly draw a silver-winged basilard from a blue cape featuring a golden hawk in flight.

Azareth stops resting, and stands up.

In the Galley of a Raker
A porcelain basin sits in one of the wooden benches which line three of the
four walls of this room. Large iron pots hang from hooks above the area
beside the stove. A small rack with glass bottles is attached to the wooden
hull above one of the benches. A large wooden barrel, with flies hovering
over it, sits beside the basin.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
West: A grey-and-green swamp cat is here.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A plump pheasant is here flying around.
A bare-footed, bare-chested man observes you coolly.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman holds you, and you perk up as the fatigue washes away.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman holds Kenzie, who now looks quite refreshed.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman holds A Domani Merchant, who now looks quite refreshed.

Kenzie looks at the sailor and smiles at his bare muscled chest in appreciation.

Divya sits down and rests.

Azareth nudges Kenzie with his elbow.

Kenzie grins at Azareth.

Azareth says 'Think he'll defect?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman asks the sailor a question and the sailor responds 'Yeah.'

Kenzie says 'I can look'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman thinks hard.

Azareth says 'You can bring him home with ya.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Anything else?'

Kenzie says 'Nah enough at home to ogle.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves south. vv
A Domani Merchant leaves south. vv
Kenzie leaves south. vv
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

The Black Marsh
Lichen and moss cover the edges of the occasional stone which nestle
between pockets of the stagnant swamp water and bull rushes. A large mass
of twisted foliage sits deeper in the rushes and there are many signs of a
young pair of nesting pheasant. The rushes seem to thin northwards, while
to the west the swampland thickens, as the water deepens and darkens.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
A one person canoe rests on the ground. [2]
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A bare-footed, bare-chested man observes you coolly.
A grey-and-green swamp cat is here.
A bare-footed, bare-chested man observes you coolly.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves east. >>
A Domani Merchant leaves east. >>
Kenzie leaves east. >>
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Black Mountain at the Edge of the Marsh
Sitting solidly rooted in the rock mass, the huge black peak looks much
more stable than any of the features of the marsh northwest. It towers
skyward majestically reaching for the clouds. When the light occasionally
catches some of the quartz in the rock, the black rock shines brightly.
[ obvious exits: N E S W U ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A large swarm of mosquitoes is buzzing around your head.
The sailmistress looks into the distance.
A bare-footed, bare-chested man observes you coolly.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves south. vv
A Domani Merchant leaves south. vv
Kenzie leaves south. vv
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Beach in the Cove
Emerald green rippling waves roll in softly onto the golden sand in this
quiet, windless beach. Grass and bushes line the cove. providing a perfect
natural windbreak. A single tree grows toward the eastern edge of the cove.
The soil immediately in front of it is covered with withered, dry grass.
[ obvious exits: N E S W D ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
Door down: driedgrass
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves down. dd
A Domani Merchant leaves down. dd
Kenzie leaves down. dd
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Cave Under the Beach
Inside a shadowy dank cave carved from the rock, chests sit piled one on
top of another against the walls. This room serves as an entry hall for
several other rooms in this cavern complex. The rock walls shine as light
from the iron torch holders reflect on patches of quartz in the rock,
giving the room a brighter appearance than would normally be expected.
[ obvious exits: N E S W U ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
Door up: ceilinghatch
North: A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
East: A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
South: A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
West: A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.

an e
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A Sailmistress of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting her cargo.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman gasps in astonishment.

Azareth says 'Maybe she knows something.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Let me see if I can assuage her crew'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves west. <<
A Domani Merchant leaves west. <<
Kenzie leaves west. <<
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

In the Black Caves
A medium sized cupboard sits on the rocky floor, against the north wall.
Kegs of various sizes are stacked like wine bottles on their sides, from
floor to ceiling, along the southern wall. A longbow and a quiver of arrows
is on the table in the western side of the room.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
A small wooden keg is upended here, with a shiny metal tap in its side.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves east. >>
A Domani Merchant leaves east. >>
Kenzie leaves east. >>
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Cave Under the Beach
Inside a shadowy dank cave carved from the rock, chests sit piled one on
top of another against the walls. This room serves as an entry hall for
several other rooms in this cavern complex. The rock walls shine as light
from the iron torch holders reflect on patches of quartz in the rock,
giving the room a brighter appearance than would normally be expected.
[ obvious exits: N E S W U ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
Door up: ceilinghatch
North: A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
East: A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
South: A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
West: A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'wrong exit'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves south. vv
A Domani Merchant leaves south. vv
Kenzie leaves south. vv
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

The Mess Hall in the Caverns
A table and several work benches hold pots and pans and cooking
implements. Dried pieces of salted fish are in a wooden box beside the
overside fireplace carved into the rock. At least a dozen legs of smoked
meat hang from hooks from the ceiling. The smell of herbs and spices from
all around the world definitely stimulate the taste buds.
[ obvious exits: N ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.

Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor joins Atha'an Miere Sailor's fight!
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Scratched >

Azareth says 'Hello!'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Scratched >

Kenzie joins A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's fight!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Scratched >

Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's right arm extremely hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Scratched >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Hi!'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Scratched >

Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Scratched >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Oh.'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Scratched >
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm into bloody fragments!
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Azareth says 'Oh, they choise violence.'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Scratched >

Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Hurt >

A Domani Merchant gestures briefly at A Domani Merchant, who now appears more impressive somehow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Hurt >

Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm extremely hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left leg hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Hurt >

Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Hurt >

A Domani Merchant looks at Atha'an Miere Sailor.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Hurt >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Hurt >
Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Hurt >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left leg extremely hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you dodge the attack.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Hurt >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left leg very hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman barely strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left leg.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's head very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg extremely hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman swiftly dodges Atha'an Miere Sailor's attempt to slash her.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

A Domani Merchant strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left hand.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's head hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

A Domani Merchant strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg.
Kenzie tries to scythe Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's right arm.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's left foot very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's left leg very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's head very hard.
A Domani Merchant strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg very hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg extremely hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Beaten >

Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm extremely hard.
Divya looks at Atha'an Miere Sailor.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Beaten >

Divya tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Kenzie tries to scythe Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Critical >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's left hand very hard.
A Domani Merchant strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left leg.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left foot very hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman swiftly dodges Atha'an Miere Sailor's attempt to slash her.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Critical >

Divya puts a leather water flask on her belt.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Critical >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's left hand hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Kenzie tries to scythe Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.
Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Full - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Critical >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor is dead! R.I.P.
Azareth's blood freezes as you hear Atha'an Miere Sailor's death cry.

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg extremely hard.

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's head into bloody fragments!
Atha'an Miere Sailor is dead! R.I.P.
Azareth's blood freezes as you hear Atha'an Miere Sailor's death cry.

Divya now follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman panics, and attempts to flee!

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman panics, and attempts to flee!
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves north. ^^

Divya looks around.

The Mess Hall in the Caverns
A table and several work benches hold pots and pans and cooking
implements. Dried pieces of salted fish are in a wooden box beside the
overside fireplace carved into the rock. At least a dozen legs of smoked
meat hang from hooks from the ceiling. The smell of herbs and spices from
all around the world definitely stimulate the taste buds.
[ obvious exits: N ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
The corpse of Atha'an Miere Sailor is lying here. [2]
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.

Divya says 'Y'all hear some honking?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from the north.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Azareth cringes in terror.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves north. ^^
A Domani Merchant leaves north. ^^
Kenzie leaves north. ^^
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Cave Under the Beach
Inside a shadowy dank cave carved from the rock, chests sit piled one on
top of another against the walls. This room serves as an entry hall for
several other rooms in this cavern complex. The rock walls shine as light
from the iron torch holders reflect on patches of quartz in the rock,
giving the room a brighter appearance than would normally be expected.
[ obvious exits: N E S W U ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
Door up: ceilinghatch
North: A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
East: A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
West: A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves east. >>
A Domani Merchant leaves east. >>
Kenzie leaves east. >>
Azareth follows A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Room in the Black Rock
This room is drier than the others in the cavern complex, possibly from a
shaft in the ceiling which provides some ventilation for the cavern. Bolts
of brightly colored silk and cotton are piled on tables away from the
walls. Boxes of golden thread and dyes line the wall.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is standing here.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A Sailmistress of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting her cargo.
Azareth says 'More geese!'

Azareth attempt to peek at the inventory:
Azareth can't see anything.

Azareth says 'Hello!'

An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Azareth tries to pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she deflects the blow.
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress slashes your body.
A Domani Merchant looks at An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Hello! We have some questions!'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >

Divya looks at An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'oh'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >

Azareth tries to pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she deflects the blow.
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >
Azareth says 'Oh, violence.'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >

Azareth tries to pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she deflects the blow.
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >

Azareth tries to pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she deflects the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >
Divya says 'Oh she doesn't much like you.'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman joins your fight!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >

Kenzie joins A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's fight!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >

Kenzie tries to scythe An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she deflects the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she parries successfully.
Azareth tries to pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she deflects the blow.
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >

Azareth pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's right leg very hard.
Divya joins your fight!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >

A Domani Merchant joins A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's fight!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >

A Domani Merchant strikes An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body hard.
Divya pierces An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body extremely hard.
Azareth tries to pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she deflects the blow.
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman leaves west. <<

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Scratched >

Azareth pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's right foot extremely hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Hurt >

An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress avoids being bashed by Kenzie who loses her balance and falls!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Hurt >

A Domani Merchant strikes An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's right leg hard.
Divya pierces An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body very hard.
Azareth pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's right leg very hard.
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress slashes your left leg hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Hurt >

An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress says 'We must protect the Cargo!'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Hurt >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she parries successfully.
Divya pierces An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's right arm very hard.
Azareth pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's left foot very hard.
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Wounded >

Divya pierces An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body extremely hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Wounded >

Divya tries to pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she deflects the blow.
Azareth tries to pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she deflects the blow.
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
Kenzie clambers to her feet.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Wounded >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman has arrived from the west.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Wounded >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman joins your fight!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Wounded >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she parries successfully.
Divya tries to pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she deflects the blow.
Azareth pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body extremely hard.
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress slashes your body very hard.
Divya pierces An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's left leg extremely hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Wounded >

Kenzie joins A Mysterious Cloaked Woman's fight!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Wounded >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body into bloody fragments!
Divya pierces An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's left leg hard.
Azareth tries to pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she parries successfully.
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Wounded >

An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress says 'We must protect the Cargo!'
Divya pierces An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's right arm extremely hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Wounded >
Azareth says 'What cargo?'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Wounded >

Kenzie sends An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress sprawling with a powerful bash!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Wounded >

Kenzie scythes An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body extremely hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's left leg into bloody fragments!
Divya pierces An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body extremely hard.
Azareth pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Battered >

Kenzie scythes An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's left hand into bloody fragments!
Divya pierces An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's head extremely hard.
Azareth pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Beaten >

Kenzie says 'Not very friendly are they.'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Beaten >

Divya says 'We don't want your stinkin' cargo we want Saline back!'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Beaten >
Azareth pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body extremely hard.
A Room in the Black Rock
This room is drier than the others in the cavern complex, possibly from a
shaft in the ceiling which provides some ventilation for the cavern. Bolts
of brightly colored silk and cotton are piled on tables away from the
walls. Boxes of golden thread and dyes line the wall.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Windbiter's Finger South
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman is here, fighting An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is here, fighting An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.
A Domani Merchant , Domani Merchant is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is here, fighting An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
A dashing, young sailor of the Atha'an Miere stands here protecting his Sailmistress.
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress is sitting here

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Beaten >

Kenzie scythes An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body extremely hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body into bloody fragments!
Divya pierces An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body very hard.
Azareth tries to pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress, but she deflects the blow.
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Critical >

An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress says 'We must protect the Cargo!'
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress says 'We must protect the Cargo!'
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress says 'We must protect the Cargo!'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Critical >

Divya pierces An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body very hard.
Azareth pierce An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's right leg very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress: Critical >

Kenzie scythes An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's left arm into bloody fragments!
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's body extremely hard.
An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress is dead! R.I.P.
Azareth receive your share of experience...
Oh, much better the second time around.
Azareth's blood freezes as you hear An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress's death cry.
Atha'an Miere Sailor stops following An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.
Atha'an Miere Sailor stops following An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.
Atha'an Miere Sailor stops following An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.
Atha'an Miere Sailor stops following An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Where is Saline?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'oh.'

Azareth says 'Well...everyone has been so reticent.'

Divya gets a velvet pouch from the corpse of An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.

Azareth gets a set of cloth sleeves from the corpse of An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.

Kenzie nods at Azareth.

There doesn't seem to be a hoops in the corpse of An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.

Azareth gets a black leather corset from the corpse of An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman gets a note from the corpse of the Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.

give corset kenzie
Azareth gives a black leather corset to Kenzie.

Divya arches an eyebrow.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman reads the note intently.

Azareth says 'For activities.'

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

Kenzie says 'lovely '

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Well, I have good news and bad news. '

Kenzie says 'thank you'

Kenzie grins evilly.

Divya walks past Azareth and kicks him in the shin.

Azareth groans loudly.

Kenzie puts a black leather corset in a backpack.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman shows the note to Lieutenant Azareth.

Azareth arches an eyebrow.

Azareth squints.
Azareth emote: Azareth squints.

Azareth frowns.

Kenzie snickers softly.

Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor joins Atha'an Miere Sailor's fight!
Atha'an Miere Sailor joins Atha'an Miere Sailor's fight!
Atha'an Miere Sailor joins Atha'an Miere Sailor's fight!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Scratched >

A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's head very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor barely slashes Kenzie's head.
Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Scratched >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Scratched >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tickles Kenzie's head with its slash.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's right hand hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left leg.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Scratched >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tickles Kenzie's body with its slash.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left foot hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Hurt >

Atha'an Miere Sailor avoids being bashed by Kenzie who loses her balance and falls!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Hurt >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg very hard.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's left foot extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant gets a pair of hoops connected by a fine chain of gold from the corpse of An Atha'an Miere Sailmistress.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Hurt >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor barely slashes Kenzie's body.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.
Azareth says 'Ah! They seek vengeance!'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Hurt >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Hurt >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!
A Domani Merchant strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor barely tickles Kenzie's left hand with its slash.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Kenzie sends Atha'an Miere Sailor sprawling with a powerful bash!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Divya tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg extremely hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's right hand.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman swiftly dodges Atha'an Miere Sailor's attempt to slash her.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's right arm very hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tickles Kenzie's body with its slash.
Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Atha'an Miere Sailor avoids being bashed by Kenzie who loses her balance and falls!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Divya tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor barely tickles Kenzie's left leg with its slash.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's left leg hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman barely strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's right hand hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's left foot very hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tickles Kenzie's left leg with its slash.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's head into bloody fragments!
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

A Domani Merchant stops using a camouflaged hood.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >
A Domani Merchant wears a pair of hoops connected by a fine chain of gold on her head.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Divya tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.

Atha'an Miere Sailor avoids being bashed by Kenzie who loses her balance and falls!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >
Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm into bloody fragments!
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor barely slashes Kenzie's left arm.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tickles Kenzie's body with its slash.
Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Mysterious Cloaked Woman, but she deflects the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Divya beams a smile at A Domani Merchant.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >
Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm extremely hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
A Domani Merchant strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor barely slashes Kenzie's body.
Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left hand extremely hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor is dead! R.I.P.
Azareth receive your share of experience...
Still better. Experience pays off.
Azareth's blood freezes as you hear Atha'an Miere Sailor's death cry.
Kenzie sends Atha'an Miere Sailor sprawling with a powerful bash!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm extremely hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman barely strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left hand.
Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's head into bloody fragments!
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's head extremely hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Beaten >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body.
Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor barely slashes Kenzie's left foot.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm extremely hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Critical >

Divya tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Critical >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor barely tickles Kenzie's left arm with its slash.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's head extremely hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Critical >

Atha'an Miere Sailor avoids being bashed by Kenzie who loses her balance and falls!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Critical >
k sailor
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor is dead! R.I.P.
Azareth receive your share of experience...
Still better. Experience pays off.
Azareth's blood freezes as you hear Atha'an Miere Sailor's death cry.
Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Kenzie: Hurt - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor barely slashes Kenzie's right leg.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Kenzie: Scratched - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Kenzie: Scratched - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Kenzie: Scratched - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Kenzie: Scratched - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's left leg extremely hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's left leg extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tickles Kenzie's left arm with its slash.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Kenzie: Scratched - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Kenzie sends Atha'an Miere Sailor sprawling with a powerful bash!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Kenzie: Scratched - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's right arm into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Kenzie: Scratched - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's left foot into bloody fragments!
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's left leg very hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she dodges the attack.
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left leg into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Kenzie: Scratched - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Critical >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!
Atha'an Miere Sailor is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Incapacitated >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body into bloody fragments!
Atha'an Miere Sailor is dead! R.I.P.
Azareth's blood freezes as you hear Atha'an Miere Sailor's death cry.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she dodges the attack.

A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she dodges the attack.

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm extremely hard.

Azareth pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's left foot extremely hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - A Domani Merchant: Healthy - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Hurt >

Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's left foot extremely hard.
Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's left arm extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - A Domani Merchant: Healthy - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - A Domani Merchant: Healthy - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - A Domani Merchant: Healthy - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >

Kenzie joins your fight!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - A Domani Merchant: Healthy - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Wounded >
Kenzie scythes Atha'an Miere Sailor's right foot extremely hard.
Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's right arm hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - A Domani Merchant: Healthy - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Divya tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - A Domani Merchant: Healthy - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's right arm extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body very hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - A Domani Merchant: Healthy - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'So we don't know where the ship sunk, but we do have an eye-witness account of it.'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - A Domani Merchant: Healthy - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Atha'an Miere Sailor avoids being bashed by Kenzie who loses her balance and falls!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - A Domani Merchant: Healthy - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Battered >

Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.
Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's head extremely hard.
A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's body.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - A Domani Merchant: Healthy - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Beaten >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's right hand.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's right leg very hard.
Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's left leg very hard.
A Domani Merchant strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's right arm.
Atha'an Miere Sailor tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - A Domani Merchant: Healthy - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Critical >

Azareth tries to pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it parries successfully.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - A Domani Merchant: Healthy - Atha'an Miere Sailor: Critical >

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike Atha'an Miere Sailor, but it deflects the blow.
Azareth pierce Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
Divya pierces Atha'an Miere Sailor's body extremely hard.
A Domani Merchant strikes Atha'an Miere Sailor's left foot hard.
Atha'an Miere Sailor is dead! R.I.P.
Azareth receive your share of experience...
Still better. Experience pays off.
Azareth's blood freezes as you hear Atha'an Miere Sailor's death cry.

Kenzie nods at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'And...well...I should have known.'

Divya gets a curl-brimmed leather hat from the corpse of Atha'an Miere Sailor.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'the raw power of the residue...'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman sighs loudly.

Azareth says 'How could you have?'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman sits down and rests.

Divya gives you a curl-brimmed leather hat.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'It should have been a clue.'

Azareth stops using a camouflaged hood.

Azareth wears a curl-brimmed leather hat on his head.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I am a fool.'

Azareth preens.

Kenzie says 'hardly'

Divya says 'Well I weren't going to say nothing but'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'They said...they even mentioned she was meant to be one of the more powerful

Kenzie beams a smile at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman sighs loudly.

Azareth says 'Powerful?'

Azareth says 'Don't you mean skilled?'

A Domani Merchant coughs loudly.

Azareth says 'They winds and stuff.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Skill is power, yes.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Azareth says 'I imagine clouds and waves or something.'

A Domani Merchant nods at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods indulgently.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Yes, dear, that's what I meant.'

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

Kenzie rolls her eyes...sheesh!..

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'But the point is...skill or power without experience...'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman sighs loudly.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I don't know if we'll find any survivors or if they even want to be found if they

Azareth says 'Okay, so...Saline. Did she make it?'

Azareth sighs.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'No way to know, Lieutenant.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I hope so...but...'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman sighs loudly.

Azareth says 'So, if she wants to be found, she will come to us.'

Kenzie says 'So do we keep searching for her.'

Azareth says 'I think we go home, my dear.'

Kenzie says 'ohhh ok'

Kenzie sighs loudly.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'We can and I am willing to help, but not today. And we know her vessel for sure is gone. '

Kenzie says 'I hope she is alright'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I...need to reach out to the Atha'an Miere again.'

Kenzie nods at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Domani Merchant says 'I'll connect with some contacts in Bandar Eban as well.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'They are great with the seas, but training they do not appear to be training their
Windfinders as well.'

Azareth says 'Your lodging in Mayene shall be covered by our coffers for the duration of your

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I appreciate that, Lieutenant.'

Azareth says 'Your assistance has been invaluable.'

Kenzie says 'Please let us know if you need anything else.'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I appreciate you joining me on this wild goose chase. At least we have some minor closure about the ship itself. And no closure about Saline is not necessarily bad news...'

Kenzie nods at A Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'well'

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Let's get out of here.'

Kenzie nods in agreement.

A Mysterious Cloaked Woman sighs wistfully and stares off at the cove with the ocean beyond.

Posts: 62
Joined: Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:31 pm

Re: A Wave's Whisper

Post by Cordelia » Tue Dec 10, 2024 11:30 am

Part 2 - Lay of the Land

Cordelia threw back the hood of her waxed cloak and stood at the ship’s prow, her hands resting lightly on the smooth wood of the rail. The wind teased loose strands of her dark auburn hair as the ocean gently sprayed her with saltwater. She stared forward, seemingly deep in thought.

In truth, she was observing, her attention drawn something far less tangible than the wind and the waves: faint, shimmering lines that danced on the edges of her vision, delicate like threads spun from moonlight, pulsing with a rhythm that seemed to, at first, resonate with the ship’s own rocking. Residues of a weave – intricate, powerful, and stretched across the horizon leading into unfamiliar waters.

She had been a seeker for years and then out of the game for many more. Now this...enigma...reminded her of the thrill. What drew her to the business of investigations to begin with before her life became a series of village meetings, logistics, and the mundane. Light, she felt alive. She felt a gentle touch on her elbow.

Cordelia turned to meet Katelyn’s eyes. But her companion, a Domani merchant with dark skin and darker hair, was looking beyond her, at the same residue.

“Are you going to tell them?”

Cordelia turned back. “Not yet.”

“I kept quiet on the Shadow Coast, but you know we’ll need their help.”


“And you’re planning on circling back to them?”


“When? This may disappear any moment.”

“It’s been weeks, this residue isn’t dissipating.”

“What are we waiting for?”

“I will not blindly lead them into danger again. We investigate first, get a lay of the land, and then set a course for Mayene.”

Posts: 126
Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2023 9:26 am

Re: A Clue From a Stranger

Post by azareth » Thu Dec 12, 2024 7:05 pm

The clues lead to the location of the missing windfinder.

POV: Mysterious Cloaked Woman

Participants: Azareth, Kenzie, Divya, A Domani Merchant

The Call

exam paper
There is something written upon it:

Message to Kenzie

Kenzie - gather your strike team and meet me at the Frothing Slosh in Illian. I will tell you more when we gather. Bring your sea legs. - C

It weighs 0.1 pounds.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'send a message'

A stable hand says 'Very well, let me get a pigeon.'

A stable hand disappears in a stall and returns after a few moments, a pigeon in his hand.

A messenger pigeon coos softly.

A stable hand says 'Just give her a sheet of paper with your message on it.'

A stable hand says 'For the message make the first line "Message to XXX".'

Small and white, with a touch of gray on her breast, this pigeon coos softly
and cocks her head as she awaits her next assignment. She is well trained to
travel to distant lands to retrieve messages from designated scouts.

A messenger pigeon is in excellent condition.

A stable hand says 'She will return to the coop on her own, no need to wait around.'

give paper pigeon
Mysterious Cloaked Woman gives a sheet of paper to a messenger pigeon.

A messenger pigeon flutters its wings.
A messenger pigeon beats its wings harder.

A messenger pigeon takes off out of reach into the skies!

The Party is Reunited

Azareth has arrived from the west.
Kenzie has arrived from the west.

Azareth flourishes grandly.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman grins evilly.

Kenzie smiles happily.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'You received my pigeon.'

Kenzie says 'Hello'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Hello again.'

Azareth says 'Yes. Brave to risk your only one.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Erm...yes...just one. '

Mysterious Cloaked Woman glances nervously at her purse, which is definitely NOT full of multiple pigeons.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Anyways, I have news and a confession. Perhaps not in that exact order.'

Kenzie nods at Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Which would you prefer first?'

Divya blinks and looks up.

Divya crouches down and puts her head close to Mysterious Cloaked Woman's pouch, listening for any signs of life.

Kenzie says 'Whichever you feel is more presssin please.'

Kenzie snickers softly.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks to Kenzie and nods. She bats Divya away without breaking eye contact.

Kenzie beams a smile at A Domani Merchant.

Divya falls over with a loud clatter of heavy plate armor.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Well, let's start with the confession then. After we fought off those Atha'an Miere pirates and just before we went our separate ways.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I wasn't entirely forthright. '

Divya rolls over as though she weighs half a ton and climbs to her knees.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'That weave residue that we discovered on the docks in was all over the cove and into the waters beyond.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'However, I did not want to mention anything. I had led you into enough danger for one adventure.'

Azareth arches an eyebrow.

Kenzie frowns glancing at Azareth.

Azareth says 'Don't look at me, I don't know anything about residues.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'You'll forgive me for that precaution, I am generally only responsible for my own life in my work as an investigator and seeker.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'When in Illian, Lieutenant...'

Kenzie says 'Oh so much larger than we were led to believe.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Divya wipes other suspicious 'residue' from her hands and mutters under her breath about the cleanliness of the establishment.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'This is not a Feathered Fan variety of's old, it's complicated, and I'm not sure a Windfinder alone could have managed whatever caused it.'

Kenzie motions for the barmaid to bring a cloth.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'A Domani Merchant and I did some scouting, funded by the merchant here.'

Azareth says 'Windfinders just read weather patterns.'

A Domani Merchant turns green and starts to look sick at the mention of the Feathered Fan variety of residue.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'And we convinced an Atha'an Miere ship to grant us some time aboard to follow the weave. '

A Domani Merchant shivers uncomfortably.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods at him.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Sure, right, exactly,' completely deadpan.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'The ship is waiting for us.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'That's the news.'

Kenzie scrunches her nose, decidely not touching the cloth the barmaid dropped at the table.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'You now have a choice -- join me to see where this leads, or stay and await my report.'

Azareth says 'I'm certainly not going to pass up on the offer of joining a deal with the Sea Folk.'

Kenzie says 'I am here to help and would like to join'

Azareth says 'Ours was hard won.'

Azareth starts following Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'it's decided then'

Kenzie stops following Azareth.
Kenzie starts following Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

A bartender tells Mysterious Cloaked Woman 'Ahoy! That do be an excellent selection!'
Mysterious Cloaked Woman now has a small keg.
A bartender puts some coins in a small purse.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman blinks her eyes innocently.

A shapely young woman picks up the cloth and finishes cleaning the table.

Azareth buys a choice steak.

Azareth buys a choice steak.

Azareth eats a choice steak.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'It'll be a long voyage and water is often less sanitary than the beer.'

Azareth buys a choice steak.
A bartender puts some coins in a small purse.
A bartender puts some coins in a small purse.

Kenzie is now a member of your group.
Azareth is now a member of your group.
A Domani Merchant is now a member of your group.
An Illianer steed is now a member of your group.

Canal Street
[ obvious exits: E S ]
A stuffy lord of Illian is here, looking down his nose at you.
An Illianer steed stands here proudly, its black mane glistening.
An Illianer steed stands here proudly, its black mane glistening.
Kenzie has arrived from the east.
Azareth has arrived from the east.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the east.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the east.
Divya has arrived from the east.

Kenzie nods in agreement.
Canal Street
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A member of the Illian watch is here, keeping order in the city.
A member of the Illian watch is here, keeping order in the city.
Kenzie has arrived from the north.
Azareth has arrived from the north.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the north.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the north.
Divya has arrived from the north.

Canal Street
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A well-dressed man peals his bell, alerting people to the latest news.
Kenzie has arrived from the east.
Azareth has arrived from the east.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the east.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the east.
Divya has arrived from the east.

Stone Docks of Illian
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An Illian Companion stands here, stoically surveying his surroundings.
A bee busily flies from plant to plant.
A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.
Kenzie has arrived from the north.
Azareth has arrived from the north.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the north.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the north.
Divya has arrived from the north.

The rain stops.

Stone Docks of Illian
[ obvious exits: W ]
A heavy man commands the crew of a small vessel.
Bayle Domon stands here, wishing he were on the deck of his ship.
Kenzie has arrived from the west.
Azareth has arrived from the west.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the west.
An Illianer steed has arrived from the west.
Divya has arrived from the west.

nod bayle
Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods at him.

Bayle Domon nods at those gathered.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I think it's time to begin our voyage, Master Domon.'

Across the Sea of Storms

A flurry of activity takes place as you are hustled aboard the ship.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks to the east.

Azareth says 'Ooooh.'

sail east

The deckhands move around the ship making ready to sail.

Divya tips her helm with a flourish at Bayle Domon.

The ship moves away from the dock slowly as it heads to the east.

A Domani Merchant drinks hot, bitter tea from a cup.

Divya hums the tune of a familiar sea shanty.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks around, concentrating deeply.

sail east

The deckhands move around the ship making ready to sail.

The ship moves away from the dock slowly as it heads to the east.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Eastward, captain!'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks at the anchor still dragging behind.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman puts her hands on her hip.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Really, now.'

Divya follows Mysterious Cloaked Woman's gaze.

Divya says 'Odd way to trawl.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman rolls up the sleeves of her cloak and walks to the winch and pull for the anchor.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Appears Master Domon is shorthanded today.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Everybody pitch in!'

Sailors move to and fro and indicate they are ready to sail east.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

The deckhands move around the ship making ready to sail.

The ship moves away from the dock slowly as it heads to the east.

Sea of Storms
The ship rests on the open waters of the Sea of Storms, the Illian docks a
fading line to the west. To the north, the distant coastline stretches like
a dark ribbon, barely visible through the haze. All around, the vast ocean
churns with rolling gray waves, whitecaps breaking under a sky of shifting
clouds. The salt-laden breeze whistles through the rigging, and the cries
of distant gulls mix with the slap of water against the hull. The endless
horizon beckons, wild and untamed.
[ obvious exits: ]
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
A Domani Merchant, Domani Merchant is standing here.
Azareth Azema is standing here.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.

Divya looks up the mast at the rigging and then back down to her armored hands.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks across the horizon.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman senses a faint residual of a weave of air.

Focusing on the traces of the weave, you believe you should sail east.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks to the east.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

sail east

Mysterious Cloaked Woman whispers to the sailmistress and gestures to the east.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Eastward, sailors.'

The sailmistress pauses and considers the direction before steering the boat east.

The wind picks up suddenly and the ship skips east.

Sea of Storms
The ship glides near the coastline, with the docks of Illian a hazy sprawl
to the west. To the north, the shore rises in low dunes and rocky outcrops,
waves crashing against the land in steady, foamy bursts. The Sea of Storms
stretches around you, its restless gray waters reflecting the clouded sky.
A briny breeze whispers of salt and damp earth, mingling with the distant
caws of gulls. The open sea beckons, but the nearness of the coast offers a
hint of familiar safety.
[ obvious exits: ]
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
Azareth Azema is standing here.
A Domani Merchant, Domani Merchant is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman senses a faint residual of a weave of air.

Focusing on the traces of the weave, you believe you should sail south.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman scans the horizon once again, looking for...yes...there it is...

sail south

Mysterious Cloaked Woman whispers to the sailmistress and gestures to the south.
Kenzie looks around at the sailors going about their duties.
Divya looks up at the gulls circling above.

The sailmistress pauses and considers the direction before steering the boat south.

The wind picks up suddenly and the ship skips south.

Divya takes a loaf of bread from a packpack.

Sea of Storms
The ship rides the swells of the open sea, with a long, narrow sandbar
visible to the west, its pale ridge just breaking through the waves. To the
north, the coastline fades into a hazy line, distant and featureless. The
Sea of Storms stretches all around, its restless gray waters rising and
falling beneath a sky of shifting clouds. The air is thick with salt, and
the cries of gulls echo from somewhere unseen. The vastness of the open sea
looms ahead, endless and untamed.
[ obvious exits: ]

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'These winds are beginning to get perilous. Take care!'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman senses a faint residual of a weave of air.

Focusing on the traces of the weave, you believe you should sail south.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman closes her eyes, wind whipping her hair.

Divya scatters breadcrumb around the deck, unbothered by the wind.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman's eyes snap open.

Kenzie looks warily at the Sailmistress.

sail south
Darkness descends throughout the forest.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman whispers to the sailmistress and gestures to the south.

The sailmistress pauses and considers the direction before steering the boat south.

The wind picks up suddenly and the ship skips south.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'The forest, yes. The great blue forest. That is what I call the ocean.'

Sea of Storms
The ship drifts farther from shore, the coastline to the north a distant
blur fading into the horizon. To the west, a long sandbar stretches faintly
above the water, its pale ridge barely visible against the rolling gray
waves. The Sea of Storms stretches endlessly around you, its churning
waters rising and falling beneath a sky thick with clouds. The salty air is
heavy, the cries of seabirds echoing from far off. The vastness of the
ocean presses in from all sides, unbroken and wild.
[ obvious exits: ]
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
Azareth Azema is standing here.
A Domani Merchant, Domani Merchant is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.

Divya watches the breadcrumbs blow away in the wind.

Azareth grabs tightly to the railing, attempting to hide any unease on his face.

Divya nods at Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

The Fal Dara alarm horn sounds loudly.

Divya says 'Same, actually.'

Kenzie moves closer trying to hear what Mysterious Cloaked Woman is whispering.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Those Fal Darans have really outdone themselves.'

Divya says 'Quite a siren aye.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman senses a faint residual of a weave of air.

Focusing on the traces of the weave, you believe you should sail south.

Divya says 'Better than...other sirens of note.'

sail south

Mysterious Cloaked Woman whispers to the sailmistressed and gestures to the south.

The sailmistress pauses and considers the direction before steering the boat south.

The wind picks up suddenly and the ship skips south.

Kenzie widens her stance bracing herself, determined to not hold on to the railing.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'It's certainly the siren I prefer to hear at sea...'

Sea of Storms
The ship is surrounded by the endless expanse of the Sea of Storms, with no
sign of the coast or sandbar. To the south, a jagged rock jetty juts from
the waves, its dark shape barely visible against the churning waters. The
ocean stretches in all directions, gray and restless, its waves rising and
falling beneath a sky heavy with clouds. The salty breeze carries the scent
of brine, and the occasional cry of a distant seabird is the only sound
breaking the deep silence.
[ obvious exits: ]
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
A Domani Merchant, Domani Merchant is standing here.
Azareth Azema is standing here.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.

Azareth says 'Speaking of sirens. We aren't going to run into any of those, are we?'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman senses a faint residual of a weave of air.

Divya leans on the mast as the ship turns southward.

Focusing on the traces of the weave, you believe you should sail east.

Kenzie grins at Azareth.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman turns her head to the left, noticing what she is looking for...

Divya says 'Old captain's tale, ain't nary a thing as a titted bird woman!'

sail east

Mysterious Cloaked Woman whispers to the sailmistress and gestures to the east.

Kenzie says 'had enough of the Sirens in port eh.'

The sailmistress pauses and considers the direction before steering the boat east.

The wind picks up suddenly and the ship skips east.

Sea of Storms
The ship is surrounded by the wild, untamed expanse of the Sea of Storms,
the ocean seems to stretch endlessly in all directions. The sea is
fierce and unrelenting, its towering swells rising high before crashing
down in a chaotic rhythm. The wind howls, whipping salt spray across the
deck, and the air is thick with the scent of brine. The sky above is heavy
with clouds, as if mirroring the stormy temperament of the waters below,
offering no sign of calm or shelter. The vast, wild sea dominates all,
unyielding and untamed.
[ obvious exits: ]
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
Azareth Azema is standing here.
A Domani Merchant, Domani Merchant is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.

A Domani Merchant says 'There are many a Siren in the Feathered Fan, who do you think is leaving behind the residue?'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman closes her eyes momentarily and says a prayer for a friend lost at sea. You pick up the name 'Wilson'.

Kenzie grins at A Domani Merchant.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman senses a faint residual of a weave of air.

Focusing on the traces of the weave, you believe you should sail south.

sail south

Mysterious Cloaked Woman whispers to the sailmistress and gestures to the south.

The sailmistress pauses and considers the direction before steering the boat south.

The wind picks up suddenly and the ship skips south.

Sea of Storms
The ship is lost in the wild expanse of the Sea of Storms, where the ocean
stretches endlessly in every direction. The water churns violently, with
towering swells crashing down in unpredictable rhythms. The wind howls
relentlessly, sending salt spray across the deck, and the air is thick with
the scent of brine. Far to the southwest, an island looms on the horizon,
its jagged silhouette barely visible through the haze. The sky overhead is
dark and brooding, as the vast, untamed sea presses in from all sides,
offering no shelter or calm.
[ obvious exits: ]
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.
A Domani Merchant, Domani Merchant is standing here.
Azareth Azema is standing here.
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.

A Domani Merchant gives a silent prayer for 'Wilson'.

Kenzie stumbles a bit from the increase of wind.

Divya looks over at A Domani Merchant, then Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman senses a faint residual of a weave of air.

Focusing on the traces of the weave, you believe you should sail west.

Divya says 'Some say he's still out there, bobbing in the waves.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman glances about as the navigator quietly approaches her.

The Tar Valon guardsmen ring the city alarm in the distance.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman listens to the navigator.

Kenzie says 'Poor Wilson, my condolences.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'No problem, we will wait a minute.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman gasps in astonishment.

Divya hops a little as the ship coasts over a fair wave.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'We left our keg behind.'

Kenzie says 'I have water to spare'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I only drink beer at sea.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Traditions.'

sail west

Divya comforts Mysterious Cloaked Woman with an arm around her waist -- that then appears to be patting the suspected pigeon-pouch.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman whispers to the sailmistress and gestures to the west.

The sailmistress pauses and considers the direction before steering the boat west.

The wind picks up suddenly and the ship skips west.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman slaps Divya's hand a way.

Sea of Storms
The ship is surrounded by the wild, untamed Sea of Storms, with the ocean
stretching endlessly in all directions. To the north, a jagged rock jetty
rises from the churning waters, its dark form barely visible against the
violent waves. To the south, an island appears on the horizon, its rugged
coastline looming like a shadow through the haze. The sea is relentless,
with towering swells crashing down and the wind howling, sending salt spray
across the deck. The sky overhead is heavy with clouds, and the vast, wild
sea presses in from every side.
[ obvious exits: ]
Kenzie the Squad Leader is standing here.
Azareth Azema is standing here.
A Domani Merchant, Domani Merchant is standing here.
Mistress Divya Arionos is standing here.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'It's just one pigeon!'

The sky starts to get cloudy.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman senses the remanants of a powerful weave and are stunned by the chaotic nature by which it unravelled.

Focusing on the traces of the weave, you believe you should sail west.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman falls over backwards.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman stands up looking shaken.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks to the west.

Divya withdraws her hand just as Mysterious Cloaked Woman falls.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Ready yourselves.'

Divya says 'Oop.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman whispers to the sailmistress and gestures to the west.

Divya assumes an offensive striking posture.

The sailmistress shakes her head vigorously.

Kenzie holds her stomach, scanning the horizon for land.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks at the sailmistress archly.

Kenzie stops using a water skin.

Kenzie drinks water from a water skin.

Divya spins her single katar around her fingers by it's hand-hold.

Divya says 'Punchin' time.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman whispers something urgently to the sailmistress. You over hear bits 'We...come this far...back now?'

sail west

Mysterious Cloaked Woman whispers to the sailmistress and gestures to the west.

The sailmistress shakes her head vigorously.

sail west

Mysterious Cloaked Woman whispers to the sailmistress and gestures to the west.

The sailmistress shakes her head vigorously.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman pleads with the sailmistress.

Kenzie leans overboard as the waves seem to get larger and faster.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman thinks really hard.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman whispers to the sailmistress and gestures to the south.

The sailmistress pauses and considers the direction before steering the boat south.

The wind picks up suddenly and the ship skips south.

Divya snags a bit of rigging before it goes flying off.

It is pitch black...

Among Jagged Black Rocks
Black rocks have seemingly come alive on this part of the island, their
shapes contorted and stretched before they solidified. In some places, the
rocks look like strands of stretched, black licorice. Sharp, jagged edges
threaten to cut anyone who is not careful. Just to the south, the ocean
buffets the rocks, sending a shower of water into the air. Shallow pools
have formed in places, reflecting the sky in all its glory.
[ obvious exits: N ]

The Obsidian Island

Divya says 'Oi, volcanic island.'

Divya points over at the glassy obsidian.

At the Pristine Beach
Undulating waves of the deepest turquoise rise into curving white crests
before crashing onto a beach with grains of sand that are a deep black.
As the water retreats, the shifting sand makes a soft tingling sound.
Towards the east, the beach slopes up towards a line of debris in the sand
and beyond, a verdant green wall that forms the edge of a forest. A palm
tree slants towards the beach from that wall, its top bending upwards
towards the sun. Some fruits lie below the tree, cradled by sand.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
A parrot is visible flying high in the sky.
A rebellious pirate is looking for someone to pressgang.
A rebellious pirate is looking for someone to pressgang.
A rebellious pirate is looking for someone to pressgang.
A rebellious pirate is looking for someone to pressgang.
Elorachim the pirate stands looking for your purse.
A parrot is here flying around.
A gull is visible flying high in the sky.
Kenzie has arrived from the south.
Azareth has arrived from the south.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the south.
Divya has arrived from the south.

Among Jagged Black Rocks
Black rocks have seemingly come alive on this part of the island, their
shapes contorted and stretched before they solidified. In some places, the
rocks look like strands of stretched, black licorice. Sharp, jagged edges
threaten to cut anyone who is not careful. Just to the south, the ocean
buffets the rocks, sending a shower of water into the air. Shallow pools
have formed in places, reflecting the sky in all its glory.
[ obvious exits: N ]
Kenzie has arrived from the north.
Azareth has arrived from the north.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the north.
Divya has arrived from the north.

Azareth says 'ack'

Divya says 'A pirate!'

Azareth says 'They moved.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'wait'

A parrot tilts his head, observing Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Azareth says 'They...chased me back'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman thinks really hard.

Divya looks up at the gently steaming volcano.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Perhaps we should try talking first.'

Kenzie nods at Mysterious Cloaked Woman.

Divya pounds her gauntlets together with a smile.

Lightning starts to show in the sky.

Kenzie says 'I like that idea, but it has not worked in the past, but worth a try.'

Divya says 'Aye, speak hands for me and all that, sure sure.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman nods in agreement.

At the Pristine Beach
Undulating waves of the deepest turquoise rise into curving white crests
before crashing onto a beach with grains of sand that are a deep black.
As the water retreats, the shifting sand makes a soft tingling sound.
Towards the east, the beach slopes up towards a line of debris in the sand
and beyond, a verdant green wall that forms the edge of a forest. A palm
tree slants towards the beach from that wall, its top bending upwards
towards the sun. Some fruits lie below the tree, cradled by sand.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
A rebellious pirate is looking for someone to pressgang.
A rebellious pirate is looking for someone to pressgang.
A rebellious pirate is looking for someone to pressgang.
A rebellious pirate is looking for someone to pressgang.
Elorachim the pirate stands looking for your purse.
A parrot is here flying around.
A gull is visible flying high in the sky.
Kenzie has arrived from the east.
A Domani Merchant has arrived from the east.
Divya has arrived from the east.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Ahoy captain!'

Azareth looks at Elorachim the pirate.

Divya says 'Ahoy!'

Azareth says 'Howdy.'

A rebellious pirate barely slashes Divya's body.
A rebellious pirate joins a rebellious pirate's fight!
A rebellious pirate joins a rebellious pirate's fight!
A rebellious pirate joins a rebellious pirate's fight!
Elorachim the pirate joins a rebellious pirate's fight!
A parrot flaps his wings and flies high into the sky.
Kenzie tries to scythe Elorachim the pirate, but he deflects the blow.
Elorachim the pirate tickles Kenzie's head with his pierce.
Azareth tries to pierce a rebellious pirate, but he deflects the blow.
A rebellious pirate tries to slash Azareth, but he deflects the blow.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a rebellious pirate, but he parries successfully.
A rebellious pirate tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she deflects the blow.
Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a rebellious pirate, but he deflects the blow.
A rebellious pirate tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
Divya pierces a rebellious pirate's right foot very hard.
A rebellious pirate barely tickles Divya's head with his slash.
Divya looks at Elorachim the pirate.

* HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full - a rebellious pirate: Healthy >
A Domani Merchant looks at Elorachim the pirate.

* HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full - a rebellious pirate: Healthy > say I was wondering if you'd seena
Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I was wondering if you'd seen a...'

* HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full - a rebellious pirate: Healthy > say oh.

Elorachim the pirate glares around him.

* HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full - a rebellious pirate: Healthy > You say 'oh.'

* HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full - a rebellious pirate: Healthy >
A rebellious pirate gallantly rescues Elorachim the pirate!
Azareth pierces a rebellious pirate's body very hard.

* HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full - a rebellious pirate: Healthy >
A rebellious pirate barely slashes Kenzie's body.
Elorachim the pirate joins a rebellious pirate's fight!
Azareth tries to pierce a rebellious pirate, but he parries successfully.
A Domani Merchant tries to strike a rebellious pirate, but he deflects the blow.
A rebellious pirate tries to slash A Domani Merchant, but she parries successfully.
Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a rebellious pirate, but he deflects the blow.
A rebellious pirate tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Divya tries to pierce a rebellious pirate, but he deflects the blow.
A rebellious pirate barely slashes Divya's body.

* HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full - a rebellious pirate: Healthy >
Azareth says 'Or not.'

Elorachim the pirate bellows 'Kill the encroachers! Steal their boat!'

Azareth says 'I'm not doing well.'

* HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full - a rebellious pirate: Healthy >
Elorachim the pirate pierces Azareth's left arm hard.
Kenzie tries to scythe a rebellious pirate, but he parries successfully.
Azareth tries to pierce a rebellious pirate, but he deflects the blow.
A rebellious pirate slashes A Domani Merchant's body.
Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a rebellious pirate, but he deflects the blow.
A rebellious pirate tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Divya tries to pierce a rebellious pirate, but he parries successfully.
A rebellious pirate barely slashes Divya's right arm.
The day has begun.

* HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full - a rebellious pirate: Healthy >
Elorachim the pirate pierces Azareth's left arm extremely hard.
Azareth panics, and attempts to flee!
Azareth leaves south.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman bellows 'My friends, stay off, save yourselves!'

Kenzie sends a rebellious pirate sprawling with a powerful bash!

Elorachim the pirate pierces A Domani Merchant's head hard.
A rebellious pirate slashes Azareth's body hard.
Azareth panics, and attempts to flee!
Kenzie scythes a rebellious pirate's body into bloody fragments!
A rebellious pirate swiftly dodges A Domani Merchant's attempt to strike him.
Mysterious Cloaked Woman tries to strike a rebellious pirate, but he deflects the blow.
A rebellious pirate tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
Divya tries to pierce a rebellious pirate, but he deflects the blow.
A rebellious pirate tickles Divya's left foot with his slash.

Lightning from the sky strikes Elorachim the pirate, dropping his sizzling corpse to the ground.
Elorachim the pirate is dead! R.I.P.
Mysterious Cloaked Woman's blood freezes as you hear Elorachim the pirate's death cry.
A rebellious pirate stops following Elorachim the pirate.
A rebellious pirate stops following Elorachim the pirate.
A rebellious pirate stops following Elorachim the pirate.
A rebellious pirate stops following Elorachim the pirate.

Divya says 'TACTICS'


Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Nice feint, Merchant!'

A parrot ruffles his feathers satisfied with himself.
A parrot opens his beak slightly as if trying to speak.

A parrot squawks hesitantly 'we call'.
Azareth says 'That was...tough.'

Divya says 'Can't believe we were graced by such an interesting lightning storm.'

A parrot tilts his head, observing Divya.

A parrot opens his beak slightly as if trying to speak.

A parrot squawks hesitantly 'cant believe'.

A parrot ruffles his feathers satisfied with himself.
A parrot leaves east.

Divya says 'Volcanic weather is a wonder.'

A parrot tilts his head, observing Divya.

A parrot opens his beak slightly as if trying to speak.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Aye, the seas are strange here and the storms are stranger.'

A parrot squawks hesitantly 'volcanic weather'.

A parrot ruffles his feathers satisfied with himself.

Divya says 'Pretty bird'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks around to make sure nobody is watching, reaches out swiftly in one motion to snag a parrot and puts it in her purse.

Kenzie snickers softly.

Divya opens her mouth to utter another phrase and closes it.

A Domani Merchant sits down and rests.

A parrot flaps his wings and flies high into the sky.

Divya says 'Parrot musta left.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I am going to see what the rest of this island has on it, rest, I will be right back.'

Perched on the Volcanic Slope
Black rocks twisted in horrifying shapes are scattered across the slope,
some enclosing vents that emit sickly smelling yellow fumes that are
quickly dispersed by the ocean breeze. Far below, rich green foliage covers
the island, which is roughly round in shape, ringed by waves that crest
white over submerged reefs that form an azure blue lagoon. There is no land
in sight in any direction, even on the clearest day.
[ obvious exits: D ]
A corpse lies here.
The Sailmistress Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave commands her vessel here.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman gasps in astonishment.

Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave says 'Light, you are too late.'

Kenzie gasps in astonishment.

Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave says 'We should have been able to outrun them...'

Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave looks at her torn clothing in dismay.

Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave says 'Their boat was so fast...'

Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave says 'She lost control, some unseen force...'

Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave sighs loudly.

Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave says 'It destroyed us both.'

Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave mutters under breathe about how in destruction there are still winners and losers.

Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave coughs up a last heap of blood and you look down to notice the gash bleeding profusely.

Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave falls over in pain and spasms one last time and falls to the ground.

A Domani Merchant has arrived from below.

Azareth says 'Noooo.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'No!'

Kenzie says 'oh Saline'

Azareth frowns.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman falls on her knee next to the body.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman looks at your feet and see the last remains of Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave, famed sailmistress.

Kenzie tears up as she watches Saline collapse

It is the corpse of Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave.

It is the corpse of a windfinder..

Divya says 'SALINE'

Divya says 'WINDFINDER?!'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman sighs.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'It was never...'

Kenzie crouches, putting a comforting hand on Mysterious Cloaked Woman's shoulder.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman sighs.

Azareth says 'Pirates...tough pirates, but just pirates.'

Azareth says 'This doesn't feel right.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'She lost control.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'That should have never happened.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman stands up, steel in her eyes.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'Blood and ashes.'

Divya examines the corpse with interest.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'she wasn't ready.'

Divya says 'Blood and bloody ashes.'

Kenzie stands hand moving to her sword.

Azareth says 'Why would the Sea Folk rush a Windfinder onto a ship?'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'I know people who will make that a pointed question.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'She was merely a child.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman says 'A powerful child, but a child.'

Mysterious Cloaked Woman pulls herself together, gathering composure once more.

Divya kneels solemnly on the ground.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman gathers the pile of dust that was Saline din Zarede Breaking Wave.

Mysterious Cloaked Woman scatters the dust to the sea.

Posts: 585
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:46 pm

Re: Charting a New Course

Post by Korsik » Mon Dec 23, 2024 1:05 pm

**Reposted for order of events**
Posted Thu Dec 12, 2024 1:15 pm by Cordelia
Part 3 - More Than Just Sails and Speed

Cordelia stands weary and grim-faced, subtly conscious of the rocking of the anchored Atha'an Miere vessel off the coast of an isle few even know exists. In front of her is an uncommonly rare gathered group of sailmistresses, windfinders, and cargomasters. The room is humid with the sea air and the mood is heavy with anticipation and tension. Up front is the tall sailmistress that initially tasked Cordelia with her latest investigation.

Cordelia licks her lips and begins. "Thank you for making the arrangements. We found your missing sailmistress and her windfinder."

The murmurs in the room suddenly stops as a hush falls over the group. Only the sound of distant seabirds and waves can be heard.

"But we found them too late. We managed to piece together the truth, but it's a grim story," Cordelia continues.

"Speak plainly, Cordelia. We all knew the danger of the seas, we all knew how this could have turned out," cuts in the tall sailmistress.

Cordelia glares momentarily, but continues. "It was not a natural death. Her vessel was ambushed. By pirates and a man calling himself Elorachim."

The tall sailmistress scoffs, "A mere pirate ship ambushing or catching up to a raker? That's preposterous."

Cordelia holds out a hand, open palm up. "I agree -- that, I have no explanation for. The windfinder was already...had already...passed on when we found her, but the sailmistress' last words indicated the same bewilderment."

"She knew something was wrong, then."

"Yes. She mentioned someone losing control of something and both ships being destroyed by it."

"Were there any clues?"

Cordelia hesitates. She had washed out of the Tower a very, very long time ago and did not advertise her capabilities, as weak and minimal as they were.

"The remnants of the weave that led us there...its unravelling was unlike anything I've ever encountered and the chaos it left behind was evident in everything, from the wreckage of the ships to the island itself."

A few beats go by and nobody speaks.

Cordelia, tired of the silence, speaks once again. "I am only telling you what we felt. We escaped the island, but many of the pirates are still stranded there. The Captain...he's a dangerous man with a dangerous following. Whatever he used to give his ship such could disrupt more than just one trade route."

The tall sailmistress pauses. "How do you know this capability was not destroyed with the pirate ship you saw?"

Cordelia shakes her head. "I do not. It's a hunch - I was not able to locate the actual source of the chaos. The pirates are marooned for now, but they may not stay that way."

Cordelia continues, looking before the gathered Atha'an Miere. "Take care on your trade routes. If these pirates find a way off the island, they will be a threat to every vessel on the Sea of Storms."

Locking eyes with the tall sailmistress, Cordelia drives her point home. "If there is something else at play, we will need more than just sails and speed to stop them."

The room falls into another heavy silence. This time it almost seems the birds and the waves themselves are quiet too.

Cordelia says nothing more and turns to leave, her mind already racing. The seas, she knows, will only grow darker from here.

Voices of the Wheel
Posts: 362
Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:40 pm

Re: Charting a New Course

Post by Voices of the Wheel » Mon Dec 23, 2024 1:07 pm

She looked over the reports carefully, Elorachim, was not a pirate they had encountered. Likely some brash young captain trying to make a name for himself. Clearly a skilled sailor but now no longer a threat to the trade routes. They would need to keep an eye on the island should he build a new craft and harass their vessels.

She paused and turned to the more pressing matter. The Sharan trade route was a rare opportunity, and the bargain struck promised riches for years to come. She glanced at the harbor, considering the ships docked nearby, and summoned a Sailmistress. While waiting, she unfurled charts of the Sea of Storms, preparing to review the course and finalize orders when the Sailmistress arrived.


Cylana din Mairis walked away with her orders somewhat puzzled. The Wave’s Whisper was a fast raker, one of the best in the fleet, but she had never sailed to Mayene or east of Illian for that matter. It would be a difficult passage and equally difficult to keep the crew in line. The details of the bargain imparted on her however left her intrigued. She had thought the Bowl had been locked away by the Aes Sedai. If it had really been found, she pushed down the excitement that was rising. For now, she had a task to complete. The journey to Mayene awaited, and there was no room for distraction.

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