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NEWBIE: Newbie Guide: Weir's Eye of the World Edition

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:07 pm
by admin
Editor's note: The Eye of the World was a specific newbie tutorial zone that is no longer ingame. However, there may be some pieces of info still in here that may be useful once you've read more recent guides.

This guide is intended to be used as an aide to people brand new to WoTMUD, regardless of whether they have previous experience with other MUDs or not. This guide is still very much a work in progess, and will be edited/added to as I am able. If people have comments/suggestions about the guide, its contents, or stuff they would like to see added, please feel free to PM me or post here. My comments on various things I encounter will be bolded and italicized. Everything else will appear roughly as it would in game.

The Wheel Of Time MUD
Mark IV

Updated and Maintained by
Flash, Ingtar, Mournblade, & Zun

Based on the novels by Robert Jordan
and published by Tor Books

Running since Summer 1993
Original Code - CircleMUD
[DikuMUD I Original Source]

Original game idea, concept, and design:
Katja Nyboa, Tom Madsen, Hans Henrik Staerfeldt
Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

By what name do you wish to be known? nuevo A name, hmm. This is a new character, I'll name him new.
Did I get that right, Nuevo (Y/N)? y Yup, pretty sure.
New character.
You should now choose a secret passphrase for your character.
You will be asked for it next time you connect. It can be as long as you want, and should not be easily guessable.
Give me a passphrase for Nuevo: ********** Never give out your passphrase to another person, especially not posted on the forums. If you post a log on the forums for any reason, be sure to check that your passphrase is removed if your log includes the login screen.

Please retype passphrase: **********

What is your sex (M/F)? m I'm a guy, so I'll start out with a male character. You do not have to make a character that is the same sex as you, you can play whichever you like.

Select a race:
[H] - Human
[S] - Seanchan * (recommended experienced players only)
[T] - Trolloc * (recommended experienced players only)

Well it says Seanchan and Trolloc are recommended for experienced players only, and what I read on the website said I should start out as a human.


Select a homeland:
[ 1] - Two Rivers
[ 2] - Andor
[ 3] - the Borderlands
[ 4] - Tarabon
[ 5] - Cairhien
[ 6] - Tear
[ 7] - Murandy
[ 8] - Amadicia
[ 9] - Shienar
[10] - Arafel
[11] - Kandor
[12] - Saldaea
[13] - Illian
[14] - Ghealdan
[15] - Arad Doman
[16] - Mayene
[17] - Altara

Hmm, I've read the books, but I remember reading on the website that homelands modify my character, and I don't remember what it said. I'll just Google "wotmud homelands" and see what comes up. Ah, the first link is to a WoTMUD wiki, that looks helpful. Looking around the wiki tells me about stats, and how a character's stats are what determine how well a character does. I don't know much about these numbers yet, so I'll just pick the Two Rivers because that was where Rand was from.

Homeland: 1

Select a class:
[H] - Hunter
[R] - Rogue
[W] - Warrior

Select a class, hmm. A channeler sounds cool, but I know male channelers in the books went mad, and it says I will be hunted if I select that one. The website said a warrior would be easiest to start on, but that sounds kind of boring. I'll try a hunter, that sounds awesome.

Class: h

__ __ _______
\ \ / /_|__ __| __ _ _ ____
\ \ / / __ \| | \ / | | | | _ \
\ \ /\ / / / \ \ | \/ | | | | | \ \
\ \/ \/ /\ \__/ / | |\ /| | |_| | |_/ /
\ /\ / \____/| |_| \/ |_|\___/|____/
\/ \/ |_|

--------:- telnet:// 2222 -:---------

------:- -:--------

Welcome to the Wheel of Time! Type 'help' for information.
Don't forget to read the forums at !

Circle of Light
High amidst the heavens, the Circle of Light is the hallowed ground of the
friends of the Light. From here, some of the major destinations around the
world can be reached, as shown by a large sign. A permanent fountain in the
center of the Circle gives a soothing backdrop to ponder mortal matters.


To obtain some free starting equipment, TELL GUARDIAN KIT.

It is strongly recommended that new players look at our website
at, before starting out, for the rules, maps, and more.
[ obvious exits: D ]
The waters of a blue-veined marble fountain pour forth here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A kind-faced figure stands here.
From this point on you will be saved under the new rent system.

Your color is now complete.
A kind soul tells you 'Welcome to the Wheel of Time Mud!'

A kind soul tells you 'Here are the top 3 tips from our players, to new players:'

A kind soul tells you 'Tip 1: It's easiest to start the game on a warrior from the Borderlands, Kandor, Saldaea and the Two Rivers homelands.'

A kind soul tells you 'Tip 2: type LISTEN ALL to toggle our global communication channels on/off. See: HELP LISTEN for further details.'

A kind soul tells you 'Once you are level 2, you can CHAT and ask questions. For example: chat can anyone help me, I'm new.'

A kind soul tells you 'Tip 3: visit our forums at and check out our Help! forum for further information, like our Newbie Guide.'

A kind soul tells you 'If you want to hear these tips again, type SAY TIPS.'

Holy text, Batman! As you play this game, a lot of text will fly by the screen at a time, and one of the biggest tricks to playing it is learning which text to pay attention to and which you can ignore. The colors of text can really help you out in this fashion. When someone tells you something, be it another player or an NPC (non-player-character) like the kind soul did, it will show up as red text. Learning which colors as the standard for different things will help you pick out what stuff actually is without necessarily reading all the information.

Grannus arrives suddenly, looking dazed and confused.

This is another player character, having just arrived in this room called Circle of Light. This specific room is the room all human characters get put in if they die, and when it happens they appear just like Grannus did.

Grannus rests.

Grannus says 'food please'

A kind soul puts a strange fruit in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a strange fruit in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a strange fruit in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a strange fruit in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a strange fruit in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a strange fruit in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a strange fruit in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a strange fruit in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a strange fruit in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a strange fruit in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a strange fruit in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a strange fruit in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a strange fruit in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a torch in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a torch in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a torch in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a torch in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a torch in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a torch in a wooden barrel.
A kind soul puts a torch in a wooden barrel.

Many NPCs in the game respond to certain actions from player characters. This kind soul, in addition to telling tips to new players, is designed to respond to people saying what Grannus did, to provide food and lights to the recently deceased.

Grannus gets a strange fruit from a wooden barrel.

Grannus gets a strange fruit from a wooden barrel.

Grannus gets a strange fruit from a wooden barrel.

Grannus stops resting, and clambers on his feet.

Grannus leaves down.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > look names Depending on what sort of program you are using to play the game, some things may have additional color beyond the normal automatic colors built into the game. With the program I use, all my inputs to the game show up as green, so I will keep them that color to make it easier to see what commands I actually do. All the starting text was a little overwhelming, but it did say that new characters should do a few things, so I'll go ahead and type what the game told me to.

Names on this mud should be appropriate to Robert Jordan's timeline. Names
are to be a first name only as you can choose a last name or a title at
level 20. Also names should only have the first letter capitalized. Names
are to be actual names, not ideas, concepts, verbs, adjectives or anything
that could be confused with mobiles or code in the game. Some examples of
good names are Erengol, Arim, Galdor and Warlan. Some bad examples are Atom,
DarkAngel, WolfBrother, You, BOBBY, Flamewielder, Justicebringer & Sword.
Characters on the mud are also not allowed to use names from the book or
any close deviation of the name. So MatrimCauthon or Matt or Perryn is not
allowed. If you are in violation of any of these guidelines, you should
quit now and create a character with a proper name. If you keep an inproper
name, the Mud Staff will remove you from the game. So doing this simple
procedure now will save you some time and hassle.
If you are having trouble thinking up an acceptable name then just go on
the web to where the custom-made 'Wheel of Time
names maker' will make 100 random wot-type names for you.
Thanks for helping us keep to a high standard. Please enjoy playing the
Wheel of Time MUD!

Well, my name seems okay to me, and even if it isn't I don't intend to keep it long beyond making this Newbie Guide, so it won't matter.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > help rules
The Five Rules

1) No Multiplaying. PERIOD.
If you are on the game in any form with more than one character
at a time, even one is *linkless* and regardless of what computer
the characters are playing from, ALL characters involved will be
immediately demoted to level 1. Multiplaying includes switching
between characters too quickly. When switching between characters on
the game, you must wait:
5 minutes between characters on the same side (Light,Dark or Seanchan)
30 minutes between switching sides (Light to Dark or Seanchan, etc)
30 minutes between switching immortal to mortal
Time is counted in real minutes and not affected by reboot or crashes.

The multiplaying rule wait times have since been changed. The wait time to change across sides is now 15 minutes instead of 30 minutes.

2) Loopholes.
It is illegal to abuse/exploit loopholes in the game or code, and
you are encouraged to report these loopholes. Loopholes are anything
that doesn't work as advertised or lets you do things which you
normally couldn't do, or makes an activity easier than it otherwise
would be.

* Press <Return> to continue, q to quit *>

For a lot of different things in the game, if the information coming from the game is in a large chunk, it will split the information up into "pages" and display the above line to indicate that more text is coming. To continue receiving the text, you simply hit enter or return and it will continue being displayed. If you enter any other command/keystroke, you will exit out of whatever information was coming to you.

Any rewards earned from exploiting loopholes (equipment, points, or
otherwise) will be revoked, and demotions up to a full zap are likely.

3) Role playing violations rule.
Role playing on this mud is by choice. Quest Point (QP) rewards are
given for role playing by immortals in charge of RP. Violations of
role playing will result in QP deductions. Judgment of RP violations
is at the sole discretion of the role-play staff.

4) Houseguest rule.
The immortal staff owns this mud and invite you to freely play here.
Please keep in mind that you are a welcome guest and that you are
expected to conduct yourself accordingly. All message areas,
communications channels, and the very ability to play here are all
privileges offered to you and may be withdrawn at any time for
conduct unbecoming a houseguest. (This includes harassment of anyone
else but does not necessarily include swearing). Any incidents which
merit recourse to the authorities should be logged and reported by
yourself. Any threatened or actual incidents which may, in your
opinion, merit recourse to the authorities, are your responsibility
to record and report as soon as possible.

* Press <Return> to continue, q to quit *>
5) Detailed Rules.
From time to time, less philosophical and more technical rules must
be placed on the game due to the dynamic environment and unforeseen
problems with code. These rules may be temporary in nature, but may
hold for longer periods of time until the underlying cause is solved.
These rules will be summarized on the Announcements forum on the game
web site. You are required to read the forum before each login to make
yourself aware of the latest information.

Unannounced changes to the game by immortals, including control of mobs, are
expressly permissible.

Player killing, player stealing are legal but may have consequences under #3.

Punishment must be by a visible immortal or include notification of the
immortal involved, along with the specific rule broken. You get one appeal
to a higher immortal. There is no appeal from an Implementor.

As Rule #5 stated, these 5 rules are not the only rules placed on the game, just the most basic. All of the current rules can be viewed in the Rules post in the Announcements section of the forums.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > look notice
Welcome to WoTmud IV, the Wheel of Time MUD, the largest free Wheel of
Time-based online RPG. With more than 6,000 players from 80+ different
countries, we hope that you will enjoy yourself in our corner of the Internet.

Please have a look at our website at before starting out in
this game. There are a number of features unique to WoTmud that should be taken
account of prior to character creation, and the website is a good place to
discover those. Type "Tell guardian kit" (followed by return) to obtain some
starting equipment, and read the news boards around the cities to obtain the
latest information about the game.

In order for your equipment to be saved, you must rent at an inn, which will
cost you some coin depending on the quality and quantity of what you've got.

Please also report any problems and comments you may have either on the boards
or to [email protected]/. If you enjoy playing the game, and wish to help us
promote it, please put up a link to our site on the WWW!

-- management

Some of this information is out of date, and some of it we have already been told, so it isn't all that important.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > look intro

Welcome to the Wheel of Time.
There are a things that you REALLY do need to be aware of.
When you're new here, WoTmud can be... VERY challenging.
Would you like to know some essentials about survival here?
Robert Jordan's 'Wheel of Time' is a dark and complex world.
Many enemies lurk in dark corners, awaiting their chance...
All ready to take your life to vanquish the forces of Light!
Rats, crows and ravens spy for the dark: don't let them follow you.
An important thing is the concept of innocence.
Kill an innocent being, and you'll find yourself WANTED!
And if the clans hear of it, they'll chase you...
... to the end of the world and beyond, seeking justice!
The forces of Justice vary from land to land, city to city.
Some cities are regulated by clans, others only by the citizens,
If any Darkfriend tries to kill you there, let its clan know!
Or, join the clan, and help keep the lawlessness at bay.
Consider all except members of the enemy race innocent.
You're advised NOT TO KEEP COMPANY with those that are wanted.
Ask players if they're wanted before setting out with them.
Channeling (magic) is a mighty gift learned only by the select.
The White Tower of Tar Valon knows the mightiest weaves...

* Press <Return> to continue, q to quit *>
Although rumours exist of a 'Kin', independent of Tar Valon.
Male Channelers are highly dangerous, and hunted by all.
Yet one of them will be the Dragon Reborn, the leader of the Light!
Take good heed of the Woodsman alarm on your travels,
They patrol the lands, aware of Seanchan and Shadowspawn invasions.
Many will respect and thank you for narrating of enemy invasions.
Most cities are well-defended, with stout gates that close at night.
..which you must 'call open' at night when they're closed.
Being young, you will find the world uncompromising, and tough.
Youngsters are not protected here, and only the best survive.
But, there are 100+ quests for the young, issued by town criers,
and you'll soon have enough money to buy some good equipment.

Again, some of this information is outdated and not relevant, but a couple things to take from this are that 1) most city gates close at night and will need to be "called" open, and 2) town criers provide quests for newer characters for money.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > look
Circle of Light
High amidst the heavens, the Circle of Light is the hallowed ground of the
friends of the Light. From here, some of the major destinations around the
world can be reached, as shown by a large sign. A permanent fountain in the
center of the Circle gives a soothing backdrop to ponder mortal matters.


To obtain some free starting equipment, TELL GUARDIAN KIT.

It is strongly recommended that new players look at our website
at, before starting out, for the rules, maps, and more.
[ obvious exits: D ]
The waters of a blue-veined marble fountain pour forth here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.

A kind-faced figure stands here.

You will notice that certain things here are colored differently than they were the first time we saw all this information. This is because the first time, the game colors had not yet been turned on. Now, we see three additional colors. The light blue colored text (Circle of Light) is the room name you are currently in. The game is split into thousands of different rooms, which can be traveled to using the directional commands. Each room has its own room name, though not all room names are unique. The room name always appears at the beginning of the text you receive upon entering a new room.

All the text directly following the room name is the room description. It both describes the area of the room itself (which may be an outdoor or indoor location, a game "room" does not specifically mean indoors) as well as the surrounding areas. Most room descriptions will provide details of the setting of the room, certain items that may be there, hints to what may be in other directions, etc. As a new player, reading the room descriptions can be one of the best ways to find your way around if you get lost or are trying to find something specific.

The room description is always immediately followed by a line telling which exits are available from the current room. In this case, there is only one exit: D. In this game, there are only 6 directional commands, north, south, east, west, up, and down. All of these can be shortened to simply N, S, E, W, U, D, respectively. Most rooms only have exits in certain directions, but there may also be secret exits that are hidden from normal sight by hidden doors. Hidden doors generally require a special skill to find and open, as well as some exploring on your part.

Following the obvious exits line is more colored text. Anything after the obvious exits line is either an item on the ground in the room you are currently in, an NPC, or another player character. In this case, the two light green lines are objects in the room, a fountain and a barrel. The yellow-brown line is an NPC in the room, the kind soul who gave tips earlier.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > tell guardian kit
The Guardian has honored your request.
The Guardian tells you, 'Rent at an inn before you leave in order to save your equipment.'

In this case, The Guardian is not an actual NPC in the game, so it wasn't a real tell like the kind soul NPC sent. Thus, the tell text did not show up as red. It was merely a coded action from the game displaying the message. Now that I have a new kit, I want to check out what I have. The way I can see what I'm wearing is by typing equipment.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong > equipment
You are using:
<worn on head> a leather helmet
<worn on body> a worn leather vest
<worn on arms> a light pair of leather coverings
<worn as shield> a wooden practice shield
<worn about waist> a plain brown belt
<worn on belt> a soft leather pouch
<worn on legs> a pair of thin leather leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of heavy leather shoes

This is all the gear I currently have on. There are many different slots which can be filled by various items in the game. In addition to directly wearing gear, you can hold stuff in your inventory.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > inventory
You are carrying:
a water skin
two gold crowns
a quarterstaff

Cool, I have a quarterstaff. I want to use it, so I'll try wielding it.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > wield staff
You need two hands free to wield a quarterstaff.

Hmm, it's not letting me wield it, because I don't have enough free hands. If I look back at my equipment, I can see I'm using a shield, perhaps that is taking up one of my hands. I'll try removing it.

Ishar has entered the game.

Ishar leaves down.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > remove shield
You stop using a wooden practice shield.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > wield staff
You wield a quarterstaff with both hands.

The quarterstaff takes two hands to wield, whereas the shield takes one hand. I don't have three hands, so I can't use both at once. Weapons in this game can either be one or two-handed, so some might be usable with a shield whereas others will not. Now that I've wielded my staff, I want to check out some of the other stuff in the room.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > look at fountain
It is a fountain.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > look at barrel
It is a wooden barrel.

I looked at the fountain and barrel, but doing so only told me what the objects were. However, I want to know what is in the barrel.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > look in barrel
barrel (here) :
a torch
a torch
a torch
a torch
a torch
a torch
a torch
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit
a strange fruit

By looking in the barrel instead of at it, I can now see the contents of the container. That was a whole lot of text, though, and I didn't like how it was displayed. I remember from the website that there was a way to display this information differently in the game, by toggling a certain command.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > change spam 1
Spam protection (objects, horses, etc) is now on.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > look in barrel
barrel (here) :
[7] a torch
[23] a strange fruit

By toggling "spam 1" on, objects now stack on top of each other instead of displaying separately. This can help reduce a lot of the extra text lines in the game.

Grannus arrives suddenly, looking dazed and confused.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh >
Grannus snaps his fingers.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > listen all
You now listen to all channels.

The kind soul NPC advised that I try a "listen all" to hear the global communications between people, and to check out the help file as well.

Grannus gets a strange fruit from a wooden barrel.

Grannus gets a strange fruit from a wooden barrel.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > help listen

Syntax: listen <channel>
listen ravens
listen wolves

Listen is used to turn on and off the various player communication
channels. To turn off a channel, listen to it again if it is already on.

In addition to players, various mobs also communicate on the channels.
For trollocs, crows/ravens/rats broadcast information, as do wolves on
the human side (although only Wolfbrothers can hear the wolf reports).
To turn off these mob reports, use listen ravens/wolves, depending upon
your race.


> listen narrate
> listen all
> listen none
> listen chat

Grannus rests.

* Press <Return> to continue, q to quit *>
SEE ALSO: Narrate, Chat

An important thing to note, though, is that like some of the intro information, some of the help files might also be out of date. They will still yield mostly accurate information, but as various things have changed over the years they might not be 100% correct.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > look
Circle of Light
High amidst the heavens, the Circle of Light is the hallowed ground of the
friends of the Light. From here, some of the major destinations around the
world can be reached, as shown by a large sign. A permanent fountain in the
center of the Circle gives a soothing backdrop to ponder mortal matters.


To obtain some free starting equipment, TELL GUARDIAN KIT.

It is strongly recommended that new players look at our website
at, before starting out, for the rules, maps, and more.
[ obvious exits: D ]
The waters of a blue-veined marble fountain pour forth here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.

Grannus of Cairhien is resting here.
A kind-faced figure stands here.

This time when I looked in the room, I can see Grannus here too. He also shows up as the same color as NPCs in the room. I've checked out stuff here, so I'm going to move on.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > down
Entering the Weave...
You tingle as the Pattern weaves itself around you once again. You prepare to
enter the woven thread and current age.

A guidepost stands here offering instruction to the respun. You should LOOK

The Eye of the World, city of legend and myth lies down below the mists,
ready to receive those who are new to this weave of the Wheel.

[ obvious exits: D ]

Grannus has entered the game.

Dario chats 'how do i get out of eye?'

Global communications, such as chats or narrates, will show up as this same yellow-brown as well. They are easy to distinguish from objects in the room, though, because they always show up as a name chatting or narrating something, like above.

Grannus is rewoven.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > look post
In order to be respun into this thread you simply need to
choose your destination. To be respun enter the follow command:

enter weave <location>

Replace <location> with where you would like to be respun.

Threads of the Wheel...choose wisely...
| Beginner | Experienced | Journeyed | Mastered |
| Emond's Field | Aringill | Fal Dara | Lockshear |
| Caemlyn | Whitebridge | Maradon | Chachin |
| Amador | Four Kings | Tar Valon | Irinjivar |
| Cairhien | Baerlon | Lugard | Touchan |
| Illian | Tarendrelle | Maerone | |
| Tear | Watch Hill | Tanchico | |
| Mayene | Bandar Eban | | |
| | Deven Ride | | |
| | Glancor | | |
| | Far Madding | | |

Dario chats 'find officer and say take me to caemlyn?'

Owelvydher chats 'find the coachman south west ish of the square and say take me to caemlyn please'

Edana chats 'tell coachman take me to caemlyn please'

* Press <Return> to continue, q to quit *>
| | Taren Ferry | | |

*** Any level may enter the Beginner or Experienced threads ***
*** To enter Journeyed threads you need to be Level 20 ***
*** To enter Mastered threads you need to be Level 40 ***

When information coming from the game is paginated, like mentioned before, other information such as chats or narrates will be displayed while the game is waiting for you to hit enter/return or some other command. Chats and narrates can be a little obnoxious for a newer player trying to get a grip on an already quickly scrolling by screen, so a good idea might be to turn them off for the time being.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > listen none
You now ignore the chats and narrates.

In the room description, it mentioned that the Eye of the World was down from my current room, for people new to this weave of the Wheel (new to the game).

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > d

The Newcomer's Refuge
A small building of brick and mortar, this refuge is home to people who see
themselves as the official 'welcome wagon' people of the city. The door is
always open, and someone helpful can usually be found within. A big brass
bell is mounted on the wall.

Mounted on the wall are a gleaming PLAQUE and a SIGN for you to LOOK at.

A note from the Staff is tacked to the wall:
Bringing equipment or items here from outside of the Eye is illegal, and
all such equipment is subject to confiscation.
[ obvious exits: S U ]
The postmaster stands here, ready to deliver the mail.

To learn a few important things about the game, do the quest!
You can start the quest by reading the plaque in this room!

A warrior from the Borderlands bellows 'Greetings Nuevo, welcome to our town!'

For some starting supplies type TELL GUARDIAN KIT.

Your equipment will appear in your INVENTORY, from which you can WEAR ALL.

I have my global communications turned off, but I still heard this NPC bellow. A bellow is a zone-wide communication, using the "yell" command, which is only heard by people within the same zone as you. A zone is a specific grouping of roughly 100 rooms in a certain area. In this instance, this Eye of the World starter area is one big zone, and this warrior NPC is yelling to everyone in it about another player arriving.

In the room description, it mentions a plaque and a sign to look at, and that if I want to learn important things about the game, I should check out the plaque. Notice though that there aren't physical objects in the room for the plaque and the sign. A lot of rooms will have things in them that are only described in the room description, but that can still be interacted with to some degree, such as the plaque and sign here. This is a reason why reading room descriptions can be useful when exploring.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > look plaque

Top Twelve Things You Should Know Before Playing The Wheel of Time MUD

THE FIVE RULES are the basic rules that every player at the Wheel of Time MUD
can expect to experience and are required to adhere to. You can read them
by typing HELP RULES. If you join a clan you will be subject to additional
rules regarding both roleplay and specific rule requirements for the clan itself.

For a game tip, look at the sign!
To learn about item number two of our top twelve, go to the innkeeper by
typing SOUTH, WEST, WEST, NORTH, UP or S, W, W, N, U for short.

Like the directional commands, most other commands in the game can be shortened to some degree. A lot of figuring out how to shorten a command is done by trial and error. Most often, it is done by just chopping off a large portion of the back end of the command. In some cases though, two commands might be similar enough that if you chop off too much of the word, you will instead enter a different command.

Barriston has suddenly arrived.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > l sign
Barriston leaves south.

Here I shortened the look command to simply "l".

A warrior from the Borderlands bellows 'Greetings Barriston, welcome to our town!'
Game Tip 1: Lanterns.

To make sure you can see at night you can carry lanterns or torches.
To turn on a light source, type HOLD LANTERN. To switch off the light source,
type REMOVE LANTERN. No light source lasts forever, at some point they go
out. Grocers sell fresh lanterns. To see how much longer your lantern will last,
type EXAMINE LANTERN. To get rid of a burnt out lantern simply throw it away
by typing DROP LANTERN or by giving it to a mob.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > inv
You are carrying:
a wooden practice shield
a water skin
two gold crowns

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > equip
You are using:
<worn on head> a leather helmet
<worn on body> a worn leather vest
<worn on arms> a light pair of leather coverings
<wielded two-handed> a quarterstaff
<worn about waist> a plain brown belt
<worn on belt> a soft leather pouch
<worn on legs> a pair of thin leather leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of heavy leather shoes

Well I don't have any lanterns that I see, but I do notice that I have a pouch on my belt. Perhaps I can look in it. Let's try out the examine command it just mentioned.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > examine pouch
It is a soft leather pouch.
When you look inside, you see:
pouch (used) :
a torch
a leather water flask
[2] a soft honeycake
[3] a hunk of beef
a rusty dagger
[2] a lantern

Instead of looking at or in a container or object, the examine command can be used to do both at once. When I examined the pouch, it both told me what it was, as well as what was contained inside. I see now that I have lanterns and a torch in my pouch, and I want to get them out.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > get torch pouch
You get a torch from a soft leather pouch.

In this game, various prepositions (such as at, or from) are simply assumed when you are typing commands. In this instance, I want to get the torch from the pouch, but the game already assumes the prepositional portion of the phrase, so I only need to type "get torch pouch" instead of "get torch from pouch". Likewise, when I want to look at something, I simply need to "look fountain" or "look NPC" rather than "look at fountain" or "look at NPC".

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > exa pouch
It is a soft leather pouch.
When you look inside, you see:
pouch (used) :
a leather water flask
[2] a soft honeycake
[3] a hunk of beef
a rusty dagger
[2] a lantern

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > exa torch
It is a torch that should be good for approximately 16 hours.

I see by examining the torch that it has 16 hours remaining. These hours refer to in-game hours, rather than real-life time. An in-game hour is roughly 1 real-life minute, but in actuality it is slightly longer due to accumulated server lag. A game day is 24 hours long. You can see the current game time at any given moment simply by typing "time".

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > time
It is 5 o'clock pm, on the 18th day of the month of Danu, year 1001.
According to legend and prophecy, this is the Zunth Turn of the Wheel.
The official forums are back at '' enjoy!

(Server: Fri Oct 25 02:31:08 2013 EST, up for 18 hours, 35 minutes)

I'm done here, so I want to move on to the next plaque in the series, so I follow the directions given.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > s
On Adanza Street
A narrow street on the outskirts of the city, Adanza Street is a smooth
road that has seen decades of travel as people have made their way
throughout the city. An official-looking building to the north has a brass
plaque posted next to the door. There is an open park to the east, and to
the west is the small southern gate.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
The Southern Gate
A narrow gate set into the southern wall leads out to the wilds where a
narrow road hardly larger than a goat track has a rock-pocked surface. A
small way to the north is the city square, and Adanza Street runs parallel
to the wall surrounding the southern side of the city. Above the gate are
murder holes, perfect for protected attacks against anything laying siege
to the city itself from beyond.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
Outside the Ansaline Gardens Inn
A squat building of green limestone to the north is the jewel of the entire
street, its intricate carvings of flowers and trees appearing almost
lifelike. Across the way is the wall surrounding the city, and the street
runs east to west in a straight line.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A Child of the Light watches with vigilence.
A peddler pawns his wares here.
A dust covered coachman stands here, waiting for passengers.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
The Ansaline Gardens Inn
A large room of bleached oak practically shines, day or night. Clean tables
flank a large central stone fireplace and a long bar set along a wall is
tended quickly. Stairs lead up to the private chambers where, for a
moderate fee, a weary guest can spend a peaceful night. Throughout the room
are real plants of exotic species, a small remembrance of another place and
time long lost. Mounted on the wall are a dull gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: E S U ]
A slender woman flips a dagger from hand to hand.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l plaque

Top Twelve Things You Should Know Before Playing The Wheel of Time MUD: 12

PRIVACY is something you should value. Do not ask people who their other characters
are in any way, nor should you answer any requests for the same thing. Don't give out your
name, address or identifying information. Your password should never be asked for in the
game except upon a rare occasion by a Staff member. If anyone attempts to pressure you
into giving out any of this information, mail PR Administration in the forums and discontinue
speaking with that player or character.

For a game tip, look at the sign!

To enter the vastness of the world outside this city, go to the coachman outside this inn,
and ask him TAKE ME TO CAEMLYN PLEASE, then follow the coachman's instructions.

This concludes the top twelve things you should know about the Wheel of Time MUD.
Good luck, have fun, and welcome to the Wheel of Time! There is a lot to discover
and we hope you will enjoy your time here.

I thought I was in the correct room, as there was a plaque and sign here, but then I realized this was plaque #12 of a 12 part set, so I scrolled back up to see that I should be one room away from where I currently am according to the last plaque's directions.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > u
Outside the Guest Rooms
A central hallway akin to one in a private home is lined with doors leading
to private bedrooms. For a fee a traveller can stay overnight, guaranteed a
peaceful and safe stay. Mounted on the hallway's wall and lit by an oil
lamp are a dull gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: D ]
Hand on his sword hilt, a Borderlander watches the shadows.
A fairly large and strange looking bird pokes about.
An innkeeper makes his rounds of the room, tending to guests.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l plaque

Top Twelve Things You Should Know Before Playing The Wheel of Time MUD: 2

THE NAMES POLICY is in place to help the game be Wheel of Time. We reserve
the right to remove you from the game at any time, regardless of your level in
the game or how long you have been playing, and require you to make a new
character with an acceptable name. The only exceptions to this are if a character
is older than a certain date. If you are a new character to the game and are in this
game area, you do not qualify as an exception. Please be sure your name fits the
names policy so that you can get out there and have some fun!

For a game tip, look at the sign!
To learn about item number three of our top twelve, spam d, s, all e, n, w.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l sign

Game Tip 2: Logging off.

If you want to log off, DO NOT type quit. This will cause you to quit, but you will drop
everything you own on the ground and lose it all. Instead of typing QUIT, go to an inn.
You are at the inn now. If you want to log off, return here. To log off and store your
belongings you can type RENT. To get an offer of how much it will cost you to rent,
type OFFER. Other functions at the inn include storing equipment. This equipment will only
be available to you in this particular inn. To retrieve it, you will have to return to the inn
where you left it. To deposit an item, type DEPOSIT VEST for example. To see what you
have stored, type LIST. To retrieve what you have stored type WITHDRAW 1, where 1 is
the item number you want to withdraw.

A warrior from the Borderlands leaves down.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > offer
An innkeeper tells you, 'Your rent allowance is currently 8 coppers per day.
You have 2 coppers left unused on your allowance.
Your rent is free!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > list
An innkeeper tells you, 'I don't have any items for you here.'

Similar to the Guardian tell, these tells from the innkeeper are coded actions from the game and don't show up in red. The innkeeper tells me that I have an 8 copper rent allowance currently. My rent allowance is based off my current level and clan rank. As I level up, and as I rank up in a game clan, my rent allowance will increase. My rent cost is based off the cost of the items I currently have on me. None of the items I have right now are worth much, so my rent cost is very low. When you wish to exit the game, to keep all of your gear you MUST rent at an inn. If you simply exit out by closing your program that you are using to play the game, your character is still in game and can be killed for a period of time. If you exit using the "quit" command, your character exits the game immediately, but any gear or items you were carrying drop to the ground wherever your character last was.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > d
The Ansaline Gardens Inn
A large room of bleached oak practically shines, day or night. Clean tables
flank a large central stone fireplace and a long bar set along a wall is
tended quickly. Stairs lead up to the private chambers where, for a
moderate fee, a weary guest can spend a peaceful night. Throughout the room
are real plants of exotic species, a small remembrance of another place and
time long lost. Mounted on the wall are a dull gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: E S U ]
Hand on his sword hilt, a Borderlander watches the shadows.
A slender woman flips a dagger from hand to hand.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
Outside the Ansaline Gardens Inn
A squat building of green limestone to the north is the jewel of the entire
street, its intricate carvings of flowers and trees appearing almost
lifelike. Across the way is the wall surrounding the city, and the street
runs east to west in a straight line.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
Hand on his sword hilt, a Borderlander watches the shadows.
A dust covered coachman stands here, waiting for passengers.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
The Southern Gate
A narrow gate set into the southern wall leads out to the wilds where a
narrow road hardly larger than a goat track has a rock-pocked surface. A
small way to the north is the city square, and Adanza Street runs parallel
to the wall surrounding the southern side of the city. Above the gate are
murder holes, perfect for protected attacks against anything laying siege
to the city itself from beyond.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A peddler pawns his wares here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
It is pitch black...

o HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
It is pitch black...

Humans are unable to see in the dark, which is why lanterns and other light source items are so important to have on you at all times. I didn't realize that night had fallen while I was reading the plaques, and so now I can't see any of the room names, room descriptions, or contents of the rooms I'm passing through in the dark. To remedy this, I must hold a light source, like the torch I examined earlier.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full > hold torch
You hold a torch above your head.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l
Along Adanza Street
The southernmost road in the city is narrow, with such close quarters that
it's as if the street was an afterthought when the city was built. The wall
surrounding the city looms to the south offering protection against
anything that could be roaming beyond them. To the east is a park, and to
the west the street is a straight line of shops and houses.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An Illuminator's apprentice walks by quickly.

Now that I'm holding a light, I can see everything in the room I'm in. Another thing I notice once I hold the light is the bit of text before all the commands I entered was different when I was in the dark. This line of text (* HP:Healthy MV:Full > ) is called the prompt, and contains various bits of information. First is the "*", though when I was in the dark it was "o" instead. The first symbol in the prompt in this instance is telling me whether the room I'm in is currently lit or dark. When the room is lit, the prompt shows the *, and when it is dark, the o. Next in the prompt is my HP, or hit points, and MV, or movement points. The prompt shows my current HP and MV levels. I'll go into more detail about these later. More information about the prompt can be found in the help file for it (help prompt).

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
The Southeast City Park
A meticulously tended lawn covers the park like a swath of emerald silk,
dotted with flowers bursting with fragrance and gem-like hues. A stylized
pond shimmers clear blue in the exact center with artful benches along its
shoreline. It's almost easy to ignore the protective wall around the city,
on the east and southern sides of the park.

[ obvious exits: N W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l sign
This city is outside the Wheel of Time MUD clan justice system. There will
be no warrant serving allowed. There will be no warranting allowed. Any
clan member hunting a wanted in this city or its outlying areas, or issuing
a warrant for anything here, will be heavily penalized by Staff. Thank you.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
Mar Rouis Way
Very old leatherleaf trees grow on the west side of the street, carefully
tended to almost blend into the architecture of the buildings lining that
side of the road. The protective wall of the city looms to the east, with a
bronze gate set into it a little to the north. To the south is an open
grass area dotted with colorful flowers.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A Red Eagle soldier walks by proudly.
A man is here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
The Grocer Shop
Bins of dry goods line the walls of this grocer's, with tables displaying
fresh produce and fruit down the center. The shop is very clean, without
even a speck of lint floating through the air. A dull gleaming plaque and a
sign have been mounted on the back wall.
[ obvious exits: E ]
A grocer stocks some shelves.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l plaque

Top Twelve Things You Should Know Before Playing The Wheel of Time MUD: 3

COMMUNICATIONS CHANNELS are there to help, but aren't there for abuse. The NARRATE
channel is for in-character (IC) talk and player-killing (pk) talk only. The CHAT channel is
for things you'd like to talk about that are not related to the Wheel of Time MUD such as
last night's football game. Speaking about WoTmud-related items on the chat channel
does not exempt you from any roleplay repercussions of your statements. As per the
Houseguest rule, if any Immortal states that something on public channels is inappropriate
you are expected to cease immediately or be subject to a NOSHOUT and/or NOTELL.

For a game tip, look at the sign!
To learn of number four of our top twelve, spam e, n, w, n.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l sign

Game Tip 3: Shops.

To see what a shop sells type LIST. To buy something type BUY LANTERN. Some shops will
also buy things, to see if they buy what you have type VALUE BAG, for example. If you
think the shopkeeper offers a fair price, you can SELL BAG. There is a bag of Tremalking
Black tea to be found in the area for you to test this with.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > list
You can buy:
A torch for 3 coppers.
A sheet of paper for 1 copper.
A fine quill pen for 10 coppers.
A cup of hot, bitter tea for 2 coppers.
An apple for 3 coppers.
A package of dried rations for 1 gold crown and 2 coppers.
A thick brown sack for 11 coppers.
A water skin of water for 3 coppers.
A torch for 3 coppers.
A length of rope for 10 coppers.
A large melon for 1 copper.
A fine quill pen for 10 coppers.
A sheet of paper for 1 copper.
A leather water flask of water for 4 coppers.
A blanket for 4 coppers.
A lantern for 5 coppers.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > i
You are carrying:
a wooden practice shield
a water skin
two gold crowns

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > value shield
A grocer tells you 'I don't buy that.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > value skin
A grocer tells you 'I'd give you 3 coppers for that.'

There are many shopkeepers throughout the game, selling various items depending on the type of shop. Grocers, like this one, typically sell stuff like lanterns, water skins, paper, and other assorted odds and ends. Other shops, such as armorers or weaponsmiths, will sell armors and weapons. Depending on which type of items the shop usually sells, the items they buy will also be limited. Shops will typically only buy items similar to those they already sell. This grocer, for example, won't buy my shield, whereas an armorer might. Whether or not a shopkeeper can buy an item is also dependent on how much money the shopkeeper currently has, which can depend on how much the shopkeeper starts with, what has been purchased by other players, what has been sold, etc. Just because a shopkeeper might buy a particular item does not mean he necessarily can afford it at any given time.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > e
Mar Rouis Way
Very old leatherleaf trees grow on the west side of the street, carefully
tended to almost blend into the architecture of the buildings lining that
side of the road. The protective wall of the city looms to the east, with a
bronze gate set into it a little to the north. To the south is an open
grass area dotted with colorful flowers.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A Red Eagle soldier walks by proudly.
A man is here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full >
A Red Eagle soldier stops using a torch.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
The Eastern Gate
A two story high bronze gate and portcullis is set into the wall
surrounding the city, its sheer size a testament to how quickly troop
movement could occur if the city was threatened. Set above the gate are
several murder holes for siege defense. Mar Rouis Way runs south to north,
and Comelle Street is to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A man is here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
Comelle Street
A wide street with a median of shady leatherleaf trees runs east to west,
the largest and busiest route throughout the city. To the west is the city
square, and buildings on both sides of the street compete with each other
for height. Some buildings look plain while others seem to be crafted
pieces of art.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A Red Eagle soldier walks by proudly.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
The front room of a two story house is decorated with simple chairs and
tables, most of gleaming wood. Cheerful drapes flutter in the front windows
facing Comelle Street and a wreath of broomweed hangs against the glass.
The scent of herbs hangs in the air. Hanging next to a cupboard filled with
jars are a dull gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: S ]
The apprentice is here, tending the stores.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l plaque

Top Twelve Things You Should Know Before Playing The Wheel of Time MUD: 4

INFRACTIONS of game mechanic rules (not roleplay or clan rules) that result in some
kind of punishment must be either documented by an Immortal and mailed to you
(if you are offline) or the Immortal must be visible when the infraction results in a
punishment. A warning is not a punishment.

For a game tip, look at the sign!
To learn of number five of our top twelve, spam sww.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l sign

Game Tip 4: Mobs.

In some other games, mobs may be called npc's, non-player-characters. We usually
refer to them as mobs. Most human mobs are considered innocent; they are ordinary
citizens like the Wisdom apprentice here. Some however, are not quite as innocent
and they will attack you. This means you can kill them without repercussions. Some
clans have different rules regarding which mobs are innocent and which ones
are not. However, if you kill a harmless mob or player character, the local justice clan
may put a price on your head and you will be warranted and killed. Remember,
actions have consequences!

Whenever you hear someone referring to mobs in the game, it just means NPCs. We pretty much never call them NPCs here at WoTMUD. Any humanoid mob that doesn't attack you first is considered innocent, which means if you kill it you can and probably will get in trouble with the law for doing so. Pretty much all non-humanoid mobs are okay to kill, though there are some exceptions. As a human, you almost never want to attack and kill horses. You also won't want to kill wolves, as they aid against the Shadow and it might anger certain people. Another exception is any mob that is being used as a pet by another player. Certain mobs can be purchased from pet shops across the game and used as pets, and they follow around the person that bought it. Killing someone else's pet mob is generally considered poor form and can make that player rather mad with you. Some common pets include chickens, puppies, parrots, and falcons. If you see a mob following around another player (entering/leaving a room directly after that player), avoid killing it (the notable exception being Shadoweyes, rats, ravens, and crows).

Re: Newbie Guide: Weir's Eye of the World Edition

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:08 pm
by admin
* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
Comelle Street
A wide street with a median of shady leatherleaf trees runs east to west,
the largest and busiest route throughout the city. To the west is the city
square, and buildings on both sides of the street compete with each other
for height. Some buildings look plain while others seem to be crafted
pieces of art.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A Red Eagle soldier walks by proudly.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
Along Comelle Street
The widest street in the entire city, Comelle Street is lined by the oldest
buildings with the most fantastical designs. Ancient leatherleaf trees cast
shady branches overhead no matter the time of year. To the east is a large
gate set into the city wall, and to the west is the city square. A tall
slender white tower is up the street to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
The City Square
A giant circle in the center of the city, this spot was long ago misnamed
as the City Square. In the center of the circle is a large fountain which
anyone can get water from. Usually a popular spot for gathering, the City
Square is often where friends meet to chat, do business, or rest. Mounted
on the oil lamp's post are a dull gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A simple staff, well made for combat, lies here.
A wooden practice shield has been dropped here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
The waters of a blue-veined marble fountain pour forth here.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

Hand on his sword hilt, a Borderlander watches the shadows.
The Eye of the World town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.
A battle scarred warrior stands nearby.

the Eye of the World town crier tells you 'You look like someone who'd be up for a quest! Ask me about them, and I'll reward you handsomely if you succeed!'

This town crier is one of the mobs mentioned earlier that can provide quests for money to newer players. By saying task or quest, or asking the crier about them, will trigger him to tell you all about what tasks he has for you.

A warrior from the Borderlands stops using a lantern.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l plaque

Top Twelve Things You Should Know Before Playing The Wheel of Time MUD: 5

IMMORTALS are any administration members. STAFF are administration at the level
directly under an IMPLEMENTOR, aka an owner of the game. WATCHERS are immortals
who also govern roleplay. BUILDERS are immortals who also govern the actual
construction and maintenance of the game you see. CODERS are immortals who
physically code the game. Occasionally there are auditions to become an Immortal,
and those instances are posted in the Announcements forum. You can view a list of
active Immortals by typing VIEW WIZLIST.

For a game tip, look at the sign!
To learn of number six of our top twelve, travel just outside the south gate, then all e.

A city lamplighter has arrived from the west.

A city lamplighter lights a streetlamp.
A city lamplighter leaves east.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > view wizlist
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Flash, Ingtar, Mournblade, Zun

Lords of the Light/Dark
Vivienne, Elysia, Myrddin

Servants of the Light/Dark
Tlaloc, Itesh, Bedryn

Legends of the Light/Dark

Weavers of the Light/Dark

* Press <Return> to continue, q to quit *>

Naimon, Elodin

Disciples of the Light/Dark

When an immortal speaks to the players, it will show up as a light blue line of text saying either So and so speaks from the Light, 'and the message will be here', or it might say Someone instead of a name, if the immortal is currently invisible. What an immortal says, goes. However, immortals are not above the game rules, in particular the multiplaying rule and the Houseguest rule.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > look sign

Game Tip 5: Drinking.

Water is the single most plentiful beverage in the Wheel of TIME MUD. On your
travels, you will come across wells, fountains, troughs, creeks, ponds and streams
which can help you quench your thirst. You can also carry some water on you by
filling a flask or a water skin. To do so, keep the water skin in your inventory, then
type FILL SKIN FOUNTAIN. To drink, simply DRINK SKIN. You can also POUR SKIN OUT
if a trolloc has left a skin with blood, for example. If you prefer other drinks, some
cities have places where you can dip your own drinks, and there are always taverns
that will serve a thirsty traveller.

Barriston has arrived from the west.

Barriston leaves east.

A *newbie male seanchan* has arrived from the west.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > drink skin
You drink the water.
You don't feel thirsty any more.

A *newbie male seanchan* leaves east.

This purple colored newbie male seanchan that just ran by is a player of a different side, in this case the Seanchan side. Any player of a different side than the one you are on will show up with the asterisks encompassing their name, and they will also show up as a certain color. Seanchan are colored *magenta*, and Shadowspawn (trollocs, myrddraal, and dreadlords) show up as *red*. At a low level, these enemy players will typically leave you alone, but this is not guaranteed. Your best bet when you see an enemy player is to run the other direction. In this specific instance, however, this person is not someone we need to worry about. There is no cross-race fighting allowed in the Eye of the World, this starter area, and this Seanchan player is also a very low level, just like me. Players at a very low level will show up as newbie fe/male human/seanchan/trolloc to the opposing race, up to level 5. These players are not hit by the same commands which target most players of that race, and have to specifically be targeted by newbie. This is why for the most part as a very low level new player you are safe from harm. From level 6 to 9 or so, while the player will still show up as a newbie fe/male whatever, they are now hit targeted by the normal cross-race targets rather than newbie, and are more vulnerable to accidental attack. After level 10, players will show up as fe/male human/seanchan/trolloc, and are targeted with the normal commands, up until level 20. Once a player reaches level 21, they show up cross-race with their actual name inside the asterisks, and at this point are generally considered free game by the majority of the player base.

A black dog leaves east.

A warrior from the Borderlands leaves south.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > fill skin fountain
You gently fill a water skin from a fountain.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > s
Emar Dal Way
Paved with brick lined with moss, this quaint street is well tended with
flower boxes and hosts smaller private homes. Directly to the north is the
City Square, and to the south the road continues towards the city wall. The
Ansaline Gardens Inn is to the west, a popular place for visitors to get a
meal or a place to stay the night. A cork covered board is set into the
wall next to the Inn's entry, a popular place to leave notes.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
Hand on his sword hilt, a Borderlander watches the shadows.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
The Southern Gate
A narrow gate set into the southern wall leads out to the wilds where a
narrow road hardly larger than a goat track has a rock-pocked surface. A
small way to the north is the city square, and Adanza Street runs parallel
to the wall surrounding the southern side of the city. Above the gate are
murder holes, perfect for protected attacks against anything laying siege
to the city itself from beyond.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s

You pass through the southern gate.
Near a Gate
A narrow track worn flat in the sandy grass by the tramp of horse, foot and
wagon courses between the gate in the walls to the north and the dry plains
to the south. Further south hills of golden sand extend as far as the eye
can see like waves of a dry yellow ocean. A burnt patch sheltered by the
city wall marks a well used camping ground. A collection of rough boulders
lies to the east, through which a narrow path meanders.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
A Rocky Path
A rutted path strewn with rocks wends through dense trees and underbrush,
almost in a state of twilight even at the height of the day. To the north
is the safety of the city walls and to the east the path continues further
into the wilds.
[ obvious exits: E W ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
A Clearing in the Brush
A small clearing in the bushes is surrounded by briars and brambles whose
branches seem to reach out in search of something to tear into. A path to
the west is clearly the way out. Secured to a large flat boulder are a dull
gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: W ]
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l plaque

Top Twelve Things You Should Know Before Playing The Wheel of Time MUD: 6

THE GAME FORUMS can be found at and our website can
be found at The forums have the same Houseguest rules as the
game, and are intended to be an enhancement but not a replacement for game play.

For a game tip, look at the sign!
To learn of number seven of our top twelve, find the north east city park .

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l sign

Game Tip 6: Eating and killing.

Like taverns sell drinks, they also sell food. However, if you get stuck in the wild without
food, it may be a long time before you find something to eat. That is why most people
practice the hunter skill survival. When you know this skill, you can butcher mobs like
cute brown deer for slabs of meat. Simply type REMOVE STAFF to remove your weapon,
WIELD DAGGER and BUTCHER CORPSE. To kill the deer, simply KILL CUTE or K CUTE. Killing
wildlife will also gain you experience, and levels. You can see how much experience
you need to gain the next level by typing SCORE.

To butcher a mob like a cute brown deer, you must first have the survival skill practiced to a minimum of level 1. This skill can be practiced at the hunter practice mob, and will be discussed in more detail later.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > score
You have 30(30) hit and 170(170) movement points.
You have scored 1 experience point and 0 quest points.
You need 999 exp to reach the next level.
You have played 0 days and 0 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Nuevo of Two Rivers (Level 1).
You are standing.

This is the score screen. It contains a large amount of information. The first line displays your current and maximum hit points and movement points. Hit points are dependent upon your Constitution (Con) stat as well as your level. As you go up in levels, so will your maximum HPs. How much they actuall increase depends on your Con. Movement points are determined by your character race and class, as well as your current equipment, to a small degree. Each character has a set amount of movement points determined when stats are achieved at level 3 (discussed later). This movement point maximum can be increased by up to 20 points depending on what gear is being worn, but it might also decrease if heavier gear is worn. Humans and Seanchan have a much smaller movement maximum than trollocs do because they also have the ability to ride horses to move around the map.

The next line down displays how much experience I have accumulated, as well as how many quest points I have. Experience is what determines your level, and it can be gained and lost. Quest points determine your rank in a game clan, and cannot be gained until you have joined a clan. The following line displays how much experience is needed to reach the next level, and if you are clanned it will also display how many quest points are needed to the next rank.

After that is your total playing time on the character, and as I've just started this character I have none accumulated. Total play time in this game doesn't mean anything tangible.

The next line displays your name and title (if you have one) followed by your level, or your name and clan rank, if you are clanned, followed by your level.

The last line displays your current position. Right now I am simply standing in this room, so that is what it tells me. Other positions might include sitting, resting, sleeping, fighting, or incapacitated.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > k cute
Wimpy reset to: 15 hit points.
You strike a brown deer's head very hard.

The first part about the wimpy being reset is something called "autowimpy". When you first log on to the game, your wimpy level (the HP level you will automatically flee at once you reach it) starts at your maximum HP. After you attack something, are attacked, or manually change it, it lowers down to a different level. I'll go into more specifics about autowimpy later.

When you attack a mob first, you get a free attack against it before combat really begins. Likewise, if a mob attacks you first, it gets a free hit on you before combat begins. Combat works in rounds in this game, with each mob or player normally attacking once per round. Various abilities or weapons will modify this, but for the most part most mobs and weapons will only hit once per round. Many low level mobs, however, like this cute brown deer, do not fight back against its aggressor. The actual combat line from a player will vary depending on what weapon type is being used, whether or not you hit whatever you were attacking, and how much damage you actually did against it. The combat lines will also be colored in various ways, depending on the result. If you hit your target, the combat line will be green. If you miss, it will not be colored. If something attacks and hits you, it shows up as red.

You fail to strike a brown deer.

You fail to strike a brown deer.

You strike a brown deer's body into bloody fragments!
A brown deer panics, and attempts to flee!

You fail to strike a brown deer.

You strike a brown deer's body hard.
A brown deer is dead! R.I.P.
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear a brown deer's death cry.

I've now killed this cute brown deer, and gained experience for doing so. I can see how much experience by checking my score screen. Normally, the prompt would be displayed in such a way that your current HP and MV would be shown, as well as the current HP of whatever you are attacking. The program I use, however, keeps the prompt in my input window unless I actually execute a command.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > sco
You have 30(30) hit and 170(170) movement points.
You have scored 243 experience points and 0 quest points.
You need 757 exp to reach the next level.
You have played 0 days and 0 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Nuevo of Two Rivers (Level 1).
You are standing.

Here I see that I've gained some experience by killing the cute brown deer. I'll go ahead and attack the next one, too.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > k cute
A brown deer swiftly dodges your attempt to strike her.

You fail to strike a brown deer.

You fail to strike a brown deer.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - a brown deer: Healthy > sc
HP:Healthy MP:Fresh
You have scored 243 experience points and 0 quest points.
You need 757 exp to reach the next level.
You have played 0 days and 0 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Nuevo of Two Rivers (Level 1).
You are fighting a brown deer.

Here a few things can be seen. First, the prompt shows up with the brown deer in the line because I entered a command while in combat, so my game client actually showed the prompt. Second, instead of standing the last line of the score screen shows me as fighting the deer.

You strike a brown deer's body very hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - a brown deer: Wounded > sc
A brown deer swiftly dodges your attempt to strike her.
HP:Healthy MP:Fresh
You have scored 286 experience points and 0 quest points.
You need 714 exp to reach the next level.
You have played 0 days and 0 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Nuevo of Two Rivers (Level 1).
You are fighting a brown deer.

This time, my experience has changed. This is because every time you hit an enemy, you gain some experience based on the level of the enemy and how much damage you did.

You strike a brown deer's right foreleg very hard.

You strike a brown deer's body very hard.
A brown deer is dead! R.I.P.
Oh, much better the second time around.
Your blood freezes as you hear a brown deer's death cry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > sc
You have 30(30) hit and 170(170) movement points.
You have scored 461 experience points and 0 quest points.
You need 539 exp to reach the next level.
You have played 0 days and 0 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Nuevo of Two Rivers (Level 1).
You are standing.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > w
A Rocky Path
A rutted path strewn with rocks wends through dense trees and underbrush,
almost in a state of twilight even at the height of the day. To the north
is the safety of the city walls and to the east the path continues further
into the wilds.
[ obvious exits: E W ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
Near a Gate
A narrow track worn flat in the sandy grass by the tramp of horse, foot and
wagon courses between the gate in the walls to the north and the dry plains
to the south. Further south hills of golden sand extend as far as the eye
can see like waves of a dry yellow ocean. A burnt patch sheltered by the
city wall marks a well used camping ground. A collection of rough boulders
lies to the east, through which a narrow path meanders.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
The Southern Gate
A narrow gate set into the southern wall leads out to the wilds where a
narrow road hardly larger than a goat track has a rock-pocked surface. A
small way to the north is the city square, and Adanza Street runs parallel
to the wall surrounding the southern side of the city. Above the gate are
murder holes, perfect for protected attacks against anything laying siege
to the city itself from beyond.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
Emar Dal Way
Paved with brick lined with moss, this quaint street is well tended with
flower boxes and hosts smaller private homes. Directly to the north is the
City Square, and to the south the road continues towards the city wall. The
Ansaline Gardens Inn is to the west, a popular place for visitors to get a
meal or a place to stay the night. A cork covered board is set into the
wall next to the Inn's entry, a popular place to leave notes.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
The City Square
A giant circle in the center of the city, this spot was long ago misnamed
as the City Square. In the center of the circle is a large fountain which
anyone can get water from. Usually a popular spot for gathering, the City
Square is often where friends meet to chat, do business, or rest. Mounted
on the oil lamp's post are a dull gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A wooden practice shield has been dropped here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
The waters of a blue-veined marble fountain pour forth here.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

A man is here.
The Eye of the World town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A battle scarred warrior stands nearby.

the Eye of the World town crier tells you 'You look like someone who'd be up for a quest! Ask me about them, and I'll reward you handsomely if you succeed!'

A man wields a quarterstaff in a two-handed grip.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
Along Comelle Street
The widest street in the entire city, Comelle Street is lined by the oldest
buildings with the most fantastical designs. Ancient leatherleaf trees cast
shady branches overhead no matter the time of year. To the east is a large
gate set into the city wall, and to the west is the city square. A tall
slender white tower is up the street to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A city lamplighter stands nearby, attending his duties.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
Vsaine Street
Tightly packed bricks line this short street, each one a different color
from the palest clay brown to a deep russet hue. A slender white tower, its
lines simple and unadorned, is directly west. Smaller buildings shelter
beneath its shadow, almost dwarfed by its size.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.
A strange bird is here flying around.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
An Intersection of Roads
The smooth river rock of the east to west Shorelle Boulevard meets with the
north to south brickwork of Vsaine Street. The buildings at the corners are
several stories high, but still far shorter than the protective wall
surrounding the city to the north.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A strange bird is here flying around.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
Alas, you cannot go that way...

This message shows up any time you try to move in a direction that you can't go in. I entered too many north commands while moving towards the north east park I was directed too, and so I got this.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
On Shorelle Boulevard
The north side of the city is sheltered by a protective wall many stories
tall, surely high enough to repel even the most determined invader. The
street is paved with smooth river rock tightly locked together as if making
a giant puzzle. Buildings line the south side of the street, each one
unique in size and style.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
A plain brown belt has been dropped here.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A pile of gold crowns has been left here.

A Warder walks by, every movement potentially lethal.
A serene Aes Sedai glides by.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong > get gold crowns
Two gold crowns is not a container.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong > get crowns
You get two gold crowns.

Here I noticed some gold crowns on the ground as I entered the room. Gold crowns are currency in this game, and I wanted the free money. I first tried to get the gold crowns, but that did not work. The game only registers single keywords for items, mobs, or players when interacting with them. The first command I entered was interpreted by the game as "get gold from crowns" which tried to take something out of the gold crowns on the ground. However, the gold crowns are not a container, so the game couldn't possibly retrieve something from inside of them. The second command I tried was simply "get crowns", which worked. Whenever you try to "get" or "take" something, the game first assumes you mean from the ground, unless you specify otherwise. The game registered that I wanted to take the gold crowns (which responded to crowns), and it saw the ones on the ground so it picked them up into my inventory.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong > e
Northeast City Park
An oasis of miniature streams and waterfalls interlaced with greenery, this
park within the city is canopied with trees that flower throughout the
year. A large wall to the north and east provides a boundary between
civilization and the wilds. Shorelle Boulevard leads to the west, and Mar
Rouis Way is a straight line southward. Mounted on the oil lamp's post are
a dull gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A Child of the Light watches with vigilence.

A Child of the Light stops using a lantern.
The sun rises, casting light into the shadows.

A battle scarred warrior bellows 'For training in the arts of war, come see me at The City Square!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l plaque

Top Twelve Things You Should Know Before Playing The Wheel of Time MUD: 7

ACCESS to the game is by sole discretion of the Staff. We reserve the right to
confiscate a character or siteban you from both the game and the forums if we
deem it necessary.

For a game tip, look at the sign!
To learn of number eight of our top twelve, find the warrior practice, a battle
scarred warrior and ask him for a quest.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l sign

Game Tip 7: Practicing.

There are four types of practice mobs: warrior, hunter, rogue and channeler practices.
The most essential practice for a human is level 3 ride, from the hunter practice. This
allows you to fight while riding a horse. Since distances are too great to walk, you will need
a horse to effectively move around. To see all your current practices, type PRAC when you're
not in the room of a practice mob. In this city, the warrior practice looks like this:
a battle scarred warrior. When you find a practice mob, you can type PRACTICE, or PRAC.
It will then list all the skills available to you. To practice such a skill type PRAC RIDE, for example.
To get a short explanation of various skills, you can for example type HELP RIDE.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > prac
You have got 8 practice sessions left.
You are skilled in the following:
track (Bad)
ride (Level 0)

The day has begun.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > s
Mar Rouis Way
A tree-lined paved road runs north to south, with the protective wall
surrounding the city towering on the eastern side. A variety of buildings
on the west side of the street show a variety of architectural vision, as
if there is no rhyme or reason to how they were built. To the south is a
bronze portcullis set into the outer wall.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
The Eastern Gate
A two story high bronze gate and portcullis is set into the wall
surrounding the city, its sheer size a testament to how quickly troop
movement could occur if the city was threatened. Set above the gate are
several murder holes for siege defense. Mar Rouis Way runs south to north,
and Comelle Street is to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
Mar Rouis Way
Very old leatherleaf trees grow on the west side of the street, carefully
tended to almost blend into the architecture of the buildings lining that
side of the road. The protective wall of the city looms to the east, with a
bronze gate set into it a little to the north. To the south is an open
grass area dotted with colorful flowers.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An Illuminator's apprentice walks by quickly.
A Red Eagle soldier walks by proudly.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
The Eastern Gate
A two story high bronze gate and portcullis is set into the wall
surrounding the city, its sheer size a testament to how quickly troop
movement could occur if the city was threatened. Set above the gate are
several murder holes for siege defense. Mar Rouis Way runs south to north,
and Comelle Street is to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
Comelle Street
A wide street with a median of shady leatherleaf trees runs east to west,
the largest and busiest route throughout the city. To the west is the city
square, and buildings on both sides of the street compete with each other
for height. Some buildings look plain while others seem to be crafted
pieces of art.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
Along Comelle Street
The widest street in the entire city, Comelle Street is lined by the oldest
buildings with the most fantastical designs. Ancient leatherleaf trees cast
shady branches overhead no matter the time of year. To the east is a large
gate set into the city wall, and to the west is the city square. A tall
slender white tower is up the street to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A strange bird is here flying around.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
The City Square
A giant circle in the center of the city, this spot was long ago misnamed
as the City Square. In the center of the circle is a large fountain which
anyone can get water from. Usually a popular spot for gathering, the City
Square is often where friends meet to chat, do business, or rest. Mounted
on the oil lamp's post are a dull gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A wooden practice shield has been dropped here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
The waters of a blue-veined marble fountain pour forth here.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

A man is here.
The Eye of the World town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A battle scarred warrior stands nearby.

the Eye of the World town crier tells you 'You look like someone who'd be up for a quest! Ask me about them, and I'll reward you handsomely if you succeed!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l warrior
Dressed in well-maintained and serviceable armor, this warrior looks like
he has seen his fair share of battles over time. He wears no colors showing
service to anyone, and appears approachable if one wants to learn from his
vast store of knowledge.

A battle scarred warrior is in excellent condition.

a battle scarred warrior is using:
<worn about body> a torn cloak (frayed)
<wielded two-handed> a hand-and-a-half sword
<worn on legs> plain brown pants

When you look at a mob or another player, you see a few things. First, you see their description. Mobs have descriptions written by the immortal who designed it. Players have descriptions written themselves (see help description). Next is the mob or player's current HP status. The message displayed will vary based on what % of maximum HP the mob or person is currently around. After that you can see the mob or player's current equipment. Note that some pieces of equipment won't show up when looking at them if they are covered by other items. An example is this warrior might have a shirt on beneath his cloak, but the cloak covers it up so we cannot see it.

A man leaves south.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > ask warrior quest

A battle scarred warrior says 'I'd like an apple for my horse. I'm sure the grocer has one.'
The Eye of the World town crier tells you 'A girl I've had my eye on loves flowers. Bring me a rose that I can give her.'

The Eye of the World town crier tells you 'This morning, I woke up with a craving for an omelet. Bring me an egg.'

The Eye of the World town crier tells you 'I've been meaning to try my hand at knife throwing. Bring me a throwing knife. I hear that some thieves have a lair somewhere south of the city.'

The Eye of the World town crier tells you 'I can't stand spiders! Kill one, and bring me its scalp.'

The Eye of the World town crier strokes his chin thoughtfully.

The Eye of the World town crier tells you 'You'd be wise to deposit any money from these in a bank, so you don't lose it if you run into a trolloc!'

The Eye of the World town crier tells you 'You can do each quest five times, but the reward is less each time.'

The Eye of the World town crier tells you 'When you're done here, try one of the other cities!'

The Eye of the World town crier smiles at you.

These crier mobs trigger off of anyone asking any mob or player in the room anything, which is why he triggered off of me asking the warrior about his quest like the last plaque directed me to. Each crier has a certain set of quests that can be done for money, by retrieving the items the crier wants and bringing them back to him. Right now, though, I'm more focused on doing what the warrior asked of me, fetching an apple from the grocer.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
Along Comelle Street
The widest street in the entire city, Comelle Street is lined by the oldest
buildings with the most fantastical designs. Ancient leatherleaf trees cast
shady branches overhead no matter the time of year. To the east is a large
gate set into the city wall, and to the west is the city square. A tall
slender white tower is up the street to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A strange bird is visible flying high in the sky.
A strange bird is here flying around.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
Comelle Street
A wide street with a median of shady leatherleaf trees runs east to west,
the largest and busiest route throughout the city. To the west is the city
square, and buildings on both sides of the street compete with each other
for height. Some buildings look plain while others seem to be crafted
pieces of art.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong > e
The Eastern Gate
A two story high bronze gate and portcullis is set into the wall
surrounding the city, its sheer size a testament to how quickly troop
movement could occur if the city was threatened. Set above the gate are
several murder holes for siege defense. Mar Rouis Way runs south to north,
and Comelle Street is to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong > s
Mar Rouis Way
Very old leatherleaf trees grow on the west side of the street, carefully
tended to almost blend into the architecture of the buildings lining that
side of the road. The protective wall of the city looms to the east, with a
bronze gate set into it a little to the north. To the south is an open
grass area dotted with colorful flowers.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A city lamplighter stands nearby, attending his duties.
A Red Eagle soldier walks by proudly.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong > w
The Grocer Shop
Bins of dry goods line the walls of this grocer's, with tables displaying
fresh produce and fruit down the center. The shop is very clean, without
even a speck of lint floating through the air. A dull gleaming plaque and a
sign have been mounted on the back wall.
[ obvious exits: E ]
A man is here.
A grocer stocks some shelves.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong > list
You can buy:
A torch for 3 coppers.
A sheet of paper for 1 copper.
A fine quill pen for 10 coppers.
A cup of hot, bitter tea for 2 coppers.
An apple for 3 coppers.
A package of dried rations for 1 gold crown and 2 coppers.
A thick brown sack for 11 coppers.
A water skin of water for 3 coppers.
A torch for 3 coppers.
A length of rope for 10 coppers.
A large melon for 1 copper.
A fine quill pen for 10 coppers.
A sheet of paper for 1 copper.
A leather water flask of water for 4 coppers.
A blanket for 4 coppers.
A lantern for 5 coppers.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > buy apple
A grocer tells you 'Enjoy it!'
You now have an apple.
A grocer puts some coins in a small purse.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
Mar Rouis Way
Very old leatherleaf trees grow on the west side of the street, carefully
tended to almost blend into the architecture of the buildings lining that
side of the road. The protective wall of the city looms to the east, with a
bronze gate set into it a little to the north. To the south is an open
grass area dotted with colorful flowers.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A Red Eagle soldier walks by proudly.

A Red Eagle soldier hums something under his breath and smiles.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
The Eastern Gate
A two story high bronze gate and portcullis is set into the wall
surrounding the city, its sheer size a testament to how quickly troop
movement could occur if the city was threatened. Set above the gate are
several murder holes for siege defense. Mar Rouis Way runs south to north,
and Comelle Street is to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
Comelle Street
A wide street with a median of shady leatherleaf trees runs east to west,
the largest and busiest route throughout the city. To the west is the city
square, and buildings on both sides of the street compete with each other
for height. Some buildings look plain while others seem to be crafted
pieces of art.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
Along Comelle Street
The widest street in the entire city, Comelle Street is lined by the oldest
buildings with the most fantastical designs. Ancient leatherleaf trees cast
shady branches overhead no matter the time of year. To the east is a large
gate set into the city wall, and to the west is the city square. A tall
slender white tower is up the street to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A strange bird is visible flying high in the sky.
A strange bird is here flying around.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
The City Square
A giant circle in the center of the city, this spot was long ago misnamed
as the City Square. In the center of the circle is a large fountain which
anyone can get water from. Usually a popular spot for gathering, the City
Square is often where friends meet to chat, do business, or rest. Mounted
on the oil lamp's post are a dull gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A wooden practice shield has been dropped here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
The waters of a blue-veined marble fountain pour forth here.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

The Eye of the World town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A battle scarred warrior stands nearby.

the Eye of the World town crier tells you 'You look like someone who'd be up for a quest! Ask me about them, and I'll reward you handsomely if you succeed!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > give apple warrior
You give an apple to a battle scarred warrior.

A battle scarred warrior says 'Very well done, Nuevo!'
Top Twelve Things You Should Know Before Playing The Wheel of Time MUD: 8

CLANS are enhancements to the game that are required to follow roleplay
and clan-related rules. They are based within the Wheel of Time series and each one has
different requirements for joining. Not all clans accept members and criteria must be
met for their consideration.

For a game tip, ask the warrior practice for one!
To learn of number eight of our top twelve, find the ramshackle building outside the west gate.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > say practice

The "Ok." message I received from the game here tells me that my "say practice" should have gotten a response in the form of the next game tip, but for some reason it does not work.

A torch begins to dim a little.
You are hungry.

Here two things happen. First, my torch begins to run out. As we previously read, all light sources will run out eventually, and once they do they can be discarded and a new light source must be used. Second, I become hungry. As time passes, your character becomes hungry and thirsty, and must eat and drink. If you do not, the speed at which your HP and MV regen is severely diminished. Whenever you go hungry or thirsty, you want to eat and drink as soon as possible.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > i
You are carrying:
seventeen copper pennys
three gold crowns
a water skin
a wooden practice shield

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > l in pouch
pouch (used) :
a leather water flask
[2] a soft honeycake
[3] a hunk of beef
a rusty dagger
[2] a lantern

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > get cake pouch
You get a soft honeycake from a soft leather pouch.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > get cake pouch
You get a soft honeycake from a soft leather pouch.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > eat cake
You eat the honeycake.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > eat cake
You eat the honeycake.

I check my inventory for food, and seeing none, I then check my pouch. The starter kit I began with came with some food, so I pull out the honeycakes and eat them. Different foods fill you up varying amounts, so it will take some experience to determine which foods are better than others. In this case, honeycakes are not very filling, but they do enough to not make me hungry anymore for a little while.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > exa torch
It is a torch that will burn out in a few short hours.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > time
It is 8 o'clock am, on the 19th day of the month of Danu, year 1001.
According to legend and prophecy, this is the Zunth Turn of the Wheel.
The official forums are back at '' enjoy!

(Server: Fri Oct 25 02:48:00 2013 EST, up for 18 hours, 52 minutes)

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > rem torch
You stop using a torch.

Next I examine my torch to see how long it has left on it. Then I check the time and realize I didn't notice it was now day. It becomes dark at 8 pm game time, and the sun rises at 5 am game time. This never changes. Some areas of the game, however, are always dark and will require a light regardless of the time of day. Since it is now day, I remove my light to conserve the little time left on it.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > ask warrior practice

The Eye of the World town crier tells you 'A girl I've had my eye on loves flowers. Bring me a rose that I can give her.'

The Eye of the World town crier tells you 'This morning, I woke up with a craving for an omelet. Bring me an egg.'

The Eye of the World town crier tells you 'I've been meaning to try my hand at knife throwing. Bring me a throwing knife. I hear that some thieves have a lair somewhere south of the city.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh >
The Eye of the World town crier tells you 'I can't stand spiders! Kill one, and bring me its scalp.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh >
The Eye of the World town crier strokes his chin thoughtfully.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh >
The Eye of the World town crier tells you 'You'd be wise to deposit any money from these in a bank, so you don't lose it if you run into a trolloc!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh >
The Eye of the World town crier tells you 'You can do each quest five times, but the reward is less each time.'
A city lamplighter has arrived from the west.

The Eye of the World town crier tells you 'When you're done here, try one of the other cities!'

The Eye of the World town crier smiles at you.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > sa practice for one

A city lamplighter extinguishes a streetlamp.
A city lamplighter leaves east.

A *newbie male seanchan* has arrived from the east.

A *newbie male seanchan* leaves west.

I try again a few times to trigger the next tip, but it appears to be broken and all I managed to do was get the crier to tell my his tasks again. Thanks, town crier. I decide now to skip it and move on to the next plaque.

Edit: I'm an idiot, and misread this horribly and had it pointed out to me. What I should have done is asked the warrior practice mob "game tip" or something similar.

Re: Newbie Guide: Weir's Eye of the World Edition

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:08 pm
by admin
* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > w
On Comelle Street
A long, wide street that runs straight from east to west has a median of
leatherleaf trees that seem as old as the buildings along the way. To the
immediate east is the city square, and to the west the street continues
towards a far-off city wall.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
A lantern has been left here. [2]
A torch is here on the ground.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
Comelle Street
Old, sprawling leatherleaf trees form a median along the oldest street in
town. To the north is the strong smell of leather and oil, and to the south
is the metallic tang of metalworking. Tall buildings line the street but
even they are dwarfed by the sheer mass and height of the city wall a
little to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
The Western Gate
Set into the wall separating the city from the lands beyond is a massive
gate of iron. To the north and south stretches Halidar Road, running
parallel to the protection of the wall. To the east is Comelle Street, the
major route through the city itself. Buildings of varying age and sizes
line the street, each one a piece of architectural interest.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w

A *newbie male seanchan* has arrived from the west.

You pass through the western gate.
Before the Gate
Great plains from the east come to a quick end approaching the city.
Constant traffic in and out of the gates has packed the ground hard. To the
east paving stones lain by stonemasons from the city begin to lead up to
the huge iron gate. A small path branches off from the main walk leading
south along the wall.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]

I'm looking for a ramshackle building west of the city, so I'm going to wander around until I find it.

Barriston has arrived from the west.

Barriston leaves east.

A *newbie male seanchan* leaves west.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
Along the Wall
A small trail leads along the great protective wall of the city. Quickly
fading the path leads hardly a quarter of the way south along the wall
giving away to the wild. The wall looms overhead, parapets and murder holes
cut into the stone make for easy defense should the city ever need it.
[ obvious exits: N ]
A wilted tree leans to one side, on the brink of death.
A wilted tree leans to one side, on the brink of death.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
Before the Gate
Great plains from the east come to a quick end approaching the city.
Constant traffic in and out of the gates has packed the ground hard. To the
east paving stones lain by stonemasons from the city begin to lead up to
the huge iron gate. A small path branches off from the main walk leading
south along the wall.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
A Low Swale
Thick knee-high grass spreads from the swale with bright spots of wild
flowers that punctuate the variegated greens and golds of the grasses. A
myriad of little creatures populate the area, they have chewed the petals
of the flowers leaving some bare and have left tracks in the soft earth.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
The corpse of a spindly oak sapling is lying here. [2]
A blunt dagger lies here red with rust.
A lantern has been left here.

An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
A lynx creeps low to the ground, hunting for food.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.
A plump pheasant pecks at the ground.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
A Patch of Wildflowers
A swale to the north leaves the land here rich, and full of flowers. Bright
colors of red, yellow, and orange stand out sharply from the dull earth
tones of the grass. Broken stems dot the edges of the plot where animals
have been careless of the vegetation.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
The corpse of a spindly oak sapling is lying here.
A *newbie male seanchan* is here, fighting a spindly oak sapling.
A spindly oak sapling struggles to grow.
A wilted tree leans to one side, on the brink of death.
A wilted tree leans to one side, on the brink of death.
A shaggy brown mare stands here.
A shaggy brown mare stands here.

A spindly oak sapling swiftly dodges A *newbie male seanchan*'s attempt to pierce it.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > w
Windswept Plains
Long stalks of grass stretch across the gently rolling earth. Ages of
weather have forced all the grass to grow at the same angle. A stretch of
the faded growth has been matted down with deer tracks and the spoor of
other creatures visible in the spots of bare dirt.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
The corpse of a spindly oak sapling is lying here.
A snake is lying on the ground here.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
A snake is lying on the ground here.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
A Small Gully
A gash in the earth starts out small, but grows swiftly from something that
can be easily stepped over to an obstacle to be worked around. Grass grows
along both rims, making the gully seem deeper than it is. The banks are
mostly bare rocks, but a trickle of water bubbles through the bottom.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A small stream trickles up from between the cracks.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
A wilted tree leans to one side, on the brink of death.
A wilted tree leans to one side, on the brink of death.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > drink stream
You drink the water.
You don't feel thirsty any more.

An elk has arrived from the north.
A grayish snake has arrived from the east.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
The Widening Ravine
A gap in the earth grows as it winds south becoming a proper ravine with
treacherous footing. A riotous snarl of thorny brush lines the steep walls
of the crevasse. A newly born runnel of water drifts down the gully,
splashing over pebbles and twisting around larger rocks.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A lantern has been left here. [2]
A small stream trickles up from between the cracks.

A plump pheasant is visible flying high in the sky.
A plump pheasant pecks at the ground.
A spindly oak sapling struggles to grow.
A snake is lying on the ground here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
A Rippling Creek
High stretches of stone from the north fall sharply and a trickle of water
turns into a respectable creek. Thorny bushes spread along the banks
closing in the water's flow. The creek itself dances over its rock-and-sand
bed. Many of the plain's animals have made this their watering place and
tracks lead to and from the banks.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
A creek flows slowly here between its banks.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
A lynx creeps low to the ground, hunting for food.
A plump pheasant is here flying around.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
A Bow in the Creek
Water trickles in from the east and turns gently north bubbling over the
occasional rock. The water's bank fades from a steep to gentle along the
northern edge while to the south it has grown into a small cliff looming
over the water. Watercress and dogwood dabble their dark leaves and tiny
flowers into the stream.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
A creek flows slowly here between its banks.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
A Trail Through the Grass
Tendrils of vines stretch across the packed ground towards the ravine to
the east. The track angles to the west towards an abandoned and ramshackle
building. The edges of the path have long been faded and worn. Bare patches
of dirt barely mark the way west to the old house.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
Alas, you cannot go that way...

Here I notice in the room description information describing a ramshackle building. The building I'm looking for must be west of me.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
Before an Old House
A few rock columns mark a boundary, but against what is long forgotten.
Grasses and weeds dominate most of the yard. Flagstones form a path towards
the door of the near-ruin, the stones lying uneven and a few missing. The
building itself looks about ready to fall over.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
A Ramshackle Building
The building has been abandoned for a long time. Clay tiles are missing
from the roof leaving gaps. Straw and other debris litter the floor. There
are signs of animals everywhere, droppings and tracks cover the ruined
floor. Large cracks in the floor show deep black of empty space underneath.
Fallen to the ground are a dull gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: N ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l plaque

Top Twelve Things You Should Know Before Playing The Wheel of Time MUD: 9

PLAYER KILLING is expressly allowed and encouraged. However there are IC repercussions
to actions so choose your target carefully. Please note that killing statters (ie those under level 5)
is not against the rules per se but is heavily, seriously frowned upon by both Immortals
and many players. Someone who kills statters may find themselves on the wrong end of
a mob of characters bent on payback.

For a game tip, look at the sign!
To learn of number ten of our top twelve, find the oasis in the desert south of the town.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > l sign

Game Tip 9: Banks.

You can deposit your gold crowns and coppers at the bank to keep it safe even when you have
been killed. Simply go to the bank and type DEPOSIT 20, where 20 is the amount of coppers you
want to deposit. To see how much is in the bank, type BALANCE. This lists how many coppers you
have in the bank. To get your money back type WITHDRAW 20, again the amount in coppers.

A battle scarred warrior bellows 'For training in the arts of war, come see me at The City Square!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > n
Before an Old House
A few rock columns mark a boundary, but against what is long forgotten.
Grasses and weeds dominate most of the yard. Flagstones form a path towards
the door of the near-ruin, the stones lying uneven and a few missing. The
building itself looks about ready to fall over.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
A Trail Through the Grass
Tendrils of vines stretch across the packed ground towards the ravine to
the east. The track angles to the west towards an abandoned and ramshackle
building. The edges of the path have long been faded and worn. Bare patches
of dirt barely mark the way east to the old house.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A lynx creeps low to the ground, hunting for food.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
West of the Gully
A deep gash in the land to the east with the hills rising up to the north
pinch the ground into shallow folds. An old, old trail cuts from the gully
through the grass that threatens to overgrow it. Mixed in with the abundant
wild grass are patches of wheat and barley.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
A Small Gully
A gash in the earth starts out small, but grows swiftly from something that
can be easily stepped over to an obstacle to be worked around. Grass grows
along both rims, making the gully seem deeper than it is. The banks are
mostly bare rocks, but a trickle of water bubbles through the bottom.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A small stream trickles up from between the cracks.
A plump pheasant is here flying around.
A snake is lying on the ground here.
A wilted tree leans to one side, on the brink of death.
A wilted tree leans to one side, on the brink of death.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
Windswept Plains
Long stalks of grass stretch across the gently rolling earth. Ages of
weather have forced all the grass to grow at the same angle. A stretch of
the faded growth has been matted down with deer tracks and the spoor of
other creatures visible in the spots of bare dirt.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A snake is lying on the ground here.
A spindly oak sapling struggles to grow.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
A Patch of Wildflowers
A swale to the north leaves the land here rich, and full of flowers. Bright
colors of red, yellow, and orange stand out sharply from the dull earth
tones of the grass. Broken stems dot the edges of the plot where animals
have been careless of the vegetation.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
The corpse of a spindly oak sapling is lying here. [2]
A plump pheasant pecks at the ground.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
A spindly oak sapling struggles to grow.
A spindly oak sapling struggles to grow.
A wilted tree leans to one side, on the brink of death.
A wilted tree leans to one side, on the brink of death.
A shaggy brown mare stands here.
A shaggy brown mare stands here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > n
A Low Swale
Thick knee-high grass spreads from the swale with bright spots of wild
flowers that punctuate the variegated greens and golds of the grasses. A
myriad of little creatures populate the area, they have chewed the petals
of the flowers leaving some bare and have left tracks in the soft earth.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A blunt dagger lies here red with rust.
A lantern has been left here.

A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
A spindly oak sapling struggles to grow.
A spindly oak sapling struggles to grow.
A snake is lying on the ground here.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
Before the Gate
Great plains from the east come to a quick end approaching the city.
Constant traffic in and out of the gates has packed the ground hard. To the
east paving stones lain by stonemasons from the city begin to lead up to
the huge iron gate. A small path branches off from the main walk leading
south along the wall.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
The Western Gate
Set into the wall separating the city from the lands beyond is a massive
gate of iron. To the north and south stretches Halidar Road, running
parallel to the protection of the wall. To the east is Comelle Street, the
major route through the city itself. Buildings of varying age and sizes
line the street, each one a piece of architectural interest.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
On Halidar Road
In a straight line from north to south, Halidar Road is the westernmost
street in the city. To the west the protective wall separating the city
from the wilds beyond looms as a silent guardian, and to the east is a
collection of buildings from one story shops to multi-story townhomes.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

Southwest City Park
This small plot of land within the city is arid, covered with dry sand and
decorative rocks. A small water feature trickles musically among brilliant
cacti and other plants with forbidding, spiny surfaces.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
Adanza Street
A smooth paved street running east to west, Adanza Street is a narrow road
barely wide enough for two carts to pass by. The city's protective wall
stretches parallel to the street on the south side, and the north side is
packed with shops and private homes.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A Child of the Light watches with vigilence.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
Outside the Ansaline Gardens Inn
A squat building of green limestone to the north is the jewel of the entire
street, its intricate carvings of flowers and trees appearing almost
lifelike. Across the way is the wall surrounding the city, and the street
runs east to west in a straight line.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
Hand on his sword hilt, a Borderlander watches the shadows.
A fairly large and strange looking bird pokes about.
A dust covered coachman stands here, waiting for passengers.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
The Southern Gate
A narrow gate set into the southern wall leads out to the wilds where a
narrow road hardly larger than a goat track has a rock-pocked surface. A
small way to the north is the city square, and Adanza Street runs parallel
to the wall surrounding the southern side of the city. Above the gate are
murder holes, perfect for protected attacks against anything laying siege
to the city itself from beyond.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s

You pass through the southern gate.
Near a Gate
A narrow track worn flat in the sandy grass by the tramp of horse, foot and
wagon courses between the gate in the walls to the north and the dry plains
to the south. Further south hills of golden sand extend as far as the eye
can see like waves of a dry yellow ocean. A burnt patch sheltered by the
city wall marks a well used camping ground. A collection of rough boulders
lies to the east, through which a narrow path meanders.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]

I'm now looking for an oasis somewhere south of the town.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
Track in the Plains
The roadway can be seen clearly extending to the north towards the city,
but shifting sand and wind seems to have covered most of the rest of the
trail. Pale grasses with hardly a tinge of green sprout from the sandy
earth. A wall of redstone rises steeply to the south and travellers would
have to go east or west to pass around it.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A trolloc is here, drooling and mindlessly swatting at flies.

Oh dear, a trolloc mob. This probably won't be a good thing.

A drooling trolloc lances your right leg.
Ouch! That Really did HURT!

You try to strike a drooling trolloc, but he deflects the blow.
A drooling trolloc lances your right leg.
Ouch! That Really did HURT!

You try to strike a drooling trolloc, but he parries successfully.
A drooling trolloc lances your body.
Ouch! That Really did HURT!

You panic and attempt to flee!
You flee head over heels.
Near a Gate
A narrow track worn flat in the sandy grass by the tramp of horse, foot and
wagon courses between the gate in the walls to the north and the dry plains
to the south. Further south hills of golden sand extend as far as the eye
can see like waves of a dry yellow ocean. A burnt patch sheltered by the
city wall marks a well used camping ground. A collection of rough boulders
lies to the east, through which a narrow path meanders.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]

The trolloc mob was naturally aggressive towards me as a human (aggro), and it kicked my butt. The Ouch! messages it gave me in response to its hits mean the hits did over 1/5 of my total HP in damage. The autowimpy I mentioned a little bit earlier was still set at 15 HP, and since the trolloc's last hit dropped my HP below 15, I automatically fled out of the room. Fleeing from combat forces you out of combat into a random adjacent room. Fleeing is the primary way to get away from something attacking you. I should probably take a look at my HP. Normally, the prompt would have been there while I was getting attacked by the trolloc mob, but as I stated before when I was fighting the deer, the program I run the game on masks the prompt unless I do something, for the most part.

* HP:Beaten MV:Full > sc
You have 6(30) hit and 156(170) movement points.
You have scored 433 experience points and 0 quest points.
You need 567 exp to reach the next level.
You have played 0 days and 0 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Nuevo of Two Rivers (Level 1).
You are standing.

Ouch! I nearly died to that trolloc mob. I should probably sit here a little bit and wait for some more HP. HP and MV both regenerate over time. HP regenerates at the tick (every game hour) as well as at the half-tick (half a game hour), while MV just regenerates every tick.

* HP:Beaten MV:Full > l
Near a Gate
A narrow track worn flat in the sandy grass by the tramp of horse, foot and
wagon courses between the gate in the walls to the north and the dry plains
to the south. Further south hills of golden sand extend as far as the eye
can see like waves of a dry yellow ocean. A burnt patch sheltered by the
city wall marks a well used camping ground. A collection of rough boulders
lies to the east, through which a narrow path meanders.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]

* HP:Battered MV:Fresh > sc
You have 12(30) hit and 170(170) movement points.
You have scored 433 experience points and 0 quest points.
You need 567 exp to reach the next level.
You have played 0 days and 0 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Nuevo of Two Rivers (Level 1).
You are standing.

The game ticked (a game hour passed) and I regenerated some HP and MV. Let's try again.

* HP:Battered MV:Fresh > s
Track in the Plains
The roadway can be seen clearly extending to the north towards the city,
but shifting sand and wind seems to have covered most of the rest of the
trail. Pale grasses with hardly a tinge of green sprout from the sandy
earth. A wall of redstone rises steeply to the south and travellers would
have to go east or west to pass around it.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A trolloc is here, drooling and mindlessly swatting at flies.

* HP:Battered MV:Full > e
Dry Sands
Swirls of yellow and orange quartz merge to create a multi-hued landscape
that shifts and changes as the wind dictates. Dunes rise and fall,
sometimes overnight, and the only stable signpost in the wilderness is the
city far to the north.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A disease-ridden elk with blackened antlers stands before you.
A scaly brown and yellow lizard sits here, fading into the clay around it.

I go right passed the trolloc because I don't want to get hit by it again.

A gara lizard leaves east.
A blighted elk hits your body.
Ouch! That Really did HURT!

You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You panic and attempt to flee!
You flee head over heels.
Track in the Plains
The roadway can be seen clearly extending to the north towards the city,
but shifting sand and wind seems to have covered most of the rest of the
trail. Pale grasses with hardly a tinge of green sprout from the sandy
earth. A wall of redstone rises steeply to the south and travellers would
have to go east or west to pass around it.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A trolloc is here, drooling and mindlessly swatting at flies.

* HP:Beaten MV:Full > n
Near a Gate
A narrow track worn flat in the sandy grass by the tramp of horse, foot and
wagon courses between the gate in the walls to the north and the dry plains
to the south. Further south hills of golden sand extend as far as the eye
can see like waves of a dry yellow ocean. A burnt patch sheltered by the
city wall marks a well used camping ground. A collection of rough boulders
lies to the east, through which a narrow path meanders.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]

Ack! I moved passed the trolloc right into another aggro mob, the blighted elk. This area south of the city is rather dangerous, particularly at level 1. I decide I'm going to try again, but this time I'm not going to stop unless I find a spot without a lot of mobs in it.

* HP:Beaten MV:Full > s
Track in the Plains
The roadway can be seen clearly extending to the north towards the city,
but shifting sand and wind seems to have covered most of the rest of the
trail. Pale grasses with hardly a tinge of green sprout from the sandy
earth. A wall of redstone rises steeply to the south and travellers would
have to go east or west to pass around it.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A trolloc is here, drooling and mindlessly swatting at flies.

* HP:Beaten MV:Full > s
Dry Sands
Swirls of yellow and orange quartz merge to create a multi-hued landscape
that shifts and changes as the wind dictates. Dunes rise and fall,
sometimes overnight, and the only stable signpost in the wilderness is the
city far to the north.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A disease-ridden elk with blackened antlers stands before you.

Mixing Sands
Yellow sands spill into this large depression in the desert, with the brown
from the south and more orange from the north the land marbles the desert's
shades. Along the ridges of the great bowl wind has blown away sand to bare
smooth stones. To the east a huge sand dune dominates the horizon.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
A gnarled tree, twisted by the burning sun, writhes in agony.
A gnarled tree, twisted by the burning sun, writhes in agony.

* HP:Beaten MV:Full > s
The Sea of Sand
Wind has pushed rolling waves of sand in from the east making a hilly
stretch in the desert. The waves break forcing the high dunes to give way
in rigid crests. Veins of red and yellow sand start to break into the land
to the east. Massive piles of rock make passage south all but impossible.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A disease-ridden elk with blackened antlers stands before you.
A vulture is here, sitting by a carcass.
A vulture is here, sitting by a carcass.

* HP:Beaten MV:Full > w
Dry Riverbed
A dry riverbed half hidden by dust twists from the north to the west
widening into a valley between two steep precipices. The bleak red and
yellow sandscape is interrupted to the north by a mirage of green that
shimmers in and out of view.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A large, green lizard scurries about, hunting insects.

* HP:Beaten MV:Strong > l
Dry Riverbed
A dry riverbed half hidden by dust twists from the north to the west
widening into a valley between two steep precipices. The bleak red and
yellow sandscape is interrupted to the north by a mirage of green that
shimmers in and out of view.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A large, green lizard scurries about, hunting insects.

I'll stop here, and hope this won't attack me. I need to reassess the situation, and see if perhaps there is a better way to do this rather than just running around blindly. I'll see if the help command will yield anything.

* HP:Beaten MV:Strong > help
//======================THE WHEEL OF TIME HELP TABLE=======================\\
|| Below are some of the most useful help files for new players ||
|| For a complete list of help file topics, type 'HELP TOPICS' ||
|| General Information || Movement ||
|| __________________________________||____________________________________||
|| Channeling (Casting) || Warriors ||
|| Rangers || Thieves ||
|| Communication || Combat ||
|| Objects || Utility ||
|| POUR WIELD || ||

An irritating fly has arrived from the west.
You are hungry.

Under the Movement section of the help table, I see there is an "Exits" command. I'll give it a try.

* HP:Battered MV:Fresh > exits
Obvious exits:
North - A Watery Oasis
East - The Sea of Sand
West - Dry Valley

The "Exits" command shows me the names of the rooms around me, and what luck! I stopped right next to the oasis I'm looking for.

* HP:Battered MV:Fresh > n
A Watery Oasis
Hidden within a depression a cluster of verurous palm trees surround a
crystal clear pool of water. Glistening as if in a mirage the lush flora is
at odds with the surrounding desert. The ridges to the east and north are
too steep to pass but the one to the west could be traversed with some
effort. A dry riverbed, perhaps once the source of this precious source of
life, stretches into the dunes to the south. Polished to a sheen by the
shifting sands, a plaque and a sign lie nearby.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
A shallow pool of water has collected on the ground.

Sure enough, here are the plaque and sign I'm after. I'm also hungry though, and being hungry reduces my ability to regenerate HP, which I'm currently low on, so I should probably eat something.

* HP:Battered MV:Full > exa pouch
It is a soft leather pouch.
When you look inside, you see:
pouch (used) :
a leather water flask
[3] a hunk of beef
a rusty dagger
[2] a lantern

* HP:Battered MV:Full > get beef pouch
You get a hunk of beef from a soft leather pouch.

* HP:Battered MV:Full > eat beef
You eat the meat.
You are full.

Like I said before, different foods fill you up varying amounts. The honeycakes didn't do a lot, I became hungry again not too long after. This beef, however, filled me up completely.

* HP:Battered MV:Full > l
A Watery Oasis
Hidden within a depression a cluster of verurous palm trees surround a
crystal clear pool of water. Glistening as if in a mirage the lush flora is
at odds with the surrounding desert. The ridges to the east and north are
too steep to pass but the one to the west could be traversed with some
effort. A dry riverbed, perhaps once the source of this precious source of
life, stretches into the dunes to the south. Polished to a sheen by the
shifting sands, a plaque and a sign lie nearby.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
A shallow pool of water has collected on the ground.

* HP:Battered MV:Full > l plaque

Top Twelve Things You Should Know Before Playing The Wheel of Time MUD: 10

ROLEPLAY is expressly allowed and encouraged. There are several Watchers who may
interact with you via mobs in the game.

For a game tip, look at the sign!
To learn of number eleven of our top twelve, climb the Tower of Legends.

Roleplay is a large part of this game. You can roleplay almost anything you want, with just a few exceptions. You cannot roleplay a character (player or non-player) that already exists in the game (you cannot roleplay the Amyrlin Seat, for example, as one already exists in the game), and you cannot roleplay something that would break any of the existing rules (such as the Houseguest rule, eg roleplaying in such a way that it is abusive to other players). How much a player wants to roleplay is mostly up to that person. However, if you decide to join a clan in the game, you will be expected to follow a certain minimum level of roleplay as determined by both the books and the clans actions in the game since the game's creation.

* HP:Battered MV:Full > l sign

Game Tip 10: Making money.

The game's currency is called crowns, with small change being coppers. There are 20 coppers
in a gold crown. Another coin is the Tar Valon mark, which is worth 25 coppers.. There are
several ways even a new player can make money. There are dozens of quests given by town
criers who give money for a job well done. Also the Ratter gives a few copper for the scalps
Shadoweyes, the rat, raven and crow spies of the Dark One. If you kill one wield your dagger
and type SCALP CORPSE. Give the scalps to the Ratter and he'll reward you. You can also go
fishing. Buy a net at a grocer and pick up a raft or canoe and keep this in your inventory.
Go onto a river by using a canoe or raft and if you see a fish, drop the net until you catch
one. Sell the fish to the fishmonger by giving it to him.

There are many ways to make money in the game, three of which are listed here. The best of these three options are the crier quests, but the rewards are limited. The ratter and fishmonger are unlimited, but provide a significantly lower reward per scalp/fish given. Some other options include selling items to shops, receiving money from other players (as gifts or in return for items), and killing various mobs for money (but remember, don't kill innocent mobs).

Re: Newbie Guide: Weir's Eye of the World Edition

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:09 pm
by admin
* HP:Battered MV:Full > l
A Watery Oasis
Hidden within a depression a cluster of verurous palm trees surround a
crystal clear pool of water. Glistening as if in a mirage the lush flora is
at odds with the surrounding desert. The ridges to the east and north are
too steep to pass but the one to the west could be traversed with some
effort. A dry riverbed, perhaps once the source of this precious source of
life, stretches into the dunes to the south. Polished to a sheen by the
shifting sands, a plaque and a sign lie nearby.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
A shallow pool of water has collected on the ground.

Okay, now I need to find a tower in the city for the next plaque. Let's hope I can make it back without getting attacked again.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh > ex
Obvious exits:
South - Dry Riverbed
West - Patchy Trail

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh > w
Patchy Trail
Impassable cliffs to the south shadow the trail as it runs up the eastern
ridge though what it might lead to is hidden from view. To the west the
land appears more sandy than to the north where the footing seems firmer.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A black stallion prances about.
A black stallion prances about.
A black stallion prances about.
A black stallion prances about.

A battle scarred warrior bellows 'For training in the arts of war, come see me at The City Square!'

* HP:Hurt MV:Full > l horse
A young, powerful horse, sixteen hands at the shoulders. It seems calm and
reliable, and seems able to bear a rider well both on a journey and in a

A black stallion is in excellent condition.

Oh hey, horses. Didn't one of the tips tell me I should be riding a horse as a human? Let's see if I can ride one.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full > ride horse
You haven't learned enough to ride yet.

Oh, guess I need to practice ride first, right. Well, I haven't been dropping very low in movement points so far, so I should be fine for now without a horse.

Hmm, how do I get back to the city now. From the room where the trolloc mob was, I went east once, then south twice, then west, and north. Logically, the oasis room was directly south of the trolloc mob, who was south of the gate. So since I could only go west or back south from the oasis, and I went west, I now need to go north and then back east, provided the rooms connect, to get back to the trolloc mob, and then go north to the city.

An irritating fly has arrived from the north.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full > n
Rocky Sands
Shriveled shrubs with small spiky leaves grow in clumps from the red
colored earth. The surface underfoot is rocky rather than sandy but still
bone dry and without any topsoil to support larger plants. A faint trail
lies to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A disease-ridden elk with blackened antlers stands before you.
A black tree with bloated leaves sprouts from the ground, branches quivering.
A thicket of thorns covers the area here.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full > e
Track in the Plains
The roadway can be seen clearly extending to the north towards the city,
but shifting sand and wind seems to have covered most of the rest of the
trail. Pale grasses with hardly a tinge of green sprout from the sandy
earth. A wall of redstone rises steeply to the south and travellers would
have to go east or west to pass around it.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A disease-ridden elk with blackened antlers stands before you.
A trolloc is here, drooling and mindlessly swatting at flies.

Aha, what luck, the rooms did connect and I got back to the trolloc mob. Now I can just go back north to the city, and look for the tower.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full > n
Near a Gate
A narrow track worn flat in the sandy grass by the tramp of horse, foot and
wagon courses between the gate in the walls to the north and the dry plains
to the south. Further south hills of golden sand extend as far as the eye
can see like waves of a dry yellow ocean. A burnt patch sheltered by the
city wall marks a well used camping ground. A collection of rough boulders
lies to the east, through which a narrow path meanders.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]

* HP:Hurt MV:Full > n
The Southern Gate
A narrow gate set into the southern wall leads out to the wilds where a
narrow road hardly larger than a goat track has a rock-pocked surface. A
small way to the north is the city square, and Adanza Street runs parallel
to the wall surrounding the southern side of the city. Above the gate are
murder holes, perfect for protected attacks against anything laying siege
to the city itself from beyond.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A ragged looking man asks for spare coins.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full > n
Emar Dal Way
Paved with brick lined with moss, this quaint street is well tended with
flower boxes and hosts smaller private homes. Directly to the north is the
City Square, and to the south the road continues towards the city wall. The
Ansaline Gardens Inn is to the west, a popular place for visitors to get a
meal or a place to stay the night. A cork covered board is set into the
wall next to the Inn's entry, a popular place to leave notes.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full > n
The City Square
A giant circle in the center of the city, this spot was long ago misnamed
as the City Square. In the center of the circle is a large fountain which
anyone can get water from. Usually a popular spot for gathering, the City
Square is often where friends meet to chat, do business, or rest. Mounted
on the oil lamp's post are a dull gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A wooden practice shield has been dropped here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
The waters of a blue-veined marble fountain pour forth here.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

The Eye of the World town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A battle scarred warrior stands nearby.

the Eye of the World town crier tells you 'You look like someone who'd be up for a quest! Ask me about them, and I'll reward you handsomely if you succeed!'

Hey, this warrior was yelling about training before, he must be a practice mob. Let's see what I can practice here.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full > prac
You have got 8 practice sessions left.
You can practice any of these skills, at a cost of 2:
bash ( 0%)
kick ( 0%)
rescue ( 0%)
shield parry ( 0%)
charge ( 0%)
long blades ( 0%)
medium blades ( 0%)
fencing blades ( 0%)
axes ( 0%)
clubs ( 0%)
staves ( 0%)
lances ( 0%)
spears ( 0%)
javelins ( 0%)
polearms ( 0%)
flails ( 0%)
whips ( 0%)
chains ( 0%)
bows ( 0%)
crossbows ( 0%)
slings ( 0%)

He mainly just has weapon skills to practice, this must be the warrior practice mob that the sign told me about. I don't want to practice anything yet here, though.

A black cat has arrived from the south.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full > e
Along Comelle Street
The widest street in the entire city, Comelle Street is lined by the oldest
buildings with the most fantastical designs. Ancient leatherleaf trees cast
shady branches overhead no matter the time of year. To the east is a large
gate set into the city wall, and to the west is the city square. A tall
slender white tower is up the street to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.

Here I notice in the room description that a tower is up to the north of me. Let's go that way.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full > n
Vsaine Street
Tightly packed bricks line this short street, each one a different color
from the palest clay brown to a deep russet hue. A slender white tower, its
lines simple and unadorned, is directly west. Smaller buildings shelter
beneath its shadow, almost dwarfed by its size.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A strange bird is visible flying high in the sky.

Okay, now the tower is west of me.

* HP:Hurt MV:Strong > w
The Tower of Legends
Polished wooden floors gleam underfoot in this circular tower, no furniture
marring its surface. Murals painted upon the walls show the past, in all
its glory or moments of sadness. A spiral staircase is built along the
entire wall, leading upward in a long strenuous journey to the top.
[ obvious exits: E U ]

I've found the tower, but the last plaque I was at said I should climb the tower to find the next plaque, so up I go.

* HP:Hurt MV:Strong > u
Inside the Tower of Legends
A richly appointed chamber covered with imported Tarabon carpets is a
dazzling array of artifacts from different places and times. A glass case
holds Seafolk porcelain, and the finest wines from Murandy are decanted by
carved wooden goblets from the Two Rivers. An eclectic collection made up
from the histories of the world, the Tower can feel like home to anyone
from any nation. A spiral staircase stretches along the walls, a perfect
circle leading up or down.
[ obvious exits: U D ]
A Warder walks by, every movement potentially lethal.
A serene Aes Sedai glides by.

* HP:Scratched MV:Full > u
The Top Floor of the Tower
The uppermost level of the Tower of Legends has wide-set windows placed
into its walls that offer fantastic views of the city itself. In every
direction can be seen the very top of the protective wall surrounding the
cities, with the wilds beyond. Several chairs are scattered around the room
with a collection of small tables with them. A spiral staircase along the
wall leads downward and, curiously, upward towards a golden gate set into
the ceiling, which is painted to look like a cloud-covered sky.
[ obvious exits: U D ]
A fairly large and strange looking bird pokes about.

* HP:Scratched MV:Full > u
The goldengate seems to be closed.

Oh, there is a door between me and the room up from here. I guess I'll just try to open it.

* HP:Scratched MV:Full > open goldengate

* HP:Scratched MV:Full > u
The goldengate seems to be closed.

Wait, what just happened? It said I opened it, and then it was closed again?! There are two possibilities when something like this happens to you. The first possibility is that you never opened the door the first time. This would only happen on a select few doors, and only because those doors can only be opened by certain people (namely, clan-specific doors). Usually if this is the case, after the "Ok." message some other message will pop up saying in some form or other that you weren't able to open the door. That didn't happen here, so the second case is more likely, which is that the zone probably "repopped" right after I opened the door. When a zone "repops" it means it repopulated. Each zone has a certain set of things that happen when it repops, such as certain mobs spawning, doors opening or closing depending on how they are supposed to be normally, etc. Each zone repops based on a timer, and each zone's timer differs in length. For this starter area, the timer is fairly short, so it's not all that unlikely that the zone repopped right as I tried to open the door. In this case, the goldengate door I tried to open becomes closed when the zone repops, but just doesn't give a message that it happened. Since that is the case, I simply need to open it again.

* HP:Scratched MV:Full > open goldengate

* HP:Scratched MV:Full > u
Atop the Tower of Legends
The uppermost top of the tower has been worn smooth by ages of weather, a
testament to how long something can last despite anything thrown at it. It
is rumored that the Creator, or his avatars, appear at this very spot when
least expected. Whatever the truth, this place has an aura of being outside
of space and time, where anything could happen... Weathered and faded, a
plaque and a sign have been embedded in the stone surface of the tower.
[ obvious exits: D ]
An old woman weaves a pattern on her loom.

That time it worked, and I made it to the top of the tower, and found the next plaque I was looking for.

* HP:Scratched MV:Full > l plaque

Top Twelve Things You Should Know Before Playing The Wheel of Time MUD: 11

QUESTS are run periodically for both the public (as global or single race tasks) and
privately (for individuals or clans). Global quests are usually announced several days
in advance via the forums.

For a game tip, look at the sign!
To learn of number twelve of our top twelve, go to the Ansaline Gardens Inn.

* HP:Scratched MV:Full > l sign

Game Tip 11: Grouping.

To help you gain experience, or to allow you to take on bigger and stronger mobs
you can group with other players. If someone else is leading, you can FOLLOW NAME.
If you want to stop following, you can FOLLOW YOURNAME. If you are leading, and someone
follows you, you can GROUP NAME or GROUP ALL. This means you will share the experience.
To make it so your follower stops following, you can type UNGROUP NAME or UNGROUP.
To see who is in the group type GROUP.

Grouping is an integral part of this game for gaining experience killing things, killing stronger mobs (particularly supermobs, mobs that are a much higher level than normal ones and typically load better equipment), and for the PK (Playerkilling) parts. When you follow another player, every time they move around, they bring you along with them, provided you or your horse have the moves for it and you haven't been attacked by something or someone in the meantime. When you group with another person, you share the experience for killing mobs or other players if you are in the same room when it dies to you, the person you are following, or another member of your group. Depending on the levels of the grouped members, the experience split varies. Once you get to level 31, you become unable to gain experience from killing things without having something grouped with you (commonly referred to as having a groupflag). This can either be another player, or a pet mob. There is a tradeoff between the two, though. When you choose another player, the total experience from killing something is bumped up a little bit, but it is split between the two of you based on your levels. If you and your partner are relatively even on levels, or if you are significantly lower, then the total experience you gain from killing the mob is less than you would get normally alone. The upside is, with two of you fighting, you can almost always kill the mob faster than you would alone. If you choose the pet option, instead, you want to go with as low level a pet as possible, because then when the experience splits after a mob dies, the pet, being a very low level, gets very little experience, and instead you get your normal experience for killing your target plus a chunk of the bonus experience that gets added for having two grouped members there (which the pet can't get due to its low level). You can functionally use a very low level player as your "pet" in this regard, as well, but it only works if the low level player does not get the final killing blow on whatever it is you are attacking. When you start to group more than two members, the experience split between the members begins to fall off dramatically, making experiencing with more than two people not really feasible.

The night has begun.

Someone bellows 'For training in the arts of war, come see me at The City Square!'

It's night now, and I can't see in the dark, so I can't see who it is that yelled this, and it just shows up as Someone.

o HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > hold torch
You hold a torch above your head.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > group
You are currently working solo.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > d
The Top Floor of the Tower
The uppermost level of the Tower of Legends has wide-set windows placed
into its walls that offer fantastic views of the city itself. In every
direction can be seen the very top of the protective wall surrounding the
cities, with the wilds beyond. Several chairs are scattered around the room
with a collection of small tables with them. A spiral staircase along the
wall leads downward and, curiously, upward towards a golden gate set into
the ceiling, which is painted to look like a cloud-covered sky.
[ obvious exits: U D ]
A fairly large and strange looking bird pokes about.

I've already been to the room with the last plaque because I stopped there by accident on the way to the second plaque.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > d
Inside the Tower of Legends
A richly appointed chamber covered with imported Tarabon carpets is a
dazzling array of artifacts from different places and times. A glass case
holds Seafolk porcelain, and the finest wines from Murandy are decanted by
carved wooden goblets from the Two Rivers. An eclectic collection made up
from the histories of the world, the Tower can feel like home to anyone
from any nation. A spiral staircase stretches along the walls, a perfect
circle leading up or down.
[ obvious exits: U D ]
A Warder walks by, every movement potentially lethal.
A serene Aes Sedai glides by.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > d
The Tower of Legends
Polished wooden floors gleam underfoot in this circular tower, no furniture
marring its surface. Murals painted upon the walls show the past, in all
its glory or moments of sadness. A spiral staircase is built along the
entire wall, leading upward in a long strenuous journey to the top.
[ obvious exits: E U ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > e
Vsaine Street
Tightly packed bricks line this short street, each one a different color
from the palest clay brown to a deep russet hue. A slender white tower, its
lines simple and unadorned, is directly west. Smaller buildings shelter
beneath its shadow, almost dwarfed by its size.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
Along Comelle Street
The widest street in the entire city, Comelle Street is lined by the oldest
buildings with the most fantastical designs. Ancient leatherleaf trees cast
shady branches overhead no matter the time of year. To the east is a large
gate set into the city wall, and to the west is the city square. A tall
slender white tower is up the street to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A strange bird is visible flying high in the sky.
A strange bird is visible flying high in the sky.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
The City Square
A giant circle in the center of the city, this spot was long ago misnamed
as the City Square. In the center of the circle is a large fountain which
anyone can get water from. Usually a popular spot for gathering, the City
Square is often where friends meet to chat, do business, or rest. Mounted
on the oil lamp's post are a dull gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A wooden practice shield has been dropped here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
The waters of a blue-veined marble fountain pour forth here.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.
The Eye of the World town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A battle scarred warrior stands nearby.

the Eye of the World town crier tells you 'You look like someone who'd be up for a quest! Ask me about them, and I'll reward you handsomely if you succeed!'

A battle scarred warrior stops using a lantern.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > s
Emar Dal Way
Paved with brick lined with moss, this quaint street is well tended with
flower boxes and hosts smaller private homes. Directly to the north is the
City Square, and to the south the road continues towards the city wall. The
Ansaline Gardens Inn is to the west, a popular place for visitors to get a
meal or a place to stay the night. A cork covered board is set into the
wall next to the Inn's entry, a popular place to leave notes.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > w
The Ansaline Gardens Inn
A large room of bleached oak practically shines, day or night. Clean tables
flank a large central stone fireplace and a long bar set along a wall is
tended quickly. Stairs lead up to the private chambers where, for a
moderate fee, a weary guest can spend a peaceful night. Throughout the room
are real plants of exotic species, a small remembrance of another place and
time long lost. Mounted on the wall are a dull gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: E S U ]
A slender woman flips a dagger from hand to hand.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > l plaque

Top Twelve Things You Should Know Before Playing The Wheel of Time MUD: 12

PRIVACY is something you should value. Do not ask people who their other characters
are in any way, nor should you answer any requests for the same thing. Don't give out your
name, address or identifying information. Your password should never be asked for in the
game except upon a rare occasion by a Staff member. If anyone attempts to pressure you
into giving out any of this information, mail PR Administration in the forums and discontinue
speaking with that player or character.

For a game tip, look at the sign!

To enter the vastness of the world outside this city, go to the coachman outside this inn,
and ask him TAKE ME TO CAEMLYN PLEASE, then follow the coachman's instructions.

This concludes the top twelve things you should know about the Wheel of Time MUD.
Good luck, have fun, and welcome to the Wheel of Time! There is a lot to discover
and we hope you will enjoy your time here.

NEVER give out your passphrase to anyone, not even immortals, despite what this says. If an immortal needs to access your character for some reason, they shouldn't be asking for your passphrase anyways because if they really need access to your character they should be a high enough level immortal that they will have ways as an immortal to do so without needing your passphrase.

This starter Eye of the World area is cut off from the rest of the game, and the only two ways to exit out of here as a new character are to either use the coachman, as directed by this plaque, or to die. If you die, you lose anything you had on you, and are sent back to the beginning room, the Circle of Light. You could then exit to the normal game world from there, but you would not be able to retrieve the equipment you lost here in the Eye, then, because once out in the normal world you can't come back here again without once again dying.

A torch is definitely fading.

A battle scarred warrior bellows 'For training in the arts of war, come see me at The City Square!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > l sign

Game Tip 12: Enemy players.

There are three races on the Wheel of Time MUD. Humans, like yourself, trollocs and Seanchan.
The Seanchan are also humans, but they invade from across the ocean to the west. When you
come across one of these crossrace players, you will be able to recognize them by the *asterisks*
around their name. If you have a client with colors, you will find trollocs are *red* and Seanchan
are *magenta*. If you are still low level and ungrouped, these players will generally not harm you,
but it can happen that they raid and you do get killed. Do not be discouraged, one day you
will be strong enough to put up a fight and perhaps even kill them in return!

A torch is about to go out!

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > rem torch
You stop using a torch.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > drop torch
You drop a torch.

My torch ran out, and is now useless, so I have simply discarded it by dropping it on the ground.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > time
It is 10 o'clock pm, on the 19th day of the month of Danu, year 1001.
According to legend and prophecy, this is the Zunth Turn of the Wheel.
The official forums are back at '' enjoy!

(Server: Fri Oct 25 03:03:14 2013 EST, up for 19 hours, 7 minutes)

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > exa pouch
It is a soft leather pouch.
When you look inside, you see:
pouch (used) :
a leather water flask
[2] a hunk of beef
a rusty dagger
[2] a lantern

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > get lantern pouch
You get a lantern from a soft leather pouch.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > hold lantern
You hold a lantern above your head.

It's still night though, so if I wanted to go back outside I would want to use another light source, which I do.

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > u
Outside the Guest Rooms
A central hallway akin to one in a private home is lined with doors leading
to private bedrooms. For a fee a traveller can stay overnight, guaranteed a
peaceful and safe stay. Mounted on the hallway's wall and lit by an oil
lamp are a dull gleaming plaque and a sign.
[ obvious exits: D ]
A strange bird is here flying around.
An innkeeper makes his rounds of the room, tending to guests.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > offer
An innkeeper tells you, 'Your rent allowance is currently 8 coppers per day.
You have 2 coppers left unused on your allowance.
Your rent is free!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > rent
An innkeeper tells you, 'Your rent allowance is currently 8 coppers per day.
You have 2 coppers left unused on your allowance.
Your rent is free!'

An innkeeper stores your belongings and helps you into your private chamber.

Instead, I decide I've done enough learning for now, and make use of the inn to rent and save my equipment when I log off. When I log back on the next time, I will return right back here at the inn I rented at. However, something to keep in mind is characters to autodelete in this game if they sit inactive for too long. At level 1, which I currently am, if I let the character sit for three days, it will automatically delete. As you level up, the length of time required before a character autodeletes increases as well. At levels 20-29, you would have to not log on for 6 months for your character to autodelete, so it shouldn't be a major concern if you decide to take a break from the game. Once you reach level 30, your character will never autodelete. Specific numbers for autodeletion times can be found in the "delete" help file.