CLIENT: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

The place with help files for new players, weapon and equipment stats and other pertinent information for players of all levels and experience.
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Re: CLIENT: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Sat Sep 09, 2023 5:26 pm

I hadn't had a chance to reply, but Reyne's reply is nearly spot on.

The only thing that I would change is the regex pattern. As written, it will capture, e.g., "an ancient tree" as the targetting variable - but trying to "kill an ancient tree" will likely not give the response you want :)

The pattern I had was

Code: Select all

(\S+): (\S+) >
which can be used to capture the last word of whatever you're engaged on (in my example case, just "tree"), which I've found is typically a keyword that can be used for most mobs. For pcs, this will always capture their name. And in this case you would use

Code: Select all

CurrentEnemy = matches[2]
to set the target, as the pattern was slightly different.

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Re: CLIENT: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Jada » Sun Sep 10, 2023 11:51 pm

This works perfectly. Thanks to you both.

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Re: CLIENT: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:13 pm

Fixed a bug in the equipment trainer that was *still* requiring the equipment database package to be installed in the right order :roll:
Hopefully the problem is gone now so that it doesn't matter what is installed first...

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Re: CLIENT: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Thore » Mon May 13, 2024 12:27 am

Had installed Mudlet fresh on a new PC. Installed the wotpack. Got the mapper working. Went to install comms window and Mudlet crashed and when I re-opened, all of my packages were gone. Reinstalled wotpack, and when I went to load the mapper it crashed again.

Any idea what might be causing this?

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Re: CLIENT: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Mon May 13, 2024 5:14 am

The first line of the readme :P

There’s a bug in mudlet 4.17 when installing packages from the command line. You can downgrade to 4.16 (there’s a link in the readme) and that should work fine. Hopefully they release 4.18 soon though.

If you have your old PC though, it’s a lot easier to transfer one file to your new PC and have your exact same setup with no work.

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Re: CLIENT: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Thore » Mon May 13, 2024 10:06 am

Shoot. Ok - we mudders skim text don't ya know :D I'll see what I can do.

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Re: CLIENT: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Eros » Fri May 17, 2024 9:12 pm

Anyone knows if there is a TRACK script for mudlet. TROLLOC/HUMAN leaving EAST>>>. something of that nature. any ideas??

Thank you in advanced.

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Re: CLIENT: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Sat May 18, 2024 7:00 am

There is, in the room highlights package. Fair warning, that probably has triggers to highlight or change the color on a buncha other things, so I’d go through them all and see which you want to keep or remove after installing.

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Re: CLIENT: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Eros » Sat May 18, 2024 9:03 am

Adael wrote:
Sat May 18, 2024 7:00 am
There is, in the room highlights package. Fair warning, that probably has triggers to highlight or change the color on a buncha other things, so I’d go through them all and see which you want to keep or remove after installing.

Thank you Adael!

Amazing to see what you have become for this community. You were always so helpful. Good to see you again.

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