CLIENT: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

The place with help files for new players, weapon and equipment stats and other pertinent information for players of all levels and experience.
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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:25 am

Toirn wrote:
Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:55 pm
Hey Adeal,

Thank you. I will look at the readme and see if I can figure it out.

I have another question - I play on a laptop. When I load the Mudlet app and everything loads up - you have that status bar that shows HP, MV, Notice, etc. When I type under there ... that section blocks some text from the screen. I don't even know if that makes any sense but it's like I have text from the game hidden behind there. Is there a way to shorten that scrolling text from where I type and that status bar section?

It's not a problem of it can't be fixed - it is working just fine. Just kinda slightly annoying to myself.
Hmmm, installing the status bar should have set the bottom border to be higher. But you can go into settings -> main display, and change the bottom border height to be a larger number. Let me know if that helps or not! :)

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Toirn » Mon Jan 10, 2022 2:12 am

It fixed itself I need I logged back in! Love this package! Great work!!!

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Wed Jan 12, 2022 9:37 pm

Updated the statting package. "wotpack install statting" to grab it

Added a file save to your stats for people who like to record them. Default location is your mudlet profile folder (on windows, usually something like c:/users/USERNAME/.config/mudlet/profiles/PROFILENAME), with a filename of stats.txt
Added a couple triggers to disable package if level is too high/character is ineligible for restat command (shouldn't ever happen, but just in case).

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Sat Jan 15, 2022 2:57 pm

Updated the statting scripts once more. You can "stat 18 12 12 18 18" as before, or you can now "stat 18 12 12 18 18 80" to set a minimum statsum. If you don't provide a minimum statsum, it defaults to the sum of the 5 stats you do provide. This is probably the best use case 90% of the time. I will note though: if you choose to provide a min statsum, probably best to make sure it's not _too_ much higher than the sum of the 5 separate stat mins. I don't see a reason why you would put it higher in the first place, but I digress :P

The triggers now checks that a) there is a stat less than one of the set stat mins AND b) that the sum is less than the set statsum, in order to restat. Otherwise it counts as a successful stat.

eg, if you "stat 18 12 12 18 18", a 12 13 14 15 16 would restat since there's at least one stat less than a min, and the sum is less than the min statsum. If you stat a 17 12 12 18 18, it would restat since str is less than your min, and the statsum is 1 less than the min statsum.
However, if you stat a 17 13 12 18 18, that would count as a success since the statsum is the same as the min statsum. Slightly more false positives this way perhaps (depending on your view), but hope it helps!

"wotpack install statting" to grab the new version. Let me know if there's any issues, cheers! :)

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Mon Jan 17, 2022 3:32 pm

Removed the door "boulder" from Braem tunnels as per a change from Feneon
Removed the door 1u from RK smith
Added a couple missing doors people informed me of around the map

"map update" to grab the new one, cheers! :)

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:32 pm

I know people have asked about it in the past but can't remember who it was, but I just enabled scroll bars for the comms window for those users who find it difficult to scroll on a laptop otherwise
"wotpack install communications" should get ya fixed up, may have to restart mudlet if the scroll bars dont show though. Cheers! :)

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Sun Jan 30, 2022 1:24 am

I know there's a couple rent tracking scripts floating around (eg, Janers posted one some pages back in this thread), but I finally decided to write my own and add it to my list of packages. To get it, you need to first "wotpack update" so the package handler knows new files are available. You can then "wotpack install rents" to get the scripts/aliases/triggers.
Note: a map file is required (not necessarily mine, just so long as the map knows your location) in order for the script to work, as it pulls the room name from your location on the map.

You can type "rents help" to display the available commands. "rents display" shows the entire database, "rents display name NAME" would filter by the provided name, "rents display item ITEM KEYWORDS" would filter by item keywords, and "rent display zone ZONENAME" would filter by location. Some examples are provided in the help message.

The triggers should capture items any time you type list at an inn. It will store them in the database with the character name, room and zone, item name, cost to withdraw, and the time last viewed. It will not remove items from the database when you withdraw (couldn't come up with a quick clever way to handle things stored and rented in packs/pouches), so it's best to type "list" to update things again once you're done withdrawing stuff.

Open to suggestions for any changes (the displays could maybe be tweaked, but they work for now), otherwise enjoy! Let me know if you encounter any issues :)

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Sun Jan 30, 2022 1:24 pm

Added a "finddoor doorname" (or "finddoor doorname zone zonename", if you want to narrow the results by zone) alias to search the map for door names. It will spit out a list of rooms that contain a door with the given name. You can click on items in that list to center the map on the room. "wotpack install mapper" to grab the new files

Added some keybindings to open doors with shift + 8/6/2/4/9/3 on the number pad (for n/e/s/w/u/d respectively). "wotpack install numpad keys"

Also updated my map file to include a few missing doors, and updated some room names and descriptions that have been changed. "map update" to grab the new file.

Cheers! :)

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:14 am

Updated my map with the zone changes to cgrass/w TV/black hills areas. "map update" to grab the new file, cheers! :)
Thanks to Feneon for the help while I was mapping.

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Sat Feb 12, 2022 9:55 pm

Updated quite a few things behind the scenes on my map scripts to be a little more consistent and do some global variable cleanup. The attempts to be more consistent necessitated renaming some functions. If you happen to use any functions from my map scripts in your own scripts/aliases/keybindings/etc, I would recommend reading through to see how they got renamed, or just asking me. You can also just check the file history on github I believe.
I also updated the door command functions to be a bit more functional if your exact location is not known.
"wotpack install mapper" to grab the newest version of things.

I additionally updated my map file once again, as Feneon fixed some room descriptions and zone boundaries. "map update" to grab the latest map file.

Lastly, I put in a fix from Asandra for the tic timer so that it shouldn't drop below 55s. In an ideal world, I end up redoing the whole tic timer, but I don't have an estimate on when I'll get around to it. Thanks to Draz for bugging me enough to put this in finally :)
"wotpack install tic timer" to grab the new version.

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