CLIENT: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

The place with help files for new players, weapon and equipment stats and other pertinent information for players of all levels and experience.
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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Wed Dec 08, 2021 7:49 pm

davee wrote:
Tue Dec 07, 2021 11:04 pm
Adael wrote:
Tue Dec 07, 2021 8:26 pm
Updated my map once more, had a typo in the doorname out of maze. Thanks to Lea for spotting it.
Measure twice cut once
I should've measured a few more times :(
Updated my map again, missed an exit removal on the south side of what was the entrance to Rhahime. It's what I get for doing things at the end of the night when I should've gone to bed :P

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Fri Dec 17, 2021 1:40 am

Updated my map with:

Add Rhydolph zone
Update doors in Feneon's Christmas smobs zone
Update rooms near dusty fence with Kajin changes
Add green and gray ajah clan rooms

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Asandra » Fri Dec 17, 2021 2:41 am

Thanks :!:

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Sun Dec 19, 2021 9:05 pm

Added a couple new aliases. You'll have to "wotpack update" so that the installer knows they're available. If you haven't done this in a long time and notice your font change, that's on purpose, and the Mudlet default is "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" for you to set it back to (it shouldn't happen again in the future afterwards).

After updating the installer package, you can "wotpack install potion mixing aliases" and "wotpack install portal stones aliases". Courtesy to Bryan for the last one. You can "portal xxx" and it will get the stone out of the column and insert touching the appropriate pattern. Valid options are SH/IJ/THR/MIRK/EVILBRAEM/TREMALKING/PASSGATE/ALTARA/MAREDO (the list of options will pop up if you try to portal somewhere invalid).

For the potion mixing, you can "get POTION herbs CONTAINER" to get the right herbs out of one container (eg, "get strength herbs pack" "get moves herbs pouch" "get poison herbs purse" etc).
You can then "mix POTION CONTAINER" to put the herbs in a container and mix them, eg "mix moves mixing" "mix fear pouch" "mix poison saddlebag" etc using whatever you use to mix in.


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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Mon Dec 27, 2021 9:09 pm

Added an initial commit of some statting files. You'll have to "wotpack update" so the installer knows they're available, then "wotpack install statting" to download them.

There is a "statting" alias to enable and disable the statting triggers.
You can use the alias "stat str int wil dex con", e.g. "stat 18 10 10 18 18", to set minimum stats desired. The scripts will then take care of checking score and stat to capture some info. It will check score every time a sapling dies, killing the next sapling if you are below level 3, or checking your stats if you are at or above level 3. if any stat is below your minimum, it will restat and kill saplings again.

Triggers should (if human or seanchan) handle removing lights at day, holding lights at night, and removing/getting new lights from pouch if one burns out.
Triggers will send system notifications if you run out of lights, if the room runs out of saplings (this -shouldn't- happen due to how I set up the triggers, but on the off chance that it does), or if your minimum desired stats are met.

If you run out of lights or meet your minimum desired stats, the triggers will disable themselves. For the first, you can go buy new lights, then come back and type "statting" to enable the triggers and start up again.

The triggers will disable if you rent/quit/disconnect, but you can also disable them by typing "statting" if needed.

It's very basic at the moment, totally open to adding more stuff to the scripts if people have ideas/want specific things. Won't promise it's free of bugs, but it should work fairly well at the moment. Let me know if anything comes up. Cheers! :)

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Sat Jan 08, 2022 9:08 pm

Added door to inside of fade rent
Added doors to TV library, and from TV outer city into the Tower
Added door into Tower library
Removed entrances to Feneon's Christmas zone

"map update" to grab the new version, cheers! :)

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Toirn » Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:47 am

Is there a way to change the colors?

and why does it always show {wotmapper} ?

It makes it hard to actually play the game cuz it's creating a lot of spam in the rooms.

I apoligize I'm slightly tired and that may not have made any sense.

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:07 pm

Toirn wrote:
Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:47 am
Is there a way to change the colors?

and why does it always show {wotmapper} ?

It makes it hard to actually play the game cuz it's creating a lot of spam in the rooms.

I apoligize I'm slightly tired and that may not have made any sense.
Step 7 of the map install guide: You can type "map debug" to turn off the debug messages
There's a subsection in the install guide for changing the map appearance. That goes over things with pictures better than I could describe here. Feel free to reach out more if that doesn't cover what you're looking for though!

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Adael » Sun Jan 09, 2022 3:48 pm

Mapper Updates: "wotpack install mapper" to grab these

Fixed a(n embarrassing) bug where movement commands entered after the "* Press to continue, q to quit *>" line of a multipage who list (and possibly other commands that produce this output) remained in the movement queue, rather than the queue being reset on the next prompt line.
This is the likely cause of some door command failures on channelers and fades. I would highly recommend updating your map scripts, and continuing to let me know when such issues occur. Thanks to the anonymous MC who let me know of this issue :P

Added comments to various parts of code for clarity
Edited some internal function names to be slightly more consistent with case and style
Edited the speedwalk function to prevent attempting to speed walk if your current room is not known
Added the necessary event handler so that the right click option to set player location works with my scripts (mostly useful if you need to do stuff with the map in offline mode and want to set a location quickly)
Edited a couple triggers so something is not firing on every prompt line
Added a speedwalk alias. You can now type a period followed by a list of number + command directions to have the map enter those. E.g., you can type .5n2ws1e3n and the alias will send 5 north commands, 2 w commands, a south command, an east command, and 3 north commands. Including the number 1 for singles of a direction is optional.

Communications Updates: "wotpack install communications" to grab these

Minor update to help function
Minor updates to internal functions for consistency in style
Make comms window prioritize left and right docking over top docking

Practice Trainer and Weave Trainer: "wotpack install weave trainer" and "wotpack install practice trainer" to grab these
Added aliases to display list of saved practice profiles. "ptrainer setups" and "wtrainer setups" will spit out a list, so you don't have to go digging and find the right directory to know what prac profiles you've saved in the past

Vote reminder: "wotpack install vote wotmud" to grab this
Updated the time check from 24 hours to 12 hours, as allows you to vote for a site every 12 hours it turns out, not just once a day.

Updated hp-mv-sp_colors_triggers: "wotpack install hp-mv-sp colors"
To include DP colors as well

Updated miscellaneous_triggers: "wotpack install miscellaneous"
To play C:/Windows/Media/Windows Notify.wav if someone beeps you. Sorry Linux users, don't have something for you :(
To properly highlight Known Darkfriends red on the who list even if they are idle/LD

Updated room_highlights_triggers:
Fixed "greyman" to the proper "grayman" for the new remort class in some highlighting.
Fixed the grouping in a large variety of triggers highlighting things to avoid using unnecessary multiline triggers

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Re: Dump of mudlet related things for y'all

Post by Toirn » Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:55 pm

Hey Adeal,

Thank you. I will look at the readme and see if I can figure it out.

I have another question - I play on a laptop. When I load the Mudlet app and everything loads up - you have that status bar that shows HP, MV, Notice, etc. When I type under there ... that section blocks some text from the screen. I don't even know if that makes any sense but it's like I have text from the game hidden behind there. Is there a way to shorten that scrolling text from where I type and that status bar section?

It's not a problem of it can't be fixed - it is working just fine. Just kinda slightly annoying to myself.

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