Rize Bio

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Rize Bio

Post by Rize » Wed Jan 01, 2025 10:58 pm

Name: Rize
Height: 5 foot 5 inches
Weight: 135 lbs
Eye color: Green
Hair: Auburn, kept short in a bob cut
Born: Near Watch Hill
Affiliation: White Tower

Raised on what is best described as a small farm in the mountains of mist, the closest town being Watch Hill, Rizes family made a meager living selling goats cheese and wool. The goats did well in the mountain environment, but Rize was never very good at her job of looking after them. She preferred to spend her time daydreaming about, well, all manner of things unrelated to the herding of goats.

Her father had also planted apple trees when he homesteaded their farm, but the trees were small and the apples yet smaller, and, according to him, useless for anything other than making applejack. He mainly concerned himself with that, and no applejack ever made it to Watch Hill to be sold. With her father thus occupied, and her mother typically busy with distaffs of goat wool and wheels of cheese, Rize and her younger brother Valain were left to mind the goats with a fair amount of autonomy.

She found herself dreaming one day of what the perfect fruit might be, what it would taste like, what it could be used for... when it suddenly appeared in her lap. Well. A fruit appeared in her lap, anyway. She looked around for her brother, but he was nowhere to be seen. Off following tracks no doubt. Not some kind of prank from him then. And she'd never seen any fruit like this growing anywhere on the mountainsides before. It could be poisonous.

She fed it to a goat and thought little of it.

When her brother shook her awake the next morning, there were six more of the strange fruit piled next to her bedside. He asked where she had found them. She had no answer.

They fed them to the goats again.

After a few days of this, the number of fruit only increasing each time she slept, and the goats not seeming to have suffered in any way, she decided to try one herself. Valain insisted on trying one as well. They weren't bad. Not apples, or oranges, or quite like anything else they'd ever had. But not bad. So they ate some more, and fed the rest to the goats.

The abundance of strange fruit seemed like a blessing at first. One they admittedly could not figure out how to tell the parents about, but that didn't much matter. She even found she could summon the fruit while awake, with a bit of concentration. But... She couldn't make it stop. More fruit each night. More than she, Valain, and the goats could possibly keep hidden. Until one morning, Rize woke up gasping for air, half-smothered under a mountain of fruit that would fill a wagon and then some.

This was a problem.

Rize reached a decision that very morning. No more denying the obvious. Normally the signs of channeling ability didn't present themselves as mountains of fruit, but it could be nothing else. She would go to the Tower. She would seek their help. So she set off for Watch Hill, and upon arrival she turned north, towards Tariens Ferry, on her way to Tar Valon. Leaving a trail of strange fruit in her wake.