Robinn Sena's Bio

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Robinn Sena's Bio

Post by Robinn » Mon May 27, 2024 8:54 am

Full name: Robinn Sena
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Nationality: Andoran
Place of birth: Small farming village called Reedspring
Title: Journey Accepted
Current Residence: Tar Valon
Education: White Tower

Physical Attributes
A tall, lean woman with blonde hair, that she keeps tied up, a few strands of hair falling down while a few longer strands frame her face, her green eyes sparkling merrily behind her half moon glasses.

Channeler Attributes
Strength in the One Power: 18(6)
Element Affinity: Earth

Spouse: Never married
Father: Tamil Sena
Mother: Aelis Sena
Siblings: Daryna "Ryna" Sena
Children: None

Combat Skills
Proficient with staves

Robinn Sena grew up amidst the tranquil rhythms of Reedspring, a small village nestled in the rolling plains of Andor. Her father, Tamril Sena, was a hardworking farmer whose fields yielded bountiful harvests year after year, and her mother, Aelis, tended to their modest home with a quiet grace. From a young age, Robinn displayed an insatiable curiosity and a keen intelligence that set her apart from the other village children.

She was often found with her nose buried in the rare book or scroll that made its way to Reedspring, her bright blue eyes alight with wonder at the tales of far-off lands and the mysteries of the One Power. Though the village was small, the Senas' home was filled with love and laughter, and Robinn's parents encouraged her inquisitive nature, even if they did not always understand it.

One summer day, as Robinn was tending to the herb garden behind their cottage, an Aes Sedai traveling to Caemlyn stopped in Reedspring for rest. The village buzzed with excitement and trepidation; an Aes Sedai was a rare and awe-inspiring visitor. Robinn, ever curious, found herself drawn to the village inn where the Aes Sedai, a serene woman named Lirene, was lodging.

Robinn's natural curiosity led her to speak with Lirene, and the Aes Sedai, intrigued by the girl's perceptiveness and quick mind, sensed something unusual about her. With a gentle touch of the One Power, Lirene confirmed her suspicions: Robinn had the spark within her, the potential to channel. Lirene spoke to Robinn and her parents, explaining the necessity of training at the White Tower to control and harness this gift.

Leaving Reedspring was a heart-wrenching decision. Robinn loved her family and the simple, honest life of the village, but she could not ignore the call of the White Tower. Her parents, though saddened, understood the importance of this journey. They gave her their blessings, along with a small, intricately carved wooden charm her father had made, a token of home to carry with her.

The journey to Tar Valon was long and arduous, but Robinn's spirit remained undaunted. Arriving at the White Tower, she was awestruck by its grandeur and the sense of ancient wisdom that permeated the air. As a novice, Robinn applied herself diligently, her curiosity and intelligence driving her to excel in her studies. She navigated the challenges of novice life with a resilience and grace that stemmed from her upbringing and has since undergone the testing to be Accepted and succeeded.