Maddy Mantear Bio

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Maddy Mantear Bio

Post by Maddy » Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:58 pm

Character Bio
Full name: Madelyne “Maddy” Mantear
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Cairhien

Female Channeler
Element Strength: Fire/Water

Father: Kierin Mantear
Mother: Firiel Mantear (nee Lockwood)
Siblings: 3 Older Brothers

Her wavy dark hair cascades down her back as she moves through the White Tower’s halls with an energy that belies her small frame. Her eyes, a vivid shade of green, sparkle as she greets those around her with a warm smile. Clutched in her arms are stacks of books, their weight seemingly no match for her determination.

Bad Habits: Listening to gossip
Hobbies: Horses, Reading, Learning,
Demeanor; Cheerful

Mental Characteristics
Fears: Physical Fighting
Life Goals: To ensure that she has prepared herself and those around her, to the best of her ability, for the Last Battle.
Self-Confidence: High


Born and raised in Cairhien, Maddy enjoyed a life of privilege. Her family's wealth provided the children with the finest luxuries money could buy. When she turned 14, her domineering Mother informed her of an arranged marriage—a fate she adamantly rejected. Following many battles over her refusal, Maddy made the bold decision to leave home. With only the clothes on her back, her beloved horse and a bag of coins she slipped away one moonless night.

Maddy's travels took her many places and she experienced both terrifying and extraordinary adventures, invoking a lifelong wanderlust. Eventually she made her way to the stunning city of Tar Valon in hopes of exploring the majestic buildings created by the Ogiers.

One warm sunny day, her life changed in a very unexpected way. She was approached by a regal Aes Sedai with piercing eyes. First they engaged in small talk, then in a moment forever etched in her mind, the Aes Sedai advised her that she, Maddy, had the spark.

Her testing and subsequent training revealed she could and had been using the One Power. Embracing life at the White Tower with all her heart, she found her purpose and true calling and will be forever grateful to Aes Sedai who led her to it.