Roberto al'Farath Bio

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Roberto al'Farath Bio

Post by Roberto » Sun Jan 14, 2024 7:31 pm

Character Bio
Full name: Roberto al'Farath
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Nationality: Malkieri
Place of Birth: On the journey south during the falling of Malkier
Clan: Thiefbane
Rank: Master Thiefbane

Physical Characteristics:
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 250 lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Tan, with lines from his hadori and duster

Born as the son of nobility, his father was a royal guard of Malkier who fell during the final stand at Herot's Crossing. His mother fled south with many of the refugees and he was born on the journey. Due to the ardous travel, she died during child birth, leaving with him only a hadori that had belonged to his father, the insignia of the Golden Crane he had torn from his armor and given to his wife, and a dagger emblazoned with a crane in flight. He was taken in by an older couple who had once served his house, and was raised on stories of what Malkier once was. The couple passed while he was still young, leaving him alone at just 12. He swore the oath to "stand against the Shadow so long as iron is hard and stone abides, to defend the Malkier while one drop of blood remains, and to avenge what cannot be defended" at 16 and donned the hadori himself as he had none to do it for him. He learned the dagger as it was the only weapon he had from his father, but was lost as to how to help make his mark on the world for he swore to owe allegience to no king but the one that was to come. It was a Thiefbane by the name of Rico and an accepted who put him on his current path, and when he joined the Thiefbane it was always with the understanding that he was answer the call when the Golden Crane flew again. His skills have made him valuable undercover amongst darkfriends, and has been known to vanish for years to gather intelligence on movements in the blight.