Rajis Rajinald Bio

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Rajis Rajinald Bio

Post by Rajis » Sun Dec 31, 2023 5:10 pm

Character Bio
Full name: Rajis Rajinald
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Nationality: Tairen
Place of Birth: Small hamlet on the outskirts of Haddon Mirk
Clan: Defenders of the Stone
Rank: Under-lieutenant
House: House Romee

Physical Characteristics:
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 163 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue green
Skin Color: Pale

Rajis is the second son of a woodworker who lives near Haddon Mirk. He would join his father on trips to Tear to sell the family's goods, and was enthralled by the Stone. He regards the Stone of Tear as the greatest structure in the world. Tragedy befell his family while he was working in Haddon Mirk with his sister Mara. He took Mara to Tear to start a new life, and enlisted in the Defenders of the Stone to try and support them. Eventually he joined the service of Lady Fuujin, and even joined her house, House Romee.