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Elghinn of the Chumai Taardaad

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 8:36 am
by Elghin

This thread will be expanded upon with details regarding plot desires, character descriptions (including variations for formal, informal, and Aiel formal), collected short pieces that will consist of Elghin's personal journal as we both spend time with the people and interact with the MUD, and backstory.

To start with: I'm going to get this outta the way for the resident White Tower players: if you want to run an in-tower plot to wrangle an Aiel channeler to get information, tame the Aiel woman, or see if y'all can't spark an Imm event to herald the Aiel across the Dragonwall: please. Kidnap Elghinn. IC, of course, and give me some advance warning so I can make sure I'm free to make some magic. I will endeavor to make my interpretation of ji'e'toh make sense as best as I possibly can.

Please note: I am a self-described "Immersion Rper." Meaning: if I am online, I am most likely IC, or in a position to be IC very quickly. All of my out-of-character communications get bracketed off so my IC comments are immediately recognizable and anything out of character can easily be edited out of RP logs.

Want to ask questions or RP but can't seem to catch me in-game? I'm (Shyeer) on Discord. I'm CST timezone, but work night shift, so my hours are weird and wild, but my weekends are *mostly* free.

*Break.* Further posts in this thread will be as described, and in-character. This first post is mostly used as a placeholder and to put myself out there. The more I RP, the more entries this post will see.