Origins of Plando

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Origins of Plando

Post by plando » Wed Aug 04, 2021 9:42 pm

Character Bio
General Information
Full name: Plando Ezekiel Amoran
Nickname: Planny
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Preferred Pronoun: Him
Nationality: Two Rivers
City of birth: Near Devins Ride
The current place for living: Cairhien Chapter House
Job title: Pyrotechnic
Clan: Illuminators
Marital status: Unknown

How would you describe the childhood of the character?
A fairly good upbringing, three kid brothers, one mean sister, and a loving family all in all. Plando spent most of his time working the farm and exploring the areas of the Two Rivers and northern Amadicia for most of his young life.

How would you describe the teenage years of the character?
Plando befriended several officers, prominent Children of the Light at the time, and in exchange for running errands and bringing food and wine, he was offered military training in northern Amadicia.

How would you describe the adulthood of the character?
Plando traveled much of his adult life, as he became a member of the guild. Plando has hard a hard time staying in one place for too long.

Father: Figaro Almoran (deceased)
Mother: Delsie Almoran (rumored to be alive)
Sisters or brothers: Fick, Dorthy, and Kattin
Wife/husband/partner: Unknown
Children: Definitely unknown
Grandparents: Deceased
Grandchildren: None
Other important persons:
Relationships with other characters:
[Geoff] Friend
[Fermin] Friend
[Relena] Friend

Physical Characteristics:
Tattoo over his right chest, an anchor with an eagle
Bad Habits: eats too quickly
Color of Eyes: blue
The color of Hair: graying and white shaggy hair
The color of Skin: somewhere between tan and kind of tan
Drinking habits: Rarely
Smoking habits: Rarely
Disabilities: None
Illnesses: None
Good Habits:
Height: 5’5”
Hobbies: Fishing, Traveling, Performing
Type of Face: unscarred and normal
Weight: 160 lbs, soaking wet.

Mental Characteristics
Education: no formal schooling, home schooled, and received military training by Children of the Light
Fears: abandonment, the light falling to the dark
Life Goals (next 5 years): Become renowned as a master of his craft.
Life Goals (next 25 years): Open a new chapterhouse in Fal Dara
Assumed external perception: Approachable old man.
Self-Confidence: High as a kite.
Rational Or Emotional: Highly rational
How could you upset this character: Attack him or threaten Teben. Be a trolloc, fade, or dreadlord.

Emotional Characteristics
What are emotional strengths of the character?
Takes criticism well, and humble when receiving compliments. Believes he is never truly out of the fight.

What are emotional weaknesses of the character? Sometimes does not show enough empathy for Teben.

Is the character an introvert or an extrovert?

How does the character cope with fury and rage?
An evil grin appears across his face and he appears delusional, and prepared to ride the lightning.
… with unhappiness?
Frowns dismally.
… with rivalry?
Typically enjoys it.
… with new situations?
Cautious, but approaches with an open mind.
… with trouble?
One step at a time, has typically done the same wrong thing before and has experience, sometimes is above average talented at being bad.

What’s his or her meaning of life?
To make others happy.

What would the character like to change in his/her life?
He wishes he had golden eyes.

What things motivate the character?
People's happiness.

What situations scares the character?
Nothing these days.

What makes this character happy?
Praise and when others acknowledge that his work has brought them happiness.

Is the character often biased?
Usually not

Does the character prefer to give or to take?

Is the character rather nice or rude?
Very nice, and willing to go out of his way to provide for others.

Plando was born to a family of three in the southern hemisphere of the world roughly 35 years ago. Although middle aged and considered young by some aging conventions, Plando's life style has caused him to appear slightly older than he actually is. Marked by a larger than life bushy mustache that is brimming with white and gray hair. Plando almost always wears a protective visor to prevent "accidents on the job" and can often be seen wearing a specialized helm made of blackened copper, complete with a barred visor for eye protection. Plando stands about 5'5 inches tall and is fairly short in comparison to most males of similar age and a majority of women. Plando has no noticeable tattoos but, after a battle with a trolloc which left Plando's shirt badly torn, a tattoo of an anchor and an eagle could be seen on his exposed chest just over his right pectoral muscle.

Plando's entire life is devoted to the guild, but even Plando needs a way to relax and unwind from time to time and has been known to be a connoisseur of port wines. Plando has been known to make special gestures, do favors for people, and go out of his way to secure Murandian port wine, his personal favorite. Plando is a social drinker and tries to save imbibing for special events. Plando is a big fan of fishing and has been known to haunt spots as far west as trout streams in the misty mountains and has been sighted fishing from the docks in White Bridge from time to time. Although this isn't a secretive event, Plando typically tries to fish in privacy as it's a great form of meditation for him and also he is not a fan of sharing his "secret fishing spots". If Plando ever offers to take you fishing, you must accept because rumor has it you only get one chance, and if you do go with him, although you're sworn to secrecy and possibly blind-folded, you'll probably catch a once in a life time whopper of a fish, so choose wisely.

Plando grew up on a farm just outside of Devin's Ride. Although a sleepy stop over between Emonds Field and the larger bustling city of Amador, Plando was able to meet a lot of interesting strangers growing up as a child. Devins Ride was such a busy through way that Plando had come to know many Red Eagles, but also a famous Gleeman, two Kandori Merchants, and even a member of the White Tower. Plando is a social character and typically makes friends readily wherever he goes, and making friends with travelers served Plando well long term as those connections matured over time, ultimately helping him meet several members of the Guild. Plando befriended several officers that would patrol Amadicia just over the mountain pass and in exchange for errands and delivery of goods such as bottles of wine and food the Officers allowed Plando to participate in sword play when the guards practiced. One Officer in particular was very gifted and took a liking to Plando's natural abilities and raw talent with a blade. It is believed that this officer trained Plando's hand with a blade for many years prior to Plando leaving the south.

Plando enjoys the art of delivering beautiful night flowers across the land, and has been known to travel extensively. Illuminator's are typically not very fond of combat, but due to Plando's rare exposure to military grade training as a young man, Plando can often be found taking a pause between displays of fireworks and trading them in for a bout of swash buckling and ensuring that the light prevails over the dark one, even as high as blighted gatekeep. Although small and not built for combat by nature, Plando excels in being extremely quick with sleight of hand. Plando is considered a hunter by trade, and is typically very at home in most areas of the map with great reliability. Having spent so much time traveling and exploring during his early 20's, Plando has amassed a great wealth of knowledge about his surroundings and is an excellent guide to new travelers.