Impromptu Class with Maddy

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Impromptu Class with Maddy

Post by Maddy » Sun Dec 15, 2024 1:45 pm

OOC did this before I realized I was supposed to post it or there was RP-Izer.
Tolza Sedai
Maddy Perspective

Tolza says 'When was the last time you taught a class, Accepted?'

Maddy says, 'I have not taught one yet.'

You smile at her.

Tolza stops resting, and clambers on her feet.

Tolza stops riding a bloodstock stallion.

Tolza gives a young Tower Guard an order.

A young Tower Guard starts riding a bloodstock stallion.

Cleo says 'She did my orientation.'

Cleo smiles at you.

Tolza says 'Follow Maddy please.'
Cleo says 'and I feel very oriented!'

Tolza starts following you.

Cleo glares at a prophet of the dragon.

Tolza is now a member of your group.

Cleo starts following you.

Tolza says 'Guess it is time for you to teach one child.'

Cleo is now a member of your group.

Maddy says, 'Should we stable your horse.'

Tolza shakes her head.
A young Tower Guard has arrived from the south, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Tolza points at a young Tower Guard.

Travel to Class
In the Classroom

Faoleha Nahtiem, Wearied Novice is standing here.

A calm woman bathed in serenity seems to attract your attention.

Faoleha curtseys gracefully.

Cleo curtseys gracefully.

Tolza closes the door.

Maddy says, 'Hello Faoleha.'

Faoleha says 'Good early morning, Tolza Sedai.'

Faoleha nods at you.

Cleo looks at Faoleha.

Faoleha says 'Good morning Accepted Maddy!'

Faoleha says 'morning.'

Faoleha yawns.

Tolza smooths her travel stained skirts, and sits in an invisible chair.

You smile at her.

Faoleha looks at Cleo.

Cleo says 'You have a suit of armor!'

Maddy says, 'Tolza Sedai I have nothing prepared.'

Tolza says 'Maddy has been volunteered to teach an impromptu class.'

Faoleha says 'And good morning to you as well, fellow novice-in-arms!'

Cleo drums her fingers on Faoleha's armored vambrace.

Cleo says 'I am Cleo.'

Tolza gives you a toothy grin.

Maddy moves up to the board and picks up a piece of chalk before turning back to the class.

Cleo takes a seat and folds her hands in her lap.

Faoleha grabs a chair and sits down.

Maddy says, 'Novices, is there anything you are having questions about?'

Cleo raises her hand.

Faoleha thinks hard.

Maddy says, 'Yes Cleo?'

Tolza has a small vexed frown that creases her forehead.

Tolza looks at Cleo.

Faoleha looks intently at Cleo.

Cleo says 'What do you think the most important difference between an Accepted and a Novice is?'

Tolza nods at Cleo.

Maddy taps the chalk on her face as she gathers her thoughts, then says,' I would say learning the basics and fully understanding the responsibility you have to yourself, others and your Tower family in handling the One Power.'

Maddy says, 'Does that make sense to you?'

Cleo says 'I mean it sounds good, but I have no idea what you actually mean'

Cleo shrugs helplessly.

Faoleha says 'I know what you mean.'

Maddy says, 'When Melosa and I worked with you on embracing, and explained some basics on weaves, we did not elaborate on the danger of some of them.'

You nod at her.

Tolza purses her lips.

Cleo nods in agreement.

Maddy says, 'We did not have time, but do mean to elaborate on them in due course.'

Maddy says, 'We did ask you to only work with Sheriam Sedai, correct. She will also explain as you learn.'

Tolza says 'May I interject Maddy?'

Cleo writes 'unexplained dangers ahead?' on her notepad.

Maddy says, 'Please do Tolza Sedai.'

Cleo adds: explosions?

Tolza says 'Cleo, what was your question again?'

Cleo says 'What do you think the most important difference between an Accepted and a Novice is'

Tolza says 'Well, let's start out what a Novice is.'

Cleo writes : What am I?

Tolza says 'What do your main duties as a Novice consist of Cleo?'

Cleo says 'Doing chores?'

Tolza nods in agreement.

Cleo looks down at her water pruned fingers.

Maddy moves to the board and writes DUTIES OF A NOVICE

Tolza nods at you.

Tolza says 'Maddy, why do you think we require the Novice to labor when surely the wealth of Tar Valon could afford an army of servants? '

Maddy says, 'To learn discipline. '

Maddy says, 'Also respect and responsibility.'

Tolza says 'A tad closer.'

Tolza says 'Who here knows a touch of the old tongue?'

Cleo writes: Do Aes Sedai wash dishes?

Faoleha says 'I know a very small bit'

Cleo says 'I know what Aes Sedai is'

Cleo says 'And some swears'

Tolza says 'Faoleha, can you tell me what Aes Sedai translates to?'

Cleo beams proudly.

You smile at her.

Faoleha says 'One who serves, as in serving the rest of humanity.'

Faoleha says 'Not rest as in sitting, but humanity as a whole.'

Tolza nods in agreement.

Faoleha says, 'To be Aes Sedai is to be a servant to the greater good for mankind.'

You smile at her.

The door is opened from the other side.

Elveera has arrived from the west.

Elveera closes the door.

Elveera curtseys before Tolza.

You smile at her.

Elveera says 'Please excuse me.'

Elveera sits down and rests.

Cleo beams a smile at Elveera.

Tolza says 'Do you all see the correlation between a Novice's training and becoming an Aes Sedai?'

Elveera asks you 'Did i miss anything?'

Maddy says, 'Welcome Elveera.'

You nod in agreement.

Elveera smiles at you.

Maddy says, 'Yes I do.'

Tolza says 'Can you expand on that Maddy?'

Cleo writes: Wash Dishes now... hold up sky later.

Elveera listens attentively to learn more from the Aes Sedai and the other girls.

Cleo says 'So it's a demonstration of service.'

Cleo says 'in a very simple way.'

Cleo says 'Serve all, quite literally as a novice.'

Faoleha says 'But if it was just that, then anybody - even those who cannot touch the source - could become an Aes Sedai.'

Maddy says, 'It's not only character building but getting Novices ready and used to contributing to the world.'

Tolza gives you a faint smile as her eyes dart to her book.

Maddy says, 'Elveera we are talking about the difference between a Novice and Accepted. '

Elveera takes her notebook from her bag and mimics the studious Sedai, trying to copy her every move...

Maddy says, 'Does that make sense to all?'

Elveera motions a faint smile at Maddy as her eyes squint at her notebook.

Cleo says 'So washing dishes builds character and gets us used to the idea of service.'

Tolza nods at Cleo.

Cleo says 'So has an Accepted learned that lesson? Is that the difference?'

Elveera raises her hand with an epiphany.

Tolza says 'Very good question Cleo.'

Maddy writes Chores, Responsibility, Character Building.

Tolza looks to Maddy for an answer.

Maddy turns back to face the class. and says ' I would hope all have learned it before they go through the Arches.'

Elveera restrains herself waiting impatiently.

Maddy says, 'Yes Elveera?'

Tolza says 'Not the details, mind you.'

You nod at her.

Elveera says 'Washing dishes helps us get plates to be able to serve the Sedai and Gaidin and others. It also helps us keep our hands soft and clean'

Faoleha stares at the ceiling.

You smile at her.

Maddy says, 'Yes all that is true.'

Cleo covers her mouth with her hand.

Elveera says 'Do Accepted need to do the dishes too Maddy Accepted?'

Maddy turns to the board and writes Aes Sedai- Servant of All.'

Cleo writes Wash dishes - save the world.

The door is opened from the other side.

Amarea has arrived from the west.

Amarea closes the door.

Amarea curtseys before Tolza.

Maddy says, 'I am always happy to help if need be, but I am busy learning other things for the most part now.'

Cleo draws a series of stick figure trollocs being blown up by a stick figure Cleo.

You smile at her.

Tolza says 'Cleo, ask Amarea your question.'

Elveera writes dishes clean up messes and bed pans so we can learn servitude and humility and serve others.

Amarea quietly slides into the classroom, closing the door behind herself so as not to interrupt too much.

Elveera giggles at Cleo's silly antics.

Cleo says 'I was asking Maddy what the most important difference between a Novice and Accepted is?'

Amarea nods thoughtfully.

Tolza says 'I'm sure a Tower Accepted can answer it.'

Elveera raises her hand

Tolza shakes her head at Elveera.

Elveera asks Cleo a question.

Cleo stifles a giggle.

Elveera waits in anticipation for a reply from a Tower Accepted.

Tolza barks, Stop that.

Amarea says 'In my personal experience, Cleo, I found that becoming an Accepted meant that I was much more visible in the public eye, due to the ability to leave the island. As a result, I had to be much more intentional about how I comported myself when traveling around the world, because of how it might reflect on the Tower as a whole.'

Tolza says 'That is a very good answer.'

Faoleha says 'So, like how the father locks his kids in the barn when the nobles visit the estate for a business meeting?'

Maddy writes Amarea's response on the board before turning back to the class.

Amarea says 'Internally, the greatest difference I felt was an ever increasing sense of responsibility, to the Tower as an organization, and to the world as an aspiring "servant of all."'

Tolza ponders life, the universe, and everything.

You nod at her.

Elveera writes down Accepteds and Sedais are servants to all. She writes especially some more than others...

Maddy says, 'If we take a misstep out in the world it could create a whole issue for the Tower to respond too.'

Faoleha says 'If that was the case, then why do we have an entire Ajah dedicated to correcting those?'

Tolza says 'That is a very good question.'

Maddy says, 'That is where the sense of responsibility comes in, we do not want to make more work for them.'

Tolza says 'Can you expand on that Amarea?'

Cleo disappears into the void.

Cleo has returned.

Cleo writes : Don't make work for the Grays.

Tolza pulls a switch from her pouch and peers at Cleo.

Cleo blushes.

Amarea spreads her hands before her and counters, 'Is the purpose of the Yellow Ajah to master Healing and aid the world, or to undo the mistakes of novice soldiers who hit their allies by mistake? Just because they have the ability to do so, does not mean their mission is so limited, I would argue.'

You nod at her.

Elveera writes, be responsible and strengthen the light friends and destroy those friends of the shadow.

Tolza says 'So,'

Tolza says 'As much as I enjoy a well prepared class.'

Amarea says "It's said that Aes Sedai invented Daes Dae'mar, the Game of Houses. A few words can spark a war. I would suggest that Novices make an effort to understand what they say and predict their implications, rather than assume the Gray Ajah can undo any mistakes they might cause.'

Maddy says, 'Well said Amarea.'

Elveera writes Sedais invented games using words

Tolza says 'The expectation is for Accepted to teach the Novice, I would like to see some more impromptu classes. '

Tolza says 'It could be as simple as juggling light balls.'

Maddy says, 'Yes Tolza Sedai.'

Elveera writes, Amarea says we can start wars using a few words. Check up on this more. War over words intriguing.

Cleo writes as many synonyms for war as she can think of.

Tolza says 'It is a great way for everyone to earn merits, and if you do not feel like publishing it just simply send myself or any Aes Sedai a log and you all will be rewarded. '

Elveera raised her hand

Someone knocks on the door from the other side.

Tolza nods at Elveera.

Faoleha opens the door.

Melosa has arrived from the west.

Faoleha closes the door.

Melosa curtseys before Tolza.

Faoleha nods at Melosa.

Cleo adds : tussle, battle, skirmish, clash.

Amarea beams a smile at Melosa.

You smile at her.

Melosa says 'The Light shine on you all.'

Elveera says 'Tolza Sedai, do we get to do extra lessons each day then and fewer dishes?'

Tolza says 'You get extra lessons and the privilege of doing extra dishes.'

Maddy says, 'I have a wonderful idea, I will come and we can chat and do dishes.'

Elveera says 'Oh Sedai thank you'

Tolza says 'You are very welcome child.'

Elveera says 'I think I can wash more than Cleo!'

Cleo says 'Yeah... that will show me!'

Cleo coughs loudly.

Elveera beams a smile at Cleo.

Tolza says 'Unless someone wants to take over the class?'

Faoleha raises a hand.

Tolza says 'I think Accepted Maddy needs to go.'

Faoleha says 'I think an important part was missed, I would like to step in to explain it.'

Maddy says, 'Yes thank you very much I have a meeting with Sheriam Sedai'

Tolza nods at Faoleha.

Faoleha says 'The blademasters all started as squires, and all Aes Sedai were once Novices.'

Faoleha says 'it takes a lot of time and effort to go from point A to point B in those journeys.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Faoleha says 'The purpose of the chores is first and foremost to train your body and mind.'

Maddy puts the chalk on the ledge, then turns and gracefully curtseys to Tolza Sedai before moving to the door.

Tolza nods at you.

Tolza thanks you heartily.

Maddy says, 'Thank you ladies, I look forward to more impromptu meetings.'