Class Log: Slice Weaves and Shield

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Class Log: Slice Weaves and Shield

Post by Isela » Fri Apr 05, 2024 2:04 pm


Accepted Isela's first formal class on the properties and usage of the Slice and Shield weaves.

POV: Isela

Attendees: Yve, Maddy, Kitiara


In the Classroom
A board of black slate hangs on the wall near the door, suggesting this
room is used as a classroom. The room is plain and windowless and has
enough place to seat thirty students. A dais with a desk sits at the front
of the room, where the Aes Sedai or Accepted teaching the class can sit.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Lady Kitiara Sedai is standing here.
Maddy Mantear, Journey Accepted is standing here.
A young girl in a plain white dress stands here.
A large man eyes the surroundings warily, every movement fluid.
A haughty young woman strides by practicing Aes Sedai serenity.

Isela says 'Welcome everyone, and thank you for attending this class. Before we begin, a few
housekeeping items:'

Isela's face darkens, and she says 'I am dismayed to admit it, but we are living in times where we
may be attacked here inside the Tower walls. May I have a volunteer to help with the door if we are
interrupted tonight?'

Maddy straightens her back as she pulls her pen and notebook out poised to take notes..

Maddy says 'I would be happy to help'

Isela nods at Maddy.

Kitiara nods at Maddy.

Isela says 'Thank you Maddy.'

Isela says 'If you must eat or drink during the class, please do so quietly.'

Isela adds 'If anyone needs to leave early, please close the door behind you.'

Maddy nods at Isela.

Isela straightens, wiping her hands together briskly, then walks to the slate chalkboard.

Isela adopts a lecturing tone. 'Today we will be discussing two weaves used in battle against other
channelers. We'll go over the basics on their purpose and how to perform the flows, then get into
some tips and tricks on how to use them effectively, as well as what to do if they are used against

Isela writes SLICE on the chalkboard. 'The first is called Slice Weaves. Can anyone tell me the
flows required to perform this weave?'

Kitiara weaves a small delicate tunnel of air that she speaks to before sending it to Accepted

Maddy says '1 Air 1 Earth 4 Fire and 2 Spirit'

Isela nods at Kitiara.

Isela says 'Very good Maddy.'

Isela says 'Some background on this weave:'

Isela says 'Slice Weaves will interrupt another's weaving, be it a man or woman. It's one of the
fastest weaves we know of (7 pulses), even shorter than Earthquake or Flame Strike. It can be cast
ther you are engaged in battle or not, and is slightly more taxing (7 sps) than Armor.'

Maddy nods in agreement.

Isela says 'When engaged, you can weave it without a target to attempt to slice the weaves of the
person you are engaged upon. This will work even if you're blind, similar to other combat weaves
like Flame Strike.'

Isela adopts a look of deep thought. 'It is said that it also stuns the target for a brief period
(2-pulse lag), but Sarinda Sedai has researched this extensively and not found that to be true, so
I wouldn't rely on that in battle. You can find more information on this in the library

The door is opened from the other side.

Yve has arrived from the west.

Yve curtseys gracefully.

Isela smiles at Yve.

Yve closes the door.

Isela says 'Welcome Yve, thank you for joining us.'

Yve says 'sorry I'm late... again.'

Kitiara looks at Yve.

Maddy beams a smile at Yve.

Kitiara frowns slightly, before turning her attention back to Accepted Isela.

Yve blushes.

Isela says 'We are just learning about the basics of Slice Weaves. I'll repeat a bit for you.'

Isela says 'Slice Weaves will interrupt another's weaving, be it a man or woman. It's one of the
fastest weaves we know of (7 pulses), even shorter than Earthquake or Flame Strike. It can be cast
ther you are engaged in battle or not, and is slightly more taxing (7 sps) than Armor.'

Isela says 'When engaged, you can weave it without a target to attempt to slice the weaves of the
person you are engaged upon. This will work even if you're blind, similar to other combat weaves
like Flame Strike.'

Isela adopts a look of deep thought. 'It is said that it also stuns the target for a brief period
(2-pulse lag), but Sarinda Sedai has researched this extensively and not found that to be true, so
I wouldn't rely on that in battle. You can find more information on this in the library

Maddy hands Yve a piece of paper and her extra pen.

Isela brightens. 'Let's see this weave in action. I need a volunteer traied in Locate Object or
Locate Life.'

Kitiara says 'I can assist'

Isela smiles at Kitiara.

Maddy says 'I have both '

Yve quietly thanks Maddy and starts taking notes.

Isela says 'Please weave either Locate spell, Kitiara Sedai'

Kitiara steps forward from the back corner of the room.

Isela senses Kitiara connecting to the True Source.

Kitiara nods in agreement.

Isela senses Kitiara is channeling saidar.

Isela feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

Isela lashes out with razor-fine ribbons of Fire and Spirit, severing Kitiara's flows.

Kitiara nods at Isela.

Yve nods and takes a note.

Isela says 'The ability to successfully slice another's weaves scales pretty evenly with how much you
practice it (land % is pretty even with prac %). The Red Ajah trains especially hard and can even
more easily slice weaves than other channelers (clan bonus to land %).'

Isela writes on the chalkboard: Ouch! Razor-fine ribbons of Fire and Spirit sever your weave!

Isela says 'This is what you'll see when another channeler slices your weave.'

Isela studies the class, looking from one to the next around the room.

Isela says 'Let's open up for discussion about Slice Weaves. What are some situations where this weave
might be useful?'

Isela says 'Feel free to shout them out, or raise your hand.'

Maddy scribbles some notes before looking back up to Isela and the chalkboard

Yve says 'Maybe in a fight with multiple channelers?'

Maddy says 'A male channeller'

Isela nods at Yve.

Isela says 'Go on, Yve. How would that work?'

Kitiara looks at Yve.

Yve says 'If there were two of you, facing say a dreadlord, one could focus on defence while the
other takes a more offensive bent.'

Isela says 'Very good, Yve. In fact, to see a great example of Evaine Sedai dispatching a dreadlord
with Slice Weaves, visit the library ('

Yve says 'I shall.'

Maddy raises her hand.

Isela says 'Maddy, how would you use Slice Weaves against a male channeler?'

Kitiara looks at Maddy.

Maddy says 'My question first is we can't see them weaving can we? So we would need to guess,the
second is, is the weave more effective the younger (lower level) the person is?'

Isela says 'You are correct, we cannot see their weaves.'

Kitiara waits for Accepted Isela to elaborate before asking her own question.

Yve says 'I suppose we have instinct and observation to go on though.'

Maddy nods at Yve.

Isela says 'In my research thus far, I have found Slice Weaves to be slightly dependent on your Wil,
but there has not been enough data to presume about difference in level.'

Maddy nods at Isela before jotting more notes in her book.

Isela says 'For the most part, success rate tends to follow how much you practice.'

Isela says 'I wouldn't weigh other factors too highly.'

Isela nods at Kitiara.

Isela says 'Yes, Kitiara Sedai?'

Kitiara says 'In battle with a male Dreadlord, often we women must use our instinct and battle
knowledge to know when to weave. If I were to use the Slice weave and the Dreadlord was NOT weaving
himself, would my energy still be used?'

Isela says 'Great question, Kitiara Sedai.'

Kitiara says 'Additionally. '

Kitiara says 'Does it matter if the Slice weave is started before or after the target starts weaving
themselves. '

Isela smiles and says 'Both are great questions.'

Maddy turns from watching Kitiara Sedai back to look at Isela.

Isela says 'For the first, if you successfully weave Slice Weaves, you'll use the required energy
ther or not there is a weave to slice.'

Yve waits, pen poised.

Isela says 'For the second, it does not matter. You can start it before the other channels, or after,
as I did to you.'

Isela says 'This is especially useful when fighting dreadlords, as they tend to flee in and out a lot.'

Kitiara frowns slightly before saying, 'So a observant Dreadlord may notice your use of Slice and
then not weave in order to exhaust you (drain sps)'

Isela nods at Kitiara.

Kitiara says 'Then to follow up, as the Red are more versed in this weave...'

Isela says 'Yes. As Slice Weaves does not do any damage, it should be used situationally and

Maddy taps her pen on her nose as she waits for Isela to complete her answer. As she turns to write
the notes, you notice a big blotch of ink on her nose.

Kitiara says 'Would an appropriate strategy be to use Slice, and then use your fast damaging weave
as a follow up, and alternating in another Slice only occasionally?'

Isela says 'Indeed, that is a great strategy. Many times an enemy channeler will get into a rhythm with
the Flame Strike weave, and once they do, it's hard to beat them. This weave allows you to throw
them off when sprinkled in between flame strikes.'

Yve gestures to Maddy, "your nose...."

Maddy quietly thanks Yve as she pulls out her hanky attempting to wipe the smudge off her nose.

Kitiara nods in understanding having finished asking her questions.

Yve winks at Maddy and focuses back on her note taking.

Isela says 'There is one other excellent use of this weave that I'll cover before moving on.'

Isela says 'As using this weave does not alert anyone if there are no weaves to slice, even the target,
it can be used in order to discover an unknown male channeler.'

Isela says 'You could technically sit with them and continually attempt to slice their weaves, and they
will be none the wiser.'

Isela says 'You can do this until you run out of energy.'

Yve chuckles politely.

Kitiara grins wryly.

Maddy raises her hand.

Isela says 'Yes, Maddy?'

Yve says 'That is sneaky as a .... thing that's very sly and sneaky.'

Isela grins at Yve.

Maddy says 'You have indicated what we would see if we had our weave sliced, but what do you see if
you successfully slice a weave.'

Isela writes on the chalkboard: You lash out with razor-fine ribbons of Fire and Spirit, severing
Kitiara's flows.

Isela says 'This is the message you'll see.'

Maddy says 'OHh sorry I missed that'

Isela says 'Obviously different for the target.'

Isela winks at Kitiara.

Kitiara nods at Isela.

Yve says 'I suppose though, that they would know that you know... sort of ruins the secret element a

Maddy flips her page back and adds to her notes.

Isela says 'Other channelers will also see what happens, but non-channelers won't.'

Isela dusts chalk off her hands.

Isela says 'Does anyone have any further questions on Slice Weaves before we continue?'

Yve says 'I don't think so.'

Maddy shakes her head.

Isela picks up an eraser and wipes the chalkboard clear, then writes SHIELD in bold letters.

Isela says 'For the remainder of our time, we'll be discussing the Shield weave. It requires five flows
of pure Spirit to be woven, but the usage is restricted. Who here can tell me who can train in this

Yve says 'Only those in the Red Ajah.'

Isela says 'Partially correct, Yve.'

Isela emote: Isela adopts a sour tone as she says 'Dreadlords may also learn it.'

Yve shivers uncomfortably.

Isela shows a look of thinly veiled frustration for an instant before returning to utter calm.

Isela says 'Because Accepted are not allowed to learn this weave, I have instead researched this weave
with the Red Ajah and will share what I know, and then we'll discuss how Shield can best be used.'

Isela says 'Shielding someone will cut them off from the True Source, be it a man or a woman. It is a
longer weave (13 pulses), almost as long as channeling Ice Spikes or a Fireball. Like Slice Weaves,
it can be cast whether you are engaged in battle or not, but it requires much more energy (22 sps),
nearly as much as Traveling.'

Isela says 'It is significantly easier to successfully Shield someone who is not holding the Source
(near-100% land rate) than it is to cut them off while they are holding the Source (~33% land

Maddy frowns as she jots this information down.

Isela says 'The Shield weave, when tied off, will naturally last four hours (tics) on the target, but
may also be held to last indefinitely, so long as you have enough energy.'

Yve says 'Sounds awful.'

Yve takes a note.

Isela says 'I wished to have a demonstration of this weave for this class, but alas, we have no Red
Sister present.'

Isela looks thoughtful as she adds, 'Shield can be cast on anyone, even if they do not channel. So,
unlike with Slice Weaves, you cannot use it to attempt to discover a male channeler.'

Isela says 'Though it does have the added effect of stopping energy (dps) regeneration when cast on a
myrddraal. They can still perform their tricks, but they won't regenerate.'

Isela wipes some chalk off of her hands.

Isela says 'Let's put what we've learned about Shield into theoretical practice. In what ways would you
use Shield when fighting enemy channelers?'

Isela says 'Of course, we'll pretend you're all going Red Ajah for this exercise.'

Isela grins.

Yve says 'I mean, other than the obvious? Is there a way we could force them to release the source
before casting a shield?'

Maddy nods at Yve.

Isela says 'That's an excellent question, Yve. I have heard rumors that there is an advanced usage of
Slice Weaves (weave coding updates coming in the future) that may do just that.'

Isela says 'Though those are unsubstantiated at the moment, so I have no included them in the lecture.'

Isela says 'What about if you yourself become Shielded? What are your options then?'

Yve says 'Run?'

Yve gets a mean look in her eye as he brandishes her weapon.

Isela grins.

Kitiara chuckles lightly.

Maddy says 'Or defeat them physically'

Isela says 'Yes, running helps. In fact, it could help more than you may think. Most weaves will fall
apart at a distance (3 zones away), and that holds true for Shield too.'

Maddy nods in agreement.

Isela says 'So you could quickly run far away, then come right back.'

Maddy scribbles the notes RUN in capital letters.

Kitiara indicates she has a question.

Isela says 'Yes, Kitiara Sedai?'

Kitiara says 'Is it possible for the shielded channeler to... resist? To forcibly break out of a

Isela frowns.

Isela says 'Unfortunately not. Once you have been Shielded, your options are limited to running,
waiting the four hours, or defeating the enemy physically.'

Isela nods at Maddy.

Kitiara nods in understanding.

Isela says 'One other tip that I have heard works well from the Red on Shield is practicing Sneak.'

Yve writes down, "DON'T GET SHIELDED"

Maddy perks up at the word Sneak.

Isela says 'By sneaking in and Shielding your opponent first, you may get the jump on them before they
embrace the Source.'

Yve says 'Now this I like, I had considered trying a sneaky tactic one day.'

Maddy nods as she takes more notes.

Isela says 'Many times, channelers will release the Source as the hour draws near (tic).'

Isela says 'So a bold play would be to attempt to Shield someone close to those times too.'

Maddy smiles at Isela.

Isela says 'Does anyone else have any questions on the Shield weave?'

Yve says 'These things get so, technical...'

Isela nods at Yve.

Isela says 'The Shadow is crafty.'

Isela says 'and Male Channelers are insane.'

Kitiara says 'I have one final question...'

Maddy says 'I would imagine it feels horrible. Have you felt it?'

Isela sighs.

Isela nods at Maddy.

Isela says 'It is as if I've lost the Light itself.'

Kitiara says 'How reliable is the Shield weave against more well known channelers.... Mazrim Taim
for instance.'

Maddy nods at Isela.

Isela says 'Great question Kitiara Sedai.'

Isela says 'Mazrim Taim is quite crafty, because it may appear that you have successfully Shielded him,
only to find he will still weave at you. This is true of others like him (mobs), unfortunately.'

Isela straightens and turns to the chalkboard, erasing it in smooth strokes.

Isela nods at Kitiara.

Isela turns back to the class. 'Thank you for attending today's lesson on the Slice and
Shield weaves. With dreadlords, male channelers, and even damane running about, I hope this has
prepared you a bit better in the battles to come.'

Isela says 'If you have any further questions, please see me after class.'

Yve says 'Thank you, Accepted Isela, it has been very informative.'

Maddy nods in agreement.

Isela says 'I'll make a log available in the library (forums) soon.'

Maddy says 'Yes Thank you very much'

Yve puts away her notes and hands Maddy back her pen.

Kitiara says 'Very informative Accepted.'

Isela smiles at Kitiara.

Kitiara says 'In fact, please slice my weave again. '

Isela senses Kitiara connecting to the True Source.

Isela senses Kitiara is channeling saidar.

Isela says 'Thanks again for attending, Kitiara Sedai'

Isela lashes out with razor-fine ribbons of Fire and Spirit, severing Kitiara's flows.

Kitiara nods.

Yve gasps in astonishment.

Kitiara says 'Well done dear.'

Maddy smiles at Isela.

Isela smiles happily.

Maddy curtseys before Kitiara.
Kitiara says 'How many attempts of Slice could you fit into 1 Fireball weave?'

Maddy smiles at Isela.

Isela says '2'

Maddy beams a smile at Yve.

Kitiara says 'my apologies, for asking a question afterwards, it just came to me.'

Isela says 'It's 1 pulse shorter than earthquake'

Kitiara says 'If you fail the first, but succeed the second... does point of no return come into

Isela emote: Isela nods, frowning. 'Unfortunately point of no return does come into play. If you're
not fast enough, the enemy's flame strike will still reach you.''

Isela says 'or other weaves like fireball, for that matter.'

Kitiara nods in agreement.

Isela says 'In fact, it may seem confusing because you'll get the "There were no weaves to slice."
message and then you'll get hit.'

Yve says 'so reliably one shot is what you get UNLESS youwere already weaving before them'

Isela nods at Yve.